Hello everyone. This is EK again, with the promised follow-through, not exactly a sequel, to Nine Months. It is not necessary for you to read Nine Months (although I'd like that very much!), but it would be helpful for you to read Chap 15 "espionage" to get a better understanding of why this work was born. I will be expanding the concept here, and will be repeating the material necessary. I am not the first to this concept, though, Midori Natari Himura was, at least on FF.net. But still, I hope you read my stuff and like it.

This first chapter is me, collecting my thoughts. I've found out that writing out the first chap helps with thinking out the rest.

Um, could someone please tell me who is Okon and who is Omasu, between the two Oniwabanshuu girls? And the names of the guys? Thanks!

(Thanks to the first 6 reviewers, who reviewed even if they only saw a summary. WHAT happened to FF.net?!)


Everything was back to normal.

Aoshi and Misao were back in Kyoto, after a spring-long vacation in Tokyo with the Himuras.

It had been a very enjoyable three months, watching Kenshin and Kaoru enjoy and endure married life, assisting with little things, seeing the new baby arrive, helping give his name. Their other old friends were there, too, Sanosuke and Yahiko and Megumi. The formidable Kenshin-gumi was complete for a few joyful weeks.

But life had to go on.

Okina eventually needed them back at the Aioya, and they heeded his request.

Megumi had gone back to Aizu soon after the baby was born, after giving instructions and demonstrating a few things to the couple. She had also left a detailed list of signs and symptoms for common childhood diseases, and another list of medicines they should keep available for emergencies.

Yahiko, now fully a teenager, decided to live apart from the Himuras. In exchange for this freedom, he agreed to go into training, to be assistant teacher for the Kamiya dojo. Kaoru had decided that he was fully capable. He knew the entire school up to the succession technique. He had never failed to practice and hone his sword skills. He also had the confidence and competence that most adults fail to obtain. While he was in training, it was also agreed that he continue to serve the Akabeko, side by side with Tsubame, until he decides to stop-which was not anytime soon.

Soon after Megumi left, and Yahiko was settled in new quarters, Sanosuke also left. A grand tour of Japan, he said, before he traipsed all over China and the rest of the world again. He wanted to remember his mother country very well, before he left it for good. Kenshin and Kaoru knew better than to stop him, so they bid him farewell, with the offer of their house whenever he was back in town.

And Misao and Aoshi were back in Kyoto. Misao filled the Aioya's residents with funny tales about their stay in Tokyo. How clueless Himura was about the coming baby when they met with them. How stingy Himura was with the money. How, in the first place, Himura actually got a stable job for himself, which Kaoru told her. How Kaoru ate pickles with cake, together. How the birthing happened. How they celebrated soon after that. The Oniwabanshuu laughed long and hard at all her stories. They had all missed this young bundle of energy and joy.

Yes, everything was back to normal.

Another beautiful summer day. Another quiet day Aoshi spent in the temple to meditate. Misao though did not see the point in losing this day to a temple. She gave her Aoshi-sama a quick visit, said goodbye, and skipped on to the bustle of the Kyoto market. She still preferred it over the markets in Tokyo, which lived for the fast sell and the quick bargain. Here, most of the booths were still in the old style. There were fewer Western goods here, and more of the tradition foods she loved to eat for a few coins. Here, she was home.

She was strolling rather aimlessly as the summer sun reached its height. She began to think about a good lunch and a nap being two wonderful things on a summer afternoon. Her mind floated to dreamland, as her feet continued to take her straight through the busy streets.

Life was beautiful, she mused. Okina was still around for her. Aoshi-sama loved her. Her friends kept her company. Himura and Kaoru-san back in Tokyo were fine, too. All was right in the world. She had a right to be happy today.

She did not notice a man directly in front of her. She ran into him completely, then fell on her bottom. She quickly shook her head to regain orientation with reality.

"Watch where you're going....." the man grumbled, then stopped, as he took a good look at Misao. He looked surprised, even awestruck to see her. ".....weasel."

"Who are you calling a weasel, you...." Misao demanded in confusion. She knew she was addressing a white tower of a man, but she was still too dazed to notice who.

"The weasel...Makimachi...." the man murmured again.

"Look mister, I'm sorry for bumping into you," Misao stood up from where she sat on the ground, and raised herself to her full short height. She found that she did not even reach the taller man's shoulders. She brushed the dust off her loose-fitting ninja outfit, and patted her bottom. "Still, nobody has the RIGHT to call me a weasel! I am Makimachi Misao-----HEY, wait a minute! How do you know my name?!"

"We meet again, Makimachi," he replied simply.

That was when Misao finally looked up at the man talking to her. Her dark green eyes opened wide.

It was him.

Black leather boots. Impeccably white slacks. Dark colored glasses. Chinese suit of pure white silk, a dark purple stripe lining each side two inches from the buttons. Black leather hat, covering snow-white hair.


Misao froze.

"I see you remember me now, Makimachi," he spoke again with a tinge of sadness. "I understand that you have a right and a reason to fear me. But I will make you understand, Makimachi. You have nothing to fear."

The man removed his glasses for a few minutes, as he gazed on the young woman staring at his eyes, determining any sign of deceit or treachery in them. Her eyes were beautiful in their innocence, he thought. Inquisitive eyes, but eyes that sought the truth, satisfied with nothing else. The eyes of a courageous girl slowly changing into a brave woman.

She was satisfied. The girl averted her steady gaze, then gave a wide smile, and offered a handshake.

"Mi-Misao. Call me Misao."


I have a feeling this will a bit tough, not in the same way that Nine Months was tough to make. Some of you already know that I write best in comedy, and that I'm not too good with romance and angst. So suggestions here and there are very welcome.

Yes, I know Nine Months isn't finished yet when I upload this. It WILL be finished, I promise. ^^V So the next chapter to this new fic will take a while to come, if it is fine with everybody. In the meantime, suggestions to the flow of the story are welcome.