Welcome to the last chapter!
Thank you, alicheriee and Axel0913, for your lovely reviews. And all in all, thank you to everyone who wrote any reviews. Also thanks for following this little fic, putting it in your favorites and reading it at all. I hope you all liked it and will also be happy with this last chapter. Maybe, some of you (who haven't already) also want to check out my other stuff. More Bade stories are definitely about to come. :)
But now have fun with this one!

Beck and Jade have to be woken up by Cat the next morning again though Tori asks her to do it fairly early today. After all, it makes the most sense to pack up first, then go shower, stay in the hut for breakfast and then get back to their car and drive home. Beck and Jade will need as much time as everyone else to pack up, so they of course should also wake up around the time they agreed on.

Jade is grumpy again when they finally come out but Tori doesn't care. She's already working with Cat on putting their tent down. Or they have at least just started when Jade and Beck come out, their bags already packed. Tori and Cat were working on their bags until just now. But Cat had also spread everything she had out in the tent, so of course they had needed as much time as Beck and Jade had needed for their things with waking up and doing their hair.

They all have their sanitary products and their clothes for the day put in backpacks they brought in case they wanted to go in the woods or something – which had been in their minds for a while but they obviously didn't end up doing it –, so they can take them with them to the hut when everything else is packed inside the car.

Jade and Beck put their bags to those of the others and get started on their own tent.

Cat and Tori are taking the first tent poles apart when Tori hears Jade: "Let me pull this peg out first."

Tori looks over to her.

She is zipping the tent up and indicates the peg closest to her while Beck goes down next to one on the other side.

"It doesn't matter which one we pull out first," Beck says and Jade snaps: "Don't argue with me."

"I'm just saying..." Beck calmly answers but Jade interrupts while she finally is pulling out the peg she indicated and the ones next to it so they can pull out the first poles: "Honestly? I do know how to pack up a tent."

Beck stands up again and comes around to help her with the poles. "I never said anything different," he says though. "It just doesn't matter which one we do first."

"It does. See?" Jade says while they break the tent down.

Beck shrugs. "It also would've worked my way."

"Yeah, right," Jade says sarcastically.

"It would have," Beck defends himself before he smiles slightly: "I'll proof it to you the next time."

Tori is sure to see Jade roll her eyes. "There won't be a next time."

Beck just pulls her into a soft kiss as an answer and Tori can see a small smile in Jade's face when they break apart again and get back to work.

Until Andre walks up to them. "Beck? Could we get the car key?"

Jade doesn't even look at him, Beck does though and almost in a way like he has forgotten Andre and the others were even there.

He gets the key out of his pocket though and gives it to Andre. Tori realizes that Robbie and Andre have packed their tent up by now and put it to all their bags by the car, while Cat has also gotten much work done on their tent, humming a happy song.

Tori hurries to get back to work too but has to smile while doing so. Because she just now realizes something that has been in front of her possibly from her very first day at Hollywood Arts, which probably sums up many of the other things she has noticed about Beck and Jade this weekend: They are living in their own world.

The way they always bicker and even outright fight, even in public... because it doesn't matter who else can witness because in the end nobody but them exists.

The way they share a look and a kiss and everything is said... because they understand each other perfectly, because it's their own world.

Maybe, their relationship is actually beautiful in a way, Tori has never noticed before, has never been open to notice before.

Yes, she has known they're in love and has accepted that, even if she sometimes wondered about it. She has the feeling she now kind of also understands their love and will never wonder about it again. She doesn't know why they fell in love with each other but she doesn't even know if there has to be a specific reason. She realizes she has probably never been really in love. In opposite to Beck and Jade who are in love so much that they are living in their own world. Even with their friends, even when they sit apart from each other in class, even with everything going on... in the end it's just the two of them.

Of course, Beck is also possessive over Jade just like Jade is over Beck because everyone who flirts with the other one penetrates their world.

And Jade has been considerate over their history and their shared memories while they were broken up because those memories belong in their world and aren't to be touched or tarnished by anyone.

Meanwhile, when Jade is close by, Beck is able to sleep through noises he apparently usually wakes up by because Jade makes him feel safe and comfortable and there's no possible danger in their own world.

And Beck can actually make Jade behave like a child, make her feel safe in that sense that she feels comfortable behaving like a child because in their own world nobody can harm her and hold her childishness against her.

And of course they plan their future together. Of course they love to dance together, to act together, to sing together, even or especially if it's just for them.

They help each other out with the acting and probably elsewhere and take care of each other.

Tori hasn't really known all these things. Some she probably should've known, should've noticed before but she didn't.

However, now she notices. She thinks about every look they share that always seem to hold so much and she understands that it does hold that much.

She looks over to them again and watches them roll up the tent and pushing it into the bag, silently because they don't need words, before they share another kiss and another. Before Beck gently pushes Jade down into the grass, holds himself up closely over her and kisses her again.

Jade doesn't protest but wraps her arms around Beck and Tori sees that pure smile on her face again that is so wonderfully mirrored by Beck, and she turns back to helping Cat pack up their own tent. This isn't her moment. This is Beck's and Jade's. She just hopes that some day she also will love and be loved like that.