Batman Arkham-Knight Huntress
Important notes: I do not own Batman or any portion of the franchise. I give all credit to DC Comics and respective owners. Except the characters I wrote in my profile.
This Fanfiction is co-written with Greking46
Bruce was tracking down Victor's freezing signature; it was coming from Gotham Harbour.
'What are you doing Victor?' Bruce frowned as he arrived at his destination
The entire harbour was frozen over; thick plates of ice could be driven on or walked on. Bruce drove through the ice and entered the ship that was frozen in place. Bruce heard the panicked voice of Victor who was trying to fix something large and technical.
"Victor? What's wrong?" Bruce asked, walking towards him and taking his name off. Since Arkham City he and Helena had been helping him save his wife slowly. They even revealed their identity to him. Be just wanted to save his wife.
"Batman...Bruce...They took her, the Arkham Knight's army took Nora!" Victor answered "They infiltrated my lab and stole her because I would not reveal your identity or help them!"
'Jason, what the HELL were you thinking?' Bruce thought "Did the Knight order them to?"
"No, I overheard them. They argued saying that taking Nora was NOT part of the plan." Victor answered "I have to return this back to normal! I HAVE to save Nora!"
"I can fix this." He said, putting his hands on Victor's shoulder "The Knight was actually Red Hood undercover; to destroy the Militia from the inside out. He would have never authorised this. Hence it was not part of the plan. Let me call him."
"Thank you Batman..." Victor nodded
"Hood, are you there?" Bruce contacted his son
"I'm here Batman; what's up?" Red Hood asked
"The Militia has taken Nora Fries, against your orders." he answered
"WHAT? Those...Gah! I'm on my way; Catwoman is back at the cave. Tell Victor: I NEVER ordered that. I told them if they couldn't coerce him they'd leave him alone." Jason answered
"Understood." He nodded, ending the call "He is on his way."
"Thank you...How is Helena?" Victor asked
"She's...surviving. I won't lie; she inhaled quite a lot of Scarecrow's toxin." Batman answered "But she should be fine thanks to Ivy."
"If you need my help Batman; I will." Victor offered as he returned back to his work
"Thank you Victor. And don't worry, we'll find Nora." Batman answered
*With Hood*
"Wh-what do you want? Money? Weapons? Drugs? I'll give you what you want!" a gangster called Roman Sionis also known as: Black Mask, pleaded for his life
"I want: You to go to hell!" Jason answered killing Black Mask with a bullet to his brain and a kick through the window. " stop those brain dead militia."
"Why did I even work with him?" He snarled, walking outside
"Alright...time to find Batman." He grapple launched into Gotham.
*With Dick and Cass*
"Ding, dong. Anyone order a large chocolate biscuit?" Dick asked
"Huh?" Cass asked
"A Penguin." Dick joked handing Oswald Cobblepot to the GCPD
"That was a bad one Nightwing." Cash shook his head
"It's been a long night Officer." Nightwing shrugged
"Delivery...One former District Attorney." Red Robin and Steph arrived
"Spoiler." Batgirl smiled, hugging Steph as she saw her
"Hey Bat-Girl." Steph hugged back
"Now that's cute." Cash nodded "Come on Harvey."
Two-Face scoffed, fighting against him
"Look at you Two-Face...beaten." Cobblepot commented
"Shut up Penguin, you got here first." Two-Face answered
The two glared at each other, the Bat's smirking
*With Batman and Hood*
"You're late, Hood." Bruce whispered
"Sorry, I was taking care of some loose ends." Jason responded
"How was Catwoman when you left her?" Bruce asked
"She was going gooey over Bat Jr. ...She's fine." Jason chuckled
"Of course." Bruce said, holding back a smile
"They're over on the bridge; come on." Jason pointed to the buildings they were stationed and there was Nora, still frozen, still alive.
"Nora." Victor gasped
"Is the feed coming through okay Victor?" Bruce asked
"Yes, I can see her." Victor answered
"How's the fixing process going?" Jason asked
"It's almost complete, if you bring her back I'll be able to stabilise her." Victor answered
"Good, Hood. Knock out only." Bruce spoke
"I know, I know..." Hood rolled his eyes.
As the two began their assault on the Militia, Jason was...understandably pissed off that they disobeyed him. Though in their eyes they did what The Knight couldn't...being honest Jason felt how Bruce felt when HE went rogue.
With the last of the Militia defeated Bruce couldn't keep the container stable and had to release Nora from her capsule. She stumbled into Jason's arms as she regained consciousness. "Oh...Oh my...Batman..."
"You're safe Nora." Bruce answered
"You know who he is?" Red Hood asked
"I...I may have been frozen...but I could hear everything..." Nora explained
"Nora...Oh Nora..." Victor's kind words spoke, how he had longed to hear her speak once more "We-we have to get you back here. I have to try and cure you."
"Batman...can...can you show me Victor? Please." Nora asked, to which Batman revealed the feed of Victor in his gauntlet display. "Oh Victor..."
"Nora..." Victor smiled lightly then the sound of tanks could be heard on Victor's end "The Militia! I cannot lose this! I have to save you!"
"Victor, I don't NEED saving! You've done too much for me." Nora answered
Victor was silent for a time but he had made up his mind "I love you Nora." And he closed the communications.
"I have to get there. You get Nora back to the Bat-Cave." Batman ordered
"Oh no. They were MY militia Old Man; MY responsibility. YOU take Nora back, I'LL clean up MY mess!" Hood rebutted
"Hmm...Alright. Nora follow me." Batman ordered lightly as Red Hood leaped down into the Bat-Mobile
"Will...will he be alright?" Nora asked
"I know he will." Batman nodded
Jason drove hell for leather to Victor's location, he didn't have time to waste and when he arrived he saw the militia compiling around the ship. He pressed a button on the side of his helmet patching into the radio frequency of the militia "Men, this is the Knight!" Jason spoke in his digitised voice
"S-Sir? We thought the Bat got you!" a militia officer spoke
"He did. But NOW I see my militia has disobeyed me!" Jason spoke
"He's driving the Bat-Mobile it doesn't have live rounds. Blast him!" a subordinate officer spoke
"Figured...Men: You. Are. Disbanded!" Jason threatened and began the assault on the militia surrounding Victor's ship.
Jason had to adapt to the controls and remember that his vehicle didn't have live ammo 'Damn it Bruce, how many buttons do you have?'
Victor saw the carnage around the ship and tried to step in, but knowing that the militia was using live rounds that could pierce his suit easily, he held back.
"Nothing personal sir, but you're a traitor and MUST be terminated!" the officer from earlier spoke
"You made it personal when you assaulted Victor Fries and kidnapped Nora Fries." Jason answered sending a barrage of rockets "Victor can you hear me? Get out of there! The ice is breaking!"
"No." He replied "Save Nora. Cure her. Let her have a happy life."
"She will. With YOU!" Jason spoke as the ice began to crack and break away.
"Hood! Get out of there now! The ice won't hold you for much longer!" Batman called out
"Sorry, but I'm not leaving Victor here!" Jason answered
"ROBIN!" Batman called through
"Heh...I'll see you...Dad..." Jason answered as he cut the communications.
*With Batman*
"Robin!" Batman tried to establish the link once again but Jason had blocked it.
"He...he's going to be fine? Right?" Nora asked
Batman was silent...Jason WAS of his best and worse traits.
"Batman...?" Nora asked
That was when the communications came back "Robin?" Batman asked
"Yeah...We're fine. Don't worry." Jason's voice spoke in a cheerful but exhausted tone.
"You..." Batman growled, because he thought he had lost his son once again
"We're heading to the cave; care for a lift?" Jason joked.
"... You are cleaning the cave for a month. Hurry up and get here." Bruce said, ending the call
"He...he said "we". Does...does that mean?" Nora asked
"Victor is alive. I have visual of him in the Bat-Mobile." Batman nodded
*At the cave*
"Urgh...oh...FUCK Tetch...I'll be tripping balls for a week..." Dick groaned
"What happened to you?" Harley asked
"Mad Hatter...weird mind control stuff...Alice in Wonderland...Crazy stuff." Steph answered
"Always." Cass nodded
"That...that's everyone right?" Harley asked
"Yeah...I think so...Killer Croc was a BASTARD to bring in...Thanks for the help Dick." Tim added
"No problem." Dick responded
Cass sat down on a bench, her chest heaving a bit but besides that she didn't seem tired at all
"You okay kid? You sound knackered." Harley asked
"I am fine." Cass nodded, seemingly unaffected by the nights work but at the same time she still seemed tired just from the way her chest rose and fell
"You need a hug?" Harley asked
"No thanks." Cass answered
"I didn't mean from me." Harley pointed to Steph.
"Always like." Cass smiled
"Come here..." Steph smiled and hugged her
"How's Helena?" Dick chuckled slightly
"Ask me yourself." Helena yawned, walking down
"Hi Helena." Barbara smiled, working on the Bat-Computer
"Hi Barbara...Good to see you home…" Helena gave a sleepy smile
Before her eyes widened, she ran over and hugged her
"H-Helena!" Barbara blushed
"You're okay." Helena cried
"Of...Of course I'm okay." Barbara answered
Helena sighed, releasing her
"Guess Helena's a big fan of yours." Tim smiled
"Shut up!" Helena glared
"Okay...don't bite our heads off." Dick answered
"Croc almost did." Tim added
"Just say you love her!" Ivy snapped lightly
"Err...what?" the others asked in shock
"I...I err..." Helena blushed
"We all know you've slowly fallen for her like you fell for us." Harley added "Just admit it."
"I...Okay...I like you Barbara..." Helena admitted
"Helena..." Barbara muttered
'Oh it comes...She's gonna say she's not interested.' Helena thought
She smiled, and hugged Helena back
'Oh. My. God...!' the boys thought while the girls thought it was a happy occasion.
"I feel the same way." Barbara smiled
"Y-You do?" Helena asked
"Yes. I do." Barbara answered reassuring her.
And then she kissed her
"Whoa...don't take her lips off Oracle, we need them too." Harley teased
"Sorry." Barbara blushed as she broke the kiss
"You DO realise I'm off Lesbian porn for life now right?" Tim deadpanned with a joke.
And at once everyone in the cave looked at him weirdly
"I'm joking!" Tim answered
But everyone kept their weirded out looks
'I could use a distraction right now.' Tim thought
"Hey, what's with all these looks?" Jason asked
'Thank you!' Tim mentally cheered as Bruce and Jason returned
"What's going on?" Bruce asked
"Barbara kissed Helena and they both confessed." Dick answered
"About damn time." He and Jason nodded, Victor and Nora entering after them
"Batman, do you have the room prepped?" Victor asked
" worry too much...*Cough*." Nora smiled lightly
"Of course." He nodded
As Victor lead Nora into the prepared room Batman and Ivy went to figure out how to cure the ailing woman.
"Don't worry, they've got this." Harley smiled to Helena.
"Victor has been working on this for years. And she has been forced out of cryo." Helena sighed in worry
"That may be true; but he was on his own. Now he has THREE minds working for her." Harley smiled
"You...have a point." Helena nodded
*With the Fries's*
"It will be okay Nora." Victor soothed, holding his wife's hand
"I know..." Nora smiled under her Oxygen mask and fell to sleep.
"Ready Victor?" Bruce asked as he prepped for Nora's cure.
It was going to be an operation.
*Time Skip*
They sighed, leaving the room after several hours
"Well?" Dick asked as they finished waiting around watching cat videos.
"She will hopefully be fine." Ivy nodded
"Oh thank goodness..." they all sighed in relief.
"Thank you." Victor nodded
"It was no trouble Victor...I'm sorry we cannot do the same for your condition as well." Bruce answered
"It is alright...THIS is enough." Victor answered looking back at a resting Nora. "I have her back."
"That's true...And now...she has her life ahead of her." Ivy added
"That's good." Tim nodded
"Head back home now?" Helena asked
"Can't, there's still the straggling militia forces in the city." Dick answered
"Oh don't worry about them. I've taken care of that." Jason answered
"How?" they asked as Jason looked to the top left corner of his eyes
*With the militia*
There was a collapsed building that was the Militia base...there's a multitude of casualties and a number of deaths
*Back with the Bat-Family*
"I...had a contingency plan." Jason answered
"He is his father's son." Talia nodded "Even not by blood."
"That's true." Bruce smiled
*Time Skip, back home*
"Hello." Selina smiled, spinning around in the Bat-Computer chair with Terry in her lap as the others arrived. Terry was dressed in a black onesie with a red bat on his chest
Terry laughed as he saw his family whole again. "Heya kid, you've grown quite a bit." Jason stroked his head.
"That he has." Selina nodded, Jason ruffling Terry's hair softly
"Speaking of babies..." Helena pointed to outside
"See you in a bit alright?" Harley waved as the Sirens and Barbara left for the gardens
"I hope baby didn't miss us too much." Ivy smiled as the vines receded revealing the plant womb
Barbara stared at the baby, it was was like staring at a clear view sonogram.
The baby seemed nearly ready to be born, curled up in the plant
"She looks ready to be born." Helena glowed
"It does." Ivy nodded with a smile
"So...not to be Ms Buzzkill but how do we get the baby out?" Barbara asked
Ivy's answer was rubbing the plants side with the pollen if another planet. The transparent front of the womb split in two like a zip and a green liquid slowly poured out of the plant until it was empty
"Here we are..." Ivy carefully retrieved the child from within the womb.
The baby had Ivy's bright green skin, Harley's natural brown hair and Helena's face shape and eyes
"You're not a natural blonde?" Helena asked
"I thought your dad would've told ya." Helena answered
"She used to dye it. I gave her a chemical that changed the pigmentation permanently but it doesn't change her DNA. She still has natural brown hair." Ivy explained
"She's adorable..." Barbara cooed over the young baby ignoring all the crazy talk.
"Of course she is." Helena smiled
"You know Barbara... I think I know of a way to fix your spine." Ivy said, undoing her top shamelessly and letting their baby grasp the nipple and drink
"I...Y-You do? How?" Barbara asked in shock and hope
"A simple operation. I would cut into your spinal column and place a seed inside it. The seed would tear apart and replace the nerve endings, meaning you would regain the use of your legs and any spinal damage would be non-existent if something strikes you there again." Ivy explained
"Sounds painful." Harley commented
"It IS painful, I won't lie...but the end result will be worth it." Ivy answered
"You'll of course need to retrain your legs; the muscles would have degraded over the years."
"I'll take the procedure." Barbara answered
Ivy nodded, and kissed her
"Can't wait to see the look on the Commissioner's face when he sees you walking Babs." Harley quipped
"Neither can I." Barbara smiled
"We have to give her a name..." Ivy smiled as their daughter suckled on her teat.
"How about Barbara names her?" Helena offered
"Y-You'd let me do that?" Barbara felt flattered and honoured
"Of course." They smiled
"Well...What about...Willow?" Barbara thought.
"Willow? That sounds nice." Harley smiled
"Willow Wayne-Isley-Quinn-Gordon...Quite the mouthful." Helena teased
"Can we rearrange the last names so they can make a tangible acronym?" Harley asked
"Like Willow QWIG?" Ivy asked
"That works." Barbara nodded
"Got it in one." Ivy smiled
The baby wiggled in Ivy's arms wanting to burp, though it WAS questionable that Ivy has lactating breasts.
But she DOES have a weird biology. She could probably produce it at will or something
"Come here Willow..." Ivy patted her baby's back and she burped "There we go..."
Helena smiled. She felt like her life was going to be great
*Time skip*
It was a few days later, the scum of Gotham was under lock and key and things were under control for now; Commissioner Gordon had taken a few days leave to relax and spend it with Barbara.
Well that was the plan. But right now he was standing in the roof of his building
"Where is he...? It's November wind and rains up here..." He shuddered lightly
"Sorry for the wait. Bank robbery." Batman said from behind him
"Tch...Never stops does it?" Gordon commented "So, what is it you wanted me up here for?"
Batman's reply was: reach up and press the release button on the back of the cowl
"What're you...? Bruce...?" Jim wondered then saw the man behind the mask.
"Hello Jim." Bruce answered
"All this time...YOU?" Jim asked
"Yes. It started back then...You deserve to know." Bruce answered "After Fear Night I decided you were long past the point I should have told you."
"So...Dick, Jason, Tim...? THEY know I assume?" Jim asked
"They were Robins and they're still part of the family."
"... I see." He nodded
"And Barbara...She...She was Batgirl...wasn't she?" Jim deduced
"Yes, she was." Bruce answered "The first."
"All this time...Do you think Joker-?" Jim asked
"No. I doubt he knew, I think he went after her to get to you." Bruce thought "He WAS trying to show you the effects of 'one bad day'."
"And it almost worked too..." Jim nodded "How's Helena?"
"She is fine." Bruce nodded "Do you know of Barbara's relationship with her?'
"Yes...She told me." Jim rubbed his eyes from the rain.
"Ivy will be able to fix her spine." Bruce nodded
"I know...But the pain...I don't want my baby girl being hurt...but if it's for her health and future...I'm happy for her." Jim answered
"I know." He nodded, smiling
"Well...Bruce...thank you...Have you punished Jason for what he did back at Halloween?" Jim extended his hand in friendship
"Hmm-hmm. " Bruce chuckled and reciprocated the handshake
"Thank you." He smiled
*Time Skip*
It was the wedding of Batwoman and her partner and the Bat-Family was there dressed in their finest.
Helena was carrying Willow, who was in a pretty pink dress. They were sat in the family row as Karen only had her father left alive
"Stay hush during this okay?" Helena asked kindly to which her daughter nodded and hugged her genetic mother
Helena smiled, kissing her forehead. That was when 'here comes the bride' started playing
Everyone stood and saw Maggie Sawyer walking down the aisle, bouquet in hand going to Kate Kane standing at the altar.
"Thanks nice." Steph smiled as the two lovers stood opposite each other
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to sanctify the union of Margaret Sawyer and Katherine Kane." The priest spoke as the ceremony progressed
"Beautiful." Cass smiled
As the time went on Maggie and Kate exchanged their rings the priest now answered the immortal words to sanctify the union "You may now kiss the bride."
Everyone cheered at the kiss
Which Willow covered her ears since she didn't like loud noises yet.
Helena cooed, rocking the baby to calm her
*Later at the reception*
People were talking lightly and enjoying the atmosphere of the reception where Maggie and Kate were having their first dance
"This is nice." Tim smiled
"Yes it is." Dick agreed, his arm wrapped around his own fiancée
"How're you doing Kori?" Jason asked as he walked up to his brothers
"I am fine Jason." Kori answered
"When's your wedding?" Tim asked
"Few months away." Dick answered
"We want to make sure people aren't overwhelmed by weddings and parties." Kori added
"True." Tim nodded
"We can do the operation this weekend Barbara." Ivy nodded
"Thank you Ivy; but maybe keep that on the down low for now?" Barbara asked
"Sure." Ivy nodded "I'm glad that Maggie and Kate used plastic flowers for the wedding."
"That's nice of them." Helena smiled
"Care to dance Red?" Harley asked Ivy
"Of course." Ivy smiled
"They're lovely aren't they Willow?" Helena coddled their daughter
The baby giggled, nodding
"Want to cuddle Mummy Barbara?" Helena teased, to which Willow giggled more and reached out to her step-mother
"Oh...I think I DO need a cuddle." Barbara reached out and received and gave Willow a cuddle.
Willow cheered, hugging her tightly
Cass was dressed in a knee length sleeveless black dress that Stephanie had picked out for her
"Care to dance My Lady?" Steph curtseyed
"No." Cass said, pulling her outside
"Oh? What do you want then?" Steph smiled
Cass turned to her, and dropped to a knee
"C-Cass! A-Are you...?" Steph blushed brightly
"Marry?" She asked
"Cass...Yes!" Steph knelt down and hugged her and gave a passionate kiss.
Cass smiled, returning the kiss as she rubbed her sides in the way she loved
"I think we should tell everyone later. Let this be Maggie's and Kate's day and night." Steph smiled as they hugged
"Agreed." Cass answered
"That's good." Steph smiled
Cass nodded, before kissing Steph again
*Time Skip*
"Okay this is gonna put you to sleep for a little while I operate." Ivy spoke
Barbara nodded, naked and laying on her stomach
"'s the sleeping pollen. We'll see you in a few hours." Ivy spoke softly as she administered the sleeping draught
"Night..." Barbara sleepily spoke and became unconscious.
"Time to begin the operation." Ivy spoke as she began to make an incision into Barbara's back to enter the plant that would replace her nervous system and fix her spine.
While Barbara was tied down, she began to scream and shake in agony
Even WITH the was painful for her. 'I'm sorry Barbara. But you have to endure it.' Ivy thought.
"You can do it." Helena whispered
Time passed as Ivy continued the operation, Barbara's screams seemed to subside but she was still panting in pain.
Soon the screams ended, panting
" seal the opening..." Ivy spoke beginning to fix Barbara's back
"And done." She finished with a nod, Barbara panting
"Finally..." Helena and Harley commented. Willow wasn't there as she was with her grandmother.
Barbara muttered as her eyes slowly opened 'Man my legs feel fuzzy... Wait... My... My... L... I can feel my legs?!' She mentally gasped
"Hey...welcome to the land of the awake Babs." Harley smiled
"To the world of the awake... That's not the saying Harley." Helena groaned "Its 'Glad you're in the waking world again Babs' or land of the living not world of the awake... That's barley English!"
"Hush." Harley muttered, blushing
"Do you need anything?" Helena asked
"Sleep...probably..." Barbara sighed with a light smile
Helena smiled, rubbing her back
"Alright...we'll let you sleep." Harley smiled and gave her a kiss
"Night..." Barbara fell to her exhausted sleep.
"I'm glad it worked." Ivy smiled
"Us too...It's gonna be a hell of a ride isn't it?" Helena asked with a smile
"Yes it is." Ivy nodded
*Time Skip*
Talia smiled as she entered the main room carrying a baby in a blanket
" this our new baby sibling?" Helena cooed
"Yes it is." Talia smiled "Where is your father?"
"Master Bruce was out late and he's sleeping it off." Alfred answered
"Very well." Talia sighed "Would you like to hold your sibling Damian?" She asked
"Would...that be okay?" Damian worried
"Of course...You're a big brother." Talia smiled
Damian nodded and took the baby wordlessly in wonder
The baby looked up at Damian in wonder and looked at him with the same blue eyes as their father.
But it had the same skin tone as Damian with his mother's brown-ish hair
" it a boy or a girl?" Damian asked kindly
"A girl." She smiled
"Our little sister..." Helena smiled
"What's her name?" Damian asked
"I have yet to name her." Talia nodded
"Shall we wait for father to wake so we can try and name her?" Damian offered
"That was what I was thinking." She nodded "Or YOU could name her."
"I...I name her...?" Damian gulped then felt a small hand on his nose, his little sister gave a toothless smile
"If you wish." She smiled
"But...what if no-one likes what I chose?" Damian gulped
"We don't care bro. I'm sure you'll choose a good name." Dick smiled, patting his shoulder
"...Samantha." Damian answered
"That's nice." Tim smiled
The now named Samantha smiled and patted her older brother's nose again.
"You like the name?" Damian smiled
Samantha giggled and tried to hug her brother with her tiny arms.
Damian smiled, hugging her
"Welcome to the family Samantha." Helena smiled holding, little Willow.
Willow giggled, waving
Terry murmered in his sleep, being held in his mothers' arms
"I grand-baby..." Selina smiled picked up Willow and nuzzled her
Willow laughed, hugging her
That was when Bruce came down
"Morning Beloved." Talia raised her eyebrow at him
"Sorry for being late." Bruce apologised
But everyone was shocked when he suddenly dropped the Batman cowl onto the table
"B-Bruce...What're you doing?" Selina asked
"I have two children to look after as well as a company... Dick, I am passing the mantle to you." Bruce said seriously "Alfred and Lucius are preparing the suit. If you turn it down I shall offer it to Tim and Jason, and they will adjust the suit accordingly."
"W-What...You're retiring?" Dick gasped
"Yes...I don't want my children being without a father." Bruce answered
"It is time. I cannot do this forever. I will be here for emergencies. I'm not leaving. I am just no longer Batman. I am Bruce Wayne, father and Trillionaire. Will you do it Dick? Will you take up the mantle?"
The eyes of the family gazed upon him; all awaiting his answer. "Bruce..." Dick sighed "I'll do it. I'll be the next Batman."
"When Barbara walk again she can be BatGirl. Me new Nightwing." Cass smiled, clearly struggling with the heartfelt comment
"Better than calling yourself Black Bat." Jason teased, Cass glaring
"Worked hard on that name. Took three hours." She glared
"Oops... Sorry." Jason flinched
"In any case...Dick, you're the new Batman." Bruce sighed with a smile "I know you'll do the legend proud."
"Thank you." Dick nodded
"I guess I'm still Red Hood." Jason added
"Yep." Tim patted his back
Jason rolled his eyes, pushing his brother back playfully
*Time Skip*
It was some months later, Barbara was "walking" again; she still had some ways to go, but she was improving.
"There you go." Helena smiled, helping Barbara sit at the table
"Thanks Helena...It's good that I've got my legs back...hurts still...know I know how the Little Mermaid felt." Barbara chuckled
"You'll be fine any day now." Helena smiled
"I hope so." Barbara kissed her shared lover "How's Willow?"
"She's perfectly fine." Helena smiled "She's sleeping happily."
"Should we...give her a little sister?" Barbara teased
"What do you mean?" Helena asked
"Maybe a little fooling around then doing what you did to make Willow?" Barbara asked
"You sure?" Helena asked
"Okay." Helena nodded
"Move it to the garden? I want to see what secrets Ivy has..." Barbara teased
"Sure." Helena nodded "Want to try and walk?"
"No bridal carries?" Barbara pouted
"Not when we have to strengthen" Helena stroked up Barbara's legs slowly and erotically.
"Dirty girl." Barbara shuddered. Once getting her legs back they had become a bit sensitive to her lovers touch
"YOU'RE the one who wanted to go into the garden...YOU'RE just as dirty..." Helena kissed her tenderly.
"Meaning." Barbara pouted
"MEANING...I LIKE this new side of you." Helena kissed her.
Barbara smiled, kissing back happily
"You want me to call Harley and Ivy..?" Helena asked lustfully
"Your choice. I trust you." Barbara smiled
"Okay...Close your eyes..." Helena asked
Barbara nodded and did so
Helena lifted up Barbara and gently walked to their destination, and that destination was the garden, where a certain clown and plant woman was resting.
Barbara relaxed in her arms, humming
As Helena walked outside to Ivy and Harley she winked to indicate that Barbara want's some "mummy loving".
The two covered their mouths to conceal their laughter
Helena asked using only her mouth "Want to do it?"
Ivy and Harley nodded while wiping their laughing tears away
"Haven't done it with Batgirl-red since I trapped her in my vines a month or two before the Joker got her." Ivy whispered to Helena with a smirk
"Kinky." Harley giggled as they gathered around Barbara and began to undo her cloths, stripping her slowly
" that Ivy and Harley...?" Barbara asked
"Would you shudder with happiness if I said "yes"?" Helena asked
"Maybe..." Barbara shuddered as she felt Helena's fingers distract her.
Helena was currently rubbing her thighs while Harley rubbed her tummy and Ivy massaged her shoulders
"Ah...This...this is...heavenly..." Barbara moaned
"Good...this is what we're trying to do." Harley smiled as she bandaged Barbara's eyes with a cloth
"W... What are you doing?" Barbara gulped
"Well...we're gonna give you..."The Siren's Touch"...Something we came up with." Helena smiled
"Now ladies, let's get to work!"
"Yes Mistress." Ivy and Harley teased as they began to give a deep tissue massage into Barbara's body and the blindfold made the touch heighten her senses
"Oh hush." Helena huffed, kissing the back of Barbara's legs as she continued to massage them
"Hmm...! Y-You d-do this often...?" Barbara moaned
"Only every now and then..." Harley answered
"And it was normally two on one not three on one." Ivy added
"S-So I'm the first?" Barbara moaned
"For a three on one? Yes." Helena nodded before she licked the back of Barbara's knee joint making her jump a bit in shock and shudder at the same time
"Ah...! T-That was your tongue...W-wasn't it?" Barbara moaned
"Maybe." She purred, kissing Barbara's thighs
Barbara moaned as Helena kissed her legs...but she moaned more when Harley began to rub her breasts while Ivy kneaded her back to get rid of knots...and it was SEXY...
'This... Is Heaven!' She thought in amazement
"You know...I'm kinda getting excited too Babs." Harley teased as she began to kiss Barbara's breasts.
Barbara gasped, her back arching
"Careful...we don't want your back breaking again..." Ivy stroked her gently
"You... Said I'm immune to that now!" Barbara moaned
"True...But sexy time MAY be exempt from it." Ivy kissed her. "We don't want to risk it."
"O-Okay...I-I'll try and...B-Be calm..." Barbara moaned
"Kinda hard...this sexy body of yours in enticing..." Harley answered
"VERY enticing." Helena agreed
"I-I want it...T-Too much!" Barbara moaned as she felt Helena's fingers going to her pussy
"Let's do this then." Helena smiled, sliding her fingers into Barbara's pussy
"Ah! I-It's different th-then before! S-So good!" Barbara moaned
" EVERY time." Harley smiled
Before she bit Barbara's nipple
"Hmm!" Barbara moaned and bit her bottom lip
"My my, you LOVE this." Ivy grinned, licking her tongue over lips slowly
"K-Kiss me..." Barbara moaned
Ivy nodded and kissed her
"Want some as well Helena?" Harley asked with a puckish grin.
"Sure." She smirked, thrusting her fingers in and out of Barbara and lightly rubbing her clit
As the four moaned happily they felt Ivy's vines crawl up their legs.
Helena looked down as she continued to finger Barbara
"Ivy...are you doing this...?" Helena asked
"Maybe...Ah...Oh babies..." Ivy moaned as she felt one vine stroke against her clit and pussy.
Thanks vines where thin, like noodles, with a single pointed end like the tip of a pencil. They went up into the pussy, twisting around inside them and itself and going back out leaving the 'middle' part inside them. The middle part being twice as thick and covered in bumps and ridges from the vine wrapping around itself. Meanwhile the tip was playing with their clits
"Oh...Babies...Y-You're touching...M-Mummy's...Ah!" Ivy moaned
"T-They're hitting M-My G-Spot!" Harley moaned
"So good!" Helena moaned before she started licking Barbara's pussy
Helena hummed against Barbara's pussy, biting her clit before sliding a finger into her ass
"AH! N-Not there! I-I Don't use that...H-Hole!" Barbara moaned as she had never felt this level of ecstasy before.
"You don't? Why?" Helena smiled "It's nice and tight."
"C-Cause...I...I...AH!" Barbara moaned as she moaned into Ivy's mouth as she passionately kissed her.
"Y-Yes..." Barbara moaned
" wickle Owacle a siwlky baby...?" Harley teased in a baby-voice
And Barbara slapped her breasts lightly
"Ah...Oh...Do that again..." Harley answered
"Okay..." Barbara slapped Harley's breasts again.
"... To kinky for me." Helena said
"Don't you want to try...Little Siren?" Ivy teased
"No. I don't like any of us in pain." Helena frowned
"You're a good lover..." Ivy kissed her.
Helena smiled, returning it
*Small Time Skip*
It was some time later from their loving escapade and the Sirens were panting from ecstasy.
"So good." Barbara muttered "... And I can't feel my legs again. In the good way though."
"Welcome to our love life..." Ivy nuzzled herself into Barbara's breast, while Helena nuzzled into the other one.
"It's nice." Barbara smiled
"Yeah...Think we'll get to surprise Starfire with this at their wedding?" Harley asked
"It'll be THEIR day Harley...we don't want to steal their thunder." Helena mumbled sleepily
"What are you talking about?" Barbara asked
"They get married and we reveal you can walk again...Kind of puts a damper on the festivities." Helena explained things from her point of view.
"No." She said seriously
"No?" Helena asked in confusion
"No. It's their day." Barbara replied
"That's what I was saying." Helena answered
Barbara nodded, brushing her hair out if her face
"Anyone hungry...?" Harley asked
They all giggled at that, smiling
*in the cave*
Dick was nervous, looking at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in the Batman suit but it was different. It still had the grey base but the cowl, gloves, boots and cape where a very VERY dark blue and the Bat had a dark blue outline. He was smaller and slimmer than Bruce so the armour was slimmer and lighter but just as well armoured. He had his shock sticks in his gauntlets while a normal dull gold utility belt was connected around his waist. And also his cape was shorter, only reaching three quarters of the way down his legs but it was thicker "I don't think I pull this off." He addmitted
"You fine." Cassandra replied. She was dressed in her BatGirl costume but she didn't have the mask. Her Utility Belt was now blue and the bat on her chest was a blue bird that covered her chest and went down her arms. Along with her cape she also had a white scarf that could be pulled up to cover her mouth and white bandages wrapped around her arms and hands. Finally she had black lipstick on and a small black domino mask
"I agree with your Sister, Richard." A soft, strongly accented yet innocent voice smiled
"Of course you do Kori." Dick smiled, turning to his fiancée
"Only because it is true." Kori kissed him
"You know...It's gonna be a hell of a ride for us." Dick commented
"Meaning our future as heroes and marriage?" Kori asked
"The latter being the most important." Dick smiled and kissed her.
Cass rolled her eyes but her mask hid her smile
"What's going on here...? Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" Jason's voice spoke
"It's days to go yet!" Dick called, happily taking in his lovers' appearance
Kori was a fairly tall woman with bright orange skin, long red hair wearing purple and silver armour that looked almost like a bikini, purple heeled boots that neared her hips and fingerless purple arm sleeves that neared her shoulders. She had completely green eyes and purple lipstick
"Looking good Kori." Jason spoke kindly.
"Thank you." She nodded simply
"You're not flirting with my fiancée are you bro?" Dick raised his eyebrow
"Course not." Jason felt insulted...but at the same time he DID comment on Starfire's rocking tits earlier in his life.
Several times...
All the time.
'Oh boy I WAS flirting with her...' Jason's colour drained from his face
He was so happy he was wearing his helmet
"You okay?" Cass asked
"I'm fine." Jason answered so not to drop him in it.
Cass was able to read him but shrugged, not caring
"Alfred is making dinner." Starfire spoke
"And we were about to go out." Dick sighed overdramatically
"Stop it..." Starfire hit him lightly
"Fine." He sighed
"Come on, Alfred will be calling us soon." Jason spoke
Cassandra nodded and walked to the kitchen, taking off her cape and scarf
*With Bruce and his wives*
Bruce smiled as he awoke to find himself in bed with his lovers
"Hmm..." Bruce hummed lightly as he felt Helena's and Talia's bodies pressing against him.
He smiled, running his hands through their hair
"Hmm...Bruce..." they moaned happily
'I love this.' He thought happily
'A large Joker...And the Batman title lasts.' Bruce smiled
'This is how the story of Bruce Wayne, the first Batman, ends. And how the future lives in peace.'
*several years later*
"Come on Willow! Come here!" a red haired and green-skinned girl spoke to a ten year old Willow.
"I'm coming Sis." Willow chuckled, following
"Those two are thick as thieves..." Harley teased
"They ARE sisters." Helena smiled
"Any news on Jason and his girl?" Ivy asked with a teasing smile
"Don't think so." Barbara frowned
"I guess the whole "Anti-Hero Team" thing makes it difficult for him to have a girlfriend." Harley sighed "Plus he's grumpy." She added
"Y-ep. That's always a mood killer." Ivy agreed.
Helena laughed, watching their daughters running around
"What about Dick and Kori?" Harley asked
"They're expecting baby number 1." Helena answered "I think they might do the cake thing."
"... Cake?" Barbara asked
"Yeah, they go to the doctor get the results, then go to a baker with the paper and have a cake made with either a blue or pink centre: blue for boys pink for girls." Helena answered
"Ah." Barbara nodded
"Still, should WE have any more we KNOW what we'll have..." Ivy smiled
"It'd be an excuse for free cake though." Harley added
"Because YOU are obsessed with sweets." Helena frowned "Ms 'Let's feed the babies frosting'." She teased lightly
"Hey, I had frosting as a baby...never did ME any harm." Harley answered which got some VERY condescending looks from her lovers.
"What?" She asked
"You're a crazy clown girl with THREE lovers..." Helena answered
"KINDA a big deal." Ivy added
"And you can be a bit overly violent." Barbara added
"You're cuckoo in bed." Helena added
"You give WAY too much kisses and cuddles." Barbara added
"And you have nearly EVERY fetish." Ivy finished
"...And what's wrong with that?" Harley pouted
"... Our kids." They said as one
"Mummies, mummies! Come play!" both Willow and her sister spoke
"Sorry babies, I need to get to work." Barbara smiled sadly, kissing their foreheads
"Bye-bye mummy..." the sisters sniffed
"Will Samantha come?" the younger sister asked
"Oh Rose, I'm sure she'll be here soon." Barbara answered
"I'll be back in the morning Willow, Rose." Barbara smiled, leaving
"Guess being a consultant to the police AND Bat-Girl takes it out of ya." Harley teased
"It does." Helena agreed "Luckily the police don't need her for another week outside of an emergency." She then knelt down in front of her kids smiling "So who wants to go down to the BatCave?"
"I do! I do!" Both Willow and Rose raised their hands at the same time.
"Then let's go."
*At the Bat-Cave*
A black-haired and blue eyed girl continued to train with a punching bag, punching, kicking and attacking it with her fists, feet and limbs.
And with a yell she performed a roundhouse kick, sending the punching bag to the floor
"Nice work!" Tim smiled "You beat your last time."
"Thank you Uncle Tim." She smiled
"Next time...try not to kick the bag off the wall WITH the hook?" Tim asked
"Sorry." She blushed
"What's going on down here?" Bruce asked as he came down to the cave
"Sam kicked the bag off its hook." Tim answered
"... That's my girl." He smirked
"Thanks dad." Samantha smiled
"So besides Sam punching the sand out of the punching bag; anything happening up top?" Tim asked
"Not really...But expect company within the next 15 seconds." Bruce chuckled
"What do you mean?" He asked... Before two blurs ran into the cave
"Oof!" Tim fell back from the connecting force of the two blurs
"Uncle Tim!" the blurs spoke, it was Willow and Rose.
"Hey you two." He flinched
"Hi Uncle Tim." They smiled
"You two do more damage to this family than our Rogue's Gallery." Samantha teased
"Samantha!" They cheered, tackling her next
"ACK! Ah...C-Choking...Not breathing!" Samantha gasped for air.
"I'll leave you four alone." Bruce chuckled
"Hey Dad." Helena smiled as she walked down the stairs
"Hello Helena, enjoying your day?" Bruce asked
"You know..." Helena admitted with a smile
"No I didn't." He sighed, walking past her
"Who's for cookies?" Harley asked
And almost like their arms where spring loaded, they where all holding their arms up
"They can't survive on sugar alone, Harley." Ivy spoke
"Who cares? Free cookies!" Harley cheered
"Yea!" The family cheered
That was when Terry arrived. He was dressed in a full body, as in tip of the head to tip of the toes, armoured black suit. He had a red bat-like bird on his chest, yellow 'R' symbols in yellow circles on his shoulders and a silver utility belt. His eyes had the famous white slits of his father and the suit was moulded around his face perfectly with bat ears in the right place
"Wow...Someone's got super-hearing." Ivy chuckled
"Huh?" Terry asked, taking his mask off to reveal the face of an 11 year old Bruce Wayne.
"We're getting cookies." Rose answered with a smile
"Yes!" The new Robin cheered, running to his family
"Cookies for ALL!" Harley cheered as they ran upstairs
*With the writers*
"Yum, Ooh...Double chocolate and fudge chip." Ghost smiled biting into one.
"Chocolate choc chip." Grey smiled, eating a plate if his own which he was sharing with Luna
"Gonna share...?" Catherine asked Ghost.
"Best. Ending. EVER!" Ghost smiled sharing his cookie with his girlfriend
"I agree." Luna nodded
"Thank you all for sticking with this story from start to end, from Arkham Asylum to City and to now." Grey waved "It means a lot to all of us. We know we did not say where everyone was and go and do a big over dramatic 'all is well'... Because we didn't need to. Yes we will cut to Cass and Steph, Dick and Kori, Jason and Damian in a minute but we would like to thank you now."
"Thank you all who've viewed these stories, thanks for keeping up with this craziness and my constant Wall-Breaks and idiocy." Ghost added
"Thank you for your constant support and showing that you enjoyed the stories. We are happy you found these two's random ideas so fun." Luna bowed
"If you want to see any more of these stories check out Ghosts' and Greys' profiles for more stories...and who knows...maybe they'll be even MORE sexy things involving us..." Catherine teased
"One can hope..." Ghost sighed happily.
"Cassandra and Stephanie have moved out of Gotham, continuing their work as Spoiler and the second Earth based Nightwing." Grey explained "They are happily married, the two working together to in a martial arts dojo. They do still visit. Currently they are thinking about adopting."
"Good for them." Luna smiled
"Dick and Kori are waiting on their second child; their first child was a boy whom they called James." Ghost added "Dick is currently a member of the FBI and Kori is envoy for Tamaran."
"Dick is no longer Batman, having passed that title to Damian. He is currently travelling the world to further master his skills, leaving the rest of his family to guard Gotham." Luna listed off "And he is travelling through with some ninja girl who he and the League had wronged back when Ra's was around."
"Then what the hell is Jason doing?" Catherine asked
"Hmm...According to this he's currently defending Gotham as Red Hood. He's also gotten himself a girlfriend." Ghost examined
"Really? Who?" Grey asked
"You're NOT gonna believe this but...It's Cassandra Sandsmark." Ghost answered
"Who'd YOU recommend?" Ghost asked as he changed the person whom Jason was dating. "Rose Wilson?"
"... Better." They nodded
"Oh...says here they're currently on a mission to stop the some weapons trading in Gotham to Metropolis." Ghost looked at the script.
"Is that everyone?" Catherine asked
"...We haven't done Alfred. HE deserves a happy ending." Ghost added
Grey shrugged at that
"Let's give him...A retirement and a replacement, so he can spend time with his family...he DOES have a daughter doesn't he?" Ghost suggested
"Yep." Grey nodded
"Then what about Bruce, Selina and Talia?" Luna asked
"Well...we COULD zoom in on them...BUT we'd be going into one of their "intimate sessions"." Ghost answered
Grey chuckled, facepalming "Well I think we're done."
"Alright...We best get out of here before Umbridge or some other psycho tries to catch up with us." Ghost added
"Good night everybody!" Everyone called as one
The End
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