This is the epilogue, and marks the end of this story. It is set in Alex's POV. I do not claim to own the series or these characters; all recognisable content belongs to its respective owners.


I scribble down my notes hurriedly onto the blackboard, trying and failing to make my hands keep up with my brain. This expression is good, I know it.

Life has changed a lot, I ponder as I make my way downstairs much, much later. This is a large house, pretty far from everything, and surrounded by snow, but rather luxurious. Only a small part of it is actually bugged - to make me feel safe and happy and willing to continue to calculate, I'm guessing. Or maybe just for convenience. It isn't like we could contact anybody or get up to anything, after all.

Danny is sleeping infront of the television, which is running the menu for an old DVD, a favourite of his, I note. He looks gorgeous like that. More than worth going into excile for, I joke to myself.

I sit down beside him and he sleepily leans into my body. This hasn't been too easy for Danny, I know that, and I'm guessing he must be bored here - there's very little for him to do - but he seems reasonably happy anyway. He will want to go back; when we are allowed to do that, and eventually, I will too, I know that.

For now though, this is the happiest I've ever been, the most content. We will go back into the world sometime, but for now, I am living in a happy, warm bubble of work and Danny, and I feel like I'll never want to leave. I was that man, and he was that person, and this is what it feels like: happiness.