AM: Ron had a tale to tale that went with 'The Dungeon'. I am attempting to get it down for you, and it will be four chapters. I do hope that you enjoy this one. Yen has been nice enough to look over this chapter for me, so anything left wrong it my own mistakes.
Denial and Acceptance
"You need to break it to Ginny nicely." Ron leaned over the edge of his bed so he was closer to where Harry sat on the edge of his, packing his bookbag. "Soon, but nicely."
Harry shoved the last book into his bag, his head turning towards Ron. "What?"
"That you can't go out with her."
Harry stared at him, disbelief evident on his face. "Why?"
Ron nodded towards the bookbag. "You slipped the Half-Blood Prince's book into your bag. I know you and Ginny went to put it in the Room of Requirements."
He grinned at Harry's eyes widening. "I won't mention it, but if you were really attached to Ginny, you would have left it there."
"You think so? I mean, it's a dead useful book."
Ron nodded. "It is, but it's also one that contains the writings of someone you like a lot. Sure, you study his spells, his potion changes, but you also studied his handwriting and all the little comments he made throughout the book. You love his snarky statements, how he twists words, how he views things. That you can't leave it behind – that you can't leave him behind, means that you are not as attached to Ginny as you should be to make your relationship with her work."
Harry looked torn between embarrassment and amusement. "You're one to talk about relationships." He finally settled for quirking a grin at his best friend.
"I know, trust me, I do, but …" Ron sighed. How could he explain the dynamics between him and Hermione to Harry? How could he make his best mate understand his dilemma? "If I tried to make a go at it with Hermione, and it fell apart, it would rip us up. The three of us. Shoot, her and I together could destroy our trio without the two of us breaking up. Just us being together, leaving you to feel like the odd man out ..." Shaking his head, Ron sighed again. "I can't do that to us, mate."
"But... but you've been interested in her since fourth year!" Harry jumped to his feet and paced between their beds. "You both deserve a chance!"
Ron fell back onto his bed and stared up at the canopy above him. 'A chance? She's my only real chance to have someone perfect for me. She is the One. Every generation of Weasleys have someone who is blessed to find their One. They will know it the moment the meet – Dad found Mum that way. Spotted her in the Common Room and knew there would be no one else for him. Uncle Bart says that Dad lost his temper over him attempting to take Mum from Dad, and Bartholomew Pusset wouldn't lie about things like that.' Closing his eyes, he gave Merlin thanks that Uncle Bart and Aunt Sarah were neutral and lived out of the country. If it weren't for him and his siblings, Ron knew that Mum and Dad would have taken up the Pusset's invitation to stay in Romania where Uncle Bart worked at the same dragon preserve as Charlie. Pushing those thoughts aside, he answered Harry.
"She'll find someone and I'll ..." He stopped, knowing that he would never find anyone better than Hermione. "That isn't the issue now – right now we need to find out who this Half-Blood Prince is or was."
Harry dropped onto the bed next to him, causing Ron to open his eyes.
"Was? Do you think he is dead?" Harry flopped backwards. "And why do we need to learn who he is? Ginny and Hermione are convinced he's not a good person."
Ron sat up and looked down at Harry. "That's why we need to. If he isn't, we need to find out what happened. You like his snarky personality, his biting comments and such, but he was like this when he was in sixth year – what happened to him? Did he become even more cynical? Was that caused by events occurring around him, or by things that happened to him? That way when you find someone who's just as snarky that you fall for, you have a clue how to keep them from becoming bitter, or how to help them be less bitter if they are already on the road there."
Green eyes narrowed slightly as Harry grinned. "You didn't explain the was part."
A sheepish look crossed Ron's face and he shrugged self-consciously. "The book – it is used. It was a used book before you got it. The marks on the pages, the way they look – I recognize it. It was a hand-me-down book when the Half-Blood Prince used it. Even so – that means the Prince might have passed on. There was a war happening... and he was a half-blood."
"Oh." Harry rubbed his scar self-consciously. "Do you think his name was Prince?"
Ron shrugged again. "It's a place to start. We can research the Prince line and see who fit the description."
"Should we get Hermione to help?"
Ron shook his head. "She doesn't like the book and I don't think she will understand."
"It's Snape." Ron refused to shudder or sound disgusted as he announced his findings. The absolute horror on Harry's face was enough.
"Severus Snape? Dungeon Git extraordinaire?" Disbelief coated Harry's words.
"Sorry, mate, but it's him. His mum was Eileen Prince and his dad was Tobias Snape, a muggle. He's the only half-blood in the Prince bloodline in centuries, and the book isn't that old."
With a smile fought out of a grimace, Harry spoke, "Well, he's alive."
Ron nodded. "Now we have to figure out what made him this bitter, angry at everyone man."
He agreed with the disbelief and uncertainty on Harry's face. He didn't think they would succeed in either. "At least we know he's no longer on You-Know-Who's side." He wasn't positive he believed that, but if it made it easier for Harry to accept that the personality he loved was residing in their horrible Professor, then he would do what he could to help.
"That is at least a step in the right direction, but he hates me." Harry sighed as he leaned against the tree. "That doesn't bode well with me getting along with the personality that I love."
Ron patted his shoulder in sympathy. He understood the impossible. "Look on the bright side, mate. You've been doing the impossible for a while now."
Harry's rolled eyes and half grin was all he needed. They would get through this. They would find the person for Harry and he would find someone who could fit him about as well as Hermione would have.
Ron clutched the deluminator closer to his ear. Hermione said his name, he had heard it as plain as day. Shuddering lightly, he listened as hard as he could. He needed to hear her, hear them. The radio, the papers, everyone was talking about the hunt for Harry, which only meant they were not dead. He remembered the freezing cold, the lack of food, the gnawing sense of uneasy, and how the locket affected them. Those two were still suffering from it, and he wished with all his soul that he could be there with them.
Leaning forward, he rested his head against his knees. He knew he was wrong to leave, he knew that their fights were caused by the locket and Voldemort, but it hadn't stopped him from storming out of there, temper flaring. All he could see while he was wearing the blasted thing was Hermione becoming closer and closer to Harry. Yes, he knew that Harry wasn't interested - Hermione wasn't snarky and as cutting with her phrases as Snape - but it didn't change what he saw. Harry might not be perfectly matched for Hermione, but she seemed to think they were, at least that's how it appeared with the locket on.
Flopping back on his bed, his eyes tightly closed, Ron let out a deep sigh.
Memories from his childhood echoed in his head. Uncle Bart regaling them with how Mum and Dad got together. Dad telling them how he was the one from his generation of Weasleys to know who was the one for him. His cousins and siblings all hoping that they were the blessed one for this generation.
'I never thought it would be me. Even when Hermione opened the door on the train and I felt my heart pang in recognition, I didn't believe.' Shaking his head at this understatement, Ron clutched the deluminater closer. Before the troll incident he had convinced himself that the recognition from the train was a fluke. Afterwards he had convinced himself that an intelligent girl like Hermione couldn't possibly wish to be with him, and so he discounted the possibility that she was his one and only – no matter how much he knew he was wrong in his heart. He fought it tooth and nail for the next three years, finding every possible reason she would hate him, that they would not suit each other. After he got over himself about Harry and the tournament, he also accepted that he was the one from this generation to know.
'By then I missed the opportunity to ask her to the dance. Too scared to do it earlier - it would mean that somehow we were going to be together forever - and even more scared to do it later, for the exact same reason.' Sighing, he quirked a partial grin before opening his eyes to stare up at the ceiling. By the end of fourth year he knew if he and Hermione became a couple it would tear apart their group, so he let her go. He had even attempted to date Lavender in hopes that he could accept second best. A slight snort escaped him. 'As if.' Scrubbing a hand over his face, he let it drop to his chest. 'It doesn't really matter anyway. I did a good enough job destroying our little trio anyway.'
A deep sigh left his lips, releasing all the tension built up in him. He had attempted to go back right after he left, well after he dealt with the snatchers, but it had been to no avail. They were gone, and the protective spells were too strong.
Picking up the deluminator, he flicked the lid open and aimed it at the light shining in the corner of his room. It went out, just like the light in his heart. Staring out his window, he wished he could find them, both of them. It wouldn't matter if Harry and Hermione were a couple. All that would matter was that he could help them. That he could make sure they were okay. 'The heart of the one who knows is supposed to be like a compass, always leading them to their One.'
Holding onto that thought, doing his best not to let all his past dismissal of the Weasley family magic influence what he felt, Ron tried to find Hermione. The deluminator warmed in his hand and he released the trapped light. Instead of appearing in the room, it became a blue light just outside. He rushed towards it and into it, his rucksack filled with everything he could think they would need. Sadness filled him when the light flowed into him instead of taking him away; he had thought it would show him the way back to his friends.
Forcing the sadness away, he focused on the new feeling inside his head. The light seemed to amplify his inner compass so he held onto his belief in magic and Apparated.
"Harry, don't give up." Ron glanced around the tent, making sure Hermione wasn't close enough to overhear their conversation.
"Snape killed Dumbledore, he is running the school and students are hurt there on a regular basis, and I am not supposed to give up?" Harry glared at the books sitting on the table between them.
Compressing his lips together, Ron sighed. "No, if you do, you wouldn't be Harry Potter. There might be something good in Snape, something hidden."
Harry's eyes shot up to Ron's, disbelief reflected in them. "We were just going to figure out how his personality became so bitter. Why should I be looking for something good in Snape?"
"Simple, mate." Ron gave a wry grin. "You are you. You never do things the easy way, or the conventional way." He swept his arm about, indicating their surroundings as proof of his statement. "You have fallen for the most irritable, aggravating, and possible stubborn man on the planet. Of course he has to work for the other side of this war."
"He might still be a spy." Harry didn't sound too hopeful, but the wish that it was the truth was evident in his face.
Ron just nodded. "You love him and that is all there is to that. Now we just have to see if there is some way to get you a happily ever after."
Harry gave a mirthless laugh. "Both of us are in the position to be killed quickly dependent on the side that wins - it doesn't bode well for us getting together, even if he would want me."
A quiet resigned look came over Ron's face. "Then you need to cherish him the best you can. Keep trying to find someone who can take his place in your heart, but cherish him the best you can."
Harry's hands covered his, tightening slightly.
"You can date Hermione, you two are meant to be together."
Ron felt his shoulders stiffen. He hadn't told anyone that he was the blessed one. "She can find someone better than me."
"Your siblings talked during the wedding preparations. Hermione is the One, isn't she? And you've known it for years, haven't you?" Harry continued as Ron stared at him. "Charlie was asking Bill if he was the blessed one this generation. Bill said he wasn't, and they were all nice enough to let me know what they were talking about. You're the blessed one, aren't you?"
Giving a sharp nod, Ron tried to leave the table. Harry's hands kept him there.
"Then try, Ron. One of us should find happiness. If you two get together, our little group will be fine. I know you two won't exclude me from everything. We will still be best mates, and seeing you two happy will help me."
Sighing, Ron worked his hands free. "I won't actively prevent anything from happening, but right now is not the time to start a relationship."
"Once we win, then you can give it a go."
Ron pinned Harry with a stern look. "We both can."
"You kissed her?" Harry leaned against the wall, his wand dangling from his fingers.
Ron glanced over to where Hermione was holding Ginny as she sobbed over Fred's dead body. He knew he should be there. He had been earlier, holding his mum, rubbing George's back when Dad took Mum, before Harry came to hold him. He wasn't ashamed of crying his heart out on Harry's shoulder, Harry's tears had mingled with his mum's and George's on his. Now he and Harry were just inside the Great Hall's doors protected by the privacy charms Harry just finished casting.
Rubbing a hand over his face, Ron let a tired grin out before pulling them to the other side of the doors. The privacy charms followed them. "Yeah, mate. I did. When we destroyed the monster in the cup, I was so relieved and happy, that I just did. We did." The grin turned into a soft smile and unknown to him, his eyes glowed with an inner happiness.
"Are you two a couple now?" Harry leaned forward, his smile just as soft and happy. "If any two people deserve to be happy it is you two. You followed me into everything with just a few minor hiccups."
Ron sighed at the hiccup part, but nodded. "It's the red hair. We are prone to losing our tempers. Luckily mine is a flash burn. After fourth year, I learned not to let my embarrassment of my mistaken anger keep me away, and this year I leaned not to leave an undetectable camp."
Harry's laugh warmed him. "At least you can learn – that is why you two can make it together. You'd do anything to please her, even learn things that you normally wouldn't, and she is willing to teach you."
Letting out a small laugh – surprised that it didn't feel out of place, Ron folded his hands behind his back and leaned against the wall. "Well, she is super brilliant and she glows when she shows just what she knows. She looks really good when she glows with happiness."
Harry nodded. "That she does. Your task now is to keep her looking that happy."
Ron shook his head. "No, I know that will not happen. I will make her mad, upset, happy, sad, and everything in between. That is part of being a couple. You better be prepared for it."
Harry folded into himself, his smile vanishing like a puff of smoke. "Snape died, Ron. We watched it happen. I…" he paused to swallow, "I don't know if I will find another person who has the same personality."
"He's alive." Ron placed a supporting hand on Harry's shoulder. "I took Madam Pomfrey to the Shack to bring his body back here. She insisted on running a diagnostic spell, and it showed he was alive."
He cracked another grin as Harry shot upright, green eyes wide like saucers. Then he put out another hand to stop Harry from bolting.
"Hold on, mate. He is in a guarded room somewhere in the castle, she isn't telling anyone where."
Ever since Harry's revelation to Voldemort about Snape's true allegiance, people from both sides were attempting to get to him. Ron hadn't been sure what to feel when the Healer told him that the professor was barely alive. Harry was fixated on Snape, and Ron thought he might move on if the man was no longer there. The look on Harry's face right now assured him this was the best outcome.
"Alive? Do you think Pomfrey will let me see him?" Harry shrugged off Ron's hands, but Ron replaced them, gripping his shoulder firmly.
"I doubt it. She is worse than she is when keeping people away from you." He squeezed Harry's shoulder as his friend slumped back against the wall, defeat evident in his expression. "Don't worry, you will have your time. I know you will succeed."
Green eyes met his and Harry nodded. "Just as you will with Hermione. Are you two planning on a long courtship dating thing?"
"We haven't talked about it yet, but I think she'll want us to be settled in our respective professions first." As Harry nodded in agreement, the both looked over towards the Great Halls' doors as they opened. Arthur and the rest of the Weasleys filtered out with Hermione trailing them. Ron spotted Harry cancelling the privacy spell.
"There you are, Ron. We are going home, are you coming?" Arthur crossed over to them, his face pale and drawn, his gaze resting on Harry. "You are welcome too, Harry."
Harry pushed Ron gently towards his family. "Coming, Mr Weasley."
"Call me Dad, Harry, you are part of this family, so you have the right." Blue eyes blinked a few tears away, before a hand landed on both of their shoulders. "I am proud of both of you, Ron, Harry." He turned slightly, bringing Hermione into their circle. "All three of you. No matter what happens, no matter how relationships fall, Harry, Hermione, you are both part of this family."
Ron felt his dad's eyes rest on him, trying to determine something, before those gentle hands pushed them towards the door.
"Let's all go home." Molly wiped her face and fell into step by Arthur, both of them leading their family out of Hogwarts.
Ensconced in his bedroom, Ron looked from Hermione to Harry.
"I don't want to be an Auror." It was while helping Madam Pomfrey that Ron had changed his mind. He watched them, hoping they would accept his about face decision.
Hermione searched his face and Harry nodded before he spoke. "Neither do I. I have no clue what I want to be, do you?"
"A Healer." Ron waited for them to scorn his choice, but instead he saw understanding and acceptance.
"I want to work with charms - something simple that everyone will use and enjoy." Hermione settled back on the wall behind the bed. "Maybe I can work for a broom company. Then I can know that you two are safe while flitting about. I'll have to get my NEWTs, but I think we can sit the tests without taking the classes."
Harry sighed deeply. "You both know, and I don't."
"Don't rush it, mate. It'll come to you." Ron wrapped an arm around Hermione's shoulders and settled down to enjoy the peaceful moment. Both Harry and Hermione thought he would want to be downstairs with his family to mourn over the loss of Fred, but it was here that he felt he could heal.