The team had just finished a difficult case, and was trying to get the images of mutilated children out of their minds. Five little girls had their lives stolen from them. They had found the killer, when he tried to abduct another girl. He had a body in the back of his van. Reid had been the one to find it.

"He left her eyes untouched,"he said,"I could still see her fear."

"Spence,"JJ tried to console,"the girl had died before our jet even landed. We're lucky we managed to save the child he was trying to abduct at the time."

A smell filled the jet. It was subtle at first, but then it grew to the point where the entire team was attempting to discover the source. JJ fell over while grabbing her head.

"JJ!"Reid screamed while sitting down next to her,"are you alright?"

She was unconscious. Prentiss fell next.

Morgan was beside her, trying to wake her up.

"Come on Prentiss wake up. Don't do this,"he repeated.

One by one the men went unconscious. First Hotch, then Rossi,then Morgan. Reid was the only one left. The jet started spinning around. Reid began to experience, an unbearable headache. He felt sick to his stomach. Sleep was merciful.

Garcia had left her office to greet the team. Her heart went out to all of them. It was painful enough to see the images on her computer screens. She couldn't imagine actually seeing the dead children. She waited patiently in front of the elevator doors, while trying not to think about the pictures she had filed away in the system.

A door opened, and an unfamiliar man walked out.

"Good evening miss Garcia,"he said with a smile.

"Good evening,"she said with a smile, even though she had no idea who the man was.

The man pulled a knife out of his pocket,"start walking or I will cut you right here."

He led her into the elevator, where he pushed the button that took them to the ground floor. Before they reached their destination. Garcia's captor hid his knife, when the doors opened to reveal a man in a suit walked in. He Pushed a button and continued to face forward. The man with the knife looked at Garcia, daring her to make a move. Warning her not to say a word.

The man got off, and five minutes later so did they. The man put his arm around her, and led her outside. He walked her to the back of the building, where they found a car.

The man opened up the door on the passenger side.

"Get in,"he ordered.

Garcia hesitated. What if she could stall him until the team got back? Then they would know something was wrong when she wasn't there.

"If you don't get in,"he said,"then I'll have to force you."

In a flash his hand was out of his pocket, and holding a cloth. He forced it against her mouth. She continued to fight until sleep took over her body.

When Reid woke up everything was dark. He felt something touching his hand. He let his eyes adjust, before he saw that JJ's hand was on top of his. He he heard a groan from across the room. He recognized it as Hotch. He saw a shadowy figure rise from the floor.

"Reid,"he said in a tired voice,"what do you remember?"

"There was a smell. We all went unconscious I just woke up a few seconds ago."

Everyone accept for Garcia was in the room. Reid hoped that meant that she was safe. She was probably informing the Bureau of their disappearance. If the were lucky they would be found in a few hours. He felt JJ's hand move.

She gasped,"Spencer,what's going on?"

"I don't know,"he admitted,"but don't worry we'll find out."

The team continued to wake up. They were all confused, and tired. When Prentiss woke up, they all looked to Hotch to know what to do.

"We don't know why this man has us or who he is. Until then our best bet is to avoid antagonizing him,"he ordered.

A light turned on from a distance. It revealed an interrogation room, with Garcia handcuffed to the table.