Off you go you pesky plot bunnies!

I do not own Nasuverse or One Piece any other movie/book/game/comic book/song/series that might be mentioned here. I just own these couple words that I wrote.

Warning: Some swearing there and there.

Chapter 8: The Straw Hats

"I SEE A MYSTERY MOUNTAIN!" Luffy yelled from the mast. In Luffy's language, 'mystery' translates to something he does not know or understand. In other words, he considered almost everything a mystery. The crew quickly gathered, there was no time for introductions therefor for now they were: The Hunter, Long Nose, Nami (the only one she knew from before) and the Pervert. The storm and wind was still raging around them, water splashing everywhere and rain drops beating onto the ship with no mercy. If se did not know Luffy, she would be kinda worried that he is in this weather on such a place. "I can't see the top..."

True, that was one huge mountain, clouds obscuring the top completely. The Red line, the closest thing to a continent in the world, a land that separated the East Blue and South Blue from West Blue and North Blue, a land that wrapped around the globe like rubber band around a small beach ball, this is how long it is. And now Scatty sees that it is damn tall as well. She had seen pictures but nothing can compare to seeing it with her own eyes.

The waves were crashing against rocks with such a strength that it was a surprise they were still there.

"T-that is insanely huge!"

The same waves crashed into the boat and as if there was some sort of a large hand present, pushed them forwards right towards the rocks. "Hey, Nami! Where is the entrance! We are going to crush into the rocks if we keep heading this way!"

"Go grab the rudder! The entrance is up ahead!"

"Do you want help?"

"You watch over Luffy!" Scatty shrugged her shoulders. The real trick to entering Grand Line was to accurately sail into a certain place, the sea currents will take care of the rest. About half of the ships do not manage such a feat and the people are lost in the local waters. This is a good situation when she can watch how they fare, of course she will help but there is a reason why only the strongest survive on the Grand Line. Apparently, Nami managed to get a map that shows the entrance to Grand Line and using that they found their way here.

"Nami, you do know that we will need to climb that mountain, right?"

"Are you crazy?!" Mint took that as a hint and started yelling the phase from inside her coat. But it did not come out, probably still not liking the weather around. Nami dropped her glare and gave her odd look when she realized that is was not Scatty that was speaking. "Are you serious?"

"Let me guess, Luffy did not do his homework and at least look into this?"

"No... no."

"Listen Nami, the currents here are so strong that hey will carry the ship up the mountain, but we need to be careful with the steering. One wrong move and we will end up on the rocks."

"The currents..." Nami seemed to think for a moment, she looked at the water raging around them but then nodded. "Thank you."

"I have books and notes regarding Grand Line, you are the navigator, right?"


"Then they are yours."


"Really, this time we are on the same boat, not just literally."

Nami's glare came back full force but did not object. Soon enough, they saw a crack in a cliff, dragging up through the land. "Go right towards it!"

"Are you sure Nami?"

"A-are you serious?" The Long Nose stumbled.

"Just do it!"

Scatty ignored Luffy who almost landed on her head and kept looking at the rocks. Just as she red in books before, soon enough everyone could see the wonder that this entrance was. Truly one of a kind. "No way! It really is going up!"

"The damn ocean is really flowing up the mountain!"

This was like some introduction, a test of sorts so that no unskilled or cowardly crews would get into that sea, the Grand Line.

In the stone was a canal, a passage, wide enough for a larger ship to sail through, but the canal went up the mountain, and the water flowing through it was rushing into it with so much force that it never came down, or at least not here. There were some water gates that marked the entrance, also making it easier for crews to find it. Though it made one wonder how exactly were they placed there witch such strong currents present. Or how come they were still there at all!

"We are getting off course! To right! To right!"

"To right? Go starboard!"

With a resounding crack the rudder broke. Death suddenly seemed very close. Scatty ran to the broken thing, Luffy was outside yelling something. Before anyone could protest, she brought out her spear and stuck it into the wood, hopefully deep enough. "Don't just stand there, help me!" The Long Nose and Pervert grabbed the weapon and started pulling, trying to keep the ship on course. And then the pressure... stopped. The ship shook as it started going up the hill. "Guys, I think we made it." Boys grinned at each other, satisfied with the work. Once she made sure that the weapon stuck in the wood will not move, she ran outside to see what is going on there. The ship was really going up, the currents were that strong.

"I am unstuck!" And how the hell did Luffy's head get stuck in the wood?

The journey up the mountain was quite long, this is certainly one ride that Scatty would go on again. Only after several good minutes, the ship ran into the clouds and after several more, clear blue sky could be seen, just as the top of the mountain. The air grew thin, water glimmered at the top as several currents such as the one hey were riding on met there. "Look! It is the summit, the summit!" They were getting slower and slower, but still, when they reached the top, the ship was thrown into the air due to the forces meeting there.


It was so damn cold. The salty sea water throwing into the space froze almost instantly and turned into snow. With a splash, the ship landed on water and started moving down at ridiculous speed. What goes up, must go down. Gravity can be quite a bitch. Still, this was the most epic water slide of all time. "The One Piece is ahead somewhere!"

"Looking forward to finding it Luffy?" Scatty asked him.

"Of course!"

The clouds surrounded them, no longer stormy and dark but pure white. Nothing better but a bath in some fluffy clouds as the first thing in Grand Line.

"Didn't you hear a strange sound?" She frowned, if others did as well, she could not see that. The clouds were still present. The sound appeared again, it was long and sad somewhat. Most certainly, Scatty did hear such a sound somewhere... some large fish. The first thing that could be linked with the words 'large fish' was a sea king, Scatty groaned. While they do give lots of meat, it can be very annoying to deal with them, Scatty is a good swimmer, a requirement in her line of work but fish were fish. Humans just aren't build for swimming like many other aquatic creatures! Heck, one of the main reasons why people are the way they are is so that they could run on longer distances, not swim! Those few lost sea kings she fought had the brains to hide underwater before she could kill them fast and attack from there. It is not that she could not kill them, but it needed to be done fast, a quick fatal blow was preferable.

Also, avoiding their large strong limbs and pointed sharp teeth was good for health too. Patience could also work, but ships tended to be in pieces after that.

The ship came out from the cloud, and all that everyone was capable of was staring... at the mountain like thing that they were sure to crash into if they will not chance course as soon as they could. "What the hell is that!"

"There is nothing supposed to be there! There is nothing on the map! After the twin capes there should be nothing but ocean!"

Well... welcome to the Grand Line and screw the map, she trusts her eyes more than some random piece of paper. The Pirate Hunter and long nose disappeared, Scatty followed and soon all three of them were trying to beat the current, while holding the red spear. Nami was navigating and Luffy was enjoying himself. Typical. Once they find someone capable, this needs to be repaired, Scatty has no problem with spears and their availability, but this just will not last long, heck it is surprising the the edge did not completely destroy the thing by now!

Gae Bolg was not a weapon that was meant to be used like this...

The thing was not a mountain, or anything like that, it was a whale. A gigantic whale. It is truly a wonder how can such a big life form even exist. Lots of screaming later, the ship was heading towards what looked like a port, the first one in Grand Line. Scatty looked up, eyebrows raised. The animal's eyes alone was bigger than this ship, should this animal be killed, it could feed an entire city for months! She had heard about these before, there should be nothing to be worried about as they were...

The thing put it's head onto the water, creating waves that could be classified as a small scale tsunami, not good for their ship, the mass of wood that was thait ship was quickly pushed away, everyone holding whatever they could in fear that they would fall into the raging sea waters. Cursing filled the air, though quite tame compared to what she had heard on her travels so far. They weren't pushed away for long, currents started pulling them... closer? With horrified expressions, everyone looked towards the whale, which was slowly opening it's mouth, allowing the sea water to pour into it's mouth. Bugger. And the whale had teeth? Since when do whales have teeth!

Luffy's yells became more apparent, making everyone look his way. His hands slipped and now was balancing on the wet wood, trying not to fall into the sea. He is going to fall. Before even that thought was finished, he reached the end of the deck... and fell over. Scatty shot after him, first thought was to use runes to get him back onto the ship, but there was no time for rune work. Second and probably the most possible one was to grab onto the whale's teeth. Sorry for destroying your teeth whale.

Luffy safe in hand, a second Gae Bolg appeared in her hand and stuck itself into the white surface of the things tooth. The cursing and yells were lost in the sound of raging water.


Apparently, Scathach used way too much power when she tried to keep herself and Luffy safe from falling into the water. Damn in. The duo fell into the raging waves, bits and pieces of the tooth with them. Naturally, Luffy stopped moving almost instantly once the sea water touched his skin, and with a sound of a dying animal... he pretty much turned into a rag doll. By the time the water calmed down and Scatty hit the surface, one thins was sure. The introductions would have to wait for a little longer, if there would be any at all.

"I am so weaaaaak..."

"I so did not mention that. Got your hat?"


Focusing on her feet, she kicked as hard as she could, this eventualy got the two out of water, luckily. The spear re-appeared and promptly stuck itself into the fat of the animal, then shortly after it used as a mean to get even higher.

Once on the top, all the two could do was to stare at each other. The question 'do you think that they are still alive?' came to her mind, but considering that they were likely Luffy's pals, it would not be an appropriate thing to say. "What now?" She rose one of her eyebrows as she looked over her little brother. He did not change much over the years, arms still thin... there was some muscle, yeah, but nothing that impressive. The straw hat that originally belonged to the red-head idiot Shanks, some blue shorts, red west. Over all, he still looked like the little kid she met years ago only a couple inches taller.

Even his face barely changed.

"GIVE THEM BACK!" Why isn't she surprised to see his outburst? Perhaps she should be also angry but she could not bring herself to care that much about people she just met, oh she was not happy with the fact that it was Luffy's friends that got swalloved, but it did not feel that personal. "YOU DUMB WHALE! GIVE THEM BACK!"



"Luffy, over here."


Scatty flung her finger at the metal door, few meters away. Do not ask her how it got there. It just was there.

The books were right. Grand Line is a place where where logic flees through the window and never comes back.

"Oh, now that is convenient."

Also pretty much screams that human hands worked with this animal, if this thing even was an animal in the first place and not some large over-sized mecha thing. No... no it probably was not, metals weren't exactly that light.

"What the hell is this? And why does a whale have a door?"

"Well, doors are generally used to enter structures... like houses."

"I do know that!" Scatty gave him a look before turning away and looking at the long corridor clearly made out of metal, lots of screws, some wood and nails. If this thing is alive, Scatty kinda feel sorry for it. The thought of having halls like this in a living body was a very uncomfortable and unsettling. She looked up at the working lamp and the electric wire attached to it and shook her shoulders. "How long do you think the corridor is."


"Ah. I see. By the way Scatty."


In an instant, his face was split by a wide grin, Scatty stopped walking and looked at him with one of her eyebrows up. "You won me a bet, thanks sis!"

"A bet? And how is it that I won you a bet? Than I would not kill you the first time I see you after almost three years?"

"No! No! Me and Ace bet on something else." Luffy looked slightly lower, Scathach was starting to feel irritated, now understanding what is it that he was talking about, bare hand went to her nose bridge.

"You two... if you two were not my brothers, I would assume stuff and promptly execute my revenge." Luffy started laughing. Some of her anger left her when she heard the sound, only now realizing how much she missed the idiot, not that she would admit that out loud, ever. "Luffy, don't you have a crew we need to rescue?"

"Oh, uhm... right."

Aside from the unnatural, clearly man made walls inside a giant whale, there was not anything to admire.

The place shook indicating that the whale started to move. Both siblings soon found themselves falling down. One thing is sure. At the end of the day, there are going to be loads blue spots all over their bodies. Materializing the third spear that day proved to be quite useless because even if she somehow would manage to stick it into the metal, Luffy would continue falling. Does she trust luck and him to stop somewhere safe? Heck no. The space around them became bigger, that is a plus. Bad thing is that there was seemingly a small river of sorts. Oh and the tremors stopped for about two seconds before they began again

In the end, Scatty hit something, judging by the 'ouf' like sound, it was a living being. Now they were even in a bigger room, after opening her eyes she saw... clouds? Alright, she gives up. Spinning in the air, she saw greenish water underneath, a small island and a rather familiar ship with a ram head in the front. Cool, it survived. "Yo! You guys are all okay!" Oh and the crew survived too. Dismissing the two extra people in the air and using geppo, Scatty got to Luffy before he could utter an another sentence.

"Pirate Hunter!"

In that moment the swordsman looked as if he had moss on his head, perhaps a nickname Moss head would be appropriate in the future for him. With a huh, he looked up.


The face that he made was marvelous, a piece of art. His eyes widened, not as much as the rest but the subtle twitch of his eye would made her laugh at a different moment. Luffy, turned into a beach ball landed safely on the deck kicking the air once more, she was among them as well.

"So let me get this straight... some old man turned a living organism into his personal one-man resort. Created all those mecha walls, painted his stomach like a sky, you thought of him as cruel but then he revealed that he is looking after the whale, which by the way is called Laboon. Sadly the whale has been waiting here for fifty years for a group of friends, pirates that had never shown up after sailing into Grand Line. In order to meet them, it has been bashing it's head against the Red Line in hopes of getting on the other side."

"That sumarises things..." The long nose said.

"Oh and there is a group of wannabes that wants to eat the thing."

"That too."

"Who are you calling wannabes!"

"Was I talking with you?" The two yelped and looked away. The darkness gathered around Scatty disappeared once it fulfilled it's purpose.

"The old man says that the people abandoned Laboon but I do not want to believe it."

"Abandoned? Hm, altho that is possible, it is more likely that they died at the sea."

"Do not say such things too!"

"Long Nose, if they did not care about the whale that much, they would have taken him with them and then used him later as food. Yes, it is a cruel thought but not all pirates are like Luffy." The tanned guy opened his mouth before closing it, not knowing what to say to that. "Not to mention that it was fifty years. Pirates are not exactly known to be living long lives. Poor thing."

The said poor thing just 'moarned' loudly as Luffy rammed a giant mass of wood into it's head. Once again, Scathach grabbed the bridge of her nose as she observed her little brother fight with the thing. What gave him the bright idea to use their mast... no clue.


Yup, this feel like the old times. Stuff just keeps and keeps coming.


Her answer to the collective yells of the crew?

Do not question Luffy's logic.

For a while she marveled that the whale could feel Luffy's punches with all that fat and meat on herself but then dismissed the situation. Unless Luffy get's stuck on the whale's tooth, he will be fine. Besides, it was kinda amazing to watch his growth... and dumb people tend to be lucky.

Scatty still remembered the times he had problems with hitting things at all, putting power into his punches? Not happening. Defeating Luffy was as easy as taking care of a random drunken idiot with little control over his limbs. Luffy was mostly support while the rest did the fighting.

And now?

With a wide smile, he delivered an another punch to the animal, whom flinched again.

Though a second later, Luffy was thrown against the rocky land.

"Should I..."

"It is a draw!" And the action stopped. Scarred, cut and bleeding, Luffy stood up, his straw hat magically appearing in his hand. With everything silent, he put it back on his head, that smile of his splitting his face once more. "Pretty strong aren't I? You wanna beat me don't you?"

"Ah, so that was his plan." Her loud musing drew some attention.

"Our fight need to continue, so we will fight again one day! Your friends may be dead, but from this day on I am your rival! That is why we will fight again one day and decide which one of us is stronger! Once I will finish sailing Grand Line, I will fight you again! I will be back! We will finish our fight!"

"Now I get it."

"He purposely challenged the thing."

"Wait, what?" Long Nose asked, looking between the Moss Head and her. "I do not get it!"

"Basically, the whale will stop bashnig it head against the wall."


"Luffy gave it a new reason to live."

"Ah. I see. Wait! Just like that!"

"In a way, Luffy is a genius." Everyone gave her blank looks. She sweatdropped "But most of the time he is an utter idiot. I am sure that you have mentioned." All of them nodded, making her laugh loudly.

A while later all sat down, Luffy had an another cool idea and that was to paint a giant jolly roger on the whale. Scatty shook her head at the sight of the mangled version of the thing before turning away. So much time passed, yet the group still did not sit down so they could introduce themselves. The storm, the mountain and then the whale Laboon. Speaking of animals, there is one she pretty much forgot about. Scatty reached into her coat and pulled out something green and wet. Mint let out a weak 'help help' before moving around a bit, stretching it's small feet, and giving her a glare.

"Sorry Mint. Was the ride too rough?"

"Help help." Green wings fluttered and the animal was placed on a table not too far away. Nami looked at Mint, at Scathach, frowning a bit but she looked away.

"What is it?"

"You are not planning to use a regular compass, right?"

Nami looked up, and then glared. "What is it to you? I am the navigator here." Ouch. The tone was not pleasant. "Just why have I agreed to travel with Luffy..."

"Erm, Nami?"


Scatty sighed. She probably should not have pranked her back then but seeing her greedy eyes she could not help herself. Rumor said that the Bulgar Cat Nami was kept by Arlong Pirates because of her amazing ability and talent when it came to maps, other said that she is a very capable navigator but... seeing that she is planing to use a regular compass... Scatty was not expecting Luffy to do his homework, but she did not expect a navigator headed out onto such a dangerous sea with... that. The red eyed girl frowned. The entrance could be excused, but not this. Nami would better show that she can do better, her reputation spoke of her differently. "Eeek! The compass is broken! What did you do?"

"Nami-san, those things do not work on Grand Line at all, one needs a special one."

"Special one?"

Shortly, she was holding a small bracelet. It was simple, made from animal hide with a small transparent sphere attached at the top. A magnet inside, spinning around slowly, one side red, one while. "This is Log Pose, you do know how compasses work, right?" If Nami would look closer, she would see a couple runes, Scatty added that there, to make sure that it will not break. There were mountains of stories in which the frail glass shattered and a new log pose had to be found.

"Yeah. They point to the north."

"At most places, yeah, but Grand Line possesses all sorts of unique magnetic fields and for that reason, no compass will tell you where north is. Hence why the small thing you brought acts like that." Currently, the small device was spinning in circles, at times it appeared as if it was trying to invent some very intricate dance. Just like she said, the thing was useless.

"But if I won't be able to tell where north is, how can I navigate! How in seven seas are we going to set sail, how..."

"Nami-san. Calm down. If you are as good as the rumors say, you will do fine. Log Pose, remember?" She stopped and looked up. Luckily, the orange haired teen was no loger panicking, unluckily, it did not mean good things if she was so lost when it came to navigation in Grand Line. Oh, and she was no longer glaring. "Listen, Log Pose will not show you north, but by adjusting to the magnetic fields of the island it will be able to pinpoint ships to the nearest island."

"I have brought you beauties food!" Both blinked and looked around. The blond guy was running towards them at a rather dangerous speed, carrying large, large plates of food. It was a wonder that he did not fall over with all that stuff. It was a fish of some sort, as he came closer, light purple, blue and pink scales were spotted, Scatty blinked as she realized what sort of a fish it is. "Is that the elephant tuna?"

"Haaaai! Scatty-chan!"

"You could have said that normally..." This guy obviously worked in some restaurant, Scatty never got how can anyone carry so many plates at once without making that unpleasant shattering sound and mess on ground. The blond put down the plates and Scatty felt her fingers twitch, anger forgotten. She absolutely loved the elephant tuna. Luffy joined her soon and they started eating together.

"It seems that at least one of you knows something." An old man approached them, the same one from before. Tall, well build for his age, very colorful shirt hiding muscles under and somewhat odd garment on his head. He looked as if he once fell on his head, quite badly at that, and the fall messed things up in his head. That is what most people would see but anyone slightly more skilled in observing others would tell that this guy is damn dangerous. Crocus, his name was said earlier. "But for heaven's sake did you come here to end your lives?" Scatty rolled her eyes, Luffy kept stuffing himself, Nami laughed rather nervously, the blond did not react. The rest was not present. "You, your name is...?"

"Witch D Scathach. Sister of the idiot with a hat." She flung her finger is Luffy's direction, once more examining the old man's expression.

"You would better tell these kids a bit more! How long have you been together?"

"Actually, I joined the crew only a few hours ago."

Crocus stopped talking and made an apologetic face, realizing his rudeness. "I apologize then. But everyone should know that this sea does not follow common sense. That compass is really not broken."

"So then, it is like she said? About the magnetic fields?" Nami asked.

"Yes. The islands of Grand Line have a lot of magnetic materials, because of that they are causing many abnormalities all around this sea. Further more, the winds and currents do not have constancy. As a navigator you should know how scary is that!"

"Truly, if we don't have a way of knowing our direction..."

"As your companion said, you need Log Pose. It is a compass that can record magnetism." Nami remembered the log pose that she was given earlier, held it to her face. She said something, but it could not be heard by anyone else, partly because of Luffy's loud table manners. Scatty glanced at the remains of food and moved away. "It is known that magnetism of islands in the Grand Line follows a certain rule, two islands are always pulling against each other, Long Pose records this and finds route to the next one. Since you can't even figure out it's location in the sea, the magnetism is the only thing all people sailing can depend on. At first, you can pick from seven magnetism created by the Reverse Mountain, but no matter which island you will start with, the magnetism's will eventually pull against each other and end up in one route."


"Correct. It is the last point of Grand Line. Though only one person in recorded history who confirmed it's existence. It is a legendary island."

The group looked at each other, long nose joined in at some point, each one of them knowing who exactly it was that confirmed it's existence, and what is on that island. One Piece. The legendary treasure. The final destination for their crew and many others.

Scatty observed as the Pervert kicked Luffy in anger. The plate was licked clean.

"Soo... My name is Witch D Scathach, I am from East blue, me and Luffy exchanged cups so we are siblings. I do like having fun, my siblings. And I dislike... many things. Mainly Luffy's idiocy." Moss head looked at her, observed her rather warily though his face turned blank when she finished. Then he grinned. "Oh and that bunny thing is Mint! Isn't he the cutest?"

"Those spears of yours, are they dangerous?"

"Depends on who they are pointed at."

"Wanna spar?"

"Sure! Later though. Hey, Long Nose! What is your name? I have already introduced myself... so?"

The guy stopped what he was doing (repairing that mast) and looked at her. "Eh... I am Usopp."

"Hello Usopp!"

"So you... are Luffy's sister then?"


He laughed nervously and quickly disappeared from sight. Scatty shrugged her shoulders nd turned to the next member of Luffy's humble and still alive crew. Before she could even open her mouth, Bulgar Cat Nami sneered and disappeared.

Okay. That might be a problem.

"My name is Sanji. I will be your faithful companion on this journey." It was the blonde guy who kicked Luffy earlier, the cook. And an obvious pervert. When he spoke, it was in the most seductive tone he could probaly muster. Deep and slow. Most girls would squeal in delight when they would hear that voice. And when he looked up... he does this often. Very often. "I love the smell of your hair, the beautiful color of your eyes..." At the very least he did not get to finish. With the words 'move pervert', Rononoa Zorro shoved him away and grinning like mad man her pulled out swords.

Scatty blinked when her put one of then into his mouth.

"So it is true, you do use three blades at once."

"Prepare you woman."

Scatty grinned.

She was not sure about some members but this guy was fun. But who knows, after all, she just met the lot. They will have lots of time to prove themselves!

If not and they will prove to be a danger to her brother, she will not hesitate. She has a promise to keep.

Okay... I swear that I started writing this chapter right after i posted the last one. But then my PC broke...yay... something with BIOS, I am not a PC person but I was told that repairing that would cost more than a brand new PC. So I wanted to buy a new PC right away with my own money but father said no, said that if he buys it it will be cheaper. But he got this one for Christmas.

And no matter what, I did not feel comfortable writing on other one that I was using as replacement. My brothers old gamer PC.

And then school came and I had no time to write this one.

As a result, I was writing this chapter... welp... months passed.

With me going to school I do not know when the next chapter will be posted but I hope that you will enjoy this chapter regardless.

Thank you!

Also, enjoy the Omakes!

Omake. Sort of.

"Heey! Everyone! Welcome! I am Diamond, call me Dia for short!"

"Where am I? And where is Luffy?"

"Hello Scatty! Already missing your brother? That is sweet." Scatty looked around the room. It looked fairly plain. Is that a blackboard in the back? "Call me Dia! I am the writer of the story."

"Writer? And what sort of story?"

"Nah, never mind that now. This of this as one large, strange dream that you will forget about! Kinda like the Silence thing from that verse."

The door opened and a pretty white haired woman entered. "Oh, she is already here! Dia-san, you should have called! I could not properly welcome here."

"Hello Iri! You were making some tea?"


"Wow, it smells good."

"Thank you! Here Scathach, take one too."

"T-thank you. So where am I anyway? This place looks like some school."

"Ah, this place? Well, it used to work as the Einzbern Consultation Room, had lots of fun people here, but we ended my little student left. I wonder how is Tanaka-san doing."

"I bet she is fine. She must be having lots of fun somewhee out there. Aaaanyway. The main reason why we are here! Scatty-san! Why won't you tell us about your abilities? Ne?"

"And why exactly would I tell you about my abilities?"

"Because the readers would want to know, pretty please?"

"Rea..." She sighed. "Alright then, but listen well, because I will not repeat myself! Alright?"

"Right, right! Now please?"

"Well, I am obviously good with spears. Not so good with two spears at once, but I am getting better. I can create pretty much create an infinite amount of them, as long as I have enough prana. Are you following?"

"Hai, hai!" Dia made a 'please continue' gesture.

"I have managed to ehm... borrow some materials on some of the rukoshiki. So I am learnign that stuff too. Some of them at least."


"The five inhuman techniquest! Geez... I liked geppo the most. Soru is closely behind though."

"Those are... geppo is sort of like kicking of air and soru is like a flash step! Or this sushin thing from the ninja verse."

"I have never heard of this flash step or sushin but soru sllows me to move fast across battlefield."

"So you specialize in speed?"

"I have to be fast when trying to save Luffy from his own idiocy."

"Right. Well... anything else?"

"Erm... I keep two permamently created Gae Bolgs on me, my spears. They are astralized, meaning that they cannot be touched or seen by anyone else but me. Creating spears is fun, but it uses up lots of energy. Not to mention concentration and just astralizing spear is much faster than creating. I might gain enough experience in time so it will not really matter but it is better now like this. Speaking of creating , I can create other weapons like bows, knives, swords... but none are close to the quality of my spears."

"So they are like crappy?"

"Crappy!? No! How dare you would call my creations crappy!"

"Calm down, I did not mean it like that."


"Hmph. They are just... they are not of the best quality, alright?"


"I know a bit about runes, fireballs, throwing lighting, turning people into ice cones... doing that to one guy was actualy fun. I know how to displace things. A pretty common form of magic, but it is very usefoul I would say."

"Let me guess, you used it whenn turning that base into maze?"


"Girls, do not forget to drink the tea before it gets cold." Iri reminded them.



"Let's call it quits today."

"Ah, ok."

"Wait, wait. Wait a minute Dia-san."

"What is it?"

"Does this mean that this consulation room is active again?"

"Hm, you could sat that."

"That is wonderful!"

"Chapter 1 of Carnival Expedition Einzbern Consultation Room is... over!"

"Isn't that a bit too long name?"

Omake: Meeting Ace

Scathach climbed onto the large ship before her. It was a rare oportunity, the Whitebeard pirates almost never leave Grand Line. Yet, here they are. To say that Edward Newgate is a large guy would be like saying that the sea is a tiny bit wet. He was huge! Not even the years on his shoulders did not make him look less impressive. Disregarding the most deadly thing on board, Scatty looked around, searching for her target. Luckily, there he was. In all of his shirtless glory, Ace was currently trying to eat everything under his nose before someone else would do that.

First thought was to set his pants on fire, but then she said no. He is not called Fire Fist for nothing.

Holding her spear inches away from his face should suffice.

So, when people finaly realized what is going on, there was one ax crazy girl with a red spear in hand standing above one of their Commanders.

"Ace~" And that face she made... Howls of the doomed filled the air, dark miasma spread everywhere around. "May I know how come you never to visit me?"

Ace looked at her, he seemed half asleep, mouth full of food.

Damn it, it is not working.

"Hey! Scatty! How are you? Long time..." Her foot said hello to his face and he was sent rolling across the deck. "... no see."

"You promised that you would visit me! Do you have any idea how annoying that old relic was?! And don't let me get started with all the marine idiots! I thought that i would disembowel the idiots first evening!"

Ace held his nose, there was a tiny bit of blood. Though when he removed the hand there was a grin.

"Come on, not even one?"

"While that was tempting, the death would be way too fast. There are better ways of torture." Some random guy on board tried to hit her, probably thought her some danger, Scathach did not even look his way merely sent him flying. "Nice to see you again Ace."

"Nice to see you Scatty."

Scatty called her spear, Ace's hands started blazing and the two charged at each other.

It is so nice to have siblings.