Chapter 10 After math

Becky closed up the bar just after midnight, all she had to do was dump the trash in the skip bin in the alley then head home to her single roomed apartment to spend another night alone. She had hoped that the cute Dr would ask her out but he seemed far too tired to do anything. The dark alley didn't scare her anymore, she had been taught how to defend herself a long time ago. Becky stopped dead when she heard the dog growl. A low growl that she had heard before.

"Hi Becky"


Raven smiled at her only human friend, she had been alone for so long that having a friend was the only upside in her life. That and coffee. Becky looked at her friend, fear on her face.

"Are you here..."

"No Becky, I'm not here for Death"

Becky sighed in relief, her arms finally pulling her friend into a hug. "Can I?"

"Sure" Raven always seemed to know what she was thinking. Becky bent down and gave the dog a generous hug. "Hello Demon, you is a good boy, yes you are"

The dog licked her face happily, Becky was the only human it allowed near him, it seemed to understand that Becky was a friend of it's master.

"You're still blind" Becky said softly, she didn't know the whole story but she heard that Raven might re-gain her sight. Clearly if Demon was still here, licking her hand wanting more pats, then he was still needed.

"You don't need eyes to see" Raven smiled softly, "I need a favour from you Becky"

"What kind of favour?"

"There was a doctor in here earlier. A doctor Ambrose"

"Yes, the cute one with the dimples, I remember"

"He just saved this world from Hell on Earth and he thinks it was nothin more than a fucked up dream, in fact in a few days he'll forget about it entirely. I want you to take care of him"

Becky's eyes widened, her face turning white. "You mean, you want him dead?"

"No" Raven couldn't help but laugh "My job isn't all about takin lives Becky, sometimes I get to make people happy, and after he saved our asses, he deserves to be happy." Raven gently touched her face "And so do you"

"You just can't make someone love another"

"No. But he likes you, more than he's ever liked anyone, and you like him. Ask him out, get to know him."

Raven touched her face again "I just wanna make sure that he's ok."

"I'll see what I can do"

Raven nodded her head "Thank you Becky. I should be goin,"

"Will I see you again?"

"Only the one time you don't wanna" Raven winked leading Demon away. Becky only saw her vanish into thin air taking the stench of death with her.

A/N So I hope you guys enjoyed this little story! Thank you for all the love and support, you guys are awesome! Now who would like a pre-quel showing how Becky and Death met? Let me know!