Hello readers and welcome to my upcoming story. For right now, this is only trailers to give you a taste of what I got planned. And warning, I won't immediately give an explanation as to how all of them got into the world of Remnant. It will be revealed as time passes. So, enjoy.

P.S. If you want, play the music the RWBY theme: From shadows, from the Black trailer, for this trailer. Or imagine it in your head as you read.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Naruto, or Hunger Games.

Blue Trailer

A seventeen year old boy is on a hill, looking at the sea above it. The boy has jet black hair, with sea green eyes and slight tan skin. He's wearing a blue jacket, an orange shirt with faded words on it, a bronze watch, and sword on his back.

His name is Percy Jackson. And currently, he's watching for any dust ships or criminal jets. "Yo Wise Girl, do you see them yet?" Percy asked, using his scroll to call her.

"Yeah, I see them Seaweed Brain." Annabeth replied in the scroll. "50 miles ahead of you is a boat full of dust cargo. Three White Fang Bullheads is coming towards, but you won't get there in time to stop them from landing. You'll need to fight them on the boat."

Percy groan. "I was hoping you didn't say that." With that, he hung up the scroll and sighed. "Well, at least I won't get board." With that, he jump off the cliff and dive into the water.

For most people, they can't breath underwater, but Percy can breath as easy as a fish in the sea. That's a part of his semblance. He saw a great white a few meters near him and wave at it.

The shark came towards Percy, but instead of eating him, he let the boy take a hold of his fin and started swimming towards the boat. As they got closer, Percy can sea from underwater that the White Fang already made it to the boat. It took a couple of minutes, but Percy manage to get under the boat.

"Thanks." Percy told the creature, being able to talk underwater. The shark bow to him (Or what seems like a bow) before swimming away. The teen swim up to the service, making sure he's near the boat so the enemy won't see him.

"Sir, what do you want us to do with the crew members?" He heard of the White Fang grunts asked.

What the leader said made his blood boil. "Throw the faunus into the ocean. The humans, however, we'll kill on the boat."

'Not if I got anything to say about it.' Percy thought in his head. Before any of the grunts can do the order, Percy jump out of the water with two giants ropes of water following. When he got high enough for everyone to see him, he use the water ropes to grab two of the White Fang grunts near the hostages and threw them into the water. He landed on the boat as the two screaming grunts landed in the water.

When he got on the boat, many of the grunts pull their weapons out. He look around until he spotted the leader, a redheaded faunus with white mask and a black suit on him. His hand is on the hilt of his sword, ready to be pulled out.

"Who are you?" The leader demanded, looking ready to fight.

"Oh. No one special." Percy answered. "Just…." He raise his arms up and the ocean around them exploded upward, blocking all exits. The White Fang look around in shock while their leader gritted his teeth. "King of the ocean." Percy finished, giving them a smirk and his deluxe 'I'm gonna kill you' glare.

"Kill him." The White Fang leader ordered, causing the White Fang members to charge at him. Percy quickly pull out his sword before blocking a sword strike from one of the White Fang before flipping him over his body. He block another strike and move both swords downward before jumping on the grunt, putting a foot on the man's chest to jump up.

As he jump over a group of faunus, his watch turn into a mini shotgun strapped onto his arm. He aimed at the group under him before unleashing a shot from his gun, causing several of them to scatter and fall down, unconscious.

He blocked another strike and aim beside the grunt, taking out two of them that were going to attack. He duck from a swing from the grunt he blocked before grabbing his arm and throwing into another group. He let out three more shotgun blast at incoming White Fang grunts before backflipping from a stab from a female grunt. When he got back on the floor, he slice at her and knock her down. He look around, seeing that all of them are unconscious except for the leader.

Said leader, growled in frustration and facepalm. "I need to make a new training regime." He muttered before taking out his sword. "I admit, you're skills are impressive for a human. Your name?"

Percy smirked, turning his gauntlet into a shield. "Percy Jackson. Yours?"

"Adam Taurus." The leader, now known as Adam, introduce himself. "Now die." Adam charge at Percy and the boy quickly use his shield to block the attack. Percy's battle instincts kicked in, and he use his sword to kick the hilt away from him, which was rifle. That was proven when a shot was from right as he pushed it away from him.

The recoil cause Adam to step back, giving Percy an opening. He started sending out several slashes and stabs, while the bull faunus block each attack. Percy quickly step back as Adam started shooting at him, blocking each attack. As soon as Adam stopped shooting at him, Percy charge at him once again, the two of them clashing sword. Once Harry did that, he did twisted the sword and throw out of Adam's hand.

Adam was about to use his gun, but Percy quickly bash his head with his shield, subduing him. He turn his shield back into a shotgun, before aiming and blasting Adam onto the floor.

Adam slowly brought his head up with a groan, but stopped when Percy aim his sword at him. "I win." Percy said, giving him a smirk. Before Adam could say anything, the two heard another splash and Percy turn around to see what was it. Their eyes' widen when they saw what it was.

It was a giant Grimm, shaped like a giant octopus. It got bones all over it's tentacles and it's head, and two red glowing eyes are the bottom of it's body. Right now, his tentacles are aiming to kill the screaming hostages.

"Shit!" Percy cursed, running to the Grimm with sword drawn and shotgun out. He saw one tentacles lifting up to smash the hostages, but Percy aim his shotgun and blast the tentacles. It recoiled and screech in pain, giving Percy enough time to get over and save the group.

He jump on one of the tentacles on the boat and use it to spring forward to the tentacle he shot. When he got to the tip of it, he ran to the Grimm, using the momentum to make himself faster and prepare his sword to stab it in the eyes. But the Grimm didn't gain it's bone for nothing, and flick Percy off it's tentacles.

Percy wasn't deterred and summon the water for him to land, using it to surf to the Grimm. The giant octopus-like Grimm swing down one of it's tentacles at him, but Percy side flip and made another wave for him to land on continuing his course. He prepare his shotgun, increasing it's power to perform more damage on the thing, and quickly made another shotgun blast, aiming for the bottom of the tentacles. That shot caused one of the tentacles to be cut off, and cause the Grimm to screech in pain and anger.

It swing his tentacles to vertically to get rid of the wave, but Percy was prepared, and drop the wave just as the tentacle got close, causing him to fall right on the tentacle. Before it could do anything, Percy use the water to trap the Grimm octopus, making ropes of water around the thing.

The thing screech as it try to get out of the net of water, but it couldn't budge. Percy aim his shotgun downward and use the recoil of the blast to go up above the octopus. He turn his shotgun back into a watch and held his sword with both hands before charging right at the thing with a yell.

The thing screech Percy made a giant cut on it before slowly evaporating into nothing from the attack. Percy quickly form another wave above him, landing on it with one knee to see the thing evaporate. Percy sigh in relief before jumping up on the boat.

He saw that the crew members are still tied up, and most of the White Fang are still unconscious, but he notice that there are some missing. One of the being Adam Taurus. "Shit." Percy cursed before looking up to see one of the bullheads flying away. The last thing he saw on there was the bull faunus looking down at him before going back into the bullhead.

Percy sigh in annoyance, but look around. At least most of the dust is still here, most of the White Fang is still unconscious, and all the crew members still alive.

In less than half an hour, Percy manage to untie all the crew and tie up the White Fang members. "Thank you young man." The captain told him gratefully. "If you haven't come when you did, we would've all been dead."

"I'm just glad I got here in time." Percy told him, looking at the White Fang members with a small scowl. "I'm disgusted with those that are willing to kill innocents, especially their own kind, to get what they want." He saw a few of them wince at the last part, but the rest didn't show any kind of guilt.

"Sir, we're close to the dock." A female crew member announced. The two look to see that they are close to the dock.

Percy gave the man one more smile before walking over to the deck. "I gotta go now. Don't worry about the criminals. They won't be getting out of those knots any time soon." Percy had formed water around each rope and form thick ice from an ice crystal dust.

"Wait-" The man started to say, but Percy already backflipped off the ship and dive into the water. Percy will the water around to make him swim in the ocean like a torpedo.

This has been his life ever since he came to Remnant. Fighting bad guys, spending time with his girlfriend, and swimming in the sea, occasionally fighting the sea based Grimms. His name is Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, and formerly the Hero of Olympus.

And that's the end. I hope you guys like this chapter. Again, if you're wondering how Percy and Annabeth got to Remnant, well, that will be a secret I will be keeping for right now. The same will be said for the others that got into Remnant. Review, favorite, and follow this stories, and I will see you guys later.