"And your sure you and Sam will be okay on your own" Ty asked Scott for about the tenth time as he was getting ready to leave the clinic

"Ty go I promise we will be okay" Scott says irritated as he puts his hands on his partners shoulders looking him in the eye "Now I need you and Cass to check on some horses in Jasper, now enjoy your trip with Amy and Caleb

"Okay" Ty said still not very convinced, Sam had been working at the clinic for 3 months, and he had learned several things but still had alot to learn, but he also knew if he didn't leave Scott was going to kick him out

Walking out to his truck his phone starts to go off, he pulls it out of his pocket and see's Amys name on the screen "Hello"

"When are you going to get here?" Amy says on the other end

"I have to make another field call and then I'll be on my way" Ty says as he climbs into his truck "its been a long day"

"Well you'll have plenty of time to relax on the trip next week" Amy says reminding him, since she can tell he's stressed "And i'll actually get to catch more then just a glimpse of my husband, been so busy these past few weeks"

"Is there any particular reason you called?" He ask still smiling from her last comment

"Yea I wanted to ask what do you want for dinner? Because i have two votes that say spaghetti" Amy says as she walks over to the bed where she is packing some of Ty and her things into a large suitcase

"Spaghetti sounds good to me" He says almost forgetting that Cass and Caleb are spending the night at their place since they had to leave early the next morning

"Okay well can you pick up some garlic bread on your way home, we don't have any left" She says walking back over toward the kitchen

"Yea I can pick some more up, is there anything else we need" Ty says as he gets ready to back out of the parking lot at the clinic

"Not that I can think of, I think I hear Cass and Caleb coming up though, I'll see you when you get here I love you" Amy says as she walks over to their door and opens it to let Caleb and Cass in

"I love you too, I'll see you in a little while" Ty says as he ends the call and pulls out of the parking lot

Later Ty comes walking up the stairs of the loft where Caleb and Cass are sitting at the table that is set for dinner, Ty walks over to Amy "Hey" he says putting a grocery bag down on the counter "I got the garlic bread

Amy smiles up at him "Hey" she says being able to tell Ty has had a rough day as she pulls him closer and they kiss

"What happened to your pants?" Amy says as she pulls out of the kiss to see that Ty's pants legs are muddy up to his knees

"It was almost dark when i ended my field call, and the guy didn't warn me about the giant hole in the ground, and I tripped over it and landed in some mud" Ty says looking down at her "I got some looks when I went in the store to get the bread"

"Well how about i heat up the bread and you go change into some clean pants" Amy says pulling the bread out of the bag

"Sounds good to me" Ty says as he gives Amy a kiss on the cheek and walks towards the other side of the loft, greeting Caleb and Cass as he goes by them

"Okay so I think this will be the easiest way to get there" Ty says pointing to a map that's spread out across the kitchen table looking up at Amy, Cass, and Caleb "And as long as we don't take any of Caleb's short cuts, we should get there just fine"

"Thanks alot man" Caleb says looking up at Ty

"Well we have to get up early in the morning" Cass says as she gets up from the table letting out a yawn

"Yea, after a day like i've had i'm ready to go to bed" he says as the rest join Cass in getting up from the table "And maybe a shoulder massage" he says looking back at Amy as they walk towards their bed as Caleb and Cass get setteled in the living room for the night
