A/N- I know, it's been a while since I've updated. I've been reading through some of my older works- and I cringed. To those who have followed me from the beginning, I don't know how you did it- and working on improving some of them. plus, the inspiration fairy has bee hitting me mercilessly, until my Google Docs is practically flooded with random story ideas.

Anyway, this chapter is fairly short, but that's because I honestly didn't have much inspiration for it. I'm honestly not entirely certain where I was going with this story, so I'm kinda hoping that inspiration fairy will come and actually ASSIST ME in my writing, instead of just giving me ideas for the future! XD


Anon: I respect your opinions. Truly, I do. Just, one question: if it truly irks you that much, why do you keep reading? Go read something that suits your preferences, if that's what you wish. In fact, that's probably what you did. You probably aren't reading this right now. I'm mostly just writing this because others should see this, and keep my words in mind if they themselves ever find themselves on the receiving or sending end of such a comment. Now, to address the specifics of your comment. You say that my character is a Mary-Sue. While you may not be wrong, I'm still admittedly new to writing, I've only been posting for about a year. My writing has improved quite a bit, in my opinion, but I'm still trying to figure out my identity and style as an author. My friends and I did actually make a plan to rob a bank, as a joke. Have we? Hell no. However, Alyissa was raised in Chester, specifically the bad part. I don't know how familiar you are with the area, but crime is not uncommon. Admittedly, you are right, the bank-robbing was a bit implausible. As for the kill/torture, I do know a ton of those methods. I have written some rather dark stories, and I also find a genuine interest in the subject. I have been told multiple times that I can be quite philosophical, and intelligent beyond my age. However, I still tend to have a sarcastic, immature personality a lot of the time. Now, being as, as I said before, I have lost a lot of my inspiration for this story, and don't really know where it was going, I somewhat agree with you, in that Alyissa's ability in getting Ahk out of self-inflicted confinement and facing the jackals was a bit exaggerated, and that Alyissa's character may have been underdeveloped. I am doing my best to improve my work, and i love constructive criticism. However, your comment was borderline rude, and I do not have to, as you say, 'do better' simply for the sake of someone who does not like my work in the first place. In short, don't like, don't read.

Hello: Wow, I am so sorry you had to scroll all the way past that for your response! XD Anyway, thank you so much for your support! It really does mean a lot.

Okay, know that I am done with my little way of telling people who don't like my stories to fuck off and stop wasting their time (I'm really rather headstrong, and prone to arguing a point to death. I'm still insistent that tomatoes are evil/poisonous, and that the blue/purple potatoes are unnatural. I don't care if I'm wrong- I'm right. XD) let's get on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own NATM.

Lexi, Nick, and I paraded through the museum doors after everyone else had left, proudly carrying all of the snacks Alexis and I had made.

"We got foods!" I cheered as we entered. This, of course, caught the attention of all the exhibits, and everyone came running over to see what we had to offer. Soon, the baked goods had been all but eaten, save a batch of cookies that Lexi had saved. She handed it to me with a pointed look.

"Go talk to him," she said, shoving me in the direction of the Egyptian exhibit. "If you don't, I really will lock you two back on the roof."

I rolled my eyes and huffed, before making my way to Ahk's exhibit. As I passed, I smiled at the jackals, who in turn gave me curt nods. "Ahk, I brought cookies."

Said pharaoh emerged from his room, curiosity written on his face. "What?"

I held up the Tupperware container. "Cookies. Lexi and I had a bake-off yesterday. Everyone's polishing off the spoils of war."

"You must have made a lot to be able to give some to everyone here," Ahk chuckled.

I laughed. "Three hours worth, and probably, like, fifty boxes of varied confectionery desserts. I'd be surprised if there was flour left in the world after that."

He laughed, before accepting a cookie from me. "Well, you two certainly have a talent."

"It's nothing, really," I shrugged. "We both like cooking, so some sort of competition like that is pretty usual. There's very rarely food left on the kitchen by the time we're done." We both snorted lightly at this, before falling into silence. It took me a moment to gather up the courage to begin our next conversation, though it was one that had to be had. "Ahk, what's going to happen in the future?"

He gave me an odd look. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Well, like, you're a four-thousand-year-old pharaoh. I'm a regular chick from Chester."

"Alyissa, you may be many things, but you are most certainly not 'regular'," Ahkmenrah assured me.

"That's not my point." I shook my head. "I'm going to grow old and die, and you are still going to look the same. Hell, in just a few years, I'll be out of college, and into the real world. So, my question is: what happens then? What's the point in having these moments, if it's never going to last?"

This took Ahk by surprise and there was a pregnant pause prior to his response. "Because, though the memories are bittersweet, it's better than not having them?"

"But what if it's easier to live with the could-have-beens, than the what-it-isn't?" I shot back. "Wouldn't it be easier to not have the heartbroken goodbye?"

"Alyissa, you are a very intelligent person," Ahk began. "That is both good and bad. Bad, mostly because it sets these doubts in your mind. Sometimes, you must block out these doubts, and just take a leap of faith."

I laughed without humor. "It's these thoughts that keep me from taking my 'leap of faith' right off a cliff, and to my metaphorical death." I sighed, and blinked back tears that were threatening to fall. I wiped them away, looking down at my lap so Ahk couldn't see my face. "I have to go."

With that, I promptly stood up and walked away, ignoring Ahk's protest. I didn't know where I was walking to, but I found myself in a small exhibit in the back of the museum. The inhabitants weren't here, probably out enjoying their free time. All the better for me- it meant that I could sit here on my own, alone to drown in my thoughts.

And drown I did.

A/N- So, yeah. Short chapter. In all honesty, this chapter was similar to a fight I had with a friend of mine recently. We had gotten a lot closer over spring break (thanks to Lexi kidnapping my phone, and eventually getting him to admit that he had a crush on me. He still hates her for that.) After about two months, though, he sent me a text out of the blue one day, saying he didn't want to be my friend anymore. I tried to get him to change his mind, but it didn't work. Suffice to say, I was incredibly sad, and my family had to console me that night. I respected his request to not speak to him, and he got mad at me for it. Then, he asked me to be my friend again. Then, he called me worthless, fake, lying, heartless scum, that didn't give an eff about him. Yeah, I'm not really keen on being his friend again. Still hurt, though. Hurt like hell.

But, you all don't care about that, nor do you need to. It's my life, I'll deal with it. I just needed to rant, and writing is my way of doing that. Anyway, until next time! Review, fave, follow, and PM me!