Hi! This is the last in the Holiday's series, Valentine's Day. Of course, I forget to upload it! Thank you!

I do not own anything at all! If I did, Ryosaku would be a done deal.

Valentine's Day

Sakuno was busy in the kitchen. Over the years, she has been cooking more often from her bentos to even dinner with her mother, father and grandmother. Her cooking skills definitely improved with the amount of cooking she has done. However, now it was time to put her cooking skills to the test. It was the most daunting event of any girl: Valentine's Day.

Sakuno had made giri chocolate for her friends, teammates and even the senpai at the Seigaku High School Tennis Club. But the one chocolate giving her the most stress was the one for Ryoma. He had come back from America this past year for high school. Also, not only was he in the same class as Sakuno, but he sits right next to her. She really wanted to impressed him with her chocolate. Even when he eats some of her rice balls or bentos, he always goes Mada mada dane.

The biggest concern for Sakuno, however, was how to get her feelings across to him. She was trying to prepare the perfect chocolate for him that can successfully convey her feelings to him.

"Hmm. I'm done! I hope Ryoma kun likes it!" She said. "Now to packaged it in silver paper!"

Next day, as expected, because of Valentine's Day, all the girls had chocolates to give to friends, lovers and even potentials. The boys were all hoping to receive some kind of chocolate from the girls. Of course, the Seigaku Tennis Team members were all getting a lot of chocolate. Members such as Fuji, Tezuka, Eiji and Ryoma were receiving bag loads of chocolate. Their desk was filled with them and even their shoe locker.

Sakuno was finding it very hard to give her chocolate to Ryoma. He was ignoring all the girls who called him out in the hallway. He turned down chocolate from a lot of the girls. Girls still tried anyway.

"Sakuno. When are you going to give it to him?" Tomoka asked her. "I tried but he always refused them from me."

"Tomo chan. I will when the time is right!" Sakuno said in a determined voice. The sound of screams from the girls scared her. "Maybe in a little bit!" She whispered nervously.

"Sakuno! You got to mush up your strength and give it to him!" Tomoka shouted and when she saw Ryoma heading to the classroom, she pushed Sakuno in his path.

"Ah! Tomo chan!" She yelped as she tried to catch her balance, but failed. She fell right in front of Ryoma.

"What are you doing, Ryuzaki?" Ryoma smirked. "Falling first thing in the morning? Are you that clumsy?"

"Ah Ryoma kun! G-good morning!" Sakuno blushed in embarrassment. Of course he would catch her being all clumsy.

"R-ryoma kun, I-I ma-" Sakuno stuttered. She then closed her eyes for a second and a determined look came across her face. I can do this! "I made you-"

"Ryoma sama! We made you some chocolate!" A bunch of girls all pushed in front of Sakuno surrounding the prince of tennis before Sakuno could finish her sentence.

"Ah! How deal you do that!" Tomoka scream at the group but was ignored. "Sakuno! Are you okay?" She asked her friend who fell again.

"I'm fine, Tomo chan. Thanks." Sakuno said. "I failed." She muttered to Tomoka and pouted.

"Ugh, you will get your chance!" Tomoka encouraged her.

Then the bell rang and everyone rushed to their classrooms.

First attempt failed.

"Ryuzaki, what were you saying earlier?" Ryoma questioned her when they got to their seats.

"Ah, um." She got nervous. This is another chance! I can do it. "I-I made you some-"

"Class, let's get started." The teacher came in. "Get in your seats. I know it's Valentine's Day, but class is still in session. Wait till break time or after school."

Second attempt failed.

"Eh. Where is Ryoma sama?" Tomoka looked around the classroom during lunch time.

"Oh, the tennis team are having a meeting right now. I tried to give it to him, but he had to rush to the meeting because he was late again." Sakuno pouted.

Third attempt failed.

The meeting for the tennis team had ended. The coach had said that practice would be shorten today because of the mess the school has to learn from Valentine's Day. Apparently. a lot of the girls were filled the tennis courts with chocolate, and somehow, it had all melted due to the rain last night and spread through the tennis , they would be running laps and practicing their swings outside of the courts.

The first years all headed together to their classroom. Mizuno, Kato and Horio were walking back with Ryoma.

Horio was taking out a box of chocolate wrapped in red paper from his bag. "Ah! See what what my six years of tennis experience got me. I get chocolate from the girls." He bragged.

"Ah, is that from Ryuzaki? I got one." Kato asked as he took out a similar box of chocolate in red wrapping paper.

"Yea! I got one too!" Mizuno chimed in, taking out an identical box of chocolate from his pocket.

"Ryoma kun did you get one too?" Kato asked innocently. "Ryuzaki was giving us some giri chocolate earlier"

Ryoma looked away in annoyance. "She didn't give me any."

"Eh! She gave me one and not you? Wow!" Horio exclaimed loudly.

Ryoma gave Horio a glare and walked away. Horio froze in surprise. The other two of the freshmen trio looked surprised at the glare that Horio got and also froze.

Class had just ended. Girls were making their last attempts at giving their chocolates and were rushing out of class. Sakuno was also one of those few.

"Ryoma kun!"

At the sound of his name, he looked up at Sakuno.

"What is it, Ryuzaki?" He questioned.

"Umm. I-I" Sakuno stuttered. "I-I made you some-"

"Ah, there he is! Ryoma sama!" Screams could be heard from the classroom door.

Both Ryoma and Sakuno looked towards the door to see a whole bunch of girls with chocolate in their hands. Soon, he was surrounded again, leaving poor Sakuno to herself outside of the circle. She sighed but gather her things to go to practice. The girls' tennis team were also having shorten practice. I try again after practice!

Fourth attempt failed.

By the time, Ryoma escaped the girls who were surrounding him in the classroom. He had refused all the chocolates of course. He barely made it in time for practice. As he was getting out of the club room, he noticed the regulars had boxes of chocolate in their hands wrapped in red wrapping paper.

"Ah, Ryuzaki chan is so nice! Giving us chocolate." Momo said.

"Yea, and it really tastes good." Fuji nodded with a smile.

"The amount of sugar, chocolate and milk she added it was perfect. The ratio is ideal." Inui said taking notes.

"Did you get one too ochibi?" Eiji asked Ryoma as soon as he saw him. Even though Ryoma was a lot taller than he used to me, Eiji still calls him ochibi.

"No." He replied curtly as he walked by them.

"Ehhhh! You didn't get one?" Momo and Eiji exclaimed in shock.

Ryoma shot them both a hard glare. Ryuzaki gave the freshmen trio and even the regulars some chocolate. She didn't give any to him. "No."

"Ehh. Why not?" Momo questioned, pestering him.

"Yea, yea, why not?" Eiji questioned.

Ryoma was getting annoyed at the questions from his senpais. He didn't know why she didn't give him any. "Doesn't bother me at all. She gives to whoever she wants."

"Eiji, Momo. Stop bugging him." Oishi said.

"But-" Both replied.

"20 laps right now." Tezuka said.


"30 laps that includes everyone." Tezuka replied.


Even though it was 30 laps, at least the two annoying senpais were off his back.

This was her last attempt. She had failed four other time, but she keeps getting interrupted by other fangirls, teachers and so on. She was determined to give it to him. Her practice was already over. The boys' team had to run extra laps for causing a disruption apparently involving Momo, Eiji and Ryoma.

She wandered around and finally found Ryoma at the tree drinking his ponta.

You can do it. She encouraged herself. If you don't do it now, then you lose your chance.

"R-Ryoma kun!" She stammered at him. "I-I"

"What?" Ryoma asked with an eyebrow raise.

"I-I made you some chocolate!" She muttered under her breath.

"Huh?" Ryoma asked. "What is it?"

"I made you some chocolate!" She said while handing her silver box of chocolate to him. She looked down with a huge blush on her face.

He took it from her and ate it. His was definitely better than all the others who got hers. "Heh, not bad." He told her.

"Ah! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed in happiness! She got him to not say his catchphrase!

"NOOOO!" A voice shouted from the bush.

Both Ryoma and Sakuno turned to the source. They saw their senpai-tachi hiding behind a bush. Well, more like Eiji and Momo were behind the bush. The rest were just standing there. Inui was writing in his notebook.

Sakuno started to turned really red. They saw her giving her chocolate to Ryoma.

"Why you gotta be like that, ochibi? She made you chocolate and you told her 'not bad'?" Eiji shouted at him.

"You can clearly see his chocolate was better than ours. He got different wrapping paper in his favorite color and even the size is different. His is about 67% bigger than the giri chocolate we gave to us. It is most likely honmei chocolate." Inui said.

"Ah young love." Momo said smirking at the two.

"Ah, congratulations you two." Fuji smiled.

Ryoma was started to get more annoyed. "Let's go Ryuzaki." He said as he grabbed her hand and ran away from the senpais.

"Eh!? Ryoma kun!" Sakuno stuttered out.

Eventually, he stopped pulling her. "Let's go." Ryoma said as he started to walk.

"Where?" Sakuno asked confused.

"Your house. Walking you home." Ryoma said.

"Ah, okay!" said Sakuno with wide eyes. She couldn't believe he was going to walk her home.

"Thank you for walking me home Ryoma kun." Sakuno smiled at him.

Ryoma turned away as if to walk away. "Ryuzaki."

"Ryoma kun?"

"Thank you."