4-14-2017: Hi readers. I revised the first six chapters and I wanted to let you know that I will be back on weekly updates starting next week. It's been one hell of a year and I'm still dealing with complications so hopefully soon I'll get everything cleared up and start writing more.

AN: Hello everyone and thank you for tuning in. This is my first KevEdd so please be kind. Also, this story is greatly inspired by the manga Ten Count. If you like yaoi then I highly recommend it, but you don't need to read it in order to read this story. It will be a bit dark since Kevin will be exploiting Edd's phobias so if you don't like that kind of stuff then consider this a warning. Other than that, I really hope you enjoy. If you follow my Glee fics, I plan on picking them back up now that I finally got a new computer.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ed, Edd, and Eddy or it's characters and I do not make any profit from this story.

Chapter 1

The slow, maddening, tick-tock of the standard issue school clock was driving Kevin Barr ever closer to insanity. The classroom was eerily silent as the dead eyes of the students stared at the red plastic bar of the second-hand rotate, drawing them closer to the end of the school day. As for Kevin, the day had been particularly boring and he could not wait for the damn clock to strike three.

He couldn't quite place it, but for some reason the boy felt strangely unsatisfied. Images started to fill his head as he thought back on the past seven hours of school. That morning he had managed to leave early enough to pick up a coffee and a quick breakfast. No problem there. His morning classes hadn't put him to sleep and he actually felt confident after taking a surprise calc quiz. Again, no problems. Lunch with the rest of the football team was unchanging, even getting the chance to chat up Nazz without a blunder. Then afterwards in PE he had finally managed to land a backward tuck. So why for the life of him did Kevin feel lost?

The boy chanced a quick look around the room, hoping to find the source of his distress. Nazz sat in the back next to an open window as she painted her nails. Johnny was scribbling on a worksheet while he silently giggled into Plank's ear(?). Strange, but not out of the ordinary. Rolf lounged in his own seat, plucking lint from his yellow shirt. And Eddy-

Wait, where was Eddy? And the lumpy dork was missing as well. Maybe they were ditching. Kevin tried to remember if he saw them at all that day but he couldn't recall running into any of the Eds even once. Yeah, that was why his day had been so boring.

A loud ringing startled him out of his thoughts; the bell that he had been waiting for was finally sounding. By the time he managed to pull himself together and gather his belongings he was already the last to leave the classroom. What a drag, he thought as he followed his peers out.

The boy couldn't draw himself from his thoughtless reverie as he traded and replaced books between his loker and backpack. The outer world ceased to exist to him until he heard the soft clicking of a lock beside him.

Kevin looked to his left, finding Double D at his own locker frantically twisting the dial. The other boy looked panicked, sweat rolling in heavy beads down his forehead and along trails on the back of his neck. His hands trembled as they struggled to input his locker combination. The whites of his eyes glistened in particular wetness and his breathing was shallow and rushed. Kevin momentarily wondered what was wrong with the Ed before realization hit him. Edd was at school and the other two dorks would never ditch without their third.

The redhead slammed his locker shut, leaning against it to loom over the smaller boy. Double D took a quick step backwards, bumping into a passing girl. He yelped and his eyes rolled back as he propelled himself forward, away from the girl and into Kevin's personal space. Taking a deep, shaking breath, Edd shut his eyes and took a smaller step away from Kevin.

"Hey, dork. Are you gonna pass out?" Kevin asked without the least bit of concern.

Edd finally opened his eyes to regard the redhead with apprehension. He drew in another deep breath before answering to his childhood bully. "I am perfectly all right, Kevin. However, I am in a rush and cannot assist you with whatever it is you may need from me. Please excuse my rudeness but I must go."

The small boy turned with a quickness but Kevin was much faster. The redhead's hand shot out, wrapping painfully tight around Edd's wrist.

"Wait a minute," Kevin started, but Edd had yanked himself free with more strength than Kevin had expected from him. Edd's eyes opened impossibly wider as he stared at where he was only moments before connected to Kevin. Once again he turned but the jock instantly saw the signs of a person preparing to run, taking advantage of that knowledge by launching himself forward and trapping Edd in between himself and his locker, placing his hands on either side of the smart boy's head to keep him in place.

"Kevin, please," his shrill voice rang in the nearly empty hall. "You have no idea how many germs are on these lockers and what kinds of pathogens can be exchanged between two people within such a proximity. Release me this instant, I beg you."

"I thought you were over that germ thing," Kevin commented, watching Edd try to draw into himself.

"Yes, well obviously you thought wrong. Now, please" Edd tried to push forward without touching the other boy. He had hoped that Kevin would move backward to avoid contact if he moved forward enough into the jock's space but the boy was unfazed. If anything, he seemed amused by Edd's actions as his eyebrow rose in intrigue and a smirk formed on his lips.

"I'll let you go when I'm ready. Just tell me where the other two dorkos are".

Wary eyes met Kevin's and he thought he wouldn't get an answer but Edd's saddened voice spoke out. "Eddy had to leave yesterday for family business. His grandfather passed away and he and his family are in Alaska mourning and sorting out his final affairs. He could be gone for a while. As for Ed, he and his family are away in Japan for at least a month. His parents are looking into a job transfer and they want to see if they can adapt to the area before they make a final decision on moving. Now, if that is all, I would very much like to go."

Kevin smirked and leaned forward. The trapped boy began to hyperventilate and Kevin swore he could hear Edd's quickened heartbeat in the quiet hallway. His smirk grew, finding the dork's reactions to be beyond entertaining. "So you're telling me that you're here all alone. Missing your boyfriends yet?"

Edd's beady eyes shut tightly. "Kevin, please," he pleaded and to his great pleasure an arm that kept him closed in dropped. No time was wasted as he slipped away from Kevin and ran, his footsteps ringing.

Green eyes followed the boy until he was out of sight. For reasons Kevin couldn't fathom, he was excited by Edd's panic, drawn into the power it granted to him in the face of the smaller boy's weakness. What that weakness was, Kevin had yet to find out but he was intent on exploring it in depth. Maybe the absence of the other two dorks was not a total loss.

That night Kevin sat up in bed, thinking back on Edd. He couldn't chase from his mind the image of the boy's sweat dripping into his shirt, or the feeling of his pulsing veins against his wrist, or the smell of his warm breath that had been released in large puffs against his own skin. But he enjoyed it, because at the root of it he knew that he had caused all of those reactions. Admittedly, it had been years since he had last bullied the other boy seriously, but that was largely because he had lost interest. Edd had outgrown the fear that came at Kevin's hand and Kevin had grown bored of trying to get a rise out of him. But something had suddenly changed. Even in his senior year of high school, after he thought he had moved past such childish things as bullying, he was excited by the prospect of tormenting Edd.

A quick glance at his alarm clock confirmed that it was well past ten o'clock. Another quick glance out of his window showed him that the lights of the house across the street were all out. Edd was already in bed.

Kevin pulled on a pair of pants before quickly and quietly leaving his home. The chill of the late fall air stung at his bare chest but the pain only excited him more as he ran to the silent house across the street. None too gently, he banged on Edd's front door but when he heard no movement come from within the house he did it again. Finally, muffled sounds reached him through the wood of the door and the doorknob tinkled.

Edd pulled the door open, rubbing at his eyes and tugging his shirt down. His beanie had been hastily pulled over his head as Kevin could, for the first time, see loose coils of black lockes sticking out around the hat's edges. On an impulse the redhead reached forward and yanked a curl hard. The smaller boy cried out, swinging around to slam the door shut but Kevin caught it before it could close and forced his way into the house.

"Sorry, dude. I was just playing around. C'mon, I just wanted to talk to you real quick," Kevin joked, looking around before taking in the boy. Edd had turned on a dim lamp before he had answered the door which shed enough light for Kevin to fully take in the boy before him. At first Kevin could not see anything wrong with Double D, but upon closer inspection he could see that the boy's skin was beet red. Another impulse hit him, his body moving closer and his hand reaching for Edd's arm. A pained gasp escaped the other boy as Kevind stroked the soft skin under his fingertips. It was not only red, but it felt raw and thin with fading streaks of raised flesh, as if the teen's skin had been vigorously scrubbed or scratched into that condition. Before the arm was snatched out of his grasp, Kevin saw that every inch of visible skin on the smaller body was in the same state.

"What the fuck did you do?" he seethed through his teeth.

Edd looked away from him. "Get out, Kevin."

Ignoring the demand, the jock stepped forward only to be shoved back. "Get out!" Edd screamed as he continued to shove until Kevin was on his front steps, effectively slamming the door in his face there after.

He stood outside of the house, listening to Double D's footsteps as he ran up the stairs and started the shower. Shock, disgust, and intrigue all flooded Kevin's emotions. At the same time that he wanted nothing to do with the smartest of the Eds, he wanted nothing more than to forcefully insert himself into the boy's life. However, he knew that whatever he was feeling, what was to come was surely going to be a lot of fun.