Joining the infinite loops is Yo-kai Watch! Here's a compilations of the snips for it written by both me, and other people down at the Spacebattles forums. If you want a good explanation of the infinite loops go there-I'll try to give the basics, but I'm not good at this.

Time loops are happening because something is wrong in the multiverse.

Loopers are characters whom are aware of these loops and retain memories between them-they can also retain abilities they gained in different loops.

There are baseline loops which go as the series would until altered by a looper-variants are when there are differences, including fused loops where characters or settings from other universes could appear.

Awake is a term to refer to when the loopers have access to memories of other loops-there is a looper called an Anchor in each loop whom is always awake, other loopers may or may not be awake between loops. There must always be an anchor during a loop-it may not always be the native anchor.

That's about as good as I can explain things. Welcome to the Yo-kai Watch loops.

All copyrighted material is owned by whoever owns it.


"Elusive must mean puny," Nate blinked in confusion at Bear's smug tone as he held a large stag beetle, and then looked at the small stag beetle in his hands…

"What the..?" Nate muttered as he looked around at the trees that surrounded the area.

"It's a saw-tooth stag beetle, according to bugwiki Bear caught an insanely large one," Eddie explained while looking at his smartphone. Bear looked over with a look of surprise. Nate just looked weirded out.

"Wait…didn't we already do this?" he questioned quietly, absentmindedly letting his stag beetle fly out of his hand.

"In your face!" Bear gloated at Nate, but frowned with a bit of concerned when he noticed how spaced out his friend looked. "Um…Nate, you there?"

"Hey guys!" Nate looked over as Katie ran over, just like he remembered…

"Hey what are you doing here?" Bear questioned, just like he had the first time.

"Oh, you think bugs are just for boys," Katie good naturedly mocked while Nate mouthed the same words as he predicted them. This was getting way too strange, Nate was now realizing he had somehow jumped back in time. That could only mean one thing…

"This must be a yo-kai's fault," Nate said firmly, turning away from his friends.

"Huh? Nate?" Katie questioned Nate's sudden change in demeanor as he turned away from his friends and held up his left arm, and then stared at his wrist.

"What the-it's not on my wrist!?" Nate's sudden exclamation worried his friends.

"Nate, are you feeling ok?" Eddie questioned.

"Yeah, you seem kind of out of it," Katie added, Nate shook his head for a moment and regained his bearings.

"S-sorry, I'm fine…" Nate looked at their unconvinced faces for a minute before he decided on what action he should take next. "Just you wait Bear, I'll catch something more impressive than that stag beetle!" the sudden exclamation was a surprise to his friends, as was Nate running off into the forest and leaving them in confusion.


Nate followed the trail he had the first time until he spotted the glowing beetle, as he had the first time and followed it to that big tree with…

"There it is!" Nate exclaimed at the sight of the krank-a-kai, he quickly ran over to it and inserted a coin before the mysterious voice of Whisper could even start speaking to him. Once he had the capsule in his hands he quickly pulled it open and watched as the trails of light and runes floated through the air and circled in front of him as a familiar ghostly shape took form and gave a sinister laugh.

"What's up my corporeal friend, I am-"

"Whisper!" Nate's sudden interruption caught the yo-kai off guard.

"What…how do you know my name?" Whisper questioned and the two stared at each other for a moment before Whisper regained his composure. "Um, anyway I am a-"

"Yo-kai, I know." Whisper nearly fell over at Nate's declaration. "Look Whisper, I don't know what's going on but believe it or not I've done all of this before! I bet some time traveling yo-kai is at work or something…I hope it's not those evil yo-kai again," Nate muttered that last part before he turned back to Whisper and held out his left arm. "So just give me the Yo-kai Watch so that I can figure out how to fix things."

"…Um, look I'm not really sure how you know all of this stuff, like my name, the Yo-kai Watch, or what yo-kai are. But I assure you there is no time traveling-"

"Yeah, yeah, you've never heard of a time traveling yo-kai!"

After Nate had gotten Whisper to hand over the Yo-kai Watch and he was unable to find any sign of a yo-kai inspiriting him he had tried to explain his position to the white yo-kai. Whisper listened to his story carefully, though he was a tad skeptical.

"So, let me get this straight. You've lived all of this before?" Whisper questioned and Nate nodded.

"Yes, this all happened before. I came here, put a coin into that machine, you come out and then you follow me home and give me the Yo-kai Watch and we…oh, we need to get home and stop Dismarelda!" Whisper still seemed skeptical, but the urgency that Nate spoke with, and a quick look at his yo-kai pad to confirm exactly what Dismarelda could do, convinced him that this warranted immediate attention.

However, when they returned to Nate's home…

"Ah, welcome home Nate," Nate's mother greeted with a blissful smile on her face. Nate stared in confusion as his father walked over and hugged his mother.

"Welcome back son!" he said happily, Nate watched in confusion as his parents hugged and began saying how much they loved each other. This was…not what he was expecting.

"…Well, I don't think you need the Yo-kai Watch to realize there's no Dismarelda here," Whisper said with a bit of smugness as he looked Nate's way.

"B-but, she was here," Nate activated the Yo-kai Watch and shined it into the room, and was soon greeted by the sight of a big, yellow, cloud-like yo-kai. "Happierre!?"

"Oh, you can see moi?" Happierre questioned with his French accent.

As it would turn out, despite the swap of Dismarelda for Happierre. Things were basically the same as Nate remembered; Dismarelda and Happierre had had a fight, but instead of Dismarelda running off Happirre had, and he was inspiriting Nate's parents since they apparently reminded him of himself and his wife.

Thus it was pretty easy to solve it the same way they had the first time, by getting Dismarelda and helping the couple reconcile. Overall pretty much no different than how it had gone down the first time, still…that one difference put Nate on alert for what else could be different this time around, and he still had no idea what had caused this.

However, nothing different of real significance happened after that, Nate used his foreknowledge to his advantage on occasion, but not much was different. Eventually Nate grew unconcerned with how he had jumped back in time and decided to just live his life normally…


"That things tiny. Check out this guy!" Kuma said smugly as he held out his large stag beetle to Nate-er-Keita.

"…Wait, what the!?" Keita exclaimed looking around at the familiar scene in confusion. Also confused over his and his friends sudden change in names according to his memories…


Nate inserted the coin into the Crank-a-Kai and turned the nob.

"And here we go again," He muttered as he picked up the capsule that fell out, he pulled it open with a grunt before a popping sound filled the air, as did smoke. Light flashed and runes flew as the form of a yo-kai became visible to Nate.

"Aw, thanks for freeing me from that cramped thing!" Nate stared at the human-faced dog as he cracked his neck.



Nate walked home with his new companion, an uncomfortable silence filling the air.

"So…you're going to be my butler now?" Nate questioned blankly, still trying to process the fact that Manjimutt had somehow replaced Whisper in this…time loop thing that he had stopped questioning after the last one.

"That's correct. You freed me, I am obligated to return the favor to you," Manjimutt replied with a smile, Nate gave an uncomfortable smile back before he just decided to keep walking.

"I'm home!" Nate called as he entered his house-his parents were fighting, as expected. But what was not expected was for them to stop and scream at the sight of what had followed him home.

And that's how Nate learned that everyone could still see Manjimutt.


Keita inserted the coin and carefully turned the nob of the Crank-a-Kai. When the capsule popped out he inspected it warily.

"Ok, let's hope this won't be an unpleasant surprise," He said before he yanked the capsule open and watched as a shape formed.

"Hey, you woke me up," The red, two tailed cat yo-kai greeted tiredly as he lay on the ground. "Actually, this is better." He muttered before falling asleep. Keita stared at Jibanyan blankly.

"…Why is this less surprising then it should be?"


Nate yanked the capsule open quickly and waited for the yo-kai to form.

"Oh my swirls! It was really cramped in there!" Komasan exclaimed as he fell to the ground. Nate stared at the small lion-dog for a moment as he pulled himself up and looked at him and extended his arm. "Thanks for rescuing me sir."

"Um…you're welcome, Komasan…" Nate muttered as he shook his paw, Komasan looked surprised.

"Oh my swirls!? How did you know my name? Are you some kind of psychic!?" Komasan questioned.

"Um…something like that," Nate muttered with an unsure look on his face as Komasan looked at him in amazement.


Keita cautiously looked over the capsule the Crank-a-Kai had produced.

"Well, here goes," He took a deep breath before he yanked the capsule open, what formed surprised Nate greatly.

"After 60 years, freedom at last!" Keita looked shocked at the sight of Fuyunyan, the cat yo-kai looked at him strangely. "…Keizo?"

"Um…no, I'm Keita, Keizo was my grandfather," Keita explained briefly. Fuyunyan took a second to process this before nodding.

"Very well, then this is rightfully yours," Fuyunyan said before handing Keita a Yo-kai Watch. "My name is Fuyunyan, I worked side by side with your grandfather in the past, and I hope to assist you in the future of befriending yo-kai and keeping piece between yo-kai and humans," Fuyunyan bowed and Keita looked amazed.

"…This will be an interesting go around," he couldn't help but mutter, even if it confused Fuyunyan.


Nate let out a sigh as he yanked the capsule open.

"GARGA!" Nate screamed at the sight of Gargaros and ran from the massive red oni as fast as his legs could carry him.


"Hi! I'm-"

"Whisper!" Keita suddenly exclaimed and grabbed the unsuspecting ghost in a hug. Whisper just stared blankly at the relieved look on Keita's face as he hugged him.

"Um…ok, if you would let me go I have some things to tell you whis…"


The first thing that Nate became aware of this time around was that he was on a dust ship-the second thing he became aware of was that he knew what a dust ship was-and the third thing was that he appeared to have become a teenager.

"Hope you're ready for Beacon, little brother," A blond haired woman commented towards Nate, he looked at her in confusion before his memories from this go around came flooding to him-This was his older sister Yang-and he was Nathen Rose, a fifteen year old hunter-in-training, and they were headed to Beacon academy; one of the best training schools for hunters in all of Vale. With all of these strange new memories Nate was a bit shocked by how different this go around was, but one thing definitely stood out.

"I'm a…prodigy?" He muttered as he looked at his hands, him, not average-but a prodigy-he remembered it clearly, being trained by Uncle Qrow in how to be a hunter, his weapon: Crescent Rose that he made himself, his speed semblance.

"Ahem," Yang interrupted his thoughts and he looked at her, and noticed her knowing smirk. "It seems this is all new to you, but nobody else seems to be awake this time so I guess I'm going to have to explain things to you, substitute anchor," Yang spoke cheerfully.

"…Substitute anchor?" Nate questioned in confusion, Yang chuckled.

"Yeah, you're really new to this it seems, hold on I'll explain everything to you. Oh, and welcome to the loops." Let it be said that the next few minutes would give Nate one of the biggest headaches he had ever experienced.


"Ok, so let me get this straight, there's a tree?" Nate questioned as he and his in-loop sister stepped out of the dust ship and onto Beacon soil.

"That would be correct," She nodded.

"But it's really like a computer or something, and it's…broken? And the universes keep looping over and over and that's why I'm time traveling?" Nate looked at Yang for confirmation.

"That's right, you're an anchor and for this loop you're replacing my little sister: Ruby, our usual anchor. This being your first fused loop I understand your confusion, trust me, it gets easier," Yang commented good naturedly.

"Anchor? So…how long exactly will these loops last?" Nate asked nervously, Yang seemed to think for a moment.

"Um…about…forever..?" She scratched the back of her neck for a moment. "Eh, don't worry, I'll show you how to access your subspace pocket later and explain a bit more. Your in-loop memories should help you adapt for the most part-oh and think fast!" After saying that Yang sped off, leaving behind a confused Nate to bump right into a white haired girl with a suitcase.


'Landing strategy! Landing strategy!' Nate frantically searched his in-loop memories as he soared through the air-seriously, who catapults kids into the forest!? Unfortunately he was under a bit of stress at the moment-that being, flying through the air! So he crashed-fortunately his aura protected him from any real damage…still.



"It's official, Gargaros is no longer scary," Nate muttered as he assisted Weiss, Blake, and Yang with fighting the nevermore. All while Jaune and those other people ha hadn't interacted with yet fought the deathstalker.


"Nathen Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, you shall hereby be known as team NWBY…" Ozpin announced proudly.

"…Newby?" Nate asked plainly.

"…We'll work on the name."


"Ok, so do you understand everything now?" Yang asked Nate after they had gotten a chance to speak alone in the room-all Yang really had to do was tell their teammates that she needed to speak to her brother alone-though she made sure they weren't listening in.

"I think so. So normally you have a sister named Ruby and she's the anchor. I'm taking her place this loop and I'm the anchor for my own world's loops," Nate thought about this. "Wow…I'm actually special? Not just some average kid?"

"Average? Kid let me tell you something; nothing in the loops is average," she said firmly, Nate nodded-his life had gotten weird when he had obtained the Yo-kai Watch, but compared to this, that just seemed like a normal day in the park-especially considering how many times he had lived that day at this point-what was it, ten? Fifteen?

"Ok, so that subspace pocket thing? What's that?"

"Oh that, I'll explain that to you, and you'll definitely be happy to have it come future loops-trust me kid, things aren't all sunshine and rainbows out there," Yang said seriously.

"I think I got that much when I saw the grimm…" Nate sweatdropped.

"Stick with me for this loop kid, and you'll be kicking butt in no time, trust me," Yang said confidently.

One loop later.

"GARGA!" Gargaros roared at Keita, Whisper and Jibanyan; the two small yo-kai screamed but Keita approached the red oni with no fear in his eyes.

"Keita-kun! What are you doing!?" Whisper questioned in a panic, worried his master had lost his mind. Keita looked up at Gargaros as the large oni attempted to take a swing at him…and he vanished, leaving a few fluttering rose petals behind. The three yo-kai stared in confusion.

"Gargaros," Keita's voice held a tone of confidence as he stood behind the oni-Gargaros looked and saw Keita holding some kind of mechanical scythe in a threatening manner. "…You're definitely not scary anymore."


"You can judge my value by competing against me," Robonyan said as he faced his past self; Jibanyan, while Nate and Whisper watched-Though Nate looked a bit disinterested: Mainly because he had seen this event many times.

"Compete? Fine let's battle!" Jibanyan said, holding his front paws up in ready pose.

"Wait, this is different," Nate whispered to himself, noticing that things were starting to change from what he usually saw at this event, were they just going to battle this time?

"Negative," Robonyan shook his head.

"No?" Jibanyan questioned.

"No, physical combat is an obsolete form of conflict resolution. In the future the only form of battle-" Robonyan's chest opened up to reveal a radio speaker. "Is dance battle!"

"What?" Both Jibanyan and Nate blankly questioned.


Keita turned the nob on the Crank-a-Kai and picked up the capsule once more.

"Let's hope it's just Whisper this time," He commented before he pulled open the capsule to reveal…nothing? "Huh, Whisper?" he looked over the capsule carefully, but there was nothing inside of it. "Not even a different yo-kai? Or anything for that matter?"

Keita thought about what he should do, perhaps he could put another coin in the Crank-a-Kai.

"…Nah, I'll just go with this…there's no voice asking for coins so maybe he's really not in there this time," Keita grumbled something to himself about how much he talks to himself nowadays before deciding to head home, he could deal with Donyoriinu-even if he didn't have the Yo-kai Watch he could still kind of see them if he concentrated on where they were.

When Keita got home however he was surprised to find his parents acting perfectly normal, there did not seem to be any yo-kai at work at all.

"Huh…maybe there won't be any yo-kai this loop..?" For some reason, that thought almost saddened Keita…


The thought that there would be no yo-kai of course turned out to be almost laughable, of course there would be yo-kai. And it wasn't hard for him to spot Bakurobaa when she showed up on school right on schedule, however things played out a bit differently this time…

"No, wait, not me!" Keita cried out, to the confusion of most of the other students as Bakurobaa jumped at him and latched onto his chin.

"Baa baa," The yo-kai chanted as she glowed.

"I'm time traveling and can see spirits called yo-kai all over the place and there's one on me right now that's making me say this!" Keita covered his mouth and ran out of the room before anyone could react to his outrages claims. Fumi stared after Keita for a few seconds before she turned to someone invisible to most by her side.

"Whisper, Keita-kun was acting very weird there don't you think…and he outright stated that a yo-kai was possessing him," she contemplated this, Whisper scoffed at this though.

"Fumi-chan, that's just an attention grabber move, trust me there's no yo-kai and your friend wouldn't be able to see them or be time traveling," the ghost said firmly, Fumi however looked unconvinced and quickly followed after Keita.


"Get off of me!" Keita shouted as he tried to pull Bakurobaa off his chin while running out of the school-he briefly considered using his speed semblance to just make her come off, but decided that would honestly cause too much of a scene. "Why do you always end up causing me embarrassment!?"

"Keita-kun!" Keita looked over and noticed Fumi coming following after him, and noticed that she had an odd necklace around her neck with what looked like…a yo-kai watch!? She held up the watch and shined its light at him. "There is a yo-kai!"

"Fumi-chan, has a yo-kai watch!?" Keita exclaimed in surprise.

"I don't know how you know about yo-kai Keita, but I'll help you with this first," Fumi said before she pulled a familiar medal from her pocket. "Come on out my friend! Summoning Jibanyan!" Keita wasn't surprised at all when a bruised Jibanyan came fourth, straight from fighting a truck he assumed.

"Fumi-chan, I was busy," Jibanyan complained to the young girl, but she quickly pointed at Keita.

"Keita's being possessed by a yo-kai Jibanyan, please get rid of it!"

After they had dealt with Bakurobaa and she had given Fumi her medal, they sat down to talk, and Keita took a moment to concentrate on the space around Fumi to locate Whisper.

"So…you're time traveling?" Fumi asked curiously, Keita looked a bit nervous and glanced between Fumi and the ground.

"I told you Fumi-chan, that's impossible, just because he happened to have a yo-kai on him like he said doesn't mean-"

"Shut up Whisper," Keita said firmly, glaring in the ghost's direction-Whisper was shocked indeed.

"You can see me!? Whis!?"

"It was already clear he could see yo-kai, Whisper," Fumi pointed out.

"Kind of, if I know where to look…I usually have the Yo-kai Watch though," Keita said with a contemplative look on his face. "I've gone through these loops for a while, but this is the first time someone other than me received the Yo-kai Watch.

"How long have you been time traveling?" Fumi questioned, and Keita thought hard about it.

"I don't know, gone through somewhere around twenty…maybe thirty loops…" Keita did some mental counting. "They usually run to about…two Christmases from now…so I guess I'm a good deal older then I appear…"

"Keita-kun…" Fumi looked at Keita's expression that seemed to hold years of experience as the weight of what he was going through finally seemed to be processing in his head.

"Why…am I even telling you this? It's not like you'll believe me…or even remember," he muttered to himself.

"I believe you Keita-kun!" Fumi suddenly interrupted his thoughts. "Yes, it sounds farfetched. But I have a watch that lets me see yo-kai, and a yo-kai butler…" Fumi gave Keita a gentle smile and he blushed slightly before looking away.

"I told you though…you won't remember any of this next loop…" he sighed.

"So tell me again," she suggested kindly.

"What..?" Keita looked at her like she was crazy for a second and she giggled.

"You're my friend Keita-kun. Even if you're time traveling and are really more than a hundred years old or whatever, you can always talk to me," Keita and Fumi looked at each other for a moment before he nodded.

"Ok…I'll try."

Keita would continue to help Fumi and Whisper throughout the rest of the loop, his knowledge of the future-while not infallible, was certainly helpful-and Keita and Fumi grew very close throughout all of their shared ordeals…

Next loop.

"Um…Katie…can I talk to you?" Nate asked nervously as he approached his female friend, she looked at him and smiled.

"Oh, sure, Nate. What is it?" she questioned. Nate stared at her smiling face for a few seconds before he turned.

"Um…never mind, it's nothing," He said with his head down.

"Nate..? Are you ok?" She asked in concern.

"Yes…I said I'm fine," He said as he walked away.

"Nate? You seemed like you wanted to tell her something important. What's wrong?" Whisper questioned as he floated behind his human companion.

"As I just said Whisper, it's nothing," Nate sighed sadly.

1.6 GammaTron

Sarge inhaled deeply as he look at the sight before him. He always got annoyed with this damn place with the weird respawning crazy soldiers when he Woke up around the early days of their Loop. Looking to his left to the finger tapping his shoulder, he looked at Caboose.

"I am Awake," Caboose informed, "Do you have any Anchors?"

"Caboose, that's not how we tell others if'n we're Awake or not," Sarge snorted, "Now where's that there Red Zealot soldier? Most of th' time, he's always close t' here. ah was hopin' t' shove a stick o' TNT up his ass and see if'n that can kill 'em."

"I had that happen once," Caboose noted, "It tickled until it blew up. Then I woke up in Eiken and I had fun with Lin."


Sarge was about to say something when a whimper went off. Turning, he saw a shivering Red Soldier hiding behind a boulder.

"A-Are they done?" the soldier asked.

"...Aw shit," Sarge cursed as he walked over to the soldier, "Son, are y'all in need of an Anchor t' keep y'all Awake?"

"H-Huh?" the soldier looked up to see Sarge, "Oh no. Not again!"

"Ah ain't one of them," Sarge snorted, "Name's Sarge. Rank at th' time...Sargent. This here's Caboose, th' Anchor here. Welcome to Red VS Blue. Y'all got a name, son?"

"Keita...Amano Keita. Though, I go by Nate Adams, too. Right now, my name's Keita Adams."

"Oh my god!" Caboose exclaimed as he ran up to him, "You are my favorite person aside from Church!" he pulled out a 3DS game case, "Can you sign my game, please?"

"H-Huh?" Keita questioned.

"Huh?" Sarge looked at the cover, "Yo-Kai Watch? What th' hell's a Yo-Kai?"

"They're spirits, but also not spirits. Basically, they're the creatures that cause a lot of things that happen in everyday life, like suddenly singing along to songs on the TV, getting the sudden urge to go to the bathroom, a lazy person suddenly getting super active...things like that," Ketia explained as he looked at the cover, "This...This is weird."

"Y'all haven't had a Hub Loop yet, have y'all?" Sarge asked.

"A what Loop?" Keita questioned as he wrote both his names on the case.

"Yay! Thank you!" Caboose cheered as he put it back into his Pocket.

"Is...Is everything...?" Keita looked at Sarge.

"Eeyup. That's normal fer Caboose," Sarge replied before a bugle sounded, "...Let's get outta here."

"Agreed," Keita nodded.

"Running time!"

- sometime later-

"Okay, everyone, we have another Looper fer this Loop," Sarge explained as he stood with Caboose, Grif, Tucker, and Church, "This here's Keita. From that there weird Yo-kai game."

"So you're the kid Yang introduced to the Infinite Loops," Grif noted as he held his hand out to Keita, "Dexter Grif."

"You know Yang?" Keita asked as he shook hands with him.

"Grif sees the two as younger sisters and they see him as an older brother," Church explained, "I blame the times that those two replaced Sister or Grif replaced Yang or was their older brother in his second year at Beacon."

"Which reminds me that I need to finish building the Yang Planet for Yang's birthday the next time I have a Loop with her," Grif muttered.

"The what now?" Keita's eyes widened under his helmet.

"Church! Church! Church!"

"What is it, Caboose?"

"It is him!" Caboose beamed as he pointed at Keita, "He is the boy with the watch that lets him see the awesomer Pokemon than Pokemon!"

"What?" Keita looked at Caboose.

"Long arguments in the Hub Loops," Church waved him off, "Just know that Caboose loves your games a lot more than Pokemon."

"Ash did it."

Church ignored Caboose's statement as he pulled out a few DVD boxes, some video games, and a stack of manga, "Here. You know how to access your Pocket, right?"

"Yeah," Keita replied as he took the items Church gave him, "H-Huh?! These...H-How?!"

"The Hub Loop basically acts as a 'library' for all other Loops," Church explained, "I got a few copies of all these since I watch the series and play the game with Caboose sometimes."

"We are the bestest friends in the Loops!" Caboose cheered.

"Dude, for what it's worth, I am so sorry for the shit that's gonna be happening in this Loop for you," Tucker informed.

"We could always just go and have a vacation Loop," Grif suggested.

"Can it, dirtbag. Y'all know we have an agreement that if'n we have a Looper that's new t' our Loop, we have them tag along Baseline."

"Let's just hope that it's not Segata Sanshiro who's the Meta again," Tucker shuddered.

"The Meta? Segata Sanshiro?" Keita asked, getting an uneasy feeling.

"Don't worry, pardner, it'll all be easy enough," Sarge assured before stage whispering, "He's gonna die before th' Loop ends."

Keita whimpered at that. Grif punched Sarge's shoulder at that. Sarge turned to him and Grif removed his visor to give a sharp glare at him before recovering them and turning to Keita.

"Hey now," Grif patted Keita's shoulder, "Don't worry. You won't be alone on this. How old are you normally, Keita?"


"And how many Loops have you deal with in terms of your baseline?"


Grif nodded, "Good. You can still count how many times you've done a Baseline run." he gave him another pat on the shoulder, "Don't worry. If something goes wrong, you'll have some great jerks helping keep you safe through this."

"I am Whisper! At your service!" Whisper greeted before blinking at seeing the one who freed him hitting his head on the tree, "Um...Excuse me?"

'Never again until I get better in the other Loops...' Keita thought before shuddering, 'That Meta guy...I'm not sure if he's bad, not as bad, or worse than those Oni in Terror Time!' he pulled out a small pack of oreos from his Pocket, 'Still...It was kinda nice having someone who acted like a protective big brother in those kinds of Loops. And turning into that robo-bear with his armor when that Meta was strangling me was awesome!'

"Excuse me!" Whisper called, trying to get Keita's attention, "Ugh! What is with children these days?!"

1.7 edited by MegaManGeoAce

Nate Adamno blinked as he looked at his Yo-kai Watch, before he looked over at his identical twin brother: Keita Adamno and the identical watch he possessed.

"Lucky for you boys I just happened to have two of those, I assure you that this will be quite the bonding adventure for you both," Whisper said happily as he hovered around the Adams brothers. "Sometimes I wish I had a brother to share fun times with, you children are so lucky."

"…So this is going to be one of the weirder loops," Nate said as he looked at his 'brother.'

"Yes, yes it is," Keita nodded back. Yang had mentioned the 'Mikasa glitch' before…but this was really weird. Did this even qualify as a Mikasa glitch? Would he possess memories from both of the brothers next loop?

Next loop

"Yup, that's a mind screw," Nate said while clutching his head while he stood before a confused Eddie and Bear, wondering what had caused Nate's sudden headache.

1.8 edited by MegaManGeoAce

Whisper felt strange-no not strange. Cramped… he was… he was in the Crank-a-Kai again!? How had this happened? He thought on how he could escape or inform Keita about this, when he felt the capsule he was in shift and the sound of gears turning was clear to him. And soon the capsule opened up and he was faced with the familiar form of his master and friend.

"Keita-kun! Thank you for letting me out again, but how did I get back in there?" Whisper questioned seriously, and Keita's eyes widened. "The last thing I remember we had just fixed the power outage and got your watch upgraded…but how could I have ended up back in the-" Whisper's thoughts were stopped as Keita pulled him into a hug.

"Whisper…" Keita muttered as he hugged his Yo-Kai butler. This was like when he had finally gotten to see Whisper again after receiving random Yo-Kai from the Crank-a-Kai. But much more than just that.

"Um… Keita-kun?" Whisper questioned, wondering why his human friend was hugging him, but then he noticed the tears in Keita's eyes.

"Please, I'll explain everything soon, just... let me have this moment," Keita whispered.

"Okay, Keita-kun."


"So wait, you've been time traveling in these loops…and now I'm part of it too? Whis," Whisper questioned as he floated before the smiling Keita.

"Yeah, the loops are something you need to get used to," he frowned a bit while he was in thought. "There were…some hard times…but there were also people who helped me. People I could depend on…but I'm happy you're now looping too, baseline has been rather lonely lately," Keita explained.

"Baseline?" Whisper questioned and Keita chuckled.

"Oh yeah, I need to explain all the terms to you," Keita looked to be in thought again, and Whisper crossed his arms.

"I'm really not sure about this Keita-kun. I mean sure we're back were we first met but-"

"If you have any doubts just take a look at this," Whisper just gaped at how fast Keita had sprinted over to him-and the fact he had left a trail of what appeared to be rose petals. Keita held a stack of what appeared to be some books, DVDs, and games. When Whisper got a good look at what these pieces of fiction depicted, it was rather shocking. "I-is that us? And Jibanyan? And some other yo-kai, Fumi-chan's there too?"

"Yeah, I know it's shocking Whisper, but it's the truth. These are from the hub, and though I haven't looped there myself, it seems hold a lot of information on us and other worlds too," Keita explained while Whisper looked over the stuff some more, before he realized something.

"Wait, where did you pull this stuff from, and how did you move that fast?" he questioned with a confused look on his ghostly face. "And what's with the rose petals?"

"I stored those items in my subspace pocket, and as for my speed semblance, I got that the same place I picked this up!" Keita pulled his Crescent Rose from his subspace pocket at that exclamation and Whisper nearly fell out of the air.


"I just need to accept it, I'm never getting out of here. I'll probably die…again before I get out of here," Manjimutt cried as he sat in his cell. His one chance at freedom…gone, just because there was some guy who had a dog face and the warden never bothered to learn his name…it simply wasn't fair.

"Come on out my friend! Calling Manjimutt!" The familiar cry filled Manjimutt's ears as the pull of the summoning began.

"No! Please, I don't want to be in anymore trouble!" the man faced dog cried as the rune lined circle pulled him in.


"Please, why did you call me, I-"

"Here, take this," Nate quickly handed Manjimutt a briefcase.

"Wait, what?" The dog-like yo-kai stared at the silver briefcase in confusion.

"The combination is 356, in there you'll find appropriate papers for a false identity, I.D, driver's license, ect. You'll also find a plane ticket for a trip to the USA scheduled for…" Nate looked at the Yo-kai Watch briefly. "This afternoon."

"Wait, I don't understand," Manjimutt tried to question, but Nate continued.

"You'll also find a card and papers that will allow you to access a bank account that exists under your new name, which should contain approximately 7 billion in US dollars-more than enough to live a comfortable life," Nate finished explaining and nodded in affirmation. Manjimutt just stared at the human boy blankly.

"I-I don't understand, is this some kind of trick? A cruel joke?" He looked at the suitcase for a second. Nate smiled warmly.

"No joke Manjimutt, I've…seen more than I would have normally…let's just leave it at that. But anyway, you deserve to just be happy and have access to anything you could ever need…for once," Nate muttered that last part quietly as Manjimutt started to tear up.

"I…don't know what to say…how did you even?"

"Don't question it," Nate interrupted the human faced dog. "You also don't need to thank me, just go and enjoy yourself."

"…I won't forget this," Manjimutt said before he turned to run to the airport. Nate smiled as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"Was that really worth spending five loops gathering up money and learning the skills to set up false identities and even hack government computers to accomplish?" The awake Whisper questioned Nate as he hovered behind him with a skeptical look on his face.

"Even if it's just for one loop, that guy deserves to have something go right for him, you know what they say: Every dog has his day," Nate said with a soft smile.

"I don't recall you being this selfless in the past Nate," Whisper said with a questioning look, Nate sighed.

"The loops change people Whisper…you'll see soon enough…"

Sure enough, a few months later Nate and Whisper got word of the new rising billionaire in the USA 'Joe Mutt' and how he lived a life of peace on his private island…even if it wouldn't remain next loop, Nate was happy with these results.


Nate/Keita was used to the occasional change in his, or his friend's names, or the names of a lot of the yo-kai he was familiar with. He was also used to occasionally looping into what he had come to know as a 'game loop,' a run which reflected the storyline of the Yo-kai Watch 3DS game(That he had played a bit on occasion) that Caboose had originally shown him. Still, despite the event changes he had usually found these runs to have the same base in reality as his usual baseline runs. However…sometimes a few…less realistic mechanics slipped in.


"Darn it!" Nate cried out in frustration as he stood within the hidden pathway next to Shoten Temple. Whisper-whom was thankfully awake-floated over to him with a confused look on his face.

"Nate? What's wrong?" The ghost-like yo-kai questioned and Nate sighed in response.

"I've been trying to befriend Noko for nearly an hour! When I finally caught one I fed it its favorite food, and I even popped a wisp with a heart…and then the Pandle that was fighting with it asked to be my friend!?" Nate slumped over and clutched his head.

"I did say Noko were rare, you can't expect to befriend it so easily," Whisper said with a cross of his arms.

"Baseline begs to differ," Nate muttered to himself. He saw that a Noko had spawned again and quickly move to battle it, it moved away fast and when he tried to catch up Nate ran into a Mochismo. "Darn it!" Nate cried as the battle started.


"Hey, Nate look, there's a chicken thigh in that trashcan," Whisper pointed out as they walked through an alleyway. Nate gave the trashcan a brief stare before he continued walking.

"Yeah, I'm not touching that…"


"Hey, Whisper?" Keita questioned as he sat at his bed with Whisper floating nearby and Jibanyan lounging around on the floor with a choco bar in hand.

"What Keita-kun? Whis," Whisper asked as he floated closer to his 'master,' though he was Keita's butler-Keita honestly rarely considered himself Whisper's 'master.' Still, there was a questioned that had been plaguing his mind for the past few loops, and even unawake Whisper should be able to give him some kind of answer to it.

"Well, you were trapped in the Crank-a-Kai for more than a hundred years, right?" Keita questioned carefully.

"Yes, 190 years to be exact, whis," Whisper nodded his…body(?) at Keita's question.

"Well…we now know that my grandfather was working on the first Yo-kai Watch 60 years ago, so…how did you have it with you when I released you?" when Keita asked this Jibanyan's ears perked up in curiosity.

"Yeah, how does that work?" Jibanyan asked, standing to his feet. Whisper hovered with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Yes…hmm, that is a very good question," he turned away from them for a moment and made a few 'hmm' sounds before turning back to them. "Yes a very good question, with a very good answer, whis."

"…Which is?" Keita questioned after a few moments of silence. Whisper just crossed his arms and smiled in thought.

"Yes, a very good question indeed," He nodded again with his eyes closed.

"He's nyot answering," Jibanyan groaned. Keita sighed; so much for getting the answer to that…

1.13 edited by MegaManGeoAce

"So you're Nate?" Ruby grinned as she looked at the twelve year old boy before her. It seems that Nate had looped back into Remnant, only this time apparently this loops version of his dad had died when he was a baby and his mother married Taiyang a few years after Ruby's mom's death, making him Ruby and Yang's younger step brother.

"Sometimes I go by Keita, but I'm Nate right now." Nate nodded in response as he looked at the seemingly fifteen year old girl. "And you're…Ruby?"

"Yup, nice to finally meet you. I heard a few things from Yang and Griff, sorry you won't be old enough to be a hunter within this loop." Ruby shrugged and patted his shoulder.

"I think I can live with that, though thanks. How did you get here anyway?" Nate questioned, they were sitting by a tree nearby their house, and Nate was pretty sure from his memories that Ruby should be at Beacon right now.

"Don't worry about it. So you've got a friend from your own baseline looping now?" Ruby cheerfully changed the subject and Nate blinked for a second before shrugging and nodding.

"Yeah, Whisper. He may not always be awake, but it's nice to have someone within my own loops remember stuff," Nate smiled and Ruby placed a gentle hand on his head.

"I know the first bunch of loops can be tough, especially when not many others are looping yet, but don't worry little bro, it will get better," Ruby said with a kind smile on her face. Nate stared at her for a second and nodded back.

"I… Thanks Ruby, it's very nice to get to meet you, even if I'm not really your brother," Nate said with a polite bow. Ruby chuckled and pulled him back up by his hair. "Hey-ow!"

"Nate, I'll be honest with you right now, my in-loop memories show you to be a loud, annoying, pest that would often prank me and Yang out of nowhere," Nate frowned a bit as Ruby brought up those memories-yeah, this variants unawake him was…not very mature. "But, I look at you right now and see a kid who's been thrown into something they still hardly understand-kind of like me when I first started looping. And I think you could use some support, I'm happy to have you call me big sister even if we're not often in the same loop-also I've kind of wanted a younger sibling for a while anyway," Ruby blushed a bit at that last part.

"Ruby… Thanks, big sis." Nate said as he hugged Ruby, Ruby hugged him back. They stayed like that for a minute before separating.

"So, you have my baseline semblance along with your own Crescent Rose?" Ruby asked as she looked the younger boy up and down.

"Yeah, I really have to thank you for that honestly." Nate vanished in a blur and Ruby turned to see him standing on the other side of the tree holding his Crescent Rose, a trail of rose petals fluttering behind him. "Back in my baseline I was just…average. That's what everyone called me; average. I honestly hated it…even after I got the Yo-kai Watch; still considered average by everyone."

"But…when I replaced you, I was considered a prodigy, I got accepted into Beacon two years early, and the semblance." Nate sped back to where he originally stood. "Awesome. And Crescent Rose here has come in handy on occasion too."

"Yup, sure does." Ruby grinned as she held her own Crescent Rose for a moment. "Still, you think my baseline stuff is cool, wait till you start getting more fused loops. What you've seen is only the tip of the iceberg."

"Really? The speed already seems really good, what else can you do?" Nate questioned while Ruby grinned…before taking off her head and holding it in front of Nate while it continued to grin.

"How's that for awesome?"


"Oh, maybe I should've prepared him for that better…Yang's gonna be pissed."

1.14 GarnettFoxy

"This place...Is amazing..." Nate decided nodding solomly as Grey let a prehistoric dragonfly nibble on his hair, the giant insect dwarfing most birds.

"We're only in the bughouse and you're in love." Grey teased though he had an equally wide grin on his face, the youngest Jurassic Park looper was pretty over the moon to have him as a brother and wanted to show him everything on the island. "Same some excitement for Aunt Claire's surprise tonight!"

Nate chuckled and cautiously picked up the resting dragonfly. It buzzed its wings but was more or less content to be handled. "You've been going on about this surprise wince you found out she was awake to."

"Because it's awesome."

"I'll believe it when I see it."


"U-uhrm Miss Claire?" The red haired woman smiled.

"Nate I told you, it's Aunt Claire. What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing just that we're in the T-REX EXHIBIT!" Nate yelped eyeing the door they'd just come out of.

"Nate I promise it's perfectly safe, you can use your semblance to get out if anything goes wrong and well I have quuuuite a few tricks up my sleeve." She smiled and pressed a clicker she had in her hand.

A loud thump answered.

Nate looked to the perfectly calm Grey as the thumping grew louder and closer. He gulped as a enormous Tyrannosaur stepped out of the tree line growling lowly and dripping with water "He doesn't look happy at his bath getting interrupted." He wished he could take it back as the Rexes attention seemed to snap to him bright gold eyes boring into him. He froze up.

"...The not seeing movement things a myth you know." Grey remarked idly as the Rex snarled and stalked towards them its steps getting quicker and quicker as it approached.

Claire clicked again.

The Rex skidded to a halt just in front of Claire.

"Holy-" The Rex threw its head back and gave a earsplitting roar. "...How long did it take to teach him that?"

"Five minutes to tell her you were coming." Nate blinked and stared at Grey.


The rex rolled its eyes and waved it's claws at him.

"Hi, Roxanne Looping T-Rex. They kinda wanted to show off." She shrugged as Nate stared at her.

"I what...Huh? You loop?!"

"Me, a rex hatchling, about seven raptors, two parasaurolophus, a apatasaur, a triceratops, a pterasaur, a Stegosaur and a Oviraptor." She rattled off. "Hundreds of Aliens, there's probably another dino looper running around who's hiding from the rest of us. And I gave up trying to count the number of Pony Loopers around."

1.15 GammaTron(Part 1, will likely be continued)

There are inexplicable events occurring in this world, that are all caused by Yokai.

Sirens wailed as police cars surrounded a house, many neighbors looking out their doors and windows to see what was going on.

You can see those Yokai with an object called the "Yokai Watch."

An officer was quick in escorting someone from the home, a jacket to hide them from anyone's sight.

When encountering those Yokai, no one knows what will happen to your life.

The darkened skies lit up with a flash of lightning, the cold wind blowing on the jacket, making it move a bit to reveal the blood-stained red shirt with a star on it and the wrist sporting a strange watch with a bubble-like top to it.

Wright Attorney Agency

Monday, February 10 - 10:30AM

Phoenix yawned as he reclined in his office chair. It was a month before he would be in the trial that would result in his bar from being a Lawyer. He already had the right ideas to make sure to avoid it again and was now just relaxing. A phone call earlier let him know Maya was Awake and she was a bit irritable since she had another Loop with her hated rival in the 'divine food' Dexter Grif.

'Honestly, those two get along like water and oil...' Phoenix thought, 'Personally, I could care less about what food is better so long as I don't have to end up paying for everyone's meal.'

A knock came from the door to his office. Looking up, he saw someone standing behind the door.

"Come in," Phoenix called, 'Seems I have one more case before then. Hopefully, I'll get paid this time.'

The door opened and a tall butler wearing a gas mask entered, "Hello. You are the famous Phoenix Wright, yes?"

"I am," Phoenix replied, 'A butler in a gas mask...Not the weirdest thing I've seen, even in Baseline.'

"My name is Whis Bei," the butler informed, "I would like to hire you for a matter most urgent."

"What's wrong?"

"My young master has been arrested for patricide of the first degree," Whis Bei informed.

"P-Patricide?!" Phoenix gasped.

"I wish for you to defend him in court," Whis Bei informed before pulling out a piece of paper, "This is his address. He's currently in the Detention Center, awaiting for his trial tomorrow at noon."

"Don't worry. I'll handle this," Phoenix nodded.

"Thank you," Whis Bei nodded, "You are as kind as Mia Fey says you are."

"You really think so?" Phoenix chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head before his eyes snapped open, "Mia Fey?! How do y..." the seat before him was empty, '...Wh-What? He...He's gone!' he looked down at the piece of paper, 'Well...I might as well get to work, then. I'll go see this young master of his.'

Detention Center - 11:05AM

'Okay. Time to go to work,' Phoenix thought as he saw the door to the other side of the wall open, 'Now to see who the guy i...?!'

Walking into the room was a young boy, no older than ten or twelve years. Heck, he'd probably be the same age as Athena was at the moment this Loop. He was wearing a plain red shirt with a red star, blue jean shorts, and had messy brown hair.

"Um...A-Are you Whis Bei's young master?" Phoenix asked once the boy sat down.


"He said he was your butler and asked me to defend you," Phoenix informed.


'Aw geez...This is gonna be hard...' Phoenix thought, 'Now what would Trucy do? Ah! I got it.' "Want to see a trick?"


"...Yeah, I guess not," Phoenix sighed before taking out the paper with the address, "This is your address, right?"

"..." the boy looked at the address, "Y-Yeah."

"I'm Phoenix Wright. I'm here to be your lawyer."



"Keita Amano."

'Keita Amano...Okay, we've got a name now,' Phoenix thought, "So tell me, Keita, why are you in here?"

"I...I..." Keita trembled, looking as if he was trying not to throw up.

"Okay, okay, okay. We can skip that," Phoenix assured, 'This boy couldn't have done it.' "I know you're innocent. I'l make sure you can get out of this, Keita."

Keita slowly nodded. He looked down at his wrist before taking the watch on it off and pushing it under the opening in the clear panel separating them.

"Take this. You'll need it more than me right now," Keita informed before he left.

'Poor kid...' Phoenix thought before sighing, '...Well...I guess Trucy's going to have a big brother aside from Apollo for this Loop.'

Mysterious Watch added to Court Record

'I'd better go check things out at the address,' Phoenix thought as he put the watch on and left, 'Though...Why did he give me his watch?'

As he left, he was unaware of his Magatama glowing softly in unison with the watch, almost as if one another were greeting an old friend in a way.


"Um…who are you supposed to be?" The half-ghost boy know as Danny Phantom(And Danny Fenton while in human form) stared at what appeared to be the Box Ghost where he would normally first show up in the loop…but.

"Um…I am the Box Whisp, I guess…" The face on the Box Ghost was definitely not right, with no nose, some kind of shadow around his eyes, and a large, blue lipped mouth. "…Do you know what's going on? Whis…"

"I'm going to take a guess and say that you're a looper," Danny said calmly as he looked at the replacement for the Box Ghost.

"That would be correct, my name is Whisper-Though this is one of the strangest loops I've been in so far, and I don't see Keita-kun anywhere…or is his name Nate right now..?"

"What do you mean?" Danny asked as he dropped to the ground and leaned on one of the warehouses walls.

"He's the anchor of our loop from what he explained to me, though he and some others have a habit of changing names between loops…I usually just know which name it is at the time, but I can't seem to be able to decide at the moment," Whisper muttered while in thought.

"Probably because he's not in this loop-this your first fused loop?" Danny asked calmly, Whisper looked surprised by the question.

"Fused loop…yes I think my Keita/Nate mentioned those before, but I've never experienced such a thing…" Whisper stated. Danny put on a good natured smile and chuckled.

"Don't worry, we'll help you out-it will honestly be nice to not have the Box Ghost annoying me for a loop-Sam! Tucker! We've got a looper in here," Danny called out to his friends outside while Whisper just floated by, wondering what his first loop outside of his usual world would bring…

Next loop

"Behold, my power over all things boxes!" Whisper exclaimed as he made a bunch of empty cardboard boxes float before Keita and Jibanyan's eyes.

"…Are you really proud of that power?" Keita asked blankly.

"No…not really," Whisper sighed with a sweatdrop.


Nate turned the nob on the Crank-a-Kai and caught the capsule as soon as it fell out, before carefully pulling it open with a *POP!*

"Greetings!" The robotic cat greeted a surprised Nate after he formed, using his rockets to hover several feet above the ground. "I am Robonyan, a highly advanced mechanical yo-kai from the highly technological distant past!"

"What…the distant past?" Nate asked blankly.

"Correct-The past was filled with much scientific achievement that was lost in the war," Robonyan explained.

"Um…war?" Nate questioned while scratching his head. "What war?"

"Why, the war between humans and yo-kai of course!" Robonyan exclaimed loudly, causing Nate to jump back in surprise. "They had lived side-by-side peacefully for centuries, but then something went wrong. The war got so bad that there was only one option!"

"One option," Nate wasn't sure he liked how this loop was looking so far…

"Create a device to make yo-kai invisible to humans, so that the war would cease-I was chosen to wait in this stasis pod for the moment when a human would come and free me, so that I may bestow upon them the device to allow humans and yo-kai to communicate once more-so that we may try to find peace once more!"

"…I'm sorry…but could you maybe repeat…all of that?" Nate asked with a very confused look on his face.


Keita looked at the capsule for a moment before quickly opening it and watching as the yo-kai formed.

"Orochi?"Keita questioned, surprised to see the humanoid yo-kai hovering in front of him.

"I thank you for freeing me, but now I must be on my way-for my journey will not stop until I am able to defeat Red J!" Orochi announced before flying off.

"…He didn't even give me a Yo-kai Watch."


"Hungramps?" Nate looked the yo-kai that had come out of the capsule up and down…yup, it was Hungramps.

"Yup, that's my name-but how'd you know?" the elderly yo-kai questioned, but he just shrugged before Nate could answer. "Oh well, thanks a lot for freeing me from that gosh darn prison, but I'm starving. Do you know where I could get some food?"

"Um…yeah, probably," Nate decided to just go with this and see what would happen-even if he was sure trying to satiate Hungramp's apatite was probably a bad idea.

"Oh thanks young'in, by the way this will probably help you out," Hungramps handed Nate the Yo-kai Watch. "So lead the way, my stomachs growling."

"Ok…" Nate muttered as he thought about where exactly to get food for Hungramps.


Keita turned the nob of the Crank-a-Kai and looked at the capsule that came out carefully.

"…Let me guess: it's not Whisper?" Keita muttered to himself before he pulled the capsule open and smoke obscured his vision and a small being formed.

"Hi there!" Keita stared at the small yo-kai that he had never seen before-that looked kind of like…a rabbit in a space suit? "I'm USApyon! Thanks so much for freeing me from that stupid gacha machine-I thought I'd never get out of there."

"Um…you're welcome," Keita muttered-he had gotten many yo-kai from the Crank-a-Kai before in place of Whisper, but this was the first time it was one he had never seen in baseline. "My name's Keita…Amano Keita," he shook the small yo-kai's paw and gave a bit of a friendly smile.

"Here," USApyon held out a Yo-kai Watch and Keita pretended to not know what it was as he took it. "That Yo-kai Watch should help you out with helping us find yo-kai to help build our rocket," at those words Keita blinked.

"Wait, rocket?" he asked while looking at the rabbit-like yo-kai. USApyon nodded.

"Of course we're going to build a rocket, space travel is my goal and I shall reach it-Did you think this suit was just for show?"

"I…thought it was kind of like cosplay..?" USApyon stared at Keita with his eyes twitching for a moment.

"C-cosplay? You little," USApyon pressed two buttons on his helmet before black obscured his face, and two red slits glowed where his eyes would be "VADER MODE."

"Ok, forget 'baseline abilities only!'" Keita cried as he used his speed semblance to dodge the rabbid rabbit's laser fire. "Why is he even so mad!?" Keita cried, more to himself then to USApyon.


Nate walked into his house and stopped and stared into his living room as he saw his parents, along with Katie, Bear, and Eddie sitting down and looking at him with concern.

"What the..?"

"Nate, this is an intervention," Nate's mother said calmly as she patted a place for him to sit.

"A what?" Nate questioned-for what reason would his friends and family decide to do something like this!? This was very odd…

"An intervention son, we've been…concerned about you," Nate's father said before gesturing to his three schoolmates. "Your friends have noticed your behavior in school, as have your mother and I at home and we're rather worried."

"My behavior..?" Nate questioned as his mind drew a blank.

"You've been talking to thin air and even occasionally shouting," Katie said with a worried look on her face.

"You just run off sometimes, and then come back like nothing happen," Eddie added with concern in his voice.

"Nate, we're not sure what's going on with you-but we want you to know that we are here for you and we want you to talk about your issues, this is a safe place so don't worry," Nate's mother said with a calming smile. Nate just stared with a sweatdrop.

'Why did they need to be so observant this loop..?'


Jibanyan blinked as he found himself on a familiar intersection, he looked around to see people walking about and cars pass by on occasion.

"…Isn't this where I did my training back before I started living with Keita? How did I end up back here?" he looked around again, and spotted two familiar figures approaching. "Keita? Whisper?"

He tried to rush across the road to meet with them…and promptly got knocked into the sky by a truck.

"Nyot again!"

"…Was that Jibanyan?" Keita asked as he looked up into the sky.

"This is where we usually meet up with him. Whis," Whisper said with his verbal tick that only seemed to show up whenever Keita's name was…well; Keita.

"Yeah but, he doesn't usually get knocked into the air until after he possesses someone," Keita said as he took on the contemplative look.

"Could just be a variant," Whisper pointed out plainly, and Keita nodded but still looked conflicted. "…Is it really that thought provoking? Aren't you a genius or something? Whis."

"Knowing how to hack computers doesn't equal being a genius-either way, let's just go get him. I'll say I saw him get hit by the car and offer to let him live with us right away," Keita said as he started walking in the direction Jibanyan had flown.

"Wasting no time on it this time I see," Whisper muttered as he followed.


"Ow…" Jibanyan moaned as he lay on the sidewalk, people passed by but of course none could see him-or help him up. He pulled himself to his feet and looked in the direction he had been tossed from. He spotted Keita and Whisper coming towards him and quickly met up with them.

"Um hi," Keita held out his hand somewhat awkwardly. "I saw you got knocked away by that car…so I know this will sound strange, but I can see yo-kai and-"

"Keita, what are you talking about?" Jibanyan interrupted the boy with a raised eyebrow. "Of course you can see yo-kai with the Yo-kai Watch, and why are you acting like we're first meeting nyow!? What's going on!?" Keita and Whisper just stared at Jibanyan wide eyed.

"…Jibanyan…you remember who we are," Keita spoke with an amount of amazement in his voice that only confused the cat-like yo-kai further.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I know who you are?" he questioned as his ears twitched a bit, Keita put a hand on Jibanyan's head and sighed.

"Jibanyan…we have a lot to talk about…"



"Yes Nate?"

"Why is Jibanyan a dog?" Nate asked as he looked from his bed at the red corgi with two flaming tails that was happily panting as it looked around the room.

"Well, um," Whisper quickly started searching through his yo-kai pad for any information. Nate looked at the dog-like yo-kai for a minute.

"Um…are you, awake?" The corgi tilted its head at Nate and he sighed. "Right, dumb question."

One loop later, in Remnant.


"Yes Weiss?"

"When exactly did your dog learn to do that?" The white haired girl questioned her partner as they watched the small corgi lay waste to the grimm with…

("Paws of Fury!") Zwei barked as he pelted the beasts with hits from his paws moving at lightning speed.

"I…have no idea," Ruby muttered.

"Or that?" Weiss added as the two watched Zwei set some grimm on fire.


"What'cha playing Keita?" Jibanyan asked as he came over to Nate as he played a 3DS on his bed.

"Pokémon X," Keita responded as he hit some buttons.

"Pokémon? Isn't that the loop you said a lot of people in the hub are comparing us to?" Jibanyan questioned as he crawled onto the bed to look over Keita's shoulder at the game.

"That was the impression I got from the blues and reds when I met them-I had a hub loop and decided to pick one of the games up-it's pretty fun…but I don't really see the resemblance," Keita explained as his in game character threw a pokéball at an Eevee.

"Huh, looks kind of cool," Jibanyan said before he shrugged and jumped down from the bed and started eating a chocobo bar. He glanced back at Keita whom was still focused on his game. "…Are you gonna spend the whole loop playing that game?"



Nate was the only one awake this loop, but so far everything had gone pretty baseline and he didn't really feel like altering much other than occasionally stopping a yo-kai before it could take any action-though he didn't see any reason to interfere with this meeting.

"But I don't want to be a robot-I like the way I am now, more then I like chocolate bars," the unawake Jibanyan said to his cybernetic future self.

"Irrelevant!" Robonyan stated-his eyes glowing a blood red. The hostility that Robonyan now seemed to be emitting surprised Nate and put him on guard. "Your future has already been set in stone-You will submit to the Borg collective-you all will. Resistance is futile," Robonyan stated as he approached the two unawake loopers and anchor threateningly.

"And I was hoping this would just be a peaceful baseline run," Nate sighed to himself as he moved to get Crescent Rose from his sub-space pocket.

1.23 Edited by MegaManGeoAce.

"Keita-kun, is there something wrong?"

It was nearing the end of the loop and Keita was going to meet with his friends, but he did not seem to be very invested in it.

"What do you mean? Why would something be wrong?"

"Well, I can't help but notice you haven't been as happy to spend time with your human friends for the last few loops, not even Fumi-chan," Keita seemed to stiffen at the mention of his crush and stopped walking. "…Keita-kun, what's really wrong?"

"It was a while ago…before you started looping," Keita looked away as he thought about what to say to the concerned Yo-kai. "But…I've been thinking about it more lately, I'm not even sure why…in that loop, Fumi-chan was the one that got the Yo-kai Watch."

"Fumi-chan with the Yo-kai Watch? Isn't that a common variant?"

"Yeah, but…I told her about what was going on, how I already knew about Yo-kai, and how I had been time traveling. She…we got close…really close," Keita seemed to be getting more distressed as he spoke. "I was…very happy to have that kind of relationship with her, we weren't exactly dating…but the way our relationship developed was something very precious to me…and then the loop ended."

"Keita-kun…" Whisper muttered with a look of understanding on his face.

"I...tried to talk to her after, but…the thoughts of all our time spent together in that loop, growing closer…gone. I realized...I can't have a relationship with her, I'm not even sure if I can have a friendship with someone who's not looping…How can I sustain a relationship that will never progress?"

Keita sniffled at the thought. Whisper then simply put a hand on Keita's shoulder.

"Keita-kun, please don't think like that. True…your friend's aren't looping, but the very fact that you have a friendship with them means that someday they might. You explained it to me yourself; the reason me and Jibanyan started looping is because of our connection to you. So don't ignore your friends, spend time with them with the hope that someday, maybe your relationships will progress into something further?"

"Y-yeah, you're right. Looping, not looping. They're still my friends, and I should appreciate my time with them, even if they won't remember next loop," Keita sighed, his internal struggles were not completely resolved, but that did help a lot. "…Say, when did you get so wise, Whisper?" Whisper took offense to this comment.

"What are you talking about Keita? I've always been wise."


"I'm telling you I have!"


Nate twisted the nob of the Crank-a-Kai, as he did at the beginning of nearly every loop. He caught the capsule then came out and pulled it open, and watched as the smoke formed-

"Hidabat?" Nate questioned in surprise at the sight of the yo-kai shut-in that normally lived in his closet. Hidabat seemed to be uncomfortable being out in the open and huddled up in what seemed to be an attempt to make herself appear as small as possible.

"Put me back in the capsule…please."


Keita opened the capsule cautiously watched as the form of a yo-kai became clear in the resulting tornado of runes and smoke.

"Meramera!" The blazing form of Merameraion shouted as he stood before Keita. Keita looked at the lion-like yo-kai and decided to approach with caution-true, Merameraion was one of his go-to yo-kai to call, but he could be a little-"MERA!"

Whatever Keita was feeling was now overwhelmed by the burning passion to blaze through whatever challenge set before him.

"YEAH! Let's go befriend all the yo-kai!" The possessed Keita shouted with fire in his eyes.

"MERAMERA!" Merameraion shouted in agreement before they both ran off.

Keita would later be thankful that neither Whisper, nor Jibanyan were awake for that loop…


Nate pulled the capsule opened and stepped back when a growl came from the yo-kai that formed.

"Grr, who are you!? Did'ya pull me out to have a rumble, cuz I can rumble!" The lizard-like yo-kai that sported a large pompadour shouted while holding his fists up.

"I'm not here to fight," Nate assured, holding his hands up-of course, he could probably defeat Roughraff in combat at this point, still he'd rather avoid conflict at this time-unless Roughraff tried to-.

"Oh, you gonna be all goody-goody huh? Well then I'll make you a hooligan!" Roughraff shouted as he prepared to inspirit Nate-before he could Nate vanished from where he stood, leaving only a few fluttering rose petals behind. "…Wha..?" a blur hit Roughraff and knocked him out before he could process what had happened.

"Sorry, Roughraff. But I'd rather not end up a criminal or something this loop," Nate sighed as he sat down and thought about he would calm the rambunctious yo-kai once he woke up.


Keita stared at the yo-kai that had come out of the Crank-a-Kai this time...he honestly preferred it when he got Whisper as opposed to some random yo-kai, but this was an odd case.

"Whisper…Jibanyan?" Keita questioned as he looked at the fused form of the two looping yo-kai he was familiar with.

"What's going on?" Whisper's voice came from Buchinyan before the fused yo-kai made some jerking movement.

"Why are we fused!? Why can't we split!?" Jibanyan's voice cried out as the shared body twitched and moved some more.

"How am I supposed to know!? Whis!" Whisper's voice cried out.

"Wait, you guys are stuck like that?" Keita questioned in both concern and confusion.

"No! I don't want to be stuck like this the whole loop!" Jibanyan cried out from within the fused body.

"Oh come on! It's not that bad!" Whisper stated firmly as Buchinyan took on a more calm pose-however he soon started freaking out again as Jibanyan continued to cry out his displeasure for this situation-Keita just watched this with an unsure look on his face.

"…It still doesn't look a thing like Whisper."

Well hope that was enjoyable, there will be more where those came from in time.

Honestly this took forever to compile and I'm really tired…