Chapter 7: Witch Part 2

In Science class Dr. Gregory was up front doing his lecture, "Those on track one may begin their dissections. Those on track two, add your hydrochloric acid and ammonium hydroxide to your beakers..."

Xander held a scalpel poised over a frog. "I can't," he said as he put the scalpel down.

Willow looked at her friend and smiled sympathetically. She took the scalpel, and made a quick neat incision. "One eye of newt..."

"Wow, you've got a killer streak I've never seen before. Hope I never cross you." Xander said.

"I do too, then I'd have to carve you up in neat little pieces," Willow said as held the scapel up and gave him a small smile.

"Ha ha." Xander said as he took the scalpel respectfully from her. "How's Rei coming with the hair?"

Faith and Buffy sat in front of Xander and Willow and Rei and Savannah were in front of them.

"Isn't this exciting?" Lishanne said, sarcastically.

"Oh yeah," Savannah laughed.

Rei smiled at Amy as she stood up, pretending to head for the pencil sharpener. She dropped the pencil. "Fumble fingers," she said as she knelt down. She gave a sideways glance to see that Amy was not paying attention to her and reached into Amy's bag and grabbed a tuff of hair from Amy's hairbrush.

Rei finished going up to the pencil sharpener and then headed back to her lab table. As she sat down she passed the hair to Buffy who handed it to Willow. Willow put the hair in the beaker and stirred it before handing it to Buffy. "All set. You have a plan?" Willow asked.

Buffy nodded. "Spill it on her, try and make it look natural."

"Be careful." Savannah whispered as Buffy headed for Amy's desk with the beaker in hand.

"Lishanne, can you tell me why these chemicals have this reaction?" Dr. Gregory asked.

Buffy casually spilled a drop or two on Amy's arm. She watched as the spot turned blue. She looked across at Savannah who nodded. It was just then that Lishanne started to shake, to spaz out.

"Lishanne? Are you - Oh my god." Dr. Gregory said.

Lishanne knocked a few beakers over as she stumblingly rose, grabbing at the first thing she saw - which was Amy. Amy was brought face to face with Lishanne – who had no mouth. Amy backed away, terrified by what she saw.

As Rei, Savannah, Faith, Willow, Xander and Buffy walked down the hall they talked about what had happened in Science class.

"Did you see?" Xander asked. "Amy was as freaked out as the rest of us."

"So, it's not her?" Willow asked.

"The test was positive," Savannah said. "She's the witch."

"I don't think she realizes what she's doing," Buffy added.

"Should we talk to her?" Willow asked.

"Maybe we should talk to her mother," Faith said. "I wonder if she knows what she's created."

0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

The next morning Buffy woke to her alarm clock. She lumped around under the covers, mewling in protest before finally reaching for the clock. As she grabbed the clock she casually crushed it with her hand. She pulled her head out from under the covers to look at what she had wrought. "Oops," she said laughing.

Moments later down in the kitchen Joyce was making breakfast as Dawn and Faith watched. Buffy walked in a really good mood. "MACHO MACHO MAN..." she sang.

"Hey, juice." Buffy said as she downed an entire glass in one sip. "Quality juice. Not from concentrate."

"You're in a good mood." Joyce said.

"She is," Faith agreed.

"I am," Buffy said. "I'm on the squad. Which is great because I feel like cheering. And leading others to cheer. Hey, juice!" She downed Faith's glass of juice.

"Listen sweeties, about yesterday..." Joyce says.

"That's totally yester," Buffy said. "Besides, it's not like you were wrong. We did get kicked out. Faith and are wacky that way."

"Still, I want you to know that despite the problems you've had –" Joyce said.

"Mom, you don't get it. Believe me, you don't want it. There's just things about being a vamp …." Buffy said as Faith clamped her hand over Buffy's mouth.

"A what?" Joyce asked.

"Ignore her, mom." Faith said.

"Buffy, are you feeling well?" Joyce asked worriedly.

Buffy nodded. "I can't be in a good mood? That's a new house rule? Fine, I don't mind, cuz…" she said as she began to sing again. "I'm a MACHO MACHO MAN..."

Faith picked up her stuff and followed Buffy out of the house. If she had waited a moment she would have seen the look on Joyce's face. The same look of worry she had.

0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

Later in the Gym at school Buffy was there for cheerleading practice. "Turn up the music!" she said.

The cheerleaders – Buffy and the rest were practicing their moves. Buffy had a big, happy grin on her face, workin' the cheer - unfortunately she was workin' it completely out of sync with everyone else. She stomped on Lisa's foot.

"Ow! Get it together, Buffy, we have a game in less than four hours." Lisa said just as Faith, Willow, Xander, Savannah and Rei slip through the door to watch.

"Hey, Faith, Rei, Savannah, Willow, Xander! My sister and buds are here. I love my sister and buds." Buffy yelled.

"Is it me, or is Buffy somewhat looped?" Xander asked.

"It's not just you," Faith said. "She seemed this way when she came down for breakfast this morning."

Each girl launched the one next to girl into a spinning cartwheel.

"We better get her out of there," Savannah said. "Before she …"

Buffy cartwheeled into the Senior Cheerleader, grabbed her and sent her flying like a sack of potatoes.

"...hurts somebody."

Lisa landed in the corner of the gym. She got up, way more angry than hurt.

"Did I do that?" Buffy asked.

"You are so out of here!" Lisa said.

Willow and Xander rushed over to Buffy and grabbed her.

"It's not her fault –" Willow said.

"She's on medication –" Xander added.

Lisa rolled her eyes, "Obviously not enough. Who's our next alternate – oh," she said as she saw Amy right there already in uniform. "Amy, you just made cheerleader."

"No no no, you don't want her, she's a wi—" Buffy said as Xander clamped a hand over Buffy's mouth as he and Willow and he hustled her out of the gym.

"A wise choice indeed," Rei said as she, Savannah and Faith followed the others out of the gym.

As the doors closed behind them Xander removed his hand from Buffy's mouth.

"She's a witchy!" Buffy said.

"Revelare," Savannah said as Buffy glowed for a second. She frowned. "Buffy's under a spell."

"Buffy –" Willow said.

"I just got kicked off the team, didn't I?" Buffy asked.

"It's not your fault," Savannah said. "You are just Amy's latest victim. We need to get her to my Aunt Marie."

"Oh. I don't feel so good." Buffy said as she slumped over, pale and sweaty.

They rushed down the hall and into Marie's classroom. "Aunt Marie," Savannah said.

Marie sighed. This was why she hated the fact that she could not change her past. She could have prevented Buffy falling under the effects of the Bloodstone Vengeance Spell. She waved a hand and a nearby table cleared itself off. "Over there," she said as she pulled got her jacket off the back of her chair and walked over to the table. Xander and Willow helped Buffy onto the table and Marie put the jacket under Buffy's head.

"We got to get her to a hospital." Willow said.

Marie sighed again and shook her head. "They can't help her," she said. "This is a Bloodstone Vengeance Spell, hits the body hard, like drinking a quart of alcohol, and then eradicates the immune system."

"Vengeance spells. Like she's getting even with Buffy?" Faith asked.

"Because she knows we know she's a witch." Buffy said.

"The others she just wanted out of the running; you she intends to..." Marie said.

"Kill." Buffy said.

"How much time do we have?" Rei wondered.

"A couple hours," Marie said, "three at most."

"So how do we reverse the spell?" Xander wondered.

"We need Amy's spell book," Savannah said as Marie nodded in agreement.

"We should be able to reverse all of them, then," Marie added.

"And if we can't get our hands on it?" Faith asked with concern.

"The only other way is to vanquish the witch herself," Marie said. "Vanquishing her would automatically reverse the spells."

Xander raised his hand. "Show of hands..." he said.

"No. It's not Amy's fault," Buffy said. "She became a witch to survive her mother."

"I don't care why, I care that you go on breathing." Xander said. "That you go on breathing."

"Marie, where would she be casting these spells?" Rei asked.

"She needs a sacred space," Marie said. "Someplace with a cauldron. Likely at home."

"Help me get up," Buffy said. "We'll go to her house, find her book –"

"No," Marie said. "Savannah, you and Rei stay with Buffy. Xander, Willow keep an eye on Amy and keep her away from the science lab. I'll need it to cast the counter spells. Faith, you're with me."

0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

Later at Amy's House Marie pulled her car up outside. She and Faith got out and walked up to the front door. She knocked on the door as she noticed Faith peek through the window. "I know," she said before Faith could mention that Catherine had pushed a plate underneath the coffee table.

"What do you want?" Catherine Madison asked as she opened the door. "Is there something wrong?" C

"Amy," Marie said as Faith's eyes went wide with realization.

"Amy and her mom switched bodies?" Faith asked.

"Yes," Marie answered. "I'm a witch, Amy. I intend to reverse your mom's spells, all of them. Including the one where she swapped bodies with you."

Catherine held tears in her eyes when she heard what Marie said. "You are?"

"Yes," Marie said. "Would you lead us to where your mom practices her craft."

Catherine nodded enthusiastically and she let Marie and Faith into the house. They followed her up the stairs to the attic. "A few months ago I woke up in her bed," she said. "I didn't know where I was... and I looked in the mirror..."

"That must have been terrible to see your mom's face staring back at you from the mirror," Faith said as Catherine nodded.

When they reached the attic door Marie found the door locked. With a sharp tug of her werewolf increased strength she broke the lock. As they stepped into the room the saw a line of dolls hanging above the cauldron. "Faith, grab the dolls," Marie said. She rummaged about in the dark recesses of the attic, looking on shelves and under old blankets. She found a small trunk and as she opened it a black cat leapt out. She smiled at the familiar and then looked in the trunk. The Book of Shadows they had been looking for sat right on top of everything in the trunk as she picked it up. "I've got it."

As Marie and Faith led the way back down the stairs Catherine asked, "Where are you going?"

"We're going to school," Marie said. "And you're coming with us."

0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

Later in the science lab Marie, Faith and Catherine entered to find that Savannah had set everything up for Marie. On one of the lab tables laid Buffy. "Savannah," Marie said. "I need you to help me. Faith take Amy someplace where she can't escape so she does not know where we are performing the spell."

"What?" Faith asked clearly confused.

"When I start reversing the spells, Mrs. Madison and Amy will begin having flashes of what the other is doing," Marie explained. "Rei," Rei looked up from what she sat next to Buffy. She had to smile a little because she knew that Rei was already falling for Buffy it appeared." I need you to use your contacts and see if we can't get Catherine arrested."

With the instructions everyone except Savannah, Buffy and Marie left.

Marie walked over to Buffy and smiled at her sister. "I'm going to stop this," she said.

"How is she?" Savannah asked.

"You know the answer to that, Savannah," Marie answered.

Savannah nodded as she looked at the girl who would one day become her mother. "I know the end result, yes. I mean how is she right now."

"We only have a few minutes." Marie said as she pulled out the Book of Shadows out of the book and started flipping through it. "Let's see... Savannah I'll need lead, sulphur, some sort of diacetate..." She walked over to the glass cabinet with the chemicals in it. It's locked. Casually, still looking down at the book for reference, she broke the lock with a tug of her wrist. She began pulling out ingredients she needed. "Also grab a frog."

Marie returned to the makeshift cauldron and lit the bunsen burner that was beneath it. "I need the eyes, sweetie," she said.

Savannah nodded as she sat down the ingredients Marie had asked her to get. She then set the frong down and began working on its eyes with a scalpel.

"The center is dark," Marie said as she threw in some powder. "The darkness breathes. The listener hears. Hear me. Unlock the gate, let the darkness shine. Cover us with holy fear. Show me. Show me."

It was at the moment that lights in the room went suddenly dark. Marie held her hands to the heavens, "Corsheth, and Gilail, the gate is closed. Receive the dark, release the unworthy... Take of mine energy and be sated!" She plunged her hands into the brew and a huge colored cloud shot up. "Be sated! Release the unworthy! Release!"

"Mom!" Savannah said as she noticed Buffy's eyes flutter shut.

"Release!" Marie said as Rei came back.

"It's done," Rei said.

"RELEASE!" Marie shouted as her glamour spell flickered for a brief second.

Rei frowned as she looked at Marie and whispered to herself, "Dawn Swann."

Buffy's eyes blinked open and she sat up. "You did it," she said just as Amy walked in.

"Amy?" Marie asked as Amy nodded.

"I'm me again," Amy said. "What about mom?"

"You don't have to worry about her," Rei said. "You will never have to see her again."

It was then that Xander and Willow burst into the room. Xander tackled Amy. "I got her!" he said. "I got her! Cut her head off!"

"Xander, what are you doing?" Savannah asked.

"Saving Buffy," Xander said as Buffy pulled Amy away from him. "But she's evil!"

"Well, it wasn't exactly her," Marie said.

"It was my mom," Amy said.

"Oh," Xander said confused. It took him a moment to realize he had has no idea what they were talking about.

0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

The next day Rei entered Marie's classroom and found Marie grading papers. "Marie," she said.

"Rei, what can I do for you?" Marie asked.

"Why do you hide your true appearance behind a glamour spell, Dawn Swann," Rei said.

Marie's eyes went wide. "How?"

"When you cast that final spell for a moment," Rei explained, "the glamour slipped for but a second. Long enough for anyone looking to notice your real appearance."

Marie sighed. "I'm not hiding my appearance because you might recognize me as Dawn Swann, but because you and everyone else might recognize me as someone else. Someone who lives within this lifetime."

Rei thought back to when she had first seen Marie, back when Marie was going by the name Dawn Swann around two hundred and fifty years earlier. Her eyes widened again with realization. "You are Dawn Summers, Buffy and Faith's younger sister."

"That's correct," said a voice from behind Rei.

Rei noticed the smile on Marie's face as she spun to look at Anne. "Buffy?"

"Dawn," Anne said with a nod toward the door.

Marie nodded in understanding. "Silentium," she said as everything outside the classroom suddenly went quiet. "Now we can talk without being heard."

"Yes," Anne said. "I'm Buffy, from several years from now."

"How?" Rei asked again.

"It's a long story," Anne said with a sigh.

"I have been to the past twice, first time on my own," Marie explained. "That was when you met me. I had already been living in the past for eight years when you met me. After the Brethren Court, I lived for another ten years before finally being able to return home."

"Then several years later," Anne said, "we were fighting a demon and somehow we both were transported back in time."

"To just before Jack and Blackbeard found the Fountain of Youth," Marie said. "We drank from it and have been alive ever since. We came to Sunnydale to ensure that our past selves are safe from any demons that are targeting us. Kill our past selves, kill us."

"You are the seer," Rei said as she looked at Anne. "You have been passing to Marie information."

Anne nodded. "Yes. We have to make sure everything plays out just as it did before."

"How far in the future are you both from?" Rei wondered.

Marie smiled. "Ten years. You can't tell anyone, Rei. Not even Giles, myself, Buffy or Faith. Everything must play out just as it did before."

"So if you're here to protect your past selves," Rei said as she looked at Marie. "Why does your contract end with Buffy and Faith's graduation?"

"We believe any threat coming for us will do it now when I or Buffy are the most vulnerable," Marie said. "We're here to protect them nothing more. We can't change our past, for if we did it would have catastrophic results. For example if my past self does not go into the past, that first time, I would not have a daughter before returning home. And that daughter would not have children. And Willow would not be born."

"Willow?" Rei asked.

"Willow is my granddaughter over two hundred years removed," Marie said.

Rei nodded in understanding. If Dawn did not go into the past it would create a paradox that might destroy their world and if it did not then it would at the least change the present in who knows what ways, ways that might be darker. "Yes I see what could happen," she said. "You both walk a fine line. Dawn, Buffy, your secret is safe with me. Can I ask? You say Savannah is your niece." She looked at Buffy. "That means she's …"

"My daughter," Anne said.

"But you are gay aren't you?" Rei asked, she had gotten that impression when watching Buffy at the cheerleading tryouts.

"Bisexual," Anne replied. "I prefer women, but I have been with men. I gave birth to Savannah sixteen years ago."

"Sixteen?" Rei said confused. "If you are …"

"We're not like you," Marie said. "While we are immortal and the only way we can die is like you by losing our heads. There is one major difference. We did not suffer a final death. We can reproduce; have children, where you cannot. You're entire body is frozen at that moment. The only thing truly frozen for us is our age."

"And I had her, as I said, sixteen years ago," Anne said. "There is something you should know about Savannah. She is the first ever hereditary Slayer/witch hybrid."

Rei shook her head in confusion. How was that possible, no child born of a Slayer had ever received the mother's gifts? Of course she knew of only one other Slayer who had given birth, Nikki Woods, back in the seventies and Nikki of course had a son not a daughter. That could have been the key to the puzzle, Savannah was a girl. "She's a Slayer and a witch?"

"Yes," Marie said. "Her Slayer abilities were activated three years ago. She inherited her magic from me, how we're not entirely sure. She came into her powers four years ago."