A/N: This is my first Thunderman fanfic, hope you will enjoy reading this story. Please review and let me know what you think.

Disclaimer : I do not own The Thundermans.

Chapter 1

Phoebe POV

As I slowly open my eyes, I noticed I wasn't in my room, I was in Max's lair. I felt some muscular arms around my waist and that's when I realised I was in Max's bed too. My eyes went wide, I tried to free myself, but couldn't succeed. I tried to turn my head, and as soon as I turned my head, my lips were inches away from Max's soft pink lips. I could feel his warm breath on my lips, his hair was messy and I could feel he was shirtless. Since when did he have abs?

"Oh… my God," I whisper as I closed my eyes tightly. Did Max and I? No it can't be possible. We are twins for God sake… we wouldn't… would we? I slowly open my eyes again, seeing Max asleep is so darn cute, but this is so wrong. I could smell his morning breath, not a very pleasant scent.

"Max," I whisper. "Wake up" No respond. And that's when I decided to yell.

"MAX!" Max quickly woke up, falling off the bed. He quickly stood up, trying to figure out where he is and what the situation was. He sigh as he saw me on his bed.

"Phoebe, why did you wake me up? You know I'm not a morning person. Can we go back to sleep?" he asked as he climb into his bed.

I ignored his request as I climb out of Max's bed trying to remember what happened last night.

"Why were I in your bed?" I asked as I glared at Max.

"Don't you remember Pheebs?" he smirked.

"If I remembered, I wouldn't ask you now Max," I said throwing a pillow at him, but he dodged it.

"We had a party and…" he was cut off

"We had a party? Oh Mom and Dad are so going to kill us," I said as I paced Max's layer.

"Stop pacing around missy, you making me dizzy," Dr Colosso yelled from his cage.

"Don't worry Phoebe, Mom and Dad doesn't have to know about this," Max said as he put on a shirt.

"Why were I in your bed?" I questioned Max, raising an eyebrow. "Did you drugged me?" I glared at Max.

"Nope," he said popping the p. "You were drunk Phoebe, so drunk that I had to froze you and put you into bed."

"Then why am I not in my bed?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"You told me you want to sleep 'with my brother'" he said.

"And you agreed to that?" I asked raising my voice, putting one hand on my side.

"I'm a supervillain Phoebe," he said smirking.

I sigh at the respond of that. I hate it when he refers himself to a supervillain. He's supposed to be a superhero like the rest of us. Max is sometimes a good guy, but he doesn't like that when we call him that.

"Did we…?" I asked, trying to avoid the thought.

"No Phoebe, we just kissed," he said smirking again. God he loves his smirking.

"We kissed?" I yelled as my eyes went wide.

"Relax Phoebe, I'm joking… unless you want to kiss me?" he said pouting his lips. I blanked out for a second, did he just asked me to kiss him? Do I want to kiss him? No he's my twin brother, it would be weird and wrong. But why does it feel I want to? No Phoebe, focus!

"Not even in your dreams," I said as I went upstairs closing Max's door. I sigh as I went into the kitchen. I open the fridge door, grabbing an apple. Mom and Dad is in Metroburg, sorting some case. Nora and Billy went along, so it was just me and Max. And then it hit me, that's why we had a party. I looked across the room, seeing this place is a mess. I quickly levitated the trash out of the living room and into the trashcan. Life is so much easier when you have superpowers.


"So," Dr Colosso began. "What evil inventions are we going to do today?"

"Not today Colosso. I have something else to do."

"Which is?" he asked. I didn't answer Dr Colosso. I smirked and let out an evil laugh.

I quickly went upstairs and noticed Phoebe was watching TV. I smirked and decided to scare her. I tiptoe behind the couch, trying to control my laughter. I slowly counted to three in my head and as I reached three, I jumped out and scare the living day light out of her.

"Max! What did you do that for?" she asked lividly.

"What?" I asked innocently trying to control my laughter.

"Why did you scare me?" she asked angrily.

"Because I'm evil?" I said as I grabbed the control and switch it to Evil Town. It is this new show about villains who lives in Evil Town trying to defend their lair of doom. It is my new favourite show.

"Max! Give me the control," Phoebe demands. I looked at Phoebe and then back at the TV ignoring her request.

"Max!" she yelled still ignoring her. Suddenly she snatches the TV remote out of my hand.

"Phoebe! Give me the remote!" I demanded trying to reach the remote.

"I was watching here first," she said running around the couch.

"So I was here second, so give me the remote."

"No!" she hisses. That's it, I quickly grabbed Phoebe by her wrist, pulling her closer to me. Our lips were inches away, I could feel her warm breath on my lips.

"What were you saying?" I whisper looking her straight in the eyes. I could see she was nervous.

"Am I making you nervous?" I asked smirking.

"No," she stuttered out. I could see she was lying. So I decided to intertwine our hands together. She looked down at our hands and then back up. I lean in slowly, making sure she doesn't realise I was reaching for the remote. Just as our noses touch, I grabbed the remote and ran away.

"Victory is mine!" I shout as I ran away leaving Phoebe behind.

A/N: So what did you think? Please leave a review