Happy Valentines Day, everyone! Although the closest thing to a Valentine I have are the four boys in this one-shot...Don't judge me.
Disclaimer: DC Comics owns them; I do not.
It was Valentines Day in the Wayne household and three out of the four youngest residents were hanging out in the living room. The eldest was sitting in a chair watching a movie, the second eldest was laying upside down on the sofa on his phone, the second youngest was on sitting on the other side of the sofa on his laptop, and the youngest was no where to be found in this quiet scene.
"Hey, guys?" Dick asks, "You wanna go do something? I'm bored."
"Like what?" Jason asks, looking up at his brother from his upside down position.
"We could...Go hang out with some friends?"
"Who? Everyone we know is off doing some stupid Valentines day stuff."
"Not everyone." Dick says. He mentally goes through his head and thinks of all the people they could go hang out with.
'Barbara? No, she's still mad at me. Wally? No, he's busy doing some Valentines Day thing with his family. Roy? No, he's busy with Lian...Do I really only have three friends?'
"What's Bruce doing today?" Dick finally asks.
"He's with Selina." Jason answers.
"Alfred?" he tries.
"I think he's with Leslie." Dick huffs and his facial expression some might say looks like a pout.
"What about you, Babybird?" Jason asks, kicking his little brother's leg.
"What about me?" he asks, not looking up from his work.
"You have anything special planned for today?"
Tim shrugs, "Not really."
"We're not dating anymore."
"We never were officially dating in the first place."
Tim looks up from his laptop, "Really, Jason?"
"What? Don't think I missed your guys's make out session on the roof two weeks ago." Jason says smirking when Tim's face starts to redden.
"Well, we always said he was the most like B. He's even got his own Catwoman." Dick says, smiling. Tim closes his laptop, knowing that when his brothers get like this he isn't gonna get any work done.
"Can we please change the topic?"
"How about the topic of Valentines Day sucks." Jason says and sits upright on the sofa beside Tim.
"I second that." Dick says.
"Third it." Tim says.
"And why is that? Because we're all single."
"Speak for yourself, Grayson." the three of them look over at Damian.
"Where are you off to?" Jason asks.
"I have a date." with that he leaves his three gaping brothers to go to his date.
Just before he leaves he hear's Todd's voice, "You've gotta be kidding me! He's ten!"
Got this idea this morning and I just had to write it.
Review! :)