Two Trees
Despite everything she had seen and been through, Darcy had never believed that she would be personally affected. All the aliens, magic, and superheroes were things that happened to other people, not her. So when she woke up one morning in a forest when she knew she had fallen asleep in her bed the night before, well… she was shocked to say the least.
She had walked for what seemed like days. The forest seemed alive, unlike back home, it actually seemed sentient. It also felt wrong, like evil wrong. Maybe not the trees themselves, but something dark was smothering the forest, and it made her uneasy.
Darcy traveled until her feet bled and she could no longer move. She laid herself down by the base of a tree, and closing her eyes she willed death to come upon her.
Around the sleeping form of the mortal the trees began to whisper. Never before had someone from the other world come to Middle Earth. They spoke of the woman, of the feel of her feet upon their dirt, the taste of her blood soaking into their roots. It had the flavor of magic, the pure light magic that they had long craved.
Carefully they spread their boughs, twisting and weaving until their design was complete. Unknown to the sleeping woman, the trees had made a promise; she was to be protected. The forest was all aflutter; squirrels, deer, and birds of all kinds gathered around the newly made grotto, helping the trees with their endeavor.
Darcy woke much later, her heart constricting with the knowledge that she was still trapped within that dark wood. The fluttering of light dancing just beyond her closed lids forced her to jolt upright, her eyes flying open. She had been sure she had fallen asleep beneath a tree, but as she looked around her she appeared to be in some sort of dwelling. Finding the door, she rushed from the room back out into the woods.
She stood staring in amazement at what was before her. The tree under which she had slept had woven itself with its neighbor, creating a rather unique little house. She blinked at the sight before twisting around and around. She thought to find someone, some wizard or something, standing with a wand in his hand. But no matter how long she looked, she was alone besides a few twittering birds above.
Cautiously she entered back into the house, her eyes wide as she took it in. The room was larger than it looked from outside, lowly lit by some sort of glowing plant growing in the corners. Out of one wall she could make out a long flat ledge padded with thick moss, it looked much like a bed. Unable to resist, she laid down upon the ledge. It was the softest thing she had ever been on, and it smelled faintly of roses and lilacs.
Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to relax. For once she wasn't going to question it, and just smiled when she felt the trees embrace her.
Author's Note: A just because gift fic for Uruvielnumenesse over on Tumblr, The Queen and Founder of the Taserking ship. Seriously, go check out the taserking tag over there and read her stuff.
Anyway, I have an idea where I'm going with this, and while there is no Thranduil in this one or the next one, he should make his appearance in the third. This will be mostly just a drabble series, but as always things get away from me so one or two might end up longer.