Dean wakes up in the middle of the night, panicking. He can't just go out there and marry Cas without having something to say, even if it will end up being short and sweet. Cas made an effort to write his vows weeks ago, and here Dean is, hours before his wedding and he has bubkes.
He slides out of bed, careful not to wake his sleeping angel, and pads out of the room and down the stairs, to the kitchen. The house is so quiet, the only sound is the ceiling fan above him. Sitting down at the table, he holds his head in his hands and sighs. Castiel deserves better. He deserves a damn husband who can write his feelings down.
When he pops his head up, he looks around for a piece of paper and pen. He searches the drawers, remembering Sam keeps a few notepads in one. Sitting back down, he flips to a blank page and twirls the pen between his fingers.
Cas. He means so much, he is everything and yet finding the right words seems impossible. He stares at the blank piece of paper for a few more minutes before turning his gaze onto the wall, where Sam had just hung up the picture Cas had framed - all those months ago - of them with Charlie. He's not sure when Sam had it fixed, but it does look perfect in their new home. A home they own. He does miss the bunker every now and then, and seeing this picture reminds him of all the fun times he had with Charlie there.
Smiling at the memory, he's also hit with a pain in his chest, knowing that she won't be here to see them finally get married. He wonders if she'll know, somehow. If her and Ash would find a way to reach them, again. Charlie saw it all. Whatever was happening between Dean and Cas, she knew, and he's chuckling now thinking of all the ways he used to try and hide it.
From day one, Dean was in awe of Castiel, and every encounter had left Dean wanting more. He wanted to know where he went when he'd flutter off. Or if he was thinking about Dean at all. How much he wanted to pray to him every day and night to come hang out with him, wishing he'd stop being Heaven's good little soldier for a few hours and just be his friend. And Sam, always teasing him about how much Dean talked about Cas, obviously aware that Dean was so head over heals in love.
Suddenly, Dean's writing this all down: how he felt when Cas came into his life, the impact it had, how he changed Dean for the better, and his pen won't stop, each word flowing so easily now onto that paper, that by the time he's done, his hand actually hurts.
Sitting back, sighing with relief, he reads over everything he just wrote and smiles brightly. "Yeah, this is it," he says silently.
After folding it up, he rises to find Sam heading into the kitchen, yawning. "Pre wedding jitters?"
Dean sighs and sits back down. "I just finished my vows."
"'Bout time." Sam heads to the refrigerator, taking out a carton of milk, pouring some into a saucepan. Dean looks at him with a raised brow.
"Don't you think we're a little too old for warm milk?"
Sam chuckles. "But old enough for spiked hot cocoa." He winks at Dean who throws his head back, and smiles.
"Ah, this is true."
Sam makes them each a cup of cocoa with a splash of whiskey, and Dean is not complaining one bit. It's nights like these that remind him of being at the bunker, when they'd be on a case, or in the middle of some fucked up situation, and neither one could sleep. They'd usually end up in the kitchen, sharing a bottle of Bourbon, and on their laptops, trying to find any information they could about whatever it was they were involved in.
The days while having the mark of Cain truly had them spending more sleepless nights, drowning themselves in booze and hopelessness, than ever. But this is a good kind of insomnia. This is Dean on the night before his wedding, needing to make sure the words are just right to say to his angel, and in front of all their loved ones.
"At least we're not losing sleep over some cracked case," Dean muses.
Sam sighs. "Tell me about it. It's gonna be kinda nice taking the backseat from now on. Jody even mentioned getting the girls ready, or at least Claire. She's been insistent on becoming a hunter."
"I had a feeling that would happen. Last time we saw her, she was in full on hunter mode."
"Yup," Sam nods.
"And yeah, it's gonna be nice sitting back and letting the newbies take over. Plus, Cas and I will be neck deep in baby…"
"So when are you guys gonna… you know…" Sam smiles, awkwardly.
"As soon as possible. I think we're both a little anxious for it." Dean lowers his head, a warm feeling rising in his stomach. "It's funny, even when I think about it, it still blows me away." He looks up at his little brother. "I still can't believe this is all really happening."
"Look, if anyone deserves a happy ending, it's you guys. I had to be there through all the intense staring, the obvious attraction you both had for each other, and man, if I had to sit through another one of your typical married couple argument, I would have lost it," Sam laughs. "I mean, seriously, Dean."
Dean snickers. "'Cept now, we'll actually be married. " His smile fades. "And I know, since day one, that angel had me forgetting my own damn name."
Sam leans on an elbow. "I remember how flustered you used to be around him in the beginning, when he was all righteous and terrifying."
"Dude, he was on some holy mission, starring yours truly. He scared the shit out of me, but there was also something so comforting about him. I felt so safe when he was around."
Dean smiles at the memory of all those times Cas would pop in, his wings knocking everything over. And how Dean would get that flipping thing in his stomach, excited to see Castiel again, wondering if he had some more things to tell him, or would he just to sit around, acting interested in what they were all researching. Bobby asking him a million and one questions about God, Heaven, the devil, and Cas answering each one, patiently.
And those nights when it would be just them. Sometimes they'd have nothing to say to each other, and they'd watch the stars, or listen to the radio, and it had always seemed that Cas was learning something new when they would do this. Something so simple, so mundane, and his angel was experiencing it like it was the greatest thing in the world.
How much Dean had taken advantage of back then. If he would have known then what he knows now, he would have spent more moments like that with Cas. He would have taken him on long drives, have them sit under the stars in some big open field. Maybe even take in a movie. He would have loved to have shown him all of the ordinary things humans do, but he guesses they can really do all that now.
Now, there is no darkness trying to destroy the world. God is back, looking down on them, making sure everything stays as trouble free as possible. Sure, there will still be demons, vampires, werewolves, you name it, but this time, Dean won't have to be burdened with saving everyone, anymore. There will be new hunters, great ones at that, and he's confident that they will be as good as he is, or better.
After giving his brother a pat on the shoulder, and thanking him for the warm cup of cocoa, he heads back upstairs, where his soon to be husband is sleeping peacefully. Slipping under the covers, he wraps his arm around Cas, and nuzzles the back of his neck. In just a few hours, they will be making their bond even stronger. He's ready now.
"Dean, the tie seems weird, like it doesn't quite go," Cas complains as he stands in front of their full length mirror, fidgeting with his collar.
Dean steps up behind him, staring at his reflection. He swats Cas' hands away and adjusts his tie for him. "It's fine. It matches my suit."
Cas is in a black suit with a dark blue tie while Dean is dressed in a dark blue suit with a black tie. It was his way of matching without having to wear the same thing. He wanted them to look different, but go together. Cas, of course didn't care either way, as long as he didn't have to pick it out, and after living so long on the road, masquerading as FBI, Dean does know a thing or two about suits.
Cas turns around with Dean's arms wrapping around him. "Okay, then, it's perfect," he tells him followed by a chaste kiss.
"Black suit and blue tie is kinda your thing," Dean muses.
They move to sit on the edge of the bed, staring at their reflection, together. "We make a very handsome couple," Cas says, smiling.
"Yeah, huh." Dean kisses his cheek. "Not too bad."
Castiel rests his head on Dean's shoulder and inhales, thickly. They stay like that for a while, appreciating the calm before they have to go out there and entertain. He wonders if the rest of the guests arrived already, since Sam said he would take care of getting everyone to carpool down to the lake.
Cas and Dean are driving down there alone, in the Impala. Screw limousines when they have the best car anyone can ask for. Dean had even dug out his favorite cassettes to take along for the ride. He had forgotten just how many he had, all of them stored in a box in his room, making the small collection he has in the impala look like nothing.
He'd often stop off in various second hand stores to buy some more. Ebay had also proven to be a reliable source for old cassettes and vinyl. Sam makes fun of him almost on a daily basis, but no fucks are given. It's not like he hasn't joined the land of technology. He does have almost every song he loves on his iPod, which Sam had given him one year for his birthday. After he showed him how to get songs so easily of the internet and transfer them to this small thing, Dean was impressed.
He has entire albums on it and even the whole Zeppelin collection. So yeah, he likes new tech, he does, but when it comes to his car, there is no way he is going to change her pretty little cassette deck. And Dean doesn't want to be stuck with Sam's music. Not that all of it is bad, but if he has to listen to Ed Sheeran one more time, he's going to make himself deaf, somehow.
"We should…"
Dean turns to Cas and smiles. "Yeah. Let's go."
Sam texted Dean letting him know that everyone was already at the lake and waiting for them, so when he and Cas head downstairs, the house is completely empty. There are remains of last minute meals left on the table, and a few open cans of soda, and the first thing he thinks of is having to clean this up before they all head back here after the ceremony.
The backyard is ready to go, with a few extra tables and chairs, and coolers that will soon be full of beer, water, and soda. Sam insisted on being the one to grill burgers for everyone, telling Dean he wants this day to be all about him and Cas, and to let others wait on him.
And he laughs, feeling like a damn blushing bride.
They get into the car and he can almost feel the excitement pouring out of Cas. They're actually on their way now to their own wedding, and now Dean can feel his pulse racing. He pops in Boston, and when Don't Look Back begins, he smirks at Cas and drives out onto the road, windows down, and a warm feeling in his heart.
They arrive at the lake, so Dean turns down his radio. He spots Garth and his wife, and a few other hunters they have come to know over the years. Of course he sees Jody and the gang, and Sam is talking to Chuck and Gabriel, leaning against a tree.
He looks at Cas. "So, this is it. If you want to back out, now would be the time to do it," Dean jokes.
Castiel's eyes widen, comically. "Oh, really? In that case…" he pretends to fumble with the car door and Dean grabs him in for a kiss, smiling as he does so. "Come on, dummy. Let's go get married."
They walk hand in hand towards everyone, smiles greeting them, and it all suddenly feels like something magical is happening. They've never been able to do anything like this, wedding or not. To be able to all be together, without something evil looming over their heads, or to talk about a case, is rare.
Garth makes his way over to him, and his eyes are on glued on Cas. "Wow, so this is the famous Castiel. Nice to meet you, finally," Garth says, extending his hand.
The angel shakes it and smiles. "Same. And this must be your wife."
She offers her hand as well, beaming. "A real angel. This is… wow."
Castiel blushes, and Dean turns around to catch Sam waving at him. "If you'll excuse me," Dean says as he makes his way over to his little brother. "What's up?"
"I think we need to get started soon, the park ranger told us that he's expecting a fisherman's meeting here soon."
"A what?" Dean shakes his head. "Okay, then let's get this party started."
He walks by Cas, taking his hand as they head down towards the pier. They decided on having the ceremony in the grass, this way everyone can fit, and be able to hear everything. It was a great choice, and Dean's impressed with how well Sam had set it all up. Everyone is seated in white chairs as Chuck makes his way over to them.
"I've actually never married anyone before," Chuck tells them, nervously.
Dean side smiles. "Well, being married by God himself is a damn privilege."
Chuck smiles back and they take their places. Cas and Dean face each other, hands laced, and Dean's stomach begins to flip. It's pretty amazing that they're able to do this, that no matter what state laws are, or what other people may think, God is marrying them so they can all stuff it.
He glances out at the crowd, and it's small, just how he wanted it, but it's also a little depressing as to why it's so small. He wishes people like his mom, dad, Bobby, Charlie, Kevin, could be here. He's thinking about Ellen and Jo, and how many wisecracks they'd have for him right about now. And he knows Ellen would be crying when they exchange their vows.
His mom and Dad would have that look of pride, and not so much that Dean is finally out in the open about his sexuality, but that he's finally in love and getting married to someone who loves him just as much. There's something telling him that his parents are looking down on him right now, and that makes his heart swell.
"So, since this is my first time doing this, I'm just gonna improvise here, but I tell ya, it's easy with these two, since I have never seen two people more in love," Chuck says to the guests, grinning.
He continues, "Love like this has been tested in every way. They've been torn apart, brought back together, have fought for each other, and never gave up. They deserve a life of pure bliss, and I hope they will have that, starting today."
Dean is moved, he can feel his heart speed up. It's strange hearing what others think of him and Cas, because not only do they see how they are now, these people have thought this way about them from the beginning. They saw things when they were together, and that makes him realize that not only are they meant to be, but that there has never been a reason not to take the plunge.
"Let's let these two lovebirds exchange their vows, and get them married, already," Chuck finishes, before the crowd erupts in laughter. He looks at Dean, who then raises his eyebrows, understanding that Chuck now wants him to recite his promise to Cas.
His angel sees this and smiles. "I'll go first."
Dean isn't sure if his heart is going to leap out of his chest, but they have come to the part where they seal the deal. Every moment he's ever spent with Cas fills his mind. Every case they did together, to all their fights, to seeing his counterpart in the future. His rebellion, choosing them over everything else, and somehow Dean feels like he falls short.
Cas has done so much for him and he's never really matched that.
But he will.
"Dean," Cas starts, "I wasn't sure what I could possibly tell you that I haven't already, but since this is our wedding, and vows are important, I realized there is much more I need to tell you. And the world."
He watches Castiel intently, their hands locked as he talks, effortlessly, calmly. He almost envies how chill he can be sometimes, especially when the situation is far from it. Cas let's go of his hands and pulls out a piece of paper, unfolding it. He looks down at it, and then up at Dean.
"There was never a question as to what you mean to me. Since day one, since the first time I saw you, your impact on my life, on my heart, was huge. I almost feel like I've been reborn into a new world of choices, family, burgers, " The crowd laughs, and Dean chuckles, keeping himself from crying.
"Of love. And that, Dean, was what made our bond that much more profound. I didn't know what real love was, aside from what I had been taught as a young angel. But the love you showed me, the love I starting feeling for you, cannot be taught. It can only come from a place inside that I didn't even know I had. My heart."
Dean wipes a single tear that escapes his eye. He knows Cas loves him. He knows how important he is to him, but to hear this, in these words, is unbelievably touching. He never thought he could affect someone's life like this.
"So, Dean Winchester, with this blessing that I have been given: a chance to fall in love, and be with the one person that my entire being belongs with, I vow to always be by your side, always be that rock for when you feel lost, and that ear for when you need to talk, and your husband, from now and for the rest of our lives, and beyond."
Cas is smiling but tears are streaming down his face. Dean takes his head in his hands and thumbs away the wetness, his mouth curling into a small smile. He has no idea how he's going to top that, but this isn't really about who write the better vows, this is about them speaking from the heart and promising to always be the person they marry.
He coughs, glancing briefly at the crowd, and then leans in to Cas, whispering in his ear. "That was beautiful."
When he pulls away, Dean swallows, taking out his own vows. "Cas… Castiel," Dean chokes. "It took me a while to find the right words, 'cause there is so much I wanted to say, and I had no idea I'd be able to write it all down. But I did get some of it out, so here goes."
Castiel smiles at him, brightly. Dean continues, "I remember when you came crashing into that barn that night, and I had no idea who you were, or what you were, and yeah, I was scared out of my mind." He looks out at the crowd to find Sam, who smiles at him. "But I should have known that there was something already between us, because sparks literally flew."
Everyone laughs, and he even sees Castiel giggling, which sends Dean to the moon. "Ever since that day, my life was different. It changed. I suddenly understood what faith was, and how to actually have faith in myself. You showed me that I deserve good things, and I was more than just a hunter."
He swallows. "But best of all, you made me believe in love. Unconditional love. I am not the same man I was before you came into my life, and I'm so thankful to have you as my angel. Because no matter what, that is what you will always be to me."
Dean thought this would be harder, or that he'd choke up and not be able to get one word out, but looking at Cas, and reading all the things he wrote last night, it's one of the easiest things he's ever had to do. "I've always been yours, and I will always be yours, your best friend and husband, for as long as I can breath, and after."
He hears the "awws" from their guests but he can't take his eyes off of his angel. He hears Chuck clear his throat and he starts to speak, yet Dean can barely hear him, lost in the bubble of love surrounding them. What he does hear, is: "Castiel and Dean Winchester, I now pronounce you… adorable husbands."
People cheer. Dean pulls Cas in for a kiss and as their lips press together, the world disappears. They're in the stars, the sound of their guests fading into a distant echo, and they just kiss, and kiss, as their bodies float away.
Of course they are brought back down to earth when he feels a hard slap in his shoulder, and when he reluctantly tears his lips from Cas', he sees Sam with his wide goofy grin. "Congrats, jerk."
Dean smirks. "Thanks, bitch."
After the rest of their guests come and congratulate them, Sam instructs everyone to start heading to their house. Cas and Dean take their ride in the Impala as the rest meet them back there. They take their time, wanting everything to be ready by the time they arrive, so Dean parks her a block down the road, in front of a small playground.
He holds his hand up, admiring the gold ring that now is on his finger. His hand looks different now, and not just because it has a new piece of jewelry on it, but that it represents what they just committed to, and he's never been more sure of anything in his entire life. There was never a question as to who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, who owned his heart, who showed him more about love than he could have ever hoped for.
"We did it," he says, turning his gaze to Cas, who places his hand over Dean's, admiring his own ring.
"Yes, we did."
They kiss, Dean taking Cas' face in his hands. He doesn't want to break away, because he's kissing his husband now, and it all feels unreal. He's afraid if he opens his eyes, it would have all been a dream.
Finally, Cas pulls back for air, smiling brightly at Dean. "I'm a Winchester."
"You always were," Dean tells him. "And those vows were beautiful, Cas. Really."
Cas leans in for another kiss. There's something about the sweetness of his lips today. Dean's not sure if he's just on this high from the events of the day, or if Cas chose some new chapstick or something, but he tastes like honey.
Dean licks his lips after their kiss, and Cas rests his forehead on his. "So were yours. I was very impressed… and moved."
"Yeah, it all kinda came to me last night, during my nice bout of insomnia," Dean chuckles. "I thought about meeting you, and how it made me feel, and how far we've come, and-"
Castiel shuts him up with a kiss. "And now we're married, and we have this whole future to look forward to."
Dean smiles against his lips, and loses himself in his angel, once again. Soon, he's noticing the time and tells him that they should really be getting back to the house. He's sure Sam has everything ready to go: the food, drinks, and he doesn't want to make their guests wait - if they're as hungry as he is.
With one hand locked with Cas', Dean drives them home. He can hear the music and voices already as he pulls up. It's the perfect time of day, as the sun is about to set and the air is cooling off just enough to enjoy the evening outside. As soon as they head out to the backyard, everyone cheers, once again, for them.
The evening is spent with nothing but laughter, and great conversations, and Dean couldn't be happier. The two sit together as they open presents after the cake (where they actually had two grooms on top) and he's pleasantly surprised at what good taste everyone has. They both get a good laugh at the "His & His" towel collection from Claire, who is grinning at the newlyweds when they wave them around for the crowd.
It's perfect, and just where he wants to be: in their backyard, on their wedding night, friends and family surrounding them. Everyone is in good cheer, light, and he wants to take full advantage of it, because who knows when they can all be like this again. He's seeing Chuck laughing with Donna, Jody and Garth in some deep conversation that leaves them both smiling, widely. Gabriel is taunting Claire, playfully and the two seem to really hit it off. He guesses for a kid, Gabriel is probably the bees knees.
As the party winds down, and people begin to take their leave, Sam approaches them with a sly grin on his face. He's holding an envelope which he hands to Dean. "And this is my gift to you guys."
"Aw, come on. You didn't have to," Dean says as glances down at the envelope in his hand.
"Just open it."
He does and there's a folded piece of paper. With a raised eyebrows, Dean slips it out and opens it, sighing at what he sees. It's a reservation confirmation for the Turtle Bay resort in Oahu, Hawaii. Dean almost thinks it's a joke.
"Yeah, Hawaii, You guys deserve a nice honeymoon, and Dean," Dean looks up at Sam, still in shock. "Sand between your toes."
Dean doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he's suddenly too excited, and he can't wait to get there. Rising from his chair he brings his little brother in for a hug, and soon Cas is doing the same, and the three of them stand there, huddled together.
"Thanks, Sammy," Dean chokes out.
They pull apart. "Yes, Sam. This is wonderful."
"So when do we leave?" Dean asks the two of them.
"Well, I was gonna buy you guys round trip flights but I think someone's wings could get you there a lot faster." Sam winks at Cas.
Cas nods, reaching for Dean's hand. "I think that would be a great idea."
"Wait, we're leaving now? Like in the middle of our own party?"
Sam scans the yard. "Sure. Mostly everyone is gone, and Jody and Donna said they'll help with the clean up. You two go, get away, and do it now!"
They give Sam another hug and without a second thought, Cas teleports them to the lobby of that resort, and Dean almost loses his dinner. Cas wraps his arms around him, leaning in. "Are you okay, Dean?"
He nods. "Yeah, yeah. I'll just never get used to this zapping thing," he says with a smile.
While he tries to calm down his nausea, Cas checks them in, and he gets the key to their room. Noticing they didn't arrive with luggage, the attendant gives them a once over with a raised brow. Dean smiles awkwardly at him, and shrugs.
"We're winging it," he tells him with a slight chuckle.
The man smiles back at him and leads them to the elevator. Now, Dean's been in fancy hotels before while impersonating someone, or hunting down a lair which happened to be in a five star joint, but this place is incomparable. If the fountains in each corner of the lobby weren't absolutely beautiful, the exotic plants make it that much more stunning. This resort look like it's own little paradise as it is.
But once they get to their room, Dean has to blink a few times. It's big and bright, and a far cry from the cramped smelly motel rooms he's used to. An entire wall is a glass door that leads out to their very own patio. The king sized bed is covered with soft blankets and pillows, and he is already picturing him and Cas snuggling in it tonight.
The attendant turns to leave but then picks up a remote. "Oh, before I go, I just wanted to show you this," he says as he presses a button, and suddenly a low humming sound is heard above them. Over the bed, the ceiling opens up to a skylight.
"These are in all of our top floor rooms, in case you want to sleep under the stars." He tells them with a wink as he heads for the door.
Dean reaches into his wallet and pulls out a five dollar bill, handing to the man. He has no idea if this is too small of a tip in a place like this, but by the way the man is grinning and thanking him, he guesses it's okay.
Once he leaves Dean kicks off his shoes and jumps onto the bed. "Are we actually on vacation?"
Cas joins him, sliding up his body. "We are. It's very beautiful here, don't you think?"
"Beautiful? It's the most amazing place I've ever been."
"What to do you want to do? There's the beach right there," Cas points to the big glass wall that is overlooking the ocean. "Or we can stay in here," he wiggles his eyebrows, making Dean smile.
"Let's check out that patio."
They make their way over to the glass door and slide it open. The patio has two chaise lounges, a small table in between them, and a few cushions scattered around. The view is breathtaking, nothing but ocean, mountains, and green. There's a small strip of beach along the shoreline, and he can't wait to head down there. It's not crowded, at all, and in fact, he thinks he can make out only about a dozen people down there.
But the sun is setting and it'll be there tomorrow. Tonight he wants to stay locked away with his angel and celebrate. He recalls seeing a bottle of champagne sitting in a bucket of ice when they came in, and he can't wait to pop it open.
They order room service and take full advantage of the exotic and expensive cuisine on the menu. Opening up the champagne, he pours Cas and himself a glass. After handing Cas his drink, Dean holds his glass up in the air. "Here's to us."
Cas, unsure what to do, holds his glass up as well. Dean touches the tip to his and Cas smiles. "Ah, yes. Here's to us."
The night couldn't be more perfect, and as soon as they're finished eating, they both retire to the bed, with Dean opening up the ceiling again to reveal the skylight. The attendant wasn't lying, they could see every star that's above them, so Dean turns off the lights to get a better view.
"What a fantastic place Sam picked out. He has great taste."
Dean nods, taking Cas' hand in his. "I've never slept under the stars like this, unless it was camping, or me passed out in the woods," Dean admits.
Castiel turns on his side and wraps his arm around him. "Who says we're going to be sleeping?"
Dean's immediately hard when Cas kisses him and soon, they're both tearing off each other's clothes. Cas is on top of him, kissing his neck, his jaw, his mouth, and when he pulls up, his expression morphs into a more concerned look.
"Shall we?"
Dean grins, hugging him. "Yes."
Maybe it's because they know what's going to happen: that making love tonight isn't just them finally able to be this close again after a while, but that they're actually going to be making a baby. A baby that will be part him, and part Cas, but Dean feels emotional, and he prays he's not going to cry during, because that will be really uncool.
So they do take it slow, making every second count. Each touch, caress, kiss, brings them closer to the edge. When Cas slips inside Dean, he gasps, forgetting how great it feels to have Cas so close to him, to be able to become one with his true love, his soulmate. And all the years that he thought he and Cas were best buddies, closest he's ever been with anyone, it's nothing compared to this.
It's not the sex. It's how they melt into each other. It's total trust and it's knowing he's taking care of Dean. He's gentle, loving, and tender, and each thrust is slow. When he takes Dean into his hand and begins to stroke him, he hisses, knowing how close he is, but he wants it to last, he doesn't want it to end just yet. He tries to swat Cas' hand away, but he keeps at him, looking down at Dean with a mischievous smile.
"We have all night, just let go, Dean."
And he does, coming hard in his friend's hand and all over his own stomach. It's not long before Cas is crying out, falling down on top of him, his face nestled in Dean's neck, his breath hot against him as he pants.
That's when the most amazing thing starts to happen.
A bright light illuminates out of Cas and Dean looks down to see it's coming from him too. His bicep begins to burn and he winces when he runs his hand over the skin. Cas is looking at him with wide eyes before turning his attention upward. And they both watch this small glowing light, with a trail of smoky residue rise from them and up towards the ceiling.
It actually moves through the glass of the skylight and outside, flying up and up, like a balloon. Dean is tongue tied, knowing exactly what just happened, and then he remembers that Cas will be drained when it did. Looking at his angel, he looks almost like he's in pain, so Dean takes him back into his arms, pulling him down on top of him.
"Are you okay?"
He feels Cas nod against his shoulder. Lifting his head, tears are now streaming down his face. "I thought it would be worse, but I feel, okay."
Dean wipes his tears away and kisses his damp cheeks. "Did we just…"
Cas nods.
"And you're good?"
He nods again. "Yes. More than good."
He's shaking in Dean's arms, and he can tell Cas is full of shit, but he's also trying to be strong, to not ruin the moment, so Dean doesn't ask him again. He just lets Cas lie in his arms until his trembling subsides. He's pretty sure Cas is used to the human thing by now, and even though this is a more permanent situation, he also knows that he's as excited as he is to have a child, and it's all worth it.
~~~ Nine Months Later ~~~
"Dean, hurry up. Gabriel is going to be here any minute!" Cas yells out.
Dean is doing some last minute arrangements in the nursery, unsatisfied with where they left the giant teddy, or what blanket to have down in the crib. Since they didn't know what gender their baby was going to be, they decorated in mainly yellows, greens, and white. Remembering how much Cas loved bees - that time he was a little out of his mind - Dean had Claire and Alex paint bees on the wall, and it had even made Castiel smile.
Moving the white blanket and replacing it with the yellow one, Dean takes a once over and nods. He races down the stairs and finds Cas standing in the foyer. Sam is with him, and they both look like they're going to puke.
"Guys, calm down," Dean tells them, but is doing a lousy job hiding his own nervousness.
They all jump when they hear a knock on the door. Frozen, Cas and Dean stare at it, blankly, while Sam shakes his head. He opens it to find Gabe standing there with a bundle in his arms… a bundle.
Dean swallows, unsure if he's about to laugh or cry. Gabriel smirks at them. "Well, don't you knuckleheads want your baby?"
He nods, robotically, and watches Cas walk over to him, as Gabriel steps inside. "I- it-"
"It's a girl!" Gabriel sing songs.
He hands the baby over to Cas, and he takes her into his arms, looking down at her and then at Dean, who is still frozen in place. He feels a push, which is probably Sam, and so he meets Cas at the doorway, his hands buried in his pockets to keep from shaking so badly.
He leans in, taking a look at the baby girl and his heart leaps from his chest. She opens her eyes and seems to look right at him. Blue eyes, just like his daddy, and it's funny how Cas' true form is also with that same eye color. He thought it would have been weird if their baby took on Jimmy's characteristics, but Cas assured him that it will be from his angel form, not human.
He's eyes blur before the tears spill when Cas offers Dean to hold her. She's quiet, other than the small sounds that babies usually make, and when she looks up at Castiel, he swears he sees her smile. This is their new life. Their new world. Everything that used to be so important, is no longer so huge, for this life right here - their baby daughter - has become their everything.
She cries out, a small sound, but enough to make Dean look around, unsure what to do. Their cupboards are filled with formula, thanks to Donna. He wonders if she's hungry now, and so he looks at Castiel, who also looks confused.
"You think she's hungry?" Dean asks him.
Gabriel guffaws. "Oh, you two will be fine. You'll get to know when she's hungry, when she needs a diaper change, all the fun stuff." He turns to leave. "Congrats. I'll be checking in on my niece occasionally, so she knows she has a cool uncle." He wiggles his eyebrows at Sam.
"By the way, what are you guys naming her?"
Dean and Cas look at each other, and then down at their baby girl. "Charlie," they chorus.
"Ah, very fitting. I bet she's gonna grow up to be a spitfire, with having you two as her dads." Gabriel smiles. "Anyway, gotta run! See you guys soon."
And just like that, Gabriel is gone.
They are all left standing in the foyer, their whimpering baby in Dean's arms, when Sam finally jogs into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of formula. Handing it to Dean, he places the nipple to her mouth and she instantly grabs onto it, drinking with her eyes closed.
"Hungry," Cas says, staring at Charlie.
The next couple of hours is spent with them watching her sleep. It's like they don't want to miss one second of her opening her eyes, murmuring gentle sounds, she even yawned before and it made Dean weak in the knees. He watches Cas reach into her crib and take her into his arms.
"Come on," he says, moving out of the room and to their bedroom. He places her in the middle of the bed, and all she does is move her head a little, blink a few times, and then fall right back to sleep. Dean crawls into bed, next to her and Cas takes her other side. As they lie there, staring at her, Cas looks up at Dean and touches his cheek.
Dean smiles at him. "Yeah?"
"She's beautiful."
He nods. "She has your eyes. Blue like the sky."
Castiel blushes. "And I bet she'll have your freckles. I just know it."
Dean chuckles. "You think so?"
"M'hm." He leans over and kisses Dean. "Either way, she's ours, and I feel like the happiest person on the planet."
"Same," Dean says. "We actually made this..."
"A beautiful baby girl," Cas adds.
Charlie begins to open her eyes and when she does, she looks right up at Cas. He smiles warmly at her, tilting his head. Dean clears his throat. "Charlie, that's your daddy, Castiel. He's a bit of a dork, but you'll love him just the same," Dean jokes.
Cas gently punches his arm and laughs, watching Charlie blink a few times and then her gaze falls on Dean.
"And that's your other daddy, Dean. Don't mind his gruff exterior, he's just a big ole softy inside," Castiel tells her, causing Dean to guffaw. "And we love you very much."
Dean nods at her, bending forward to kiss her forehead. "Yes we do."
And they lie there for the rest of the afternoon in silence, watching baby Charlie nap in the quiet peace of their room. The only sounds are of the birds outside and her tiny breathing, the calm of their surroundings feeling like a serenity that he's never had before.
Their life is just beginning and he can't wait to live it.
The end.
Thank you all for joining me on this adventure! I hope you liked it! I'm still working on The End is the Beginning and starting a whole new story soon as well. Subscribe to me if you would like updates. I may also write some one shots of missing scenes (like more honeymoon stuff) so keep an eye out :-) ~ Lauren