A/N: Last part. Thank you to those who have been sticking with me through this story! Just a bit of warning for this chapter: CRINGEWORTHY. Need I say more? hahahaha I'm not even joking but I hope you guys still laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. And it may seem really rushed cuz it was. I finished it about 3hrs before the deadline so I was shitting my pants as I wrote hahaha Enjoy!


When they had arrived at their intended destination, the rain had stopped. But Akashi was still soaking wet.

"Come in Akashi-kun. And just wait here for a while please. I'll bring you a towel first," Obaa-chan said with her soothing motherly smile. Akashi nodded, a sense of serenity enveloped his heart, remembering the same aura of kindness his mother used to radiate all the time. But that was in the past and Akashi had longed since moved on from the pain of loss.

But he wondered if he was about to experience it again with Kuroko instead this time?

Akashi shook his head, sending more minute droplets onto the damp wooden floor. He refused to give up just yet. He will get Kuroko back – it was too early for either of them to give up.

Pain struck his head sharply then, but just for a minor second. The redhead took a deep breath, willing himself to take a deep breath and calmed his inner turmoil.

He had to keep hold of himself.

To distract himself, he busied himself with observing the appearance of Kuroko's household. It was a typical Japanese-style household, fitting for the lifestyle of a grandmother and her grandchild. But Akashi noticed they had quite a big lawn surrounding their house, enough to have an average-sized basketball court.

"Here Akashi-kun. Wipe yourself, leave your wet clothes here then take a shower. You'll catch a cold if you stay in those clothes. I'll bring you a dry change of clothes," Obaa-chan offered, handing over a white towel for Akashi to dry his hair and whole body. She turned around to give Akashi some privacy.

After Akashi stripped and wrapped the towel around his waist, Obaa-chan led him to their guest bathroom in the guest bedroom.

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"Oh don't mention it. We'll talk once you're done," Obaa-chan bowed and was about to leave but not before looking Akashi over and raised an amused brow.

"Tet-chan actually got a good catch this time."

Akashi choked on his spit, astonished at Obaa-chan's unexpected shameless comment. She laughed at his reaction and finally left. The redhead sighed and laughed to himself. The Kurokos are really unexpected - and a tease too at that.


Akashi found Obaa-chan sitting in the kitchen, looking out the window when he was done with the warm shower. She looked lost and for a second, Akashi could see the resemblance between her and his Kuroko - how empty they both looked as they stared into the distance.


She was snapped out of her trance and turned her head towards Akashi, instantly offering a relieved smile and gestured for Akashi to sit across her. As soon as he complied, she poured hot tea into his cup and presented it to him. He took it gratefully.

"I'm glad the shirt fits you. It was Tet-chan's but I accidentally bought him a size bigger. It looks so sloppy on him," Obaa-chan laughed at the fond memory. Akashi offered a polite smile.

"The pants are a bit short though."

"I know. I only have Tet-chan's clothes for you to fit in. Your clothes are drying now so you can change back later."

Silence enveloped them as Obaa-chan waited for Akashi to finish taking a sip of his tea.

"So, what do you want to know more about?"

Akashi put down the cup back onto its plate and returned the woman's soft stare with his own determined one.

"Who else in the family that may have the same constitution as Kuroko?"

Obaa-chan leaned back, intertwining her fingers on the dining table. "It's a genetic issue so naturally Tet-chan's mother had it too….and me."

Akashi widened his eyes. "You too?"

"Yes, long time ago. But it was all thanks to my husband that I didn't have it anymore after I was pregnant with Tet-chan's mother. Same goes for Tet-chan's mother."

All thanks to her husband? And she said it was after she got pregnant…

Akashi gulped and felt awkward all of a sudden.

Does that mean….it was because they had sex?

He coughed into his hand, clearing his throat and trying not to show his discomfort at coming up with such solution. Obaa-chan didn't specifically said it was 'that' so Akashi shouldn't jump to conclusions. He should get more evidence first before concluding.

"Oh, I forgot. I have to greet my husband and Tet-chan's parents," Obaa-chan suddenly said and stood up. Akashi perked up at the mention of the other family members.

"Oh, I would like to greet them too."

I want to meet her husband and Kuroko's dad to ask them on how to cure Kuroko.

He followed Obaa-chan to the sliding door behind her leading to the living room…and a shrine.

Akashi went stiff as Obaa-chan began to kneel and clapped her hands together in front of the shrine comprising of the pictures of the other three family members – deceased family members. The redhead gulped.

"Are you willing to die for me?"

The earlier event of him nearly crushed under the steel bar flashed through his mind.

No, that doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean I will really die anytime soon.

If just by declaring to be Kuroko's boyfriend landed him in all these accidents, then what will happen if he tries to kiss him?

Akashi shivered.

I suppose having sex…

is like the mating of mantis?!

"I'll go warm up dinner first. Make yourself at home."


Once she headed into the kitchen, Akashi mimicked her earlier stance to pay respect for Kuroko's deceased family members even though he was trembling slightly and the colour drained from his face.

He was never one to think about death much – he thought he would have let it happened when it did. But this was different. Knowing that your death could be much closer than what you have originally thought, knowing that it could happen just because you chose to stay with your loved one was a whole different story. If he hadn't known when death would come, perhaps it would have been less terrifying but this, he knew it could have happened right that second if death wills.

"Akashi-kun, dinner's ready."

They ate in silence for the first couple of minutes before Obaa-chan put down her chopsticks and smiled at Akashi.

"Hey Akashi-kun."

Akashi looked up from his meal.

"You're thinking the only way to cure this illness is to give your life in exchange right?"

The redhead sweatdropped.

"I-It's not like that?"

"I knew you were confused. I saw you praying at my husband and Tet-chan's parents with a pale face a while ago."

She chuckled. "When I got pregnant with Tet-chan's mother, I had no more accidents. Which means my husband didn't have them either. Similar case goes to Tet-chan's mother."

"Oh, yeah right."

"My husband passed away normally 5 years ago. For Tet-chan's mother, she and her husband were involved in a traffic accident tragically when coming back from work. Tet-chan was only 3 months old then and was left in my care when that happened. So now I'm his only guardian."

She took a sip of her water. "So don't worry Akashi-kun. The cause of their deaths had nothing to do with our genetic issue."

"My apology…for making you talk about something so harsh…"

"Oh, my story is done yet. They were both hit by a car and it turned out, the car was actually owned by a president of a very important construction company. As compensation, he built us the huge lawn and a basketball court at our backyard and made sure Tet-chan's education fee are well-catered to. Of course, we also have Tet-chan's parents and my husband's life insurance. It's all good."

Obaa-chan nodded, pleased by her own story and smirked subtly at Akashi.

"Therefore, make sure your death is worth something, Akashi-kun. Make Tet-chan happy, okay? Oh, but you are loaded so I'm confident Tet-chan's in good hands."

Akashi paled and smiled stiffly.

The Kurokos are really interesting…


"Damn it."

Akashi shoved his phone back into his pocket, willing his legs to run faster. Kuroko had ignored his several missed calls and Akashi could only hope the phantom had not given up on him completely.

Take care of Tet-chan, Akashi-kun.

Obaa-chan had entrusted Kuroko to him so Akashi could not give up just yet. It wasn't only because of Obaa-chan but also because Akashi never liked to lose and give up when hope was still dangling on a thin thread.


He knocked on the door several times, not even giving himself a breather after running a few kilometres and climbing the stairs to the fifth floor. He took gulps of fresh air and leaned his forehead against the door.

"Kuroko, I know you're there. Open the door…"

Kuroko swallowed, staying quiet and hoping Akashi would give up and leave but he knew this is Akashi we're talking about so he wouldn't just leave without proper reasons. The phantom tightened his hold on his knees and nestled his forehead in the crevice between his knees. He could feel the vibration of Akashi's knocking on the door through his spine as he leaned his back to it.

"Kuroko, let's talk. I won't accept your decision unless I have a say in this too."

If Akashi has a say in this, Kuroko was sure he would sway Kuroko's determination for a break up. Kuroko was sure Akashi would have it his way, would make Kuroko agree regardless on the effect Kuroko has on his safety.


"There's nothing to talk about Akashi-kun," Kuroko cut in sternly, clenching his fists until his knuckles were white. He wouldn't let Akashi change his mind but he would at least give the redhead some peace of mind so that they can both part ways on a good term.

"You don't get to decide that Kuroko."

"Just leave…please…"

Akashi leaned the side of his exhausted body against the door, his eyebrows creased from the pain of his throbbing head. Perhaps running around wasn't the best idea when he has a fresh head injury from just hours ago. But he wasn't about to let that crumble his resolve.

"Not until we talk this out."

There was silence on the other side of the door but Akashi could hear the slightest sounds of rustling and a thud on the door where Kuroko was leaning against. The silence stretched on.

The redhead sighed. "Kuroko, open the door please. If you don't want to talk, at least let me see you."

No, don't give in. I must not give in.

"My head hurts you know. I think I may have overdone it with the running…"

Akashi heard a click and straightened up before he could fall when the door was open slightly. His vision blackened for a second from straightening up so fast. Kuroko peeked a look at Akashi from the gap.

But it all happened too fast. Kuroko felt himself being pushed back into his room and stumbled on his feet, heard the slamming of the door and the next thing he knew, Akashi was already inside and was locking the door. Kuroko struggled to his feet, ready to run when needed be although knowing fully well there was no escape except through jumping off the balcony and descending five floors down to the ground.

And he was just about to do that when he detected the slightest movement from Akashi but the emperor was faster. He grabbed Kuroko's wrist and pulled him until their bodies were flushed against each other. Kuroko struggled for a bit before he felt slight pain on his waist and left shoulder from Akashi's strong grips.

"Calm down Tetsuya."

Kuroko froze.



Akashi didn't reply, didn't even release his strong hold on the petite male.

"Akashi-kun, please let me go…You're hurting me."

Surprisingly, the redhead complied but with his hands still keeping firm holds on both Kuroko's shoulders so that the phantom couldn't run. He didn't look at Kuroko, keeping his head down and bangs covering his eyes. Kuroko could feel slight fear crawling in his belly at the unusual state Akashi was in.

"We're not breaking up Tetsuya."

"I'm doing it for your good Akashi-kun. I don't want to hurt you…"

Akashi gritted his teeth.

"You don't decide which accidents are the most painful for me Tetsuya. You're being hypocritical when you said you don't want to hurt me when in fact, you're hurting me the most right now!"

"Well, I rather not see you on the hospital bed Akashi-kun! I thought for sure I would have lost you today-"

"But you didn't."

All the words stuck in Kuroko's throat. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes but he stood his ground.

"I don't need you to take it all for me Akashi-kun. I survived by myself this entire time – I don't need you to help me."

Kuroko flinched at the pain shooting up his shoulders from Akashi's stronger grips but he refused to back down – even when his heart willed him to.

"I don't want to be with you to take it all for you Tetsuya. I just want to be with you. I don't care if I have to endure all the accidents, I don't care about any stupid misfortunes that will strike me – they're nothing compared to losing you."

Pink dusted Kuroko's cheek though this wasn't the time to feel embarrassed by cheesy lines. To feel much wanted was something Kuroko wasn't used to.


"I don't care about the stink of poos I have to endure, I don't care about the stupid balls or stupid running peasants or stupid dogs – I don't care – they were just mere blips I have to manage but they are nothing. I don't care about the blood I have to lose from my injuries. Cliché if you will Tetsuya but I'll even swim the ocean of fire for you!"

Kuroko felt more awkward.

"A-Akashi-kun, calm down…You're getting more ridiculous…."

"Tetsuya, stay." Akashi finally lifted his head to look at Kuroko straight in the eyes with his fiery ones. He looked intimidating with his serious, bordering-on-anger look but Kuroko was more stunned about the sudden different colour of his left eye.

Has it always been the colour of amber?

"A-Akashi-kun, your eye…"

Ignoring the phantom's unease, he was pulled yet again into another strong embrace but at least this time, Akashi wasn't gripping hard to the point of bruising.

"You're mine Tetsuya…I'm never letting you go."

Kuroko's heart skipped a beat.

He felt conflicted. Akashi had been spouting all the cheesy nonsense that Kuroko wondered if the redhead was actually sane at that point. Maybe the amber eye colour indicated that Akashi had gone mad. If others had seen this Akashi, they would not have believed that this was the same Akashi they had admired.

"Akashi-kun…" With a bit of strength, Kuroko pushed Akashi away slightly, taking a step back so that he could talk properly to the redhead with the distance acquired. But Akashi had mistaken the gesture to be a rejection and bred panic within him.


Taking a sudden step forward, pain shot up Akashi's foot, causing him to jump in shock and grasped his pained foot in his hands, balancing and jumping on only one leg.

"Damn it!"

He hopped on only one leg, heading backwards from Kuroko who was lost on what to do.

"Akashi-kun, careful-!"


The redhead lost his footing, slipped on his heel and crashed backwards into Kuroko's wardrobe, crushing the doors down, the shelves holding all Kuroko's clothes broke down with the sudden weight.

It was a disaster.

Kuroko shut his eyes tightly when the accident took place haphazardly and only opening them when the noise had died down. Oh, the neighbouring students were so gonna complain about this.


There was no reply. Kuroko looked to the floor and found a piece of thumbtack. Oh yeah, he was organising his schedule on his mini noticeboard earlier, that must have been when the thumbtack had fallen to the floor. The phantom felt bad.

He rushed to Akashi's aid, throwing aside the wooden shelves and clothes that had piled up onto the poor redhead. A mop of red hair and white bandage came into view and Kuroko removed the rest of the objects to expose the redhead completely.

"Akashi-kun, Akashi-kun. Are you okay?" Kuroko shook the lifeless body lightly, fear gripped his heart. He couldn't have been killed by Kuroko's wardrobe pieces and clothes, could he?. If so, it will no longer be an issue of 'allergy' but a curse!

A groan resonated from the redhead suddenly, filling Kuroko with immense relief. Akashi scrunched his eyebrows together from the pain before opening both his eyes completely and was met with Kuroko's relieved blue orbs.

"Akashi-kun, are you okay?"

"If what just happened wasn't a dream, then I'm guessing that you have accepted me back Tetsuya."

At first, Kuroko didn't get it but when he did, he released a laugh and hugged Akashi tightly, laughing into his shoulder. Akashi blinked in confusion before chuckling and returned Kuroko's embrace.

When Kuroko's laughter had died down, he snuggled into Akashi's neck for a while, basking in the comfort before pulling back and looked Akashi in the eye, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"You're gonna have to fix my wardrobe you know? It was already ruined in the first place and you just made it worse, Akashi-kun."

Akashi snorted. "That's not a problem Tetsuya."

Kuroko smiled and inched closer until their faces were few centimetres apart. Their eyes locked intensely, the atmosphere turned warm and their breaths mingled. It was an excruciating few seconds of wait until Akashi lifted his head slightly to close the distance between.

They shared a sweet kiss, a bit of lip nipping here and there - particularly for Akashi towards Kuroko – but overall, it was a slow, gentle kiss accompanied by Kuroko's caress on Akashi's cheek and Akashi's hands at the bottom of Kuroko's spine, pulling him closer until he was practically on top of the redhead.

When they parted, they panted lightly and eyes opened slowly to look at each other again.

"Now that we seemed to have an agreement, can I claim you as mine already?" Akashi broke the heated silence, to which Kuroko narrowed his eyes to, but with a suppressed smile playing on his lips.

"You're too sly Akashi-kun. I'm not even psychologically prepared."

Akashi smirked and closed the distance between them for a quick peck.

"Does it matter?"

A beam of light peeked through the gap between the closed curtains and shone on Akashi's closed eyelids, causing him to frown and stir. The sound of birds chirping resonated in the bright morning hour, dogs barking and crows cawing in the air. Akashi slowly opened his eyes, his vision finally clearing to reveal an unfamiliar dim room. He rubbed the sleep off his eyes.

Ah right, I'm in Kuroko's room.

Speaking of being in Kuroko's room….

Akashi looked to his side, where a mop of unkempt blue hair was tickling his neck and a weight was rested against his side. The redhead could feel the rhythmic slow breathing pushing against his own body. Kuroko stirred and snuggled further into his embrace, prompting a smile on Akashi's face.

Now that I remember…

Obaa-chan's face flashed in his mind.

Kuroko's grandmother said both her and her daughter were healed after they were pregnant.

Akashi looked back towards Kuroko.

Will Kuroko have healed too?….No, I don't think it's that easy. Besides, we're both men.

Kuroko stirred again and this time, his round blue orbs slowly opened. Grunting at the back of his throat, he sat up slightly and locked eyes with a very much refreshing Akashi smiling up at him.

"Good morning."

Kuroko returned his smile.

"Morning. Sorry, did I crush you?"

"No, don't worry about it."

They stared at each other a little while longer before Kuroko reached up and caressed Akashi's left cheek, his thumb caressing just below his left eye as he tilted his head in confusion.

"It's red again…"

"Hm? What is?"

"Your eye….It was yellow last night."

Akashi's eyes widened in realisation.

"Ah yes, that…I didn't tell you about it yet."

"About what?"

The redhead sighed and chuckled bitterly.

"It wasn't anything serious, I'm completely fine now but because of some emotional conflicts in the past, with my dad and all, I developed – let's just say, a second self. So if I seemed weird or different and my left eye turned yellow, it must be 'him' then."

Kuroko looked at Akashi in awe. "Wow, really? That explained why you seemed scary sometimes."

"Scary? Really?"

"Yeah, like last night – before the accident."

Akashi smirked and pushed Kuroko down on his back again. "That's why you shouldn't try to break up and run away from us again Kuroko."

Kuroko widened his eyes in slight surprise.

"'Us'? Am I dating two Akashi-kuns?"

The redhead chuckled and leaned down to nuzzle Kuroko's neck. "Maybe but of course, you'll be seeing more of me unless you provoked us again, Tetsuya."

Kuroko jumped slightly at the name, thinking that the other Akashi had emerged but when Akashi leaned back and smiled down at him, both his eyes were still red. Kuroko pouted in displeasure.

"That's mean Akashi-kun."

Akashi laughed and ruffled Kuroko's bedhead.

"Oh yeah, what time it is?" The phantom reached out to find his discarded pants and searched for his phone in the back pocket.

"Oh I'm late."

Quickly putting on his boxers, Kuroko rolled out of the futon and stood up to head to his bathroom.

"Careful Kuroko. It's still messy around here."

"I'm fine, don't worry Akashi-kun."

Right after he said that, the phantom slipped on a shirt that was laid in his pathway and fell face-first onto the wooden floor. Akashi jumped and rushed to his aid immediately.

"Kuroko! Are you okay?!"

Kuroko rubbed his nose and looked over his shoulder towards Akashi.

"Ah yes I am…"

"Your nose is bleeding!"


"Come here, I'll clean it up for you. It's dripping."

"Huh? Oh…"

Of course, it wasn't that easy to cure Kuroko...



"Wah, it's rare of you to invite us out Akashicchi! Especially since you've gotten yourself a boyfriend!"

"I want the new snacks that's gonna come out today Aka-chin."

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"Why did you ask us out Akashi? If you're this nice, I'm pretty sure it's because you have an ulterior motive…nanodayo."

Akashi smiled pleasantly to his groups of friends. "Relax everyone. I just want to introduce Kuroko to you all."

Suddenly, the blue-haired male appeared beside Akashi, ripping out surprised 'manly' screams from Kise and Aomine, caused Murasakibara to toss away his precious bag of crisps in shock and Midorima's new glasses to crack at the edges - again.


"Hello everyone, I've been here the entire time…"

His weak presence is scarily amazing…

"Well, since I'm sure we all know each other now, shall we go then?" Akashi proposed sweetly, placing his hand on the bottom of Kuroko's spine.

"All of you, please stay close."

The four giants stay closed as instructed, positioning themselves to walk behind the couple awkwardly as if they were half of the small bubble of joy the couple were in.

"Midorimacchi! Why are we doing this?" Kise whispered. Midorima frowned.

"I don't know but I'm sure he's up to something…"

The moment he said that, he caught Akashi's smirk thrown over his shoulder towards him. And instantly, Midorima felt dread.


Midorima turned towards the yelp, and was greeted by the sight of Aomine crouching, holding the back of his head in pain and a ball rolled to the side of his feet. More dread filled Midorima's guts.

The familiar cawing of crows resounded in his ears grew louder by the seconds and the next thing he knew, Murasakibara choked on his water from the impact of the crows crashing into his nape – just like the first day Akashi had gotten together with Kuroko.

And why are there crows in the city?!

Then Kise was knocked over from behind by some running passerby, causing him to fall face-first onto the concrete pavement; a huge dog had gotten over-friendly with Aomine; and Murasakibara had accidentally dropped his crisps on a pile of dog poo. Midorima gulped and turned towards Akashi.


The redhead looked over his shoulder and smiled pleasantly

'Take care of us Midorima.'

He mouthed.

Midorima gawked.



A/N: Just some notes to note (lol), they didn't actually get the 'allergy' but it was because they were surrounding Akashi that they were in the way of the accidents that should have gotten to Akashi instead. Of course, Akashi has to take care of the accidents at the front then hahaha Last but not least, sorry for anything that doesn't make sense. I pretty much followed the manga even if I'm not sure about it myself. So yeah…

Til' next time minna!