Firstly, I would like to thank everyone that have reviewed this story. Every review made my day (it was good for when I was at work). I would then like to thank all the people that have followed and read this story. It is nice to know that people do like the stories I post.

So, yeah, this is the last chapter of this story. I don't know what more to say so lets get on with the story.

New stories will be up the week beginning 11th July

9th and 24th August

9th August

She didn't particularly understand why they didn't do this in the office but they had decided that Clara's flat was the perfect place to consolidate all their research and information against Skaro together.

They all left work together after the deadline and hadn't left the flat since, unless it was because a takeaway had been delivered.

"What are we feeling tonight?" Jack asked as he stretched.

"You are throwing my diet out the window." Donna said pointing her finger at him.

The Doctor lowed the paper that he was reading. "Clara likes to bulk buy pasta. I am sure that we have a sauce as well to go with it."

Clara looked at him hurt. "It is always nice to have pasta in. It's for times when I cannot be asked to cook a proper meal."

He got up walked over to her. "You know I am just teasing you." He gave a her a quick kiss.

"I don't care."

"Everyone up for pasta then?" The Doctor asked to the group.

Everyone seemed up for the idea and he was grateful for it. All the reading was hurting his eyes and he just really needed a break.

Clara clicked as she tried to think of the word. Donna, Martha and Rose had decided to go home after they had finished their input while Amy and Rory had decided to stay a little long but had just gone out for a quick walk. Jack had fallen asleep on the floor.

"Give me the sentence."

"I almost had it."

"Give me the sentence." The Doctor repeated.

She sighed loudly. "Skaro have always got their own way and if they didn't ..." She read.

"And if they didn't, they cause many good journalist … to feel ashamed that they turned them down."

"I was going to go with throwing their toys out the pram way but that will do as well." She said as she typed. "Just to do my letter."

She got up and dropped onto the sofa next to him. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and placed a kiss to her hair as he read.

"Do you think it will work?"

"The amount of work we have all put in, I hope it does."

She took the paper out of his hands and straddled his lap, taking his glass off. "You looked stressed."

"Do I?"

"I know one way to relieve stress."

He pulled her closer to him and kissed her deeply. Jack snored from his place on the floor.

"Maybe not here though." He said, picking her up at the same time as getting up off the sofa. She kissed him again as they walked towards the bedroom.

"Clara, that is perfect." Amy said. "Your letter, it is perfect."

"Do you not think it needs a little more?"

"No it is fine."

Clara took the paper back off Amy and read through it.

Dear Readers,

Firstly, I would love to thank you for sticking with Gallifrey after the revelation. I am glad that I do work for a paper that cannot be stopped by false accusations. I know I am happy here at Gallifrey and I would love to stick around as long as you want me to.

Now to address a few rumours.

I am dating the Doctor. I will not deny that. But he isn't a sugar daddy or using me for sex or anything to that description. We are both two adults that have happened to fall for someone that we probably shouldn't have. People say that age is a number and it is really. I know I am happy with him.

The Doctor isn't like what people say. He will hate me for this but he is one of the sweetest guys I know. The Fucker is just a man that was made up. He doesn't even know who it came from or why it came about. He cares about the whole team and cares about this paper. Maybe that's why so many of you have stuck with us.

Skaro had offered me a job but as I have said, I am happy at Gallifrey. They didn't like that. We could say that their report is slander. The offer they gave me was tempting but the work environment there wouldn't be the same as at Gallifrey. I have made some good friends here and sometimes I wish that I had known them for longer.

The following articles will look like tit for tat but we think that it is important to tell the world about Skaro and their practices.

I hope that you all carry on to read Gallifrey.

Your faithfully,

Clara Oswald

Your Political and Educational Correspondent

24th August

They had managed to book a holiday at short notice. The cover had been harder to organise. Sarah-Jane had been happy to takeover from Clara but the Doctor's role as editor took a bit more persuading.

Clara felt giddy as she walked through the terminal towards the plane. She held on to the Doctor's arm and couldn't help but smile.

"Is this your Christmas then?" He asked.


"You called the election my Christmas. Is this trip going to be like yours?"

"Everyday with you is like my Christmas. I wouldn't want it any other way."

He turned to her. "Good because you are stuck with me."


They reached one of the last corridors when Clara let go of his arm and walked over towards the free newspapers.

The Doctor stood there while she picked on up.

"You work for a newspaper. You already know what it says. You probably wrote the same thing."

She laughed at him. "Just because I have doesn't mean that it is going to be the same. I would just like to know how everyone else sees it. Anyway, this is the last time we are going to see anything about what is happening in Britain for a week."

"Come on." He said to her.

Clara opened the paper when they were sat on the plane. She hoped to read some of it before all the safety announcements. She had already brought herself a book that she had planned to read on the plane if her and the Doctor had run out of things to say.

After a few pages, she opened to a double page spread.

"Doctor." She said as she elbowed him.

He turned to her and saw the page that she was showing him. There were picture plastered of the head of Skaro, some with their hands out to try and obscure their face. The headline read 'Secret Skaro'.

"You came up with a better one than that."

"But listen, 'The report from Gallifrey, that showed that writers were blackmailed into taking their jobs or shamed for not doing so, was seen as backlash after their damming report about their editor and political & educational writer. Since the report, there have been a number of ex-employees and other journalist that have come forward to confirm what Gallifrey said. It seems like this newspaper has as many skeletons as they have uncovered themselves.'" She read. "There is also a bit about the letter that I wrote."

She looked up at him. "Does this mean that everything will go back to normal?"

He chuckled. "Oh Clara Oswald, your life will never be normal again."

They both smiled at each other as the air hostesses started the safety announcement.