Raven instructed several members of the 100 around her to escort the newly arrived group further into camp as she led them to the Mess Hall, a haphazardly built structure that sat almost directly in the center of the fort. It was longer than it was wide and served as the only building large enough to fit everyone living at camp. Two long tables filled the majority of its square footage with an array of hastily built benches and scavenged artifacts sturdy enough to serve as stools lined either side of the tables. The majority of the time it was lit by the natural light that filtered through number of porthole windows carved out of the plank walls, but with the day's light quickly failing someone had already begun to ignite the wax candles lined up on the tables.

A handful of people were still finishing up supper when Raven pushed aside the tarp that covered the doorway and motioned for everyone behind her to file in. Those sitting at the tables looked up from their plates to see the reason for the commotion and immediately pounced from where they sat, taking note of all of the unfamiliar faces and the weapons they carried at their side.

"Stand down." Raven called out to those of the 100.

"What is this? Who are these people Raven?" Murphy demanded. He gripped the knife he had been using to eat with in one hand as he sunk lower in his stance, ready to fight.

"They are from the Ark." Raven informed him. "They are here under Bellamy's…invitation." Heavy sarcasm accompanied the last word. She had seen how Bellamy was treated when he led the group into the fort. She knew that if he would have never allowed them to step inside the fort walls if there was any true risk to the 100's safety. But they had all learned since the Fall that the first rule of Earth was to always be on guard.

"You can relax Murphy." Raven said, waving an arm at him. "You already missed all of the excitement outside."

"Why are they still armed?" Murphy questioned, nodding his head at Kane's lowered weapon. "We have rules for a reason."

"He's right." Raven turned to group. "I'm going to ask you to hand over your weapons."

"That's not happening." Kane spat.

"We have a system of laws in place here at Base Camp. One of them being that only those who have been okay'd by the Council are allowed to carry firearms. And you, my friend, have most definitely not been okay'd." Raven informed him. When Kane took a threatening step toward her she remained unmoved, meeting his pointed glare with her own. It was not until Abby stepped between to two that the tension was broken and those in room began to breathe again.

"We'll do what you say." Abby said, laying a hand on Kane's arm to try and still him.

"Abby—" He began to argue.

"We are here as their guests and we must respect their laws." Councilwoman Griffin had officially taken over the negotiations. "Everyone hands over their firearms." There was a large amount of grumbling that broke out amongst her group at the order but Raven watched as every one of them lined up to deposit their weapon onto the nearest table.

"Move them to the Armory." Bellamy had reappeared just then, ducking into the Mess Hall. He had shed a few of the layers he had on previously, leaving on his standard dark shirt, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows and his dark pants tucked into his worn boots. He had a damp cloth thrown over his shoulder and he carried a full pail of water, likely just filled from the trough of water brought from the well.

"How is she?" Raven stepped closer to Bellamy so they could speak in hushed tones. Bellamy's mouth set itself in a grim line, his standard look of concern.

"Nothing like last time," He said quietly. "but still…" He ran a nervous hand through his hair, making it stick up at ends.

"Stay with her." Raven pushed him gently on his chest. "I've got this." Bellamy gave her a long look and then finally nodded. He turned toward the now unarmed group to address them before he left.

"You will stay here tonight." He stated loudly so all could hear. "You will be given a bedroll to sleep on and a ration of meat and corn to eat. Raven will show you where to find water but no one is allowed to leave this Hall without an escort. Is that clear?" He pointed his final words toward Kane and Abby, who finally gave him stiff nods of agreement. Bellamy seemed to find that to be enough because he wasted no time turning to leave the Hall.

"Where are you going? Where is Clarke?" Abby demanded, leaping forward to grab Bellamy by the arm and preventing him from leaving. "I want to see my daughter."

"Your daughter doesn't want to see you!" He snapped, freeing his arm with a violent jerk. Abby looked like she had been slapped just then.

"Who do you think you are?" She quickly regained her stance. "You do not speak for her. Take me to her now."

"I am the one that has stood with her since you dropped us on this radioactive rock with no notice and no supplies. I am the one that has had her back time and time again just as she has had all of ours." He lifted his hand to motion to the number of 100 that stood in the room. "And right now I am the one that speaks for her until she is ready to do so herself. Now stay where you are told. Anyone found outside the Hall without an escort will be shot on site."

A stiff silence settled over the group as Bellamy stomped away, disappearing into the dark. Raven looked back at those he left behind, no one seemed to now dare question the sense of authority Bellamy practiced. She broke the silence by instructing the others to find the bedrolls and rations that Bellamy had promised to their visitors, assigning herself the task of moving all of the forfeited firearms to the Armory.

"What…happened here?" A member of Kane's group spoke up, Raven remembered the woman's name to be Patrice. It was an innocent question coming from someone who had met unexpected resistance from a group they had expected to be friendly. But the simple question did not come with a simple answer and Raven could not help but scoff at it. She replaced the weapons she had started to pick up and turned back around to face the group.

"What happened is exactly what you should have expected to happen." Raven said dully. "We lost nearly a quarter of our numbers the first few weeks after the Fall, all from bloody conflict amongst each other and with the Grounders."

"Grounders?" Kane interrupted.

"Yes, Grounders, the natives you keep picking off one by one since you landed here. You've risked all amount of peace we've been able to settle with them by the way. Nice job there." She snapped. "We lost another fraction in the first winter from starvation alone, and then some from the elements. Turns out a solid shelter and food supply are necessary for survival when building a new civilization, we didn't get much of a head start on that one."

"How many of you are left?" Kane asked.

"All together there 48 of the original 100 left to tell the tale. And me, the Space Walker." Raven folded her arms together and leaned against the nearest table, her nonchalant demeanor while discussing her comrades' demise would come across as chilling to those who witnessed it.

"48…" Abby looked suddenly much older, the full reality of what their children had to endure alone sinking in. "We did all we could before…there was nothing we could do after the drop ship left."

"We adapted, we became what we needed to in order to survive." Raven continued, ignoring Abby's meager excuses. "We built this fort, somewhere safe for us to build a home. We created our own government with rules and laws that do not abide by those you so rigidly stand by. We made peace with the surrounding Grounder tribes and opened trading amongst them. We did this, we survived. And our children-."

"There are children?" Abby interrupted. "But the implants…"

"Began to fail almost as soon as we all landed here. We have since had to find other means of contraception, but not before we had a few…new additions, those that survived."

"That child at the gates, Bellamy's son, who is his mother?" Patrice spoke up again. Raven could not help but smile as she thought of the little boy with wild brown curls, his eyes every bit of his father's. She had not always been so fond of the child, it was a long time before the bitter feeling of betrayal stopped coursing through her every time she saw him. But now she only felt adoration toward the toddler that possessed the love from everyone in camp.

"Felix? Clarke is his mother." Raven provided.

"Clarke?" Abby gasped.

"What did Blake do to her?" Kane snarled, still looking for any fight to be had with the would-be assassin.

"'What did Blake do?'" Murphy barked with a dark snicker from the back of the room. "It wasn't Blake that knocked up Griffin back then."

"Murphy." Raven scolded, not wanting to rehash that particular history.

"Everyone knows it was Finn who did the deed." Murphy continued unabashed.

"Your Finn?" Abby gestured toward Raven. She received a stiff nod in response. "Where is he now?"

"Dead." Raven said without emotion. "It was a long time ago."

"I'm so sorry Raven." Abby sighed.

"It was a long time ago." She repeated. "Bellamy has been raising Felix with Clarke. They're a family."

"Definitely didn't take them long to get knocked up again." Murphy continued his crude telling of events.

"Clarke is pregnant?" Abby asked, shocked." Two children, Clarke has two children?" She looked around at those from the Ark, all demonstrating the same look of wonder at this information. Her daughter had multiple children, freely.

"Just about. What do you think all of the hollering out there was about?" Murphy said casually.

"Murphy, shut up." Raven sighed. She was not at all surprised by what happened next. Two hands firmly gripped her shoulders, almost painfully so.

"Take me to my daughter now." Abby hissed.