Hello! This is my first fanfic so, please enjoy. I might go back and edit things, for example this was edited. (The unedited ones are slightly cringe)
Disclaimer- Don't own Naruto
Chibi in a Box
What to do with mini criminals
"My name is Serenity Soothe," I chuckled taking a playful bow, "I like stories and teaching the next generation because they are going to lead the future to greatness one day and I know it. I dislike senseless violence and chaos. My dream is to... I've actually accomplished all of my goals except one, my dream is to make sure all of my friends live happily."
I sat down, looked at my young audience and took in a deep breath. "I am here today because your teacher wanted me to share my story with you all. So this my story, the story of how my life changed with my two friends."
A collection of childish giggles were heard.
"As you can see I have dark, black hair and dark chocolate colored skin. My eyes are almost black. So basically a Latin Uchiha," I chuckled, the children all giggled at this. They've all seen an Uchiha. After all there were five blood Uchihas living here.
"My daddy told me that you know the Uchihas well!" a child yelled as they waved their short arm in the air wildly. I nodded my head enthusiastically.
"I guess you could say that," I sighed happily. I decided to continue since now they were all listening to me.
"My cousin Ashton was the oldest out of us all, she's was 22. Her nickname being Ash, though not everyone can call her that," I sighed thoughtfully. "Since she's not here I'll describe what she looked like at the time, she had light brown eyes and freckles on her cheeks. Her hair was short and ragged too. Never washed."
"June was the youngest at 20. Definitely the leader of us," I recalled happily. "June is smart, sarcastic, loving and stubborn. Just don't get her mad. Please just don't get her mad." I shook my head at the many memories of her anger.
"June is smaller than Ashton and I but don't let that fool you, she's not weak. Again, since she's not here I'll describe her, she has dirty blonde hair that used to go all the way down toher butt! Her skin was so pale too, but she has the brightest, most beautiful blue eyes you will ever see and the lushest red lips."
I paused for a moment before chuckling again. "She kind of looks like a vampire with her pale skin and red lips." I earned some more giggles from this comment and I felt satisfied with myself, they all seemed to be enjoying themselves.
"It all started all in the month of June ironically and didn't end till the next year of June. Now of what I can remember, the day started out like this..."
"Serenity get your butt back here!"
"Never Ash. Never!" I protested jumping off the couch, quickly wiping the corners of my mouth from the ramen I slurped down. I could feel the ramen whooshing back in forth in my stomach, it was not a good feeling but my taste buds disagreed.
I heard Ashton groan loudly. "You asked for it!" Ashton yelled jumping off the couch aiming a kick at me. My sweet cousin grabbed me by my long hair and kicked my ankle painfully. I whined in pain and tried to pull away.
The blonde of the group looked up at us, she was irritated with us at the moment. "Stop fighting and just shut up," June growled grabbing my arm tightly.
Ashton and I both dropped our heads in shame. "Sorry June," Ashton and I apologized in sync pouting slightly.
"That's much better," she sighed, "I feel like I'm taking care of a day care. What do you want me to say! Serenity say sorry for eating the rest of Ashton's food, that she clearly labeled," June mocked in a peppy voice.
"Sorry Ash," I apologized childishly looking at the ground in disappointment.
"I was..." June's voice died out as she rubbed the back of her neck with a sigh,"so you guys wanna watch anime or engage in another activity."
"Aw yeah!" Ashton cheered pumping her fist in the air. We took our seats on the couch and June pulled up her legs up to her chest then laid her head on Ashton's shoulders.
"June, can you please turn on the T.V!" I asked making a grabbing motion at the television.
"Hold on Serenity," she sighed, reaching for the remote. She grabbed it and set it in my lap.
"We're watching Itachi's and Sauske's fight!" Ashton proclaimed. Said blonde looked at her with a deadpan expression before shaking her head.
"I disagree. Tokyo Ghoul would be a better option," she argued.
"Or High School Host Club," I suggested. "The way the twins do the thing make me so giddy and then there's Tamaki and he is just so-" I was rudely interrupted by Ashton.
"Naruto it is."
"Itachi should have never of died," June sighed disappointedly.
"Personally," June started, "Itachi was one of my more favored characters, Naruto taking number one, but Itachi wasn't an idiot despite many characters being in that category. My question is that why would such a intelligent man give up his life so easily?"
"I know, he should of never-" Ashton was cut off by the doorbell. Ashton's head whipped around and she glared at me. "Serenity get the door!" Ashton snapped not sparing me a glance. This was one of the things I didn't enjoy in this household, being bossed around, but when living with these two. I couldn't avoid it.
Before Ashton could get violent June stood up wordlessly and gave us a disappointed glance before walking to the front door to see who was at the door.
"Thanks!" Ashton yelled, already forgetting about our conflict.
"Hey, did you guys order anything!" June yelled into out room.
"No!" we both yelled.
June walked back into the room with a tired expression and a box. "Ashton, are you sure you didn't buy anything. A note came with it saying to take good care of it," June sighed handing the nite to me.
I read it over, the writing was so fancy. 'Take good care of this package.'
"Let me see," Ashton demanded ripping the note from my fingers. "Hmm I wonder what's in it?" she asked quietly to herself.
"I'll open it up tomorrow, I'm not in the mood to yell at Ashton for whatever she bought," June sighed., already heading to the stairs.
"No, I did not buy a thing," Ashton snapped crossing her arms then puffing out her cheeks.
"Mhm," June hummed while putting a hand on her hip.
"Anyways," a yawn over ruled June's sentence, "I'm going up to bed. Keep it down dorks." She was all the way up the stairs now and she rubbed her eyes with a tired expression
"Me too, I'm tired!" I announced running to the stairs, if June was going to sleep, so was I. For I knew what wrath she would bring if I wasn't quiet while she slept, though she could sleep through most anything.
"Be quiet or you'll wake up without any hair," June threatened looking back at me.
"Yes ma'am," I answered shaking my head. I gave her a mock solute and a firm stare. She sighed but smiled.
"Good," the blonde snapped.
"Well I'm going up to bed then, night," Ashton yawned heading up the stairs.
"Night cuz!" I exclaimed, wishing her a goods night sleep.
The two headed upstairs leaving me alone for a while. After straightening up the room I decided to head up too.
Upstairs were all of our bedrooms and two bathrooms. The first room you'd find was Ashton's room, after a bathroom, followed by my room, then June's room, a bathroom followed up and after a guest bedroom. Down stairs is the kitchen and living room with a bathroom. Then there's the basement, it's unfinished by okay over all. It's like a mini dance studio! I can dance for hours down there and make new dance numbers for my classed.
Ashton also does a lot of working out, especially her boxing. When she was in high school she did it competitively, but, not anymore. Then there was June, she didn't really work out but she tried... Her late sister fenced so sometimes she'll picking up the dusty sword and try out some moves.
I walked to my room and slowly opened the painted door. My room wasn't messy like Ashton's or June's.
Far from it.
Actually, I was a bit of a clean freak. Not that I didn't mind getting dirt on me, I just liked an organized room. I had everything is organized drawers and my closet was color coded.
A yawn interrupted my train of thought. Quickly changing into pajama pants and taking off my shirt I crawled into bed with a content smile.
Before I knew it, I was out cold for the night.
"Serenity get down here already!"
I jumped at the voice; it was Ashton. She wanted breakfast made for her like usual. The clock flashed red, signifying it was 8:00 am. Preferably, I'd like to stay in bed despite being a early riser in most days.
'Can I not get up?' I thought to myself, but I knew better. I rolled out of bed and stretched my limps.
My eyes rolled around scanning my blue painted room for the hundredth time. The millions of posters in my room shimmered from the sun peeking in through the shades. I was proud of the collection of posters I had going, very proud. They were all of my favorite fandoms, but occasionally there was a picture of a animal or of regular human beings and not fictional ones.
"June I'm opening up the box!" Ashton yelled up the stairs.
"Okay!" June yelled back. I heard her walk down the stairs with a loud thumps following. Despite not weighing much June stomped around the house like an elephant.
I stepped out of my room to go to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and lazily did my hair. My long, black, curly hair was unruly and never listened. It was frizzy, matted and tangled. I tried ignoring it, I really did, but I couldn't ignore the fact of how messy it was. So I brushed and brushed and brushed till the tangles were gone. After I rehydrated it like usual I heard a scream.
'And there goes Ashton yelling at the neighbors again.'
But another scream followed, which would June's scream. It was too panicked not to ignore.
I opened the bathroom door and walked down stairs, expecting to see Ashton screaming at the neighbors like usual and June muttering we're all idiots, but I guess not.
Chibi people were messing up my clean kitchen -let me rephrase- my once cleaned kitchen. The kitchen I work so hard in everyday.
"Serenity!" June yelled jumping up and down, her deadpan demeanor being forgotten.
I looked down to see one of the things looking straight at me. "This freaking psycho girl is trying to kill us!" one of the- I have no idea what to call it- people yelled pointing to her. He frantically pointed to her then at Ashton.
Confused black eyes met panicked magenta ones for the first time. The, whatever it- he is it was panicked. I would be to if Ashton was trying to pound me into the ground.
"Ashton stop it!" I scolded grabbing her shoulders. "There actual things." Ashton's hands dropped her her sides, not wanting to hit me she sighed loudly.
"Finally I-"
I stopped talking when I saw the purple eyed things look below my neck and at my chest. After I just saved his tiny life he thanks me by staring a my chest, considering I was only in my bra made it even ore enticing for him just to stare.
"My eyes, are up here," I snapped covering my chest.
"You are such a dork!" June snapped as she sat on the kitchen table with her legs drawn to her chest, "we have these! These! Thing, these little Martians invading our house and that's the first thing you forget!"
She then jumped off the table and tried landing on another, he had blue, grey skin and dodged her foot before he could be squashed. "That's not funny you dork, stay still so I can catch you," June growled as she lifting her foot again.
He dodged her foot this time, now looking over at his friend. His friend had raven black hair and black eyes, he looked too calm for a situation like this.
"Ha ha, laugh it up midget," she growled glaring at him. She made a swipe at him and he dodged it easily.
"What did you say girly?" he growled as he rolled out of the way. He stood himself up and glared at June.
"You heard me midget," she warned crossing my arms.
"Now answer me this, why the heck are there little pests in our house?" Ashton asked glaring all of them down.
"They're not pests," I protested, "they're... they're living creatures."
"Sorry to break it to you girly, but we're not any creature, we're human," the blue, grey skinned chibi chuckled. He looked to his friend again who nodded I agreement.
June took in a shaky breath to calm herself. "Human? You look like a deformed shark. Try again," she snapped as she stomped down.
"I can comfirm, we are in fact human," the chibi's friend replied.
"I believe human aren't 6 inches tall," June deadpanned. She crouched down, no longer acting too violent towards them.
"Last time I checked humans weren't giants." The comment came from a red headed chibi this time. He glared down June as if to challenge her. He walked towards her, his brown eyes looing unfazed by the situation. June glared back and squinted her eyes.
Blue chuckled loudly and gestured towards his friend. "Itachi, would you like to show them what we're capable of?" Blue questioned as his friend took a step forwards. He nodded his head stared at June.
Before he could do anything Ashton yelled out. "Wait, wait, wait!" Ashton yelled, waving her hands frantically. "Kisame and Itachi," she drawled pointing at each chibi. "This is a joke, what are these? The newest Akatsuki models?" she asked shrugging her shoulders.
"How do you know of us?" Blue's friend snapped glaring at her. Ashton scratched her head and chuckled. She opened her mouth to speak then she closed it and shrugged her shoulders.
Itachi closed his eyes then inhaled deeply as if to sigh. His eyes slowly opened to reveal blood red eyes. I dropped my head with a sigh, this is seriously real. This was not some joke, was it?
Ashton looked directly in his eyes while I looked down, trying to hide confusion. "What's going... one? Come here..." she groggily moaned as she swayed back and forth slowly. With that she fell down to the ground with a loud thud.
"Okay," I drawled slowly walking backwards to the door," I was not excepting that. Chibi Itachi is really strong."
"We'll scout the area, grab whoever you can, I want them both," Itachi's calm voice ordered. As soon as those words fell from his mouth I grabbed June's wrist and sprinted away. I could hear the pitter pattered of little feet chasing after us then halting.
Sprinting up the stairs with June in tow I looked behind me to see they had already given up. I whipped open my door and jumped in with June in tow, only to slammed the door shut. I slid down my door with a distraught sigh. June turned to me with a pained expression, her hands were entangled with her blond hair.
"Ashton passed out due to one of those, things!" she yelled pointing to the door.
"I know!" I hissed cracking my knuckles. "I thought I was dreamin' but this is real," I sighed tapping my chin.
"Okay," June muttered, trying to calm herself. "Okay," she whispered to herself again. She breathed in heavily and brought her hands down to her sides. "I want you to get some of your pocket knives or anything from your grandpa's old cutlery business. You keep that in here, right?" June asked.
"Yeah," I replied getting down on my knees to dig under my bed.
"Calm down," she whispered to herself again, "this is probably someone just screwing with us."
I looked under her bed and pulled out and wide box. It was my favorite box of all. Slowly opening it up I smiled. My grandfather owned a cutlery business and guess who got majority of the spoils when he shut it down?
In it was my collection of pocket knives, a beautiful katana , an extra arrow that belonged to a missing bow, and pepper spray.
"~Pepper spray, Pepper spray, watch out it burns!" I sung pulling it out. I shook the can gently and smiled proudly despite the situation.
June gave me a questionable stare. "Where did you get that?" June asked, her face wrinkling up to show her worrying.
"I didn't have anything to do with assaulting a cop," I replied, a sly smirk gracing my lips.
She rolled her eyes then gave me a frown. "Can't you take anything seriously for once? Ashton could seriously be in trouble and you're joking around up here. Get it together Serenity, this is serious."
"It's probably nothing June, we're just imagining it or the doctor messed up my medication," I reasoned as I shrugged my shoulders. Doctors were commonly known for their ability to mess up a prescription to one of their patients. Then I started to doubt my previous thoughts. This couldn't be real, this just didn't happen.
"Okay, just give me one pocket knife and we can go get Ashton. Don't bring to many, too much will just overwhelm you," June sighed as she held out her hand for me to give her a blade. I hand her my best, a purple painted switch blade.
She nodded towards me then headed to the door only to leave the room. We slowly crept down the stairs only to see Ashton passed out on the ground in the kitchen still. Slowly hiding behind the couch we both mentally prepped ourselves. "Serenity get ready," June's dangerously calm voice whispered.
"Okay," I whispered back, clutching the pepper spray in my left had. I silently ran around the couch and hid right behind the kitchen door.
'Okay, you'll be fine, breath,' I told myself. 'Three, two... one!'
I turned into the kitchen, aiming the bottle of pepper spray at the chibis.
"Eat pepper spray!"
Startled groans and pained yelps were heard on cue.
"Did you get them!" June whispered into my ear looking slightly worried. Her usual bored blue eyes became worried once again.
"I think!" I yelled back aiming the bottle at them. "Stop in your tracks midgets or I will drench you in this!"
Most of them stared at me with wide eyes or glared at us, ready to attack. An orange masked midget stepped forward and placed his hands together as if he were about to bed for his life. "Please don't hurt Tobi, Tobi thinks that stuff burns!" the one with a orange mask cried
June and I stared at them dumb founded by what he said. I cocked my head to the side in confusion.
"Who are you?" June snapped, crouching down.
"What's it to you psycho!" yelled the one with sliver hair.
I glared at the chibi and sprayed the chibi with pepper spray.
"That burns you-"
"Answer the question, dork," June threatened.
A red haired midget stepped forward and bowed his head. "I am Sasori of the Red Sand," he said rather bored, reminding me of June, "And these are my companions. The blond brat is Deidara, the one with the loud mouth is Hidan, the child is Tobi, the black haired one is Itachi, the fish is Kisame, the four unconscious ones are Zetsu, Konan, Kakazu, and Pein, our leader.
June broke out into mock laughter, it was clearly forced, but nonetheless she was in hysterics until her face finally fell. "Now tell us your real names before I squash you!" June demanded clenching her fist as she looked over to Ashton. I walked over to them slowly and knelt down while June stood tall.
"If you do not take us seriously we will show you what we are capable of," Sasori snapped. I looked at him unbelievingly, this short stuff couldn't kill me, maybe maim, but kill? No. "I may as well kill you," he added, his eyes lit up before he could continue.
"Kisame, why don't you demonstrate on their friend?" After he said that I turned white like a ghost. I wasn't worried because of the death threat. I was worried because this was real. That means against them we were nothing. Even I'm not that stupid not to realize that fact.
"Don't hurt Ashton, I'll believe you," June sighed. "I'll believe you, just don't touch her." June knelt down to her knees and dropped her head in defeat. "Please don't hurt her, I'll hear you all out."
"That was fairly simple," Kisame chuckled as he jabbed Itachi in the sides.
June sighed and looked to me. "Let's go sit down in the living room and talk about this. Serenity, would you mind getting Ash and them some breakfast? I feel that would please our... guests," she asked hesitantly as she scanned the room.
I bobbed me head awkwardly then look to the midgets. "Yeah, I'll do that," I replied, trying to show I was calm too. I slowly walked over to Ash in silence and lifted her up to drag her to the couch. After setting Ashton on the couch I went back into the kitchen to make a diplomatic breakfast.
I've never seen June this shooken up for a while now. I know not any death threat could scare her, but when it was aimed toward Ashton and I.
Well we were her anchor to reality, much how they were the same to me.
June then started to then walk into the living room with our guests following her. June looked down to Itachi and gave him a forced smile. "So... would you all like something to eat? Maybe some type of breakfast?" she asked.
"Yes, that would be pleasurable," Itachi replied in a monotone voice that expressed no threat or friendliness. June nodded her head I response and poked her head back into the kitchen.
"Serenity, please make some breakfast," she called.
"I'm already on it," I called back.
June returned back to the living room. As I prepared some sort of breakfast I watched the mingling of June and the others. "Do you guys need any help getting up on the couch or table?" June asked, her voice laced with forced politeness.
"No un," Deidara replied, he then put his foot firmly on the couch and tested his balance by pressing into it before walking vertically up the couch. I could hear June smacked her hand against her palm and make a quiet moaning noise.
"Oh, chakra," June deadpanned, her voice hiding how impressed she really was. "Serenity, get the box with the other four," June called to me.
Despite her not able to see me I nodded and walked over to the box. I peeked in to see four more figures. Pein and Konan laid next to each other, both propped against the wall of the box. They were awkwardly touching elbows but besides that they made no physical contact. In the middle was Kakuzu, he was sprawled out on his back while his mask was pulled up higher than it should be. Finally, at the end f the box was Zetsu, he was sitting up in the corner of the box with his arms crossed and head down.
I picked up the box as gently as possible and walked back into the living room. I set the box down on the coffee table slowly but not without make awkward eye contact with any of the Akatsuki. They stared at me as if I were the biggest threat they have ever faced in their whole careers. I smiled nervously in return but as son as I was done I headed back into the kitchen as fast as possible.
"Serenity," June called quietly but loud enough to be heard.
"What?" I asked rather childishly poking my head in to the room.
"Can you get some small pillows, I'll take care of Ashton and our little... situation," she sighed, muttering the last part. She look down at the rest and waved a finger.
"Sure can do," I said as I gave her a mock salute then ran upstairs, but not before tripping. I then went into my rooms closet to grab as many small pillows as possible. I made sure they were al clean because I wouldn't want our guests to be angered by something that is so small and petty.
"And that is where my story starts," I chuckled looking up at my small audience. The children clapped politely and looked up at their teacher happily.
"That didn't happen!" a small but childish voice accused. I shook my head, I've had many years of dealing wth children and I learned playing along with them is for the best. I looked down at my hands and traced the wrinkles that were forming on them with a content sigh.
"Of course it didn't happen," I lied going along with the child's accusation.
"Well then why are telling us this?" the child asked.
I waved my hand through the air comically. "To entertain you of course!" I cheered sweetly.
"What does entertain mean?"
I ignored the questioned and smiled to myself. Something I've been trying to do a lot of. "Would you like me to continue?" I asked brushing a strand of grey hair from my face.