The streets were deathly silent.

Then again, what more would one expect of a small town on the stroke of midnight?

Shivering a little and breathing out a puff of cold air, a teen walked down the dark streets, his only light being that of the full moon hanging the sky.

As he passed by an alleyway, he heard shouting and cheering. Stopping, the teen turned to stare down the alleyway. He saw a group of people standing in a circle, cheering over the sound of metal clashing together.

Curious, the teen strode down the alleyway, pushing his way through the crowd and to the front, where he could see what the commotion was about.

He gasped in shock, "A Beybattle?"

Sure enough, two Beys faced each other off in a small stadium. From how one Bey was wobbing dangerously, it was evident the battle had been going on for a while now.

"Go now, Furie!" One of the Bladers, a teen with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes shouted, "Destroy this upstart's Bey!"

A fire red Bey pulsed crimson, before shooting forward in a burst of speed and knocking it's oppenent out of the stadium and into the air. The crowd was silent as the sound of metal on concrete echoed through the alleyway.

"Wow." The teen whispered, "He's got a lot of power. Wonder how he can train when the whole world watches your every move? Or how he even got his hands on a Bey, for that matter..."

"Ha!" The blonde whooped, as he caught his Furie back, "That's win number twenty for me! Anyone else feeling up to challenge me?"

There were some mumbles and grumbles, and the crowd began to disperse. The blonde looked a bit let down, but sighed and put his Bey back in it's case.

"That was impressive." The new teen said, catching the blonde's attention, "You're pretty powerful."

"Thanks." The blonde shrugged. His blue eyes locked on to his companion's belt, "You're a Blader too?"

"Yeah. But don't think about challenging me. I literally just got my Bey last month and I haven't really had much practice with her." The teen sighed. He stuck his hand out, "My name's Tyler Blackout. You?"

"Nero Konzern." The blonde said.

"Nice to meet you Nero. Tell me, how have you gotten that powerful?"

"Underground arenas. If you know how to find and get in them, you can get some good practice." Nero chuckled, "You really must be new to the Beyblade world if you didn't know that."

"I am." Tyler nodded.

"Hm." Nero hummed, "You know, there is some pretty big news filtering through the underground Beyblade world right now."

"Yeah, what about?"

"There's a school, an academy really, opening up privately in Metal City, Japan. It's for Bladers. Everyone's entering, but the news is a lot have been turned away. Only a few have been selected to study there. Maybe you should think about going." Nero said.

"Really?" Tyler asked, "What's the name of the academy?"

"Starfield Academy. Supposedly, it's one of the most advanced schools in the world."

So, this an OC story. And if you'd like to enter an OC, here are the following requirements.

1) I'm only accepting eight OCs. Depending on how many I get, it could be ten. First come, first serve.

2) The date I stop accepting OC's is 2-20-16, at 11:59 P.M.

3) Try to be detailed with the profile. Details raise your chance on being accepted.

4) One OC per author
And now, here's the profile.







Physical Appearance:

Casual Outfit:

Battle Outfit:

Formal Outfit:Classes: (These include):

-Gym/ Physical Education

-History (world or geography)

-Math (calculus, bridge math, algebra, physics, or statistics)

-Science (earth, physical, biology, or chemistry)

-English (creative writing, English, or drama)

-Beyblade(required) (training, battle, and history of Beyblade)

-Electives (whatever else you can think of your OC would be interested in)


Special Moves:

What Beyblade Looks Like:

Character Bio:



And that's it. Now, the updates for this story will be few and far between, so all I can say is, be patient. Now, for now, ciao!