I'm not dead! Yay, a new update? Yep, schoolwork is actually easier than what I'd heard and expected, so that means that I might be updating regularly from now on, but I make no promises. We're at Hogsmead today, things are going to get amazing. Well, not amazing for the characters, actually it's going to get quite messy, so I'd watch out.

Ginny's POV.

Finally, Saturday. I was super excited for my date with Micheal that I didn't sleep most of the night. I dabbed on some water to my forehead and brushed my hair straight. I pulled on a white headband and observed my hair. I smiled, it looked great. I then slipped out of my nightgown and into jeans and a green t-shirt with a white cardigan.

I observed myself in the mirror, it looked nice, after making sure that I was satisfied, I pulled on white flats and walked down the stairs, catching up with Luna. She smiled at me.

"Hi Ginny. You look nice." I smiled.

"Thanks Luna, are those earrings your own creation?" Her earring were a bright red, yellow and green and looked like and upside-down tornado, then horns came out of the top right under her earlobe. It looked like some demented bell or something, but actually interested me a lot. She nodded.

"It's to keep the Wallykacks away, it's their breeding season right now." I nod, feeling slightly awkward talking about the things that I couldn't quite understand. I didn't believe in everything Luna told me, but often agreed with her. Some Slytherin girls saw us and stuck out their tongues, making weird arm movements.

"Loony Lovegood!" I whipped out my wand.

"Say that again you twits!" They backed up slightly, surprised at my actions, before entering the Great Hall. I smiled at Luna, patting her shoulders and she grinned.

"Thanks Ginny, you're very nice, especially to someone like me." I gripped her shoulders.

"Luna. Never change. You're fine just the way you are." We parted and I sat at my table, but not by Harry and Ron. No I sat with Micheal, taking a seat on his left. I covered his eyes with my hands.

"Guess who?" Micheal put a finger to his lips thoughtfully, though I knew he was mocking me.

"Well, it sounds like someone very energetic, but also someone who's confident and powerful, so . . . Luna?" I giggled.

"Guess again!" He laughed.

"Just joking Gin." He turned to face me and Dean and Seamus shared a glance, both of them smirking. I ignored their looks as Micheal and I easily caught up and I explained about my brother and Harry. Micheal nods in understanding, taking my hand when I need him to and smiling encouragingly when I feel sad about something. He knows just what to do to make me feel so much better.

We both ride to Hogsmead together and walk around, the air crisp and we wear scarves to stay warm. I wear my white wool scarf and Mum knit for me last year. We're sitting at the Hog's Head, drinking Butterbeer and laughing with each other. Suddenly, a shadow comes over Micheal and I and we turn to see Ron standing there, jealous and angry.

"Ginny! Stop acting like that in public!" I felt anger flare up inside of me.

"You don't control what I do!" Micheal squeezes my hand reassuringly and suddenly a cup of Butterbeer goes flying through the air, crashing on Micheal's head. I gasp audibly and grab napkins, trying to dab the liquid off him. I glare in the direction it came from and see Harry watching, mild interest. I stand and walk over.

"What's you problem?!" He pushes past me and he and Ron begin yelling at Micheal. Hermione is trying to hide behind her book, ignoring us. I glare and approach, but just as I do, Micheal launches himself at Harry and both of them are rolling on the ground, shoving and hitting at each other. I run over immediately and try to break them up.

Micheal pulls away from Harry very easily, but Harry's not done yet. He aims on last punch at Micheal which connects with his chin. Both are growling at each other and I step between them, holding Micheal's shoulders. He softens when I get in the way, but almost immediately intensifies again. I feel something smack against my head and roll down to my stomach.

I slowly turned up my head to glare at the person who would dare try to start a fight with me. Honestly, I'm not so much a wimp as to take bullying like this. As my eyes locked with the person standing directly in front of me I saw her. Standing there smirking her little butt off, holding another butterbeer, one that didn't crash into my upper body is the god dang devil herself.

Romilda Vane.

And her little possie too.

I felt my anger flare up as I tried to push the Butterbeer off of my face and neck. My face held clear annoyance and I sent a bone-chilling glare as she and I stared at each other. Not really thinking about where we were or what was happening, not really thinking of the consequences or what might happen next, not really thinking at all, I gripped my fists.

"You're dead Vane."

Then of course I jumped at her.

Okay guys, we have a jealous Harry and pissed off Ginny in this chapter, did you enjoy? I was writing this and thinking to myself, wouldn't it be even better if Ginny had a love rival. So of course I made one, Romilda Vane is the one who gave Harry the love potion chocolates, remember? Someone so infatuated with Harry was perfect for the role. Thank you all for the love on this story, I appreciate it and hope to update soon. I'll see you all!