A/N: This story is technically completed, but I did have a review on the following question: Who created the book? by solangelo-nicoXwill. Great question. I wasn't actually planning on telling—but, well, here's the chapter.
I had a lot of fun with this one, as you can read. (By the way, the link or whatever cannot look *professional*, so that's why it has spaces. And it's not an actual link, so don't type it in the search bar).
I thought I'd update it today, to show that this story is one month! (Probably not a good thing to say, showing that I was procrastinating a lot, but...)
February 14th, 2016 - March 14, 2016
Oh, and a warning to some readers who have seen my previous works: stories that are incomplete will have slower updates.
The reason is, I was going through my completed stories and decided it didn't seem decent enough, so I'm planning on doing full-edit mode: adding/taking away scenes, longer paragraphs, punctuation, etc. I don't know how long this will take, but I hope you stick along with me.
And with that, I hope you enjoy the final chapter of Solangelo Valentine's Day.
Disclaimer: (For the Back Cover): This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
However, with the exception of my own plots/OC's, etc.; Rick Riordan owns the rest (quotes, characters, etc.).
(Back Cover)
Over 20,000 million copies sold!
Mortimer H. Carey is a man who will like his whereabouts to be private. He currently has a child, and is living in sorrow since his wife's death. This is his first novel.
To contact him, visit www . mortimer - carey. ca
Rave Reviews:
OMG! This actually worked on my crush! Thanks so much, Mr. Carey! ~ Kenya Goe, from New Jersey
Ridiculously funny - I had a great laugh over this book. A new addition to comedian writers, meet Mortimer H. Carey! ~ Anita Bathe, author of How to Steal Toilet Paper
Strangest advice I ever got. However, when I chose this book to give a report on it, I got an A plus! My teacher and classmates were successfully amused. I look forward to reading another one of your books—I need high grades. ~ Seymour Hopps, from Paris
I saw this book on my mum's desk, and I was like, "Well, it's better than all the psychological and health books" (my mum is a psychiatrist). When I read it, I was immediately encouraged to ask out my crush. I realized that this book is warning you about clichés and mistakes people make about love, so thanks for teaching me. ~ Ima Page, from England
This didn't work on the girl I wanted, but I'll try it on another. Hope you make a second book—maybe Kissing for Dummies? ~ Harry Head, from Hong Kong
Simply amazing - a masterpiece. This book successfully helped me and my friend. ~ Adelle Lee, from Calgary
wkewl, man. This girl told me she'll ask me out about Never. Do u have directions 2 that place? Im bad at math ~ Anonymous, from Nowhere-ville
Hades gave a sad sigh. Somehow, the affect his book had on people was way different than he thought people will take it. Humans will try and understand artwork—yet they don't realize how love is so powerful—not just a silly infatuation. He had hoped so hard that Nico didn't fall for the ridiculous blond.
Apollo was foolish, and a blabbering idiot who depending on his charm and looks. And Hades believed Will inherited those traits.
Like father, like son, he thought, but registered his mistake.
Is Nico like me? He wondered.
Over the eons he had seen that love was not worth things - you weren't in control at all. Maria di Angelo was the woman Hades truly cared for, yet her death left him bitter and in despair.
I am bitter.
Hold grudges.
Afraid of being ridiculed, humiliated, and rejected.
These things pained Hades to admit, yet it was true.
Hopefully Nico di Angelo learnt that life wasn't always full of bad things. And so . . . if Will Solace makes my son happy, then I congratulate them.
So Hades made another book, this time called, Tolerating Foolish People for Dummies.
And so far, it was a best-seller hit—on top of the charts—even Aphrodite bought a copy (but she'll never admit it). After all, dating the War god had its ups and downs.
A/N: Kudos to all of those who reviewed/followed/favourite.
You guys are awesome.
If you want to check out a Solangelo story, HashtagMC and I did collaborated one. It's titled Say You Like Me (post BoO; three days in the infirmary)—the link is on my profile, or you can search it. Visit HashtagMC's works, too, if you haven't already, because they are amazing.