-A week later

"Kira, you've decided to return then?" Cat asked not looking up from her work.

"Yes Ms Grant." Kara said placing a coffee on Cat's desk.

"I assume there will be no repeat of your emotional breakdown."

"No Ms Grant." Kara said confused and wondering what exactly had gone on between Hank and Cat.

"Good. Next time something traumatic happens in your life that makes you unfit to work I suggest you phone in."

"Yes Ms Grant."

"Good, well you may go and catch up with your work." Cat said before finally looking up and saying. "And Kira, I'm sorry for your loss."


"Hey you." James smiled as Kara entered his office.

"Hey." Kara smiled from the door.

"I think you may have confused me with Cat." James said, when he saw Kara's confusion he added. "I don't bite."

"Oh right." Kara said entering the office.

"So how are things?"



"Yeah, spending time away from here was good. Helped put everything into focus. So I'm now fully focused. How are you doing?"

"Me? Fine. Why wouldn't I be?" James asked.


"It's fine."


"Really, Lucy and I should have ended it a long time ago. We're still friends and we have both moved on."

"You've moved on already?"

"Not like it may have sounded. What I meant is, I am in a Lucy free phase of my life. More importantly though, how are you doing?"


"And the truth?"

"Fine, really."

"You once told me that you were taught it is an honour to accept help from others."

"I did say that." Kara conceded.

"Soooo, surely that means you will accept my help."

"I have always accepted your help." Kara said.

"Apart from now. You are closing yourself off. You can talk to me about anything. So what's on your mind?"

"I'm worried about Alex." Kara said, confusing James.

"Alex? Why?"

"She always seems stressed. Something is clearly wrong but she won't talk about it. Now she has run off to help some operation in Opal City, it feels like she is avoiding me."

"When you were under control of the Black Mercy, Alex was really freaked. If you ask me Alex needs to talk to someone, but doesn't want to talk to you because she doesn't want to add to your stress."

"That makes sense, I guess." Kara said. "So how can I help her?"

"By helping yourself. If Alex thinks you are ok I'm sure she'll open up. And don't say you're fine you have just lost your parents and planet, again, not to mention your aunt. You need time to get over something like that. And a friend to talk to. Which you will always have in me."

"Thanks." Kara smiled as they both looked at each other. After a moment of awkward silence James smiled and suggested.

"Let's go out."


"Dinner, tonight."

"You and me?" Kara asked pointing from James to herself.

"That was the idea. So what do you say? You, me, chicken wings? We can talk, enjoy each others company, catch up."

"You had me at chicken wings." Kara smiled.


"What are you doing?" Winn asked entering James' office later that day.

"Sorting out the feature photos." James said not looking up. "Why, you need something?"

"That's not what I meant." Winn said closing the door and entering the office. "I meant what are you doing with Kara?"

"How do you mean?"

"You are taking her out tonight."

"I am, she needs someone to talk to and Alex is being distant."

"So you're stepping up."

"I am. Look, I know things have been weird between the two of you recently and that may be my fault, but I promise you I am just looking out for her." James said.

"I just want Kara to be happy. I get that I can't do that and if you can then so be it, I will be happy for her, for both of you. And I know she thinks you can do that, but do you believe that? You have only just broken up with Lucy. Kara has been through so much recently I don't want to see her get hurt because you offer something you can't really give." Winn said.

"Look Winn, tonight is about being there for Kara. Yes I realised recently that I wanted more than just friendship with Kara, but I am not going to do anything until she is ready."

"As much as it pains me to say it, technically she has been ready since the day she saw you." Winn said. "Just make sure you are."

"Of course."

"Oh and James?"Winn said as he reached the door.


"Just so you know, when Clark was in town I got his number and promised to ring if anyone hurt Kara." With that Winn left.


"Sorry I'm late." Kara said when she finally arrived at Noonan's.

"No worries, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, Cat gave me extra tasks just as I was about to leave."

"How are things going with her?"

"Um, well, I wouldn't class our relationship as good, but she hasn't thrown any stationery at me so it could be worse. Plus she hasn't fired me."

"Not even Cat would fire someone after a bereavement." James said as a waitress brought two baskets of wings over.

"I'm not sure. I'm not exactly sure what Hank did as me, but I think Cat may have been pretty tempted to fire me."

"Have you asked him what happened?"

"No, not really spoken much. And to be honest I'm not sure I want to know what happened."

"I'm sure Cat will forgive you, eventually." James tried to reassure her.

"I hope so." Kara said before noticing James was counting and asked, as she picked up another wing. "Why are you counting?"

"You eat more when you are happy. So I am judging your happiness on wings eaten."

"I do not. Do I?"

"Yeah, you do." James smiled again.

"I also eat when I'm stressed or unhappy or have been flying around."

"True, you always eat. But you eat most when you are happy."

"So where am I on the chicken wing happiness scale?" Kara asked.

"I'll let you know, but I'm thinking six."

"Is that good or bad?"

"It's okay, but could do with improvement." Reaching over James squeezed Kara's hand and said. "I'm really glad you're back."

"I'm glad I'm back too." Kara smiled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." James said looking directly at Kara. The two looked at each other until the moment was broken by Kara's phone. The noise causing Kara to jump back slightly before reaching for her phone.

"Sorry, I have to go. There's an incident at the DEO."

"I understand." James said as Kara stood and said.

"James, thank you for tonight."

"Anytime. I'm always here for you."

"I know."

"Be careful out there." He smiled.

