A/N: this idea has been in my head for a long time, so here's a short drabble. Originally there were going to be a lot more runaways, but I thought that four was a fitting number. And, before anyone comments 'there can't be a full moon because the moon was blown up!' this is AU :P no Korosensei/tentacles to blow up the moon or potentially the earth.

I guess this can be considered a one-shot, but unless requested (and if I have enough crazy ideas in my head to continue the story) I will turn it into a full out story :P

Anyways, please enjoy! Or not... you know, that's cool too. I can't exactly make you enjoy my work..


In the dead of the night, underneath the full moon, four figures stood on top of a hill overlooking the city - their hometown - one last time.

Copper colored eyes stared down at the city lights with detest. The people who had 'supported him' had turned their backs to him and spat in his face because of one incident. Because in a town like this, justice is a sin. Well he wouldn't stay in a place where no one will fight to protect others.

"I won't miss it."

Two pairs of blue eyes looked at it all, one pair bright with excitement, the other filled with regret. Surely, they wouldn't be missed. Everyone often overlooked them and thought them to be childish and lazy. He wasn't exactly sure if running was the best choice, he realized that the main reason he chose to runaway with these people was because he was mad and hurt by those people close to him. But what good would it do to stay? He wasn't appreciated.

"I don't think I will either..."

Staying in a town full of workaholics and perfectionists didn't give her room to breathe and just live like a normal teenager. That wasn't what she wanted. She just wanted to live life on the edge, and be free from all the responsibilities she had to take on there. Running away was a new adventure that excited her, and she could already feel the rush of adrenaline going through her body as she couldn't wait to leave on the road.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go~"

Violet eyes glistened in the dark, as the last few tears escaped her now dull, lifeless eyes. She locked away her emotions, not knowing quite what to do with them. It wouldn't be useful to the group if she lost her composure and let her emotions overrule her sense of logic, she reasoned, wiping away her tears.

"Do you... think they'll catch us?"

The four turned away from the city, and began to walk down the paved road, slinging their backpacks over their shoulders.

"You really think they'd care to bring us back?" asked the boy with copper eyes and fiery red hair, a hint of bitterness in his tone of voice.

The short girl, with long, dark braided hair and violet eyes flinched a little, mumbling, "Well, maybe, um, no I guess not." She slumped her shoulders in defeat, and stopped walking to turn around and take a short glance back.

"Don't look back," the blonde girl said, blue eyes fixated on the road in front of her. "Because if you do, you might change your mind."

"Ah, r-right!" the dark haired girl stuttered, hurrying to catch up with the blonde. "I, I won't turn back."

The four of them would never turn back... or would they?