A/N: This is not the kind of thing I usually write. But it came to me and I had to. Takes place between Recovery and The Frozen Lake. Happy Season 10 Eve!

His lips on hers are like honey and she is drowning; drowning in him, drowning in a tangle of emotions and for once in her life she doesn't care because all she wants is this. This moment. Now. Him and her. Together.

His mouth leaves hers and finds her neck. Her breath catches in her throat and she lifts her chin to give him better access, pulling him close to her. Her body is on fire, flames licking everywhere he touches and god she loves it, wants to burn all night long if it means being this close to him.

He murmurs her name and she closes her eyes, just trying to feel him. She wants this, wants his body, wants all of him, more than she's ever wanted anything. She's been wanting it for so long, years maybe, and now it's here and happening and it feels so perfect and right and she's clinging to him desperately, terrified that somehow it will all melt away like a dream.

If they do this, there's no going back. There's a part of of her that doesn't want to lose what they have, doesn't want to break apart in front of this person, this man she's come to want so very much. But there's another part of her, apart of her that wants to throw it all away, even if they only get this one moment together.

"We can stop," he whispers in between kisses. "If you don't want to do this. We don't have to."

She stares up at him, caresses his face, looks deep into his eyes that are searching hers. He's scared too. She can see it. But there's also something stronger there, something that made him leave the restaurant with her tonight. Something they're both desperate to make real. "No," she says. "I want this. I want you Deeks."

"I want you too," he says.

They sink into his bed and he whispers things to her and she whispers them back. Words they would never dare say in the light of day come tumbling from their lips as they show one another how they feel. And much later when they both collapse, gasping for breath, Kensi feels tears flood her eyes. She's been with other men before, men she loved, men she didn't, and it's never felt like this. It's as if he's looked inside her very soul and seen everything she's hidden there; every dark thought, every painful memory laid bare before him. And he wants her anyway. It's the last thought she has before she falls asleep in his arms.

When she wakes in the morning her back is pressed against his chest, his arm around her waist, hand on her stomach, cradling her close. She keeps her eyes closed, just feeling him breathe, feeling his body move against hers. It's a perfect moment and she holds onto it as tightly as she can.

There's so much relief in knowing that after months of agony, something inside him wants her as much as she wants him. But it doesn't change the fact that they've broken the dam and there's no putting it back into place. The fear she's held at bay all night long is lingering, just waiting to slip back into her heart and she tries with all her might to keep it away just a little bit longer.

His hand moves, sliding down her hip and back up again. His lips press into her shoulder and she sighs. "Good morning," he says, his voice soft and warm.

She moves her hand to rest on his, sinking even further into him. "Good morning." She swallows hard. "I should go."

"Just a little longer," he says.

She wants to, so very much. She wants to stay here forever in his arms, holding onto him, feeling safe, feeling wanted and seen and whole. "We have work."

"Stay. Please."

He pulls her close and she lets him. His breathing evens out and she senses that he's drifted off again. She turns over so she can see him, studying the lines of his face, memorizing this moment so she can keep it forever. The moment before she gets out of this bed and has to face the consequences of one, perfect night. The moment before everything changes.