The Devil & The Snake (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu FF)



Starts at Episode 3: Karuma no Jikan. Karuma makes his appearance finally, but what is between Nagisa and Karuma, is it more than friendship, or is it just their history playing a big part for them…?

Pairing: Karma/Karuma x Nagisa (KaruGisa)

Warnings: AU, OOC, Shounen-ai, No Smut, Fluff, Drama(?) and Spoilers(?)

Disclaimer: I don't own Ansatsu Kyoushitsu or anything connected to it.

Chapter Seven: Bitch = Sensei?

Karuma's Pov


"Making threats"

"Pointing out the obvious/Boasting"

'Exams/Quiz question'

'Sound effects'

"Korosensei's weak points"


I was just rocking on the back of my chair glaring at the Bitch for trying to get MY Nagisa killed. I enjoyed staring at her pissed off face during study hall, I fall back on all four legs of the chair and put my hands behind my head, and smirked when the Bitch shouted, "Dammit! Why doesn't this rich ass school have Wi-Fi?!" Obviously pissed off.

"You're trying awfully hard, Bitch-nee-san." I said, continuing to smirk, and carried on, "Guess he really did a number on fucking pride, ne?" I snickered as she attempted to give me a "deadly" glare.

"Sensei." I heard Isogai say, whilst the Bitch just looked at him, and he continued. "If you're not going to teach us anything, could you bring back Korosensei?" He asked politely. "We've got entrance exams this year."

"Ha! You want that vicious kaibutsu to teach you?" She said. "You think your exams matter when the whole planet's at stake? Must be nice being a clueless gaki." She said mockingly, whilst standing up. "Not to mention, I understand that you, Class - E, are basically the shits of this school." She said all high and mighty, whereas I saw everyone starting to get pissed off, however Nagisa wasn't he had more of a worried and tense body language.

"Why even bother studying at this point? I know. How about this? If I successfully assassinate him, I'll give you ¥5,000,000 each! That's far more than you'd stand to gain from a bunch of useless schoolwork." She said cockily. "So shut your dumb mouths and do as I-" She got cut off as someone threw a rubber close to her face hitting the chalkboard behind her.

"Get out." I heard someone shout.

Then everyone started to throw and shout things at her, I heard someone shout "Bring back Korosensei!" or "Take a hike, you stupid bitch!" It sounded like Maehara. I laughed under my breath as I saw her flailing about. I look towards Nagisa and saw he was leaning forwards dodging all the flying object

She retaliated by saying "Where'd all this come from? I'll you all!"

I heard Sugaya shout back, "I'd like to see you try!"

Then Kayano shouted, "Yeah, that's right! Down with big boobs!" I saw Nagisa look at her like 'what the fuck?' he was probably thinking on the lines of "That's your problem?"

I looked at the gap through the door and saw Karasuma basically facepalming himself, in irritation.


I was leaning on the windowsill between Fuwa and Kayano's desk drinking strawberry milk whilst talking to Nagisa. We all looked at the door as it was opening, and standing there was the Bitch, her heels hitting against the floor as she walked behind the teacher's desk writing on the board "you are incredible in bed" as everyone stares at her.

She then turns around and says: "You are incredible in bed. Repeat." Everyone just stared at her until she said "Come one"

Everyone just went back to our seats, well... I didn't I just lifted Nagisa off of his chair and sat down, however, Nagisa just sat on my lap and I just wrapped my arms around him, then everyone repeated "Y-You are incredible in bed." Again I didn't but Nagisa did. The Bitch just went gave us a backstory that I could care less about, however Nagisa listen and started to blush and whisper out enough for me to hear and say: "Just what are you making us secondary school students say?" I just chuckle at that.

She was just on about how getting lovers in different countries would be the fastest way of learning a different language, however I got lost in thought.

'Well I don't need to learn a different language seeing as the person I love speaks the same language as me and is currently sitting on my lap, but I know he doesn't feel the same way as me, oh well… If he loves someone else and wants to be with him/her then I'm just happy that he's happy and will continue being by his side even if it's not forever and will hurt me…' I thought.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when Nagisa pinched me to get my attention and motioned to listen to the Bitch.

"Let that Tako teach you what you need to know for your exams. The only thing I can teach you is practical conversation skills. And is you still don't think of me as a teacher, I'll give up on my assassination and leave. You're okay with that, ne?" She said. "And… I'm sorry about everything." She apologize almost timidly, leaving people in this kyoushitsu gobbed smacked. Everyone started to laugh at her including me.

"Why so nervous? You were threatening to kill us a moment ago!" I said, and buried my head in Nagisa's back and started to laugh again.

I heard Maehara say: "She's totally a teacher now." to Okano. And she replied with, "We can't call her "Bitch-nee-san" anymore."

"You… You understand." The Bitch said, moved with tears forming.

One of the girls said "It was a pretty rude thing to call a teacher." Then another girl replied, "Yeah. We need something else." The Bitch was happy smiling into her hands.

"How about Bitch-sensei?" I'm pretty sure Maehara said that. As this comment was said she sweatdropped.

"Eto... How about we move away from the whole "bitch" thing?" She said, trying to convince everyone. "Just call me by my first name. I don't mi-"

However Maehara replied back, "That "bitch" thing really caught on though."

The Bitch just looked shocked, and then Okano commented, "Yeah. "Bitch-sensei" fits her way better than "Irina-sensei. Well, there you have it. Yoroshiku, Bitch-sensei"

Someone shouted, "Let's get started, Bitch-sensei!" This made her more pissed and furious than when Okano last commented.

Until she blew up and shouted, "I hate you all so much!"

*next day*

I was sitting next to Nagisa even though we were supposed to sit in a seating plan for science. As the Tako walked in with Isogai and Kataoka helping him, Maehara, Okajima and Mimura tried to ambush him but fail and the Tako managed to set everything up.

I then commented, "You know a sneak attack that simple just isn't gonna cut it." As I finished my sentence, Nagisa just whacked me on my arm and let's say it hurts like a bitch.

The Tako just did an experiment and as everyone was amazed by it he used his Mach 20 to take all the sweets.

As he tooked them, I just pulled out a box of Pocky from my pocket and handed it to Nagisa as he looked like a kicked puppy.

"Here you go Nagisa." I said.

He looked towards me and sees the box and he gets excited by it, "Really! I can have this?"

I nod and reply, "Yeah it's yours, I learnt a while back to always keep spare Pocky for you." I sheepishly scratched my neck.

Nagisa doesn't reply and hugs me, I just patted him on the head. I searched through my pockets and found a bag of mochi, and started to eat them and offered them around the table, which consist of Kayano, Kataoka, Maehara, Nagisa and me, and Kayano, Kataoka,and Maehara took one, every so often Nagisa would take one to eat whilst eating his Pocky.


Domo arigatou for reading this chapter! I hope you like this story and please share, favourite and review! Sorry for not posting earlier… I hope you enjoyed the KaruGisa, which is probably the most I have written that has a lot of KaruGisa. I hope you will enjoy and stay for more coming chapters and any future stories!
