Hey, everybody! Dr. Makenshi here with Chapter 7 of Aura and The Void. Sorry it has been so long since I posted a chapter. Work has been, in a word and as a total understatement, crazy. I have been under a lot of stress and it just completely wrecked my ability to write a chapter that I was pleased with. However, the last week and all of its awesomeness (KH 2.8 trailer, Injustice 2, and RWBY Chibi) have lifted my spirits and helped me get back to writing along with all of the reviews you guys have left. So, without further delay, let's get started.

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts is owned by Tetsuya Nomura and RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth.

Aura and The Void

Chapter 7

Day Two. Let's if it can top the first.

Getting ready for the second day of classes at Beacon, Roxas was interested to see if it today would be more informative than the last. Quickly glancing at the clock, he could tell that he still had a half-hour before he had his first class of the day. On today's schedule, he had a class known as 'History of Remnant' in the morning and a class known as 'Weapon Crafting' in the afternoon.

Well, it's probably best to avoid another close-call like yesterday.

Grabbing the textbook for the first class and his Scroll, Roxas headed out of the dorm. According to the schedule, the classroom was apparently only two rooms down from Professor Port's lecture hall. Mentally retracing his steps from yesterday's mad dash, Roxas headed out.

"Good morning, Roxas," a calm voice announced from behind.

Looking back, Roxas saw Blake making her way down the hallway towards him.

"Morning, Blake," he responded, waiting for her to catch up to him, "where is the rest of Team RWBY?" It was strange seeing Blake alone this early when the rest of the team had the same class.

"Oh, they are still getting ready. I decided to leave early to avoid another mishap like yesterday," she answered, a barely noticeable smile coming to her face.

Hearing this, Roxas gave out a small laugh. "Same. I would prefer not to dash to class on a daily basis," he said in a slightly amused tone. From then on, both parties went silent and continued on their way to the lecture hall.

Still, this silence isn't that bad. It seems almost…welcoming.

Quickly finding and entering the classroom, Roxas decided to take a seat next to Blake in the upper row of chairs. Looking around, Roxas discovered that while the basic layout of the classroom was the same, the rest of the room was very, very different. Where Port's room had been kept clean and pristine, this room was filled with bookshelves overloaded with books and stacks of other books dotting the floor. The desk was covered in note-filled paper, both in proper stacks and strewn around, and a number of used mugs littered the desk.

However, the lecture board was the most shocking thing about the room.

What in the name of Kingdom Hearts is that?

The board appeared to feature a map of Remnant, overlaid with a large of number of what appeared to be cut out newspaper clippings stuck to the map and the surrounding wall. Between the articles, a number of red strings ran, forming an intricate spider web over the entire wall of the room that did nothing but confuse the young Nobody.

This definitely doesn't seem normal.

Seeing that Blake had pulled out a small book and began to read, Roxas pulled out the history textbook and began to skim the contents of the early chapters again. The soft silence from the hallway quickly recaptured the room.

Getting lost in the content of the book, the silence was shattered later on by the voices of fellow students coming down the hall and entering the lecture hall. Seeing multiple students beginning to entering the hall, Roxas glanced up to the wall clock and saw that there were seven minutes until class begins.

Huh, time flies.

"Hey! There you guys are," a cheerful voice greeted. Tracking the sound of the voice, Roxas saw Ruby and the rest of Team RWBY made their way into the room, followed shortly by Team JNPR. Splitting up, Ruby took the seat to Roxas' right and Pyrrha took a seat to Blake's left, the rest of the team members finding open seats in the now-crowded lecture hall.

"Good morning, Ruby. Surprised to see me?" Roxas said, recalling the previous outburst. Ruby's face quickly took on a bashful expression.

"Well, we went to your dorm room to meet up with you, but nobody answered, so we thought you might have slept in. We were all kinda worried" she explained, an awkward smile on her face.

"Sorry to worry you. I got up early this morning and ran into Blake on my way here," Roxas said, giving a wave to his silent neighbor.

Looking back up to the clock, Roxas saw there was less than a minute left until the class was supposed to begin with no professor still in sight.

That seems a little stra-

As the clock struck eight, a green blur zoomed into the room, stopping abruptly in the center of the room.

"Greetings students!"

Standing still, the green blur had transformed into one of the stranger men Roxas had ever seen. On his feet, the slender man wore a pair of different colored loafers, one brown and the other black. His white dress shirt was covered in wrinkles, with only one side tucked into the man's khaki pants. A pair of small, circular glasses hid the man's eyes from sight while his unruly green hair appeared to be permanently blown back into spikes. A steaming cup of coffee was rested firmly in the man's right hand.


"My name is Doctor Oobleck and I will be in charge of teaching you marvelous students about the fascinating history and culture of Remnant. Please take out your books and turn to page 14 to begin today's lecture," the man announced hurriedly. Taking a second to drink from the coffee mug, the cup had barely left the man's lips before he began to dash around the room at an almost all unnatural speed.

"To start off, I thought we would review some of the more famous events of Remnant's past. As you have most likely gone over this material in previous classes, this discussion should be purely for review and to see what you remember. We will start by going back to the start of Remnant," he continued on, continuously dashing around the room as a blur.

The next hour and a half of class seemed to go by in a blur, with Oobleck never even seeming to stop.

It doesn't even seem like he's taken a breath, Roxas thought. In the short amount of time they had been in the class, they had covered the first four chapters of the textbook in excruciating detail.

I don't think my hand will ever be the same, he thought, looking down at his mangled wrist, the victim of his frantic note writing. Looking around in a rare moment of silence, everyone else appeared to be in a worse state. Most of the students that had been religiously taking notes earlier had officially given up and put their notebooks away. This small respite in itself had only been given because Oobleck had stopped for a small second to look at the clock on the wall and take a few moments to contemplate something.

"Alright, students! I want to see what you remember from today's lecture. I will be randomly selecting a few students to answer a couple of questions concerning today's lecture. To start with: Miss Rose!," Oobleck declared. At the mention of her name, Ruby sat up much straighter and seemed to be looking quite nervous.

"Uh, yes, Professor Oobleck," she responded bashfully. A slightly angered look appeared on his face in return.

"Doctor!" he exclaimed, before taking a small breath and calming himself. "Miss Rose, what was the first true attempt at expanding the borders of Vale?"

"That would be Mountain Glenn, Prof-uh, I mean, Doctor Oobleck," she answered quickly, trying to get back on the doctor's good side. A small smile could be seen on his face.

"Correct, Miss Rose. Next up, Mr. Arc! What advantage did the Faunus soldiers had have against General Lagoon's forces in the Battle of Fort Castle?" Looking down at Jaune's reaction, one emotion seemed to be written across his face: Panic.

"Uh, well, you see, the advantage," he stuttered, before his eyes appeared to focus on something behind Oobleck before continuing to buy himself time by rambling. Following his line of sight, I noticed that he appeared to be watching Pyrrha. Pyrrha, in turn, seemed to be trying to signal the answer to Jaune with a series of motions, finishing with her placing her hand around her eyes, similar to a pair of binoculars.

It's nice to see that she's trying to help, but I don't think Pyrrha's the best with hand signals.

"- Binoculars!" Jaune responded, a smug look coming to his face at the thought of his victory. Oobleck gave a sharp shake of his head.

"No, Mr. Arc, that answer is incorrect. Mr. Winchester, maybe you can give us the right answer?"

Cardin was more than ready to answer. "Well, I'm going to guess it's a lot easier to train an ani-," he cut off with a shiver. He could almost feel the pure rage that was being aimed at him, before turning back to see a pair of cold, rage-filled blue eyes glaring straight into his soul.

"Ugh, I mean, I don't know," he finished, turning his back to the harsh stare and back to the professor, a slightly worried expression on his face. Doctor Oobleck seemed both slightly angered and saddened by this response, but decided to continue on

"Very well then. Is there anyone that can answer my question?" he asked, glancing around the room before stopping on a student with their hand raised. "Ah, yes, Miss Nikos, can you provide us with the correct answer?" he questioned, a hopefully gleam in his eye.

Pyrrha let a small smile grace her face, "I can, Doctor. It's nightvision. General Lagoon made the mistake of attacking the Faunus forces at night when they clearly had the advantage of superior sight in the environment."

"Very good, Miss Nikos," Oobleck exclaimed before a chime could be heard from the clock. "Ah, well that seems to be all the time we have for today's lecture. Have a good day students," he called before zipping out of the room in a green blur.

Well, definitely more informative than Port's lecture, but no less weird, Roxas thought.

With the morning class over, Roxas was only able to take a couple of steps down the hallway before being stopped by a quick exclamation.

"Hey, sunshine! Wait up a second."

Turning around, Roxas found himself facing down the entirety of Team RWBY.

"Where're you heading to now, Roxas?" Ruby asked, a curious expression on her face.

"I'm probably going to back to my room to study some more," Roxas answered truthfully. A sad look seemed to cover the leader's face before she seemed to be struck by inspiration.

"Ooh, I have an idea! Why don't you come hang out with us in our dorm room?" Ruby asked. While Blake and Yang had got to talk to Roxas yesterday, she had never got any chance to really talk to him since the night after initiation. Plus, she figured that Roxas would get lonely sitting around his room all alone.

"Well, I don't know…" Roxas stutter, surprised at the offer. In his moment of hesitation, the resident blonde brawler had grabbed his arm and proceeded to drag him down the hallway.

"Ah, come on! We are much more fun than a bunch of boring textbooks," Yang said, throwing up her trademark grin.

I'm not getting much of a choice in this decision, am I?

"Uh, sure, I guess," he relented.

"Dorm, sweet, dorm!" Yang sang, throwing the door wide open, allowing the team to file in. Roxas had to take a second to fully comprehend what he was seeing.

Looking around the room, Roxas noticed a wealth of personal items that appeared to take up almost all the free space along the walls and, from what he could see, the closets as well. However, what really drew Roxas' attention was the beds.

Yeah, that doesn't even look remotely safe...or even really possible.

On the right, two of the dorm beds appeared to be stacked one on top of the other with a small amount of books placed between the beds as a buffer. On the left, a bed appeared to be hanging from the ceiling by a number of ropes that had been fastened to contact points around the room. A curtain had been hung from the ropes directly over the bed to create a makeshift privacy curtain.

"'Come on, Roxas. Make yourself at home," Yang yelled, seeing the boy simply standing in the doorway. Grabbing a spare chair, she pulled it up to the beds to give Roxas a seat while the four girls sat on the two lowest beds.

"Sorry," Roxas said before taking the offered seat, "I'm just kinda awkward," he finished, scratching at the back of his head on instinct.

"It's fine," Blake answered calmly. "We just wanted to get to know you better and provide company since you don't have a team to talk to."

"Indeed, it's not healthy to spend all of your time by yourself," Weiss stated, surprising the boy. She seems to have mellowed a little since the other day, maybe her and Ruby's talk the other day was a really good idea.

"Yeah, so I thought you could tell us a little bit about yourself or, at least, what you remember," Ruby said taking her eyes off of the notebook she was writing in for a moment. Roxas simply raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, like what?" he asked, unsure of what kind of questions they would ask. Ruby flipped to a new page and seemed to scribble something before looking up.

"Okay, how about you tell us about your weapons and semblance?" she asked. Yang let out a short sigh.

"My sister, the weapon nut, everybody!" she said giving a short wave in Ruby's direction. Ruby responded with an indignant huff.

"I'm just asking! This is a combat school, so it's kind of important to learn," Ruby said in her defense. Sensing an argument was primed to start, Roxas raised a hand to cut in.

"Honestly, I don't mind. My semblance is energy manipulation, which I use to create my keyblades from elements and energy in the nearby area and I can cause effects similar to certain types of Dust," he said before allowing Oblivion to flash into existence, much to the shock of the people around him.

"Looks pretty cool, especially since you can just kind of bring it out of thin air," Yang complemented.

"That is definitely a unique semblance, but your weapon of choice seems rather unorthodox," Weiss answered, looking the keyblade over with a critical gaze.

"It does seem a bit unorthodox, but you seemed to be using it well in the Emerald Forest the other day", responded Blake.

"Well, I've used them for as long as I can remember, so I guess I'm just kinda used to them," Roxas said, giving a half-hearted chuckle before turning to the silent leader of the group.

Ruby appeared to be ready to drool at the sight of the weapon.

"Uh, Ruby are you ok-"

"Oh My Gosh! That sword looks amazing! Can I see it?" Ruby asked, with stars seeming to shine in her eyes. Roxas was slightly startled at the reaction, but was more than happy to oblige.

"Sure," he responded, carefully handing the keyblade to the girl. Ruby seemed to show the same amount of care as she examined the weapon.

"Well-balanced, surprisingly light weight while remaining integrity, sharp edge, remarka-," she cutoff as the weapon seemed to flash out of existence. "What, where, what happened?," she asked glancing around the room in vain for the missing blade. Roxas simply gave a shake of his head.

"Sorry, I forgot to mention. When other people hold the swords, I can't control them with my semblance and they disappear until I recreate them," he answered.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense," Ruby said in a dejected manner at the loss of the weapon before seeming to bounce back. "Still, that gives me a couple of new ideas to work on for later," she said, going back to furiously scribbling in the notebook.

Well, that was close, he thought after thinking of the lie on the spot. He had forgotten about the keyblade dispelling in the hands of others, but his excuse seemed to make sense with Ozpin's cover story.

"Alright, back to the important questions: Favorite food?" Yang asked, bringing the conversation back to the original topic.

"Really, Yang?" Blake asked, giving a small sigh.

"What? You can judge a lot about a person by what they like to eat. For example, Ruby and her cookies. Sweet and full of sugary-energy, just like our team leader," Yang explain, giving a triumphant smile at her analogy before looking at Roxas.

"Easy, sea-salt ice cream," Roxas answered with a smile. Sea-salt ice cream was tied to some of his best memories of his days in the Organization and watching sunsets on the clocktower with Axel and …and Axel. Nothing else could really compare. However, judging from the look on everyone's faces, the concept didn't sound as appealing to them.

"Sea-salt flavored ice-cream? That sounds absolutely awful," Weiss said, a disgusted look on her face.

"Definitely an interesting choice," Yang said in a tone showing how awful she thought the idea truly was.

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it," Roxas said, slightly offended at their reaction.

"It definitely sounds interesting. Where can you get it?" Blake asked thoughtfully.

"Well, I, I don't really remember where to get it. Uh, sorry," Roxas answered, throwing on a sad expression to go with the story of his memory loss. It's not like I can say 'Oh, you just have to go to an entirely different world to get some'.

At this answer, Team RWBY had appeared to go silent, sorry for bringing up the sensitive subject.

A soft beeping melody from multiple points around the room broke the silence. Grabbing for his scroll, Roxas saw that a new message had been received.

Dear Mr. Roxas,

Please come to the Headmaster's office as soon as you receive this message. Your presence has been requested


Professor Goodwitch

Looking up, Roxas noticed that all the members of Team RWBY must have received the same message and all of their faces showed an expression of confusion that matched his own, intermixed with elements of despair.

"Sooo," Yang started, "anybody know what we did now?"

"Ah, Team RWBY and Roxas, come over and take a seat," Ozpin called from his seated position at his desk.

In front of the desk, five chairs had been evenly placed. Choosing the chair to the farthest left, Roxas took a quick seat, followed shortly by Team RWBY to his right. A feeling of anxiety seemed to hover over all of the people seated in front of the desk. Blake was the one to break the silence.

"Professor Ozpin, why have we been called here?" she asked, deciding to get the worst out of the way.

"Don't worry, you're not about to be punished," he answered, sensing their fear. Looking at all the students, he could see them see to loosen up with this affirmation. "Instead, I need you five to help me with something," he continued.

An energetic smile overtook Ruby's face at that last sentence, "Sure! How can we help?" A small smile emerged on the headmaster's face at the acceptance before he began to get up and pace behind his desk.

"In a few days, Professor Peach is planning on taking the freshman class of students to a nearby forest to study the local ecosystem. However, the area has recently been invaded by a larger than normal, but moderate, number of Grimm. In order for Professor Peach to successfully cover the subjects of the lecture, he wants to send out an advanced unit to kill some of the Grimm in the area before the lecture in order to limit the number of distractions, as it will take a couple of days for the Grimm to repopulate the immediate area. As the number of Grimm is not extravagant, we have elected to have a freshman team take on this mission."

Coming to a slow stop at the center of the desk, Ozpin turned towards the Hunters-in-Training before him, "Originally, Team CRDL was slated to take this mission. However, their Auras are apparently still recharging from a training session yesterday evening."

"What? Shouldn't they be back to normal levels by now?" Weiss asked, surprised at the news. Usually, a hunter's aura should recover quickly, within an hour or two, as long as they still had sufficient levels of energy. Ozpin gave a small shake of his head.

"Unfortunately, they apparently dueled to the point that their Auras were completely depleted, so they will take at least a day to recover," he answered

"That's crazy. Who were they fighting that would go that all-out?" Yang asked, surprised that any of the other teams would fight that fiercely against a freshman team. Ozpin took a sip of coffee from his mug before answering.

"According to Cardin, they were dueling against their fellow team members in a partner vs. partner match. I am saddened by the turn of events, but I have made sure to advise them to pick their opponents more wisely in the future," he answered, throwing a quick glance to his right.

Directly at Roxas.

He knows. How does he know?, Roxas internally wondered, while trying to keep the panic off his face. I'm in trouble now.

"Now, back to the original subject," he continued, taking his eyes off Roxas, before saying, "Team RWBY was randomly selected to accomplish this mission in their place. Also, since you are already acquainted with Roxas, he will accompany you on this mission as a secondary support." Looking down the row, Roxas could see that all of Team RWBY was overjoyed at the news.

"All right, it's only the second day of classes and we are already being sent on missions!" Ruby yelled energetically.

"I suppose this will be a good time to work on our skills and teamwork in the field," Weiss responded, a small smile gracing her lips.

Blake appeared to be momentarily caught in her own thoughts before giving a small nod of her head.

"Ah yeah! I'm always up for taking some Grimm down," Yang yelled, pumping her fists in the air. Following the huntresses' answers, Ozpin directed his gaze to the one person who had yet to respond.

Well, it's now or never…

Looking up at Ozpin, Roxas simply said, "Sure, I'm up for anything," giving a small grin to back up his words. Ozpin gave one last smile to the people before him.

"Good to hear. You have an hour to pack your supplies and equipment before you are to be at the Beacon docks to meet the transport. Good luck."

Review Corner:

A couple of you have asked if I'm going to use RWBY Chibi material, so here is my answer. Yes, I will probably be making reference to some of the material used in that series. It will honestly just depend on the material of the skit because, while I find all the skits funny, there are certain skits I really love ('Ninjas of Love', 'Jaune Calls Weiss', 'Cape Trubs', 'Shadow People') and some I really dislike ('Cat Burglar') for their content matter, if that makes any sense.

Also, on a side note: I want Chibi Penny because, as we know now, NOTHING. BAD. EVER. HAPPENED!

*hmph* And with that said, on to the reviews!

Gravenimage: Same. Thanks for reading!

PersonaQeminod1: Thanks for reading!

Duskrider: Thanks a lot. Thanks for reading!

Puzzle241: The Heartless will not be adversely affected by the Dust in Remnant. Thanks for reading!

Blarg7865: 1) Probably not. Sorry. 2) I understand the special abilities of the keychains are awesome, but I really like the symbolism behind Oathkeeper and Oblivion, along with their boosts in strength and magic. 3) I cannot comment on that matter at the current time. 4) Probably, it really just depends on what I said above. Thanks for reading!

Coral the Leviathan: Glad to see you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!

Warden of Lore: You're wish is my command, if a little late. Thanks for reading!

Theothergy: Thanks so much! I may hint at some Roxas X Blake, but it's probably not going to be my main pairing. Thanks for reading!

Shadowmwape: 'No comment'. Thanks for reading!

Keyslinger Roxas: Thanks so much! I may give Naoto or some other Blazblue characters a cameo later on, but I probably won't make him a main player in this story, mainly because I want to focus on Roxas' effect on the RWBY universe. However, that does give me a few story ideas for another story later on. Thanks for reading!

Warrior of six blades: 1) Yeah, Roxas is going to need to adjust to being in a 'normal' environment. 2) CRDL is basically nothing compared to some of the things Roxas has fought in his short existence. 3) Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Sora's character. I have just had some bad experience when rushing in to situations when people say they need help, so I am a little more skeptical in these situations, and it kind of filters through into my version of Roxas. Thanks for reading!

LightJakRises: Thanks for reading!

Xaldreca: 1) Yeah, I really want to show all of the character's growing past their canon power level and personalities. 2) I'll make sure to take the suggestion under account, as I am still trying to work on some of his development. 3) Roxas will definitely develop and some of that may be tied to his Sora's development later on. 4) I do think that the keyblade could unlock Aura. 5) I'm still contemplating Drive Forms, but if they are used, they will probably show up much later. 6) I have got to agree with on the concept of RWBY and Kingdom Hearts together. I actually found out about the show thanks to a couple of KH fanfics, decided to give it a shot, and fell in love with the series, so I just had to make a crossover. Thanks for reading!

DPSS: Yeah, Roxas essentially has the Light Glide/Sonic Blade. Like I said earlier, Roxas is going to develop more abilities with his Light powers. This ability seemed like something that really wouldn't take a lot of training to control or use, more focusing on just the creative use of light to enhance speed, so I thought I would show that Roxas isn't above experimenting with his power. Thanks for reading!

Guest Review 1: I am contemplating including Drive Forms later on, but I haven't made a strict decision on it yet. Thanks for reading!

Guest Review 2: Thanks! Also, thanks for reading!

Xavex: Thanks a lot. I'm always extremely worried about keeping everybody in character, so it's great to hear that someone thinks they are. Thanks for reading!

Guest Review 3: 1) 2) I definitely have plans up until Volume 3 or beyond. Once Volume 4 comes out, we will probably just have to see. 3) I am planning on including pairings, sorry. Arround the end of this story's Volume 1, I will probably be throwing in some White Rose and Bumblee pairing and I'm not prepared to say who Roxas is going to be paired with.

Antex-The Legendary Zoroark: Glad to see you like the story and thanks for the comment on each character's personality. It is very hard for me to nail down some characters, so I'm glad to see you enjoy it. 1) Yes, Ozpin's talk with Roxas is going to come back up later on in the story. 2) DiZ will be kinda busy with a modified version of the KH II storyline, but some Organization member(s) may show up later on. 3) Thanks. I always get worried when I have to write a filler/transition chapter, but I don't want to just jump past some character development to straight action (as much as I may secretly want to). 4) Who? 5) You will learn soon enough. Can't give up all of the fun to come. Thanks for reading!

Tachibana Kabuki: Yes, yes he did. Thanks for reading!

Dustin246810: Glad to see you enjoy the story. Thanks for reading!

SinsOfDisaster: Thanks. I absolutely love the Kingdom Hearts and RWBY series, so I just had to write a crossover. I can't really say anything about Grimm and Heartless interactions for fear of spoiling the future. Thanks for reading!

Remember: Like it? Hate it? Have constructive criticism? Leave a review and tell me what you think. Just want somebody to talk to about basically anything, PM me. Also, I am still looking for a Beta, so if you are interested, leave a note in a review or PM me.

Also, a big thank you to everybody reading, following, and reviewing. Thanks!

Dr. Makenshi, signing out.