I own nothing!

"That's your punishment, then, Jasmine. No reading, and no food until tomorrow. Come." Jazzy doesn't need the glare that accompanies the command to obey. She follows her mother into the bathroom, where her mother locks the door and leaves her.

Chapter 5: Reconciliation

Jazzy sighs silently, worried. She wishes that she could have her school books, but doesn't dare ask. At least she was closed in the bathroom, she reflects. She has plenty of water to drink this way. She might get hungry, but at least she'll be alive. She sinks to her knees, sliding down the wall. It's been a day with a late supper, and she hasn't eaten since the fudge, which doesn't really count. That means she didn't eat since the meal with her teacher. Her stomach insistently growls loudly.

She closes her eyes, props her head against her knees, and ignores the ache in her body. She, like Danny, knows that being still makes them feel less hungry. They're good at being so still they almost disappear into the wall. She sighs, and tries to fall asleep. She can't, so she keeps thinking, wondering what to do. She needs to know.

Her brother hates her.

Her parents never see them.

Her favorite teacher is moving away.

The tightness in her chest can only increase, and she lets silent tears trickle down her face. She wishes she could hide all her emotions, but she can't-not as much as she wishes she could. She knows she's a failure as a daughter, to be so disloyal to her parents, and to be unable to make the grades they need her to make, but she can't. She can't!

She knows that her teachers expect great things of her, and she knows that her parents will punish her if she doesn't fulfil her potential. The weight of their expectations pushes her






Sometimes she feels almost paralyzed by them, like now. A leaden, dull feeling that makes her want to scream. She doesn't, though. She knows better. All she has to do is hang on.

Little sounds surround her, like the ripple of water in the toilet, and the creaking of the stairs as her parents ascend. If you close your eyes you can hear so much more. She gets up and takes a little sip of water. She wishes that the water didn't leave her stomach just as empty-feeling as it was before. Her stomach gurgles unhappily, and she sits back down.

At some point she spaces out. She no longer perceives the ceiling or walls. She has successfully "tuned out" the hunger pangs. She relaxes against the cabinets and feels exhaustion creeping in. Fuzzy spots dart around her vision, and she knows that if she gets up she'll faint. She fell down the stairs once because she fainted. She recloses her eyes.

She hears a faint, barely-there rustle from under the door and awakens with a start. She has no idea how long she's been asleep, but probably not long. She half-wonders whether it's Mom, come to let her out early for some task. She rises to her feet gently, careful to avoid collapse. Finally, she hears a whisper through the door.

"Jazzy?" It's Danny. His voice is a welcome sound.

But… "What are you doing here, Danny? You shouldn't be here!" She warns him sharply. She might be happy that he's said something to her, but what if he's found out?

"I got you something. Mama got some food with Daddy, and they told me I could eat after they finished. They went to bed an' I got us food. Here." A crumbly sound comes from under the door and a roll comes through. She snatches it up.

"Thanks. What'd they get?"

"A bunch of stuff. We won't be hungry for a while. I stole some an' put it under my bed so they can't find it. They never look there. Want yogurt?" His tone is cheerful.

"Sure." The idea of yogurt makes her mouth water.

She hears feet racing away, and less than a minute later, a spoon comes under the door. Then, she can see Danny's fingers pushing a little cup of yogurt.

"I can't get it in." He sounds frustrated.

Jazzy thinks for a moment before saying, "Have you got a baggie?"


"Pour the yogurt in that, close the bag, and push the bag under the door."

In another minute, a plastic bag slides under the door. She uses the spoon to scoop yogurt off the sides of the bag. It tastes really good, and she wants more. Without her having to ask, Danny pushes more food under the door. A few more rolls are eaten before they resume conversation, starvation having made food the priority.

"Thanks, Danny. I thought you didn't like me anymore." Jazzy is curious.

"You took me to Miss Walker's house, an' apologized, an' Mama punished you. I don't hate you. Please don't leave me again. You were wrong about Mama an' Daddy. They don't like me. You do."

"I'll never leave you again unless I have to, or Mom and Dad make me, or you want me to. I promise."

A pickle wrapped in a washcloth comes through the door's crack and Jazzy manages to nibble it a little. She is full. Her stomach is content.

"Thanks! Want some M&Ms?"

"No thank you. I'm full." Jazzy pats her stomach. She had been hungry, but she can't make room even for candy.


"You need to leave before Mom and Dad come down." She warns him.

"When will Mama let you out?" Danny sounds worried at the suggestion instantly.

"She said tomorrow." Abruptly, a creaking sound comes from the stairs. "Danny, go. Now. They're coming."

"If Mama or Daddy don't let you out, I'll give you more food tomorrow. Good night!" She can hear his footsteps racing away as he hides from their parents. She recognized something she'd never heard in his voice before about his parents. A hint of fear. It sends a sour feeling into her heart.

She throws all the wrappers into the trashcan just in case. She doesn't want Mom or Dad to punish her , they don't come to the door, nor do they catch Danny. Instead, she realizes that it is just Jack, probably coming for a snack. She breaths a minute sigh of relief.

Everything is going to be fine.

It is finished. Again, I took way too long updating. This story just hasn't kept my attention the way Danny POV stories do. Please review the chapter. Also, I have another story, Meeting of the Ways, which is basically in this universe before Love Me, Love Me Not. It's when he meets Sam and Tucker for the first time. Sequels may come into existence, but they will be what I call "loose sequels". That means they don't necessarily exist only within the universe of LMLMN and GMTA.

If one is an actual sequel, I will title it as such, though it will be a stand-alone story, and I will note it in the summary. I have an idea, but I doubt it will be used soon. Right now I'm focusing on my crossovers and on the possibility of a "graphic novel" version of Silent Witness. Thanks for reading my story, and if you want to suggest an idea, by all means do so. Even a scene for the potential semi-sequel, which will involve Danny developing an eating disorder. There are also several regular ideas which will almost certainly end up being published, stories that are one-shots. If one is a genuine sequel, I will also make a note of it in an additional and temporary AN chapter.
