Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling and Akame Ga Kill is owned by Takahiro and Tetsuya Tashiro. I own nothing.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Dead!

You read that right dear reader the darkest wizard who ever lived has officially been confirmed as dead as of yesterday by the Minister of Magic Amelia Bones.

After the mysterious disappearance of Harry Potter, who was just returning to school from the winter holiday, an investigation was put into place at once by the faculty at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A unanimous student was said to have told the teachers he believed young Mr. Potter to have touched a portkey which led to the whole incident.

The location of said portkey was identified and a small group of muggles led the search and rescue operation. Readers will be delighted to know that Mr. Potter was returned safely to Hogwarts where he is currently recovering from the ordeal.

While it is a relief to know that our savior is alive and well what comes as more of a relief is that Minister Bones, after talking with the muggles and investigating the scene herself, has confirmed that Mr. Potter was used unwillingly in a ritual to resurrect the Dark Lord, but was thwarted in his return to power by said muggles.

The Dark Lord's corpse was found decapitated, as well as the bodies of several Death Eaters who had somehow escaped their cells in Azkaban Prison. Among them was the body of Barty Crouch Jr. who was long presumed dead. An investigation is currently underway in the Crouch household and into Barty Crouch Sr. as well to see if he had any knowledge of this.

The details into how the Dark Lord was killed still remain a mystery, but it is safe to assume that a mighty battle must have taken place. I believe I speak for the wizarding community as a whole when I say that all of us feel much safer knowing once and for all that the Dark Lord will never return.

Harry lay in the hospital wing bed as Akame showed him the issue of the Daily Prophet. Her and Tatsumi got him back to the castle last night by use of floo powder from headquarters that McGonagall had set up for Esdeath and Ran.

They decided to spend the night at the castle just to make sure he would be okay, and there were plenty of spare beds in the hospital wing, although Harry and Tatsumi both suspected Akame wanted to eat more of the food the house elves had prepared.

"Wow," Tatsumi said as he read over the article. "You had that stone last year, and now a dark wizard. Can you ever have a normal year?" he joked.

"That's all I wanted," Harry said. "But I guess things don't always work out the way you expect."

The doors to the hospital wing opened and Hermione and Neville rushed in straight towards the bed Harry was currently occupying. "Harry!" they both shouted.

"We're so glad you're alright," Hermione said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"Yeah mate," Neville said. "You gave us a right good scare. Looks like you're always having an adventure."

Tatsumi chuckled. "Hey that's what I just said." Hermione and Neville seemed to take notice that they were not the only one's visiting Harry.

"Oh um, hello," Neville said in a shy tone. Even though Neville was nowhere near as shy as he had been last year Harry knew he was still a bit nervous around new people. Tatsumi noticed the boy's shyness.

"Oh right," Tatsumi said. "We haven't introduced ourselves. My names Tatsumi, and this is my girlfriend Akame. We're two of the people who look after Harry. I take it you're some of his friends?"

"Yeah," Neville said a bit more at ease now that he knew who they were. "My name's Neville it's nice to meet the both of you." Neville seemed more at ease now that he knew who the both of them were.

"I'm Hermione."

"Hey I remember you from last year," Tatsumi said. "You were getting picked up by your parents on the platform, right?"

"Yes!" Hermione happily said. "I was so excited to meet some of you, I read so much! And it's an honor to meet you Miss. Akame."

"You don't have to call me miss," Akame told her.

"So will Harry be okay?" Neville asked before Hermione could go off on a tangent about what she read about them.

"The nurse said so," Akame said. "He only had the one cut, but she wanted him to stay the night just to be safe. I would have done the same, you never know if it could have been poisoned."

"You're not going to strip him down and check for any other wounds the nurse might have missed are you?" Tatsumi asked.

"That was different," Akame said.


"It just was."

Tatsumi rolled his eyes and the doors opened once again to allow the nurse, Madam Pomfrey, to come into the infirmary. "I take it you are feeling quite well rested Mr. Potter?" she asked to which Harry nodded his head. "Good. You are free to go."

Harry swung his legs up and out the bed and stood up. "Oh and Mr. Potter," Madam Pomfrey said, "I was asked to tell you that your presence is requested in the Headmaster's office."

"Do you know why?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"No," she told him. "I was not told the reason."

Harry looked over to Akame and Tatsumi. "Do you two want to come along?" they both agreed and Harry promised his friends he would see them when he got out.

Walking along the corridors towards the Headmaster's office Harry noticed some students would stop what they were doing to stare at him, no doubt they had all read the article. Some gave him looks of admiration, while others like the Weasley twins gave him a round of applause. "Way to go Harry!" they both yelled and some Gryffindor's surrounding them joined in.

"What was that about?" Harry asked as they kept walking.

"I think they believe you were the one to kill Voldmort," Akame told him.

"Now that you mention it that article never did say who killed him," Tatsumi added.

Harry groaned. He could really live without the attention.

As they came to the gargoyle that blocked the path to Dumbledore's office the gargoyle sprang to life without them speaking the password. It must have somehow known that Dumbledore was expecting guests.

As they opened the door to the office Tatsumi noticed that Dumbledore was not the only person in the room. There was also McGonagall, Esdeath, Ran, Sirius, Snape, and some kid with green lining on his robes looking very sullen.

"I'm glad to see you got my message," Dumbledore said as he conjured three more chairs for them to sit in.

"Now that they are here do you plan on telling us why you have called us?" Esdeath asked sounding very impatient.

"Yes," Dumbledore said. "I wanted to have a few words with Harry."

"If this is about that greater good you were talking about last night-," Sirius began sounding very angry.

"That is not the reason at all Sirius," Dumbledore said cutting him off. "I merely wished to apologize to Mr. Potter."

Well that was unexpected. From what Tatsumi knew of the Headmaster he did not have a very positive image of the man, so for him to say he wanted to apologize caught him off guard.

"Explain," Esdeath said wanting to get right to the point.

"After the events of last night I began thinking to myself," Dumbledore began. "I realized that I have been acting like a blind fool. The truth is I did want Harry to fight Voldemort because that is what I believed needed to happen. I assumed Harry would win in that fight, but I did not know how. Looking back I should have offered to teach him advance spells, teach him how to protect himself. Instead I left him alone with relatives who despised him. I thought I was keeping him safe, keeping him away from our world, but I was wrong. I was wrong to keep the stone here last year, I was wrong to keep you ignorant, I was wrong about everything. I suppose when one lives as long as I have they tend to believe they know what is best for everyone. So Mr. Potter I truly am sorry for all the meddling I have done in your life. I do not expect you to forgive me, but just know that I am sorry."

As far as Tatsumi could tell, Dumbledore sounded sincere. But it wasn't his choice to forgive the man.

"Well thank you for apologizing," Harry said. "But I don't exactly forgive you. I mean I hated living with the Dursley's and they hated me. I know my life turned out better now than it would have been with them, but I shouldn't have been there to begin with. I know you're sorry but for right now I can't forgive you, maybe over time, but not now."

"You are very mature for your age Harry," Dumbledore said with a sad smile. "I can only hope that in time my actions can be forgiven."

"Speaking of actions that need forgiving," Snape spoke up. "I believe we have another matter to attend to."

"Ah yes," Dumbledore said sounding quite tired. "What shall be done about young Mr. Nott?" Tatsumi assumed Nott was the sullen looking kid that was sitting next to Snape.

Nott. Why did that name sound familiar? It hit him. Nott Senior had been the Death Eater he had killed at the Ministry. This must be his son. But what was he doing here?

"In case any of you are wondering Mr. Nott came to Professor Snape this morning after reading an issue of the Daily Prophet," Dumbledore informed. "The reason being to turn himself in. It would appear that he is the one who dropped the portkey that Mr. Potter picked up."

Tatsumi knew that Akame was glaring at the back of the boy's head right now, but he doubted that she would actually hurt a kid. Well he assumed so anyways.

"Mr. Nott is that true?!" McGonagall asked in disbelief. Nott only gave a simple nod. "What on Heaven or Earth could have made you do something like that?!"

"What happened to my father," Nott said in a quiet tone. "I got a letter saying if I wanted to avenge his death make sure Potter picked up a book after I said the activation word."

So this was on me, Tatsumi thought. This kid was now growing up without a father and had almost gotten one of his classmates killed because of it, all because Tatsumi killed his father.

"So you just decided to do it?!" McGonagall continued. "Did you even know who it was that sent that book to you?"

"No," Nott admitted. "I didn't know it was the Dark Lord until I read that article. I just wanted revenge. If I had known it had been from him I wouldn't have done it."

Well it was nice to know that Nott didn't share the same views as his father, but still.

"Your father was a former Death Eater," Esdeath said very bluntly. "You didn't make that connection?"

"I- no I didn't," Nott answered. "I was angry at the time. I still am."

"But you confessed to what you did," Ran said. "You must have felt some sort of guilt."

"I guess," Nott said. "I figured whoever it was would use him to get to you all. I didn't know HE was going to come back."

"The fact still remains that you were involved," Snape said. "You know that you cannot go unpunished for that." Nott hung his head.

"Professor Snape is right of course," Dumbledore said. "I am sorry my boy but I have no choice but to expel you from Hogwarts."

"Hold on Headmaster," Tatsumi spoke up. "He did a bad thing yeah, there's no denying that, but he did it because he wanted to avenge his father and I can actually relate to that feeling. I lost a few good friends so I can relate. But I also know what it's like growing up without a dad. I never knew my parents, but I had friends and an elder to look out for me. If you just expel him he's never going to get a chance to make friends who can at least try to help him through what he's going through. If he has to be punished can you at least make the expulsion a suspension? He can leave the school for maybe a few years and then come back. It's a risk, but he clearly feels bad for what he did. Some teachers could check up on him to make sure he's ready for when he does come back, and just to help him through what he's going through."

Truthfully Tatsumi suggested this because he felt sorry for the boy, although he wouldn't say that. Nott didn't look like the kid who would accept people's pity. He felt sorry that this kid was no without a father, but he did not feel sorry that his father had died. Nott Sr. was supposedly one of the worst Death Eaters and Tatsumi did not feel sorry about his passing, but he did feel for what the kid was going through.

Dumbledore took a moment to mull it over. "Yes. I do believe that would be sufficient in the hopes Mr. Nott may find redemption. And I do believe it would be a fitting last act as my position as Headmaster."

"What do you mean Albus?" McGonagall asked.

"I have come to the conclusion that my time as Headmaster is over. The Ministry is seeing better days and the threat of Voldemort no longer hangs over our heads so my influence as Headmaster of a prestigious school is no longer necessary to help bring about the change that was needed all along. I mean for you to take my place Minerva."

"This is all very sudden," McGonagall said.

"I have complete faith in your abilities," Dumbledore told her. "There is not a doubt in my mind that you will carry out the duty better than I ever could."

"Well I… I accept," McGonagall said.

"Excellent I shall make the announcement at dinner tonight."

"If we're on the subject of retiring I suppose I should look for a replacement for myself for next year," Esdeath said.

"You mean to leave?" McGonagall asked.

"After this year yes," Esdeath said. "While teaching the youth the proper ways of defense has been fun, I am much more of commander than a teacher. My battle last night only proves that. So I do believe that Professor Snape would make a fitting replacement."

Tatsumi could have sworn he saw Snape's lip curve upwards, but it was only for a second.

"Will you be leaving as well Professor Ran?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes I do believe so," Ran answered. "I have passed what knowledge I can to my students, and am pleased to see that some are considering jobs in our world. I can already imagine the teasing I am going to receive upon my return." Tatsumi had a pretty good idea of who he was referring to.

"If you're looking for a replacement I know a friend who is looking for work," Sirius said. "And with some werewolf laws now being declared unjust it's about time the old dog got a job, and some new clothes."

"We can work these details out after the feast," Dumbledore said. "Please go about your day Mr. Potter, you are dismissed." Harry nodded and Akame and he followed the boy out.

Akame looked over the railing down below to where Harry was talking with his two friends from the hospital wing. She had just returned from raiding the kitchens when she spotted the three of them. It made her happy to see that Harry was doing well at this school.

Unlike Esdeath and Ran, Harry had decided to stay and complete his education. He had said that he does hope to work in the muggle world, maybe even alongside all of them, but he still wants to be able to control his magic.

"Hey," the voice of Tatsumi called from behind her. He stood next to her by the railing. "Where did you disappear to?"

"The kitchens," she told him. "I was hungry."

"That explains everything," he said. "So do you think next year Harry will be able to actually have a normal year?"

"Maybe," she answered. "Do you think suspension is the best thing for Nott?"

"Really I don't know," Tatsumi admitted. "I want to think so, I mean I think we both understand the feeling of wanting to avenge the dead."

She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. "It is a big risk. He could turn bitter and turn out like his father."

"Yeah he could," Tatsumi agreed. "But from what Esdeath told us it was that Malfoy kid who told them about the portkey and his father was also a Death Eater. There's still hope Nott won't make the same mistakes his father did. But yeah it is a risk."

"Hm," Akame said as she continued to watch Harry and his friends laugh and talk.

"It's nice to see that Harry can enjoy himself now," Tatsumi said also noticing what she was staring at.

"Have you ever thought about a family?" she asked him.

"What?" Tatsumi said a bit off guard.

"Not right now," she added. "But one day maybe?"

"Oh," he said. "Yeah a little. Maybe in a few years when we're a bit older, but yeah I have."

Akame smiled. It would be nice she thought. To maybe have a child in a few years. She knew Tatsumi would be a great father, and Kurome would be happy to be an aunt. But that was still some time away.

For now she was content. She knew that there was always bound to be evil in some way shape or form in this world, but she supposed that was just a risk they would have to take. And she could only hope that that risk would pay off.

Only time would truly tell she supposed, but looking at Tatsumi's innocent smile she was reminded that even though the world was full of evils and dangers, there was still some good within it. And she had a feeling that one day it would be worth that risk.

A/N: Well that concludes my first ever story, and I just have to say thank you to everyone who has took the time to read this it really was a lot of fun writing this. I really do feel that my my writing has improved as a result of this story, and I am looking forward to seeing how I will evolve from the future stories I have planned. Thank You all once again.