When I said "more coming very soon" at the end of last chapter, I sort of…lied. Sorry.

Ahsoka just asked me her fiftieth question after I told her the whole story. Can't blame her; even I'm confused. And, once again, nothing can surprise me anymore.

"So, why couldn't you just get handed the keys and come back?" Ahsoka says, with her big blue, curious eyes. Missed them. "Why that whole journey? What's the point?"

"Ahsoka" I stop walking for a second. She pauses after a few steps ahead of me.


"I don't have all the answers. I'm confused too." I sit on a large rock next to me and pull two fruits off a nearby tree, throwing one to her as she sits down across from me.

"Considering what you went through, your hair is remarkably neat." She has a point. I sharpened a stone on my first day in the Chamber of the Souls, the place I went through to get back to life, and I cut my hair with that. It's a bit dirty and messy, but it's okay.

"Thanks. I used to sharp stone to cut it."

"Oh. That's cool."

Guess she's finally tired of asking questions. We silently eat our fruit. After about five minutes again, we get up at start walking.

Eventually, we make it to the cave that the "Daughter" took me to all that time ago when we took the sword. I remember seeing an imprint of a sword on one of them, and guessed that was on the other. I asked her what were they and her eyes got big with concern. She then calmed a bit and said they were markings of an old legend. I put the thought aside and went on, knowing that more important things lied ahead. But the Force is telling me to put the sword in the left imprint.

"Stay here." I tell Ahsoka.

I walk down the steep steps, almost falling twice. Eventually, I get to the imprint. I open the sword, the sword I needed countless times in the Middle, but I couldn't use. Now that I'm in Mortis and alive again, it's okay to use it. I slowly put the opened sword into the imprint. When I put it in, a great light shines from the sword. Suddenly, the piece of stone below me drops and I go with it.

"Master Kenobi!" Ahsoka looks down the hole where the stone had once been. I open my eyes. I guess I blacked-out for a second.

"Are you okay?" Ahsoka yells.

"Fine!" I say. Truth is, I banged my right shoulder pretty hard, but I don't think the damage is substantial. I stand up and move my right arm and an awful pain like I have never felt before goes through my shoulder. I uncontrollably let out a yell. I fall to the floor.

"Master Kenobi, I'm going to come down!"

"No Ahsoka!" I yell as she gets ready to jump. "This place could be just for Anakin and I. Go back to the surface and look for Anakin. Tell him what to do."

"Got it, Master." She begins to go and I remember something.

"Ahsoka!" I say as I slowly get to my feet.

"Yes, Master?"

"Be, how should I put this…gentle, with him. The whole situation is probably a lot for him to handle."

"No kidding." There is a pause in the dark cave. "Watch your shoulder, Master Kenobi."

"Thank you."

I walk forward. Every breath, every movement causes pain in my shoulder. Slowly, very slowly, I get to a table in the center of the lower cave. There are two imprints on the table. The one on my side is probably for my sword, and the other one is a…

"What the blazes?"

It's the exact same sword, which I can't fathom as possible. I blow the dust off the stone altar to get a better look. I fine a stone-carved table with a design on it.

"This is Mortis." I tell myself. "Anything is possible here."

But the Force is telling me otherwise. Everything object or place that had meaning on my last visit to this place had a dominant Force emission. This table has none.

"It's just a table." I think out load. "It's nothing but a pretty table."

Then, I look beyond the table for the first time and see that a hole like the one I fell into is there. The sword must have opened them both. Does that mean I can just put the sword in the table imprint. Sure, it doesn't have any connection with the Force, but after all, it is Mortis.

I put the sword in, but I accidently use my dominate yet totally screwed up right arm. I fall to the ground from the pain, only to end up in far worse pain. I scream in agony as I try to get myself off, but I can't without using my right arm, which I try using. I hear something snap around my right shoulder and suddenly, a searing pain goes through my entire body. Tears come down my face as the screaming gets louder. I can't move.

But I can look up. I see that the sword got into the imprint right before my fall. And I know, right before I become unconscious, that nothing happened.


It's weird seeing everyone again face-to-face.

I could see them from above when I was gone. I could see what was going on in their lives. I saw Obi-Wan get Knighted, Skywalker prank Kenobi on a daily basis, the Clone Wars begin, Skywalker getting married, and so on. But being here again; it's almost impossible to describe.

Truth be told, I have no idea why I came back before everyone else. I was talking to an old Jedi friend in heaven and, lo and behold, I was right next to Obi-Wan's empty casket. Master Yoda was there; don't know why. I hid my shock over the fact that I was there in the first place. I told Master my story, went with him back to the Temple, told the Council (minus Kit) my story, and then we got the message that Amidala had collapsed and that I need to explain everything to her. So I did

"So, you and every dead person up there knows what happens down there?" Senator Amidala pulls me out of my thoughts. She is recovering in bed, drinking water with both hands. "They all know everything we do and can just check in whenever they want?"

"Basically, yes." I respond as I walk over to her bedside. "There are screen-like things up there where you just have to think about what you want to see and then you see it." I pull up a stool and sit down next to her.

Silence fills the bedroom.

"You grew up since the last time I saw you face-to-face," I say, achieving a chuckle from the Senator.

"Well, it has been awhile since we last met face-to-face. Almost fifteen years," Padme responds. She grew into a lovely lady. "It's been a very long fourteen years." She achieves a chuckle out of me.

Silence fills the bedroom once again, but it is quickly broken by a loud knock on the door followed by an, "It's Mace Windu".

"Come in." Amidala puts down her glass of water after allowing Mace in.

"Sorry to bother you two, but, Qui-Gon, I need you now. We have to contact Skywalker, give him a heads-up on what the hell is going on. If he arrives on Mortis not knowing a thing and suddenly sees he supposedly-deceased Master on Mortis, he might just pass out and put all three of them at risk."

"I remember Anakin told me that they has no communications with the outside galaxy when they got dragged in there the first time," Padme pipes in. "Are you sure you would be able to contact them this time around?"

Goddamn. Guess you have to do some things yourself.

"Correct." Aayla says. I almost forgot she was here. "It's worth a shot, but I don't think it will work. In the end, it will probably be a waste of time."

"I'll go," I say. It's the only way to get to job done. "Just give me a ship an-"

"You don't think Skywalker will freak out if he sees you Qui-Gon?" Kit interrupts. "Maybe even Obi-Wan too. Remember, you were dead too; just like Kenobi. And you've been dead for longer. Much longer."

I nod in reluctant agreement. I want to go badly, but Kit makes a good point. me being there would only make things worse. And, if worse comes to worse; a lot worse.

"Senator, sorry to have our discussions in your bedroom." Mace startles me mid-thought. "We'll contact you if we hear from them. Try not to worry, Skywalker will be fine. All you need to worry about it getting better."

We all wave our goodbyes to the Senator and go to the massive patio, where two speeders wait. Mace and Aayla hop in the tan one while Kit and I get in the greenish-blue one. The wind blows in our faces as Kit drives behind Mace and Aayla.



"For a guy that lost both his arms, you sure look happy. All smiles."