AN: Hey guys! For all of you that have read Hatred into Love this one is for you. I have decided to skip the battle of Acnologia for it causes me too much pain to write. I will be writing what happens from the 7 year skip on solely in my POV so there may be some canon then again there may not so bear with me please. So here we continue with the story. I hope you all enjoy.

The port city of Hargeon. A city booming with business and happy people. All except for one. On a dock in the center of the city stood a very tired looked Romeo. He was looking out to the sea as tears filled his eyes. He slowly turned away and made his way back to where his partners Alzak and Bisca stood. The trio slowly made their way back to Fairy Tail.

Once there the three walked in to a bitterly quite guild hall. There were members of the Blue Pegasus guild standing in front of the man known as Romeo's father.

"What's going on?" Romeo asked.

"Romeo my son. They believe they have found Tenrou Island. We are going to send some people there now."

Romeo's eyes beamed up at his dad. Only for his dad to shake his head no. He knew that he wasn't going the second his dad said that. So instead he watched as Alzak and Bisca along with some of the others left and made their way for where they were secretly hoping they would be. It had been seven years since the group that went to Tenrou Island had disappeared. Everything had changed. Fairy Tail lost their guild hall and was forced to reside on a beaten down building on a hill. Only a ghost of its former self, Fairy Tail had lost all its spunk and fire. The good times had long since faded and the guild fell into an eternal defeat.

AN guys this is not mean to be a full on chapter. This is just a small prologue. Just wait! You'll see.