Oh man... This is it... The epilogue to Biological Emergency is here! It's pretty short, but I did that on purpose. Without further ado, let's wrap this fanfic up!
The newly repaired medical droid once again checked Ezra's vitals. Kanan sat beside his padawan, waiting for the fifth day in a row. It had been five days since the rebels had returned from Kirna. Fice days since the Kirna stronghold was reduced to rubble. Five days since the death of Longheart and five days since they got the cure and returned to the medcenter on the Liberator.
While half of the population in Genevene had been wiped out, the others were expected to make a full recovery, Ezra among them. Within the last five days, Ezra's condition had improved. While he was still running a fever, it was nowhere near as high as it was. The bruises on his body, once a dark bluish black color, had faded to a dark brown. Ezra had stopped coughing up blood, and when they spoon fed him broth, he actually kept it down. He no longer screamed upon being moved, only grunting in discomfort. Color had returned to his face, and while he was still pale, he didn't look like a real spectre.
One thing remained, however.
Ezra had yet to open his eyes.
The medical droid had assured Kana that Ezra was no longer in a coma, and the fact that he was unconscious was just his body repairing itself.
It didn't make the wait less painful.
The door opened, revealing Hera, a concerned look on her face. "Any change?"
Kanan shook his head. "Still out cold. He move a few times, but that's it."
"Give him time love," Hera replied. "The fever took a toll on him. You know how close he was to..." Her voice trailed off as Kanan nodded.
"They told me it would be a few days. I just want to see him again."
"You will, love. It'll be alright. His vitals stabilized a long time ago. It won't be long now."
Kanan watched as Ezra shifted. His face contorted in discomfort before returning to its peaceful state.
"I hope you're right."
The next day, Kanan woke up in the medcenter to find that Ezra was drenched in sweat. Kanan laid a hand on his forehead and smiled. His fever had broken. "I knew you'd pull through kid," he said softly, brushing back a stand of hair.
Kanan closed his eyes and tried to slip into meditation.
He was meditating for ten minutes when a soft, scratchy voice brought him back to reality.
Kanan looked up and smiled. "Hey. How are you feeling?"
"Better than before," Ezra replied. "Where are we?"
"We're back on the Liberator, and before you ask, yes, Hera and I are alright. Yes, the remaining villagers are expected to make a full recovery. You've been out for about a week, give or take a few days."
"Thanks for the update," Ezra chuckled.
Kanan laughed and pulled out his comlink. "He's awake."
Within minutes, Hera, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper were in the room.
"Ezra!" Sabine cried, her face breaking into a grin.
"About time you woke up," Zeb replied with a smile. "You had Chopper worried."
Chopper warbled an obvious translation to "Was not!"
Hera just stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Ezra.
"How are you feeling."
"Still dizzy," Ezra replied. "Still feel like I spent the day as a rancor's chew toy, but better than before."
"You're going to feel that way for a few more days," Kanan replied. "You're fever broke, which is good, but it's going to be a while before you're battle ready again."
"That means..."
"Yup," Hera smiled. "Ezra Bridger, you are hereby sentenced to bed rest."
Ezra groaned and closed his eyes. "I hate it when you sentence me to bed rest." He tried to sit up, but grunted in pain. Kanan gently pushed him back down.
"I rest my case..." Hera muttered, shaking her head and smiling. "Good news is that in a few days, the medical droid was planning on releasing you so you could finish recovering on the Ghost.
"Good," Ezra mumbled, motioning to the medcenter shirt and pants he had on. "Finally get to get out of these and get in some real clothes."
"And some real food," Zeb added. "You're even scrawnier than before."
"Garazeb Orelious!" Hera snapped, turning to Zeb.
"Well, it happens," Ezra retorted, before yawning. "Think I can take a nap?"
"Yeah," Kanan replied. "Go for it."
Ezra closed his eyes and smiled, content that everything would be alright. As he slipped into sleep, the crew left the room. Before he fell asleep entirely, Kanan brushed Ezra's hair to the side. "Goodnight kiddo."
The lights went out and all was quiet.
The End
That's it! I'd like that thank all of you who commented, favorited and followed. I would also like to thank you silent readers out there! Everyone played a part in helping me write this, and I had a lot of fun writing it.
I may disappear for a while until I come up with something, but I may get the occasional one shot idea, so keep your eyes peeled.
Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next fic!
Until next time!
Bread Thief, out!