'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view
"No," Dean says as he rolls over in bed, pulling the blankets over his head, in complete denial that it's time to get up. He's too comfortable, relishing in the luxuries that Gabriel has been offering them since finding God - formally known as Chuck, Cas getting his mojo back, and oh yeah, Dean coming back from the dead. If anyone deserves some R and R, it's them.
"Dean, we've been lying about for a week and-"
Dean peaks his head out from under the covers to peer at his frustrated angel. That pout, those puppy dogs eyes, and Dean's already fighting off the urge to give in to him.
"And we're warded, this whole house is warded and the sith angels have gone off the radar. Can't we just be lazy for a while?"
Reflecting on the last year, Dean still feels like his head is spinning. Removal of the Mark, Cas moving in with them, then the mind blowing reality of them taking that next step, well more like a leap, in their friendship. If he wasn't sure that this was actually all real, he'd think he's in some fantasy world or Djinn hallucination because really, him and Cas? Together?
How did it all happen so quickly? Then again, it's taken them seven years to reach this point, this moment where they are now. Lovers or more than that, yet Dean can't think of what to call them. Boyfriends? Soulmates? Partners?
If it wasn't for the horrible time Cas was taken to Heaven and mutilated by his own brethren, then made human, only to watch Dean die by the hands of one of the Belial - those dark angels that the Darkness seems to keep spitting out, Dean would be sure there was something completely unreal about their lives now.
But here he is, waking up in a bed he and Castiel have been sharing, in a mansion by the beach that Gabriel found them, warded from those sith asshats - thanks to Chuck's extensive knowledge of the evil things, and since those dark angels can't find them, things have calmed down. So much so that all Dean really wants to do make love to Cas all day and maybe try out that pool in the backyard that Sam likes to do laps in every morning since they arrived.
It's a mini vacation and that's what Dean keeps telling himself. Their last attempt at it ended with an attack, having to cut that trip to the beach short. It really pissed him off, yet he understood, of course but sand between his toes… he finally has that.
He knows the hardest part of this battle against the Darkness is coming up and the fact that no one in their little motley crew has any idea if they'll succeed, even with the help of Lucifer and Michael - which to be honest, is not at all confirmed - Dean just wants to relax and enjoy life for once.
Cas smirks as he climbs back into bed, sliding under the blankets to cuddle against the hunter's warm nakedness. Dean's already wrapping his arms around the angel and planting his lips on his cheek and jaw, nibbling as much as he can without actually breaking skin. Shaking his head, Cas succumbs to Dean's touches and kisses and even lets out a small giggle.
Dean loves that giggle.
And it makes him pull Cas closer and growl into his neck. "A week ago I was dead and you were human."
Castiel smiles. "Okay, point made, Dean. I guess a few more minutes won't hurt."
"Minutes? Geez, Cas, what do you take me for? I can last longer than that," Dean insists before rolling on top of Cas and smacking his lips to his, mouths opening, welcoming each other's hot tongues.
When they part to take a breath, Cas sighs, "I guess I'm just anxious. When the enemy takes a breather, it causes concern. They could be gathering strength or strategizing on how to take us out. They could-"
Dean shuts him up with a kiss and with raised eyebrows, he lifts his head to meet those shining pools of blue. "Do you really think those Belial guys know how to strategize?"
"Well, no, maybe not but-"
The air between them intensifies and Dean can now see how worried Castiel really is. This wouldn't be the first time Dean's seen it: that stressed out look on his angel's face when he feels useless or uncertain about what to do.
Cas is always trying to be one step ahead. He always needs a game plan, something to keep his fire rolling. Dean gets it, he does but he also wants Cas to just admit that they don't have the means to act right now and that fact alone should ease him up a bit.
He remembers Cas and his insatiable need to fix Heaven or fix him. How he'll stop at nothing to make sure Dean and Sam are safe. Dean has to remind himself that this is Castiel, an angel so old, he saw mountains form and he has been in so many damn battles - being his kick ass self - that this time, this little slice of relaxation is probably completely new to him.
So Dean will have to show him that it's a good thing. He deserves it.
"And what? We just break into Hell without any help from Crowley?"
"No." Cas sighs. "That's not something we should do."
Dean watches Castiel turn away from him and focus on something behind him. "Then what should we be doing now?"
Castiel meets his gaze and softens, his body loosening under Dean. "I guess… this ," he hums, causing Dean to grin like an idiot. He lifts his head to kiss him, softly at first.
The kissing intensifies as Dean slowly grinds against Cas, his erection sliding next to Castiel's hardening arousal, and it makes the angel let out a small whimper. Dean's head snaps up and he stares down at him.
"I want to see you glow again 'cause that shit is awesome."
"Maybe you can even bring your wings into it. That would be hot, Cas, really."
Cas exhales deeply. "Dean, those are meant for flying, not for your sexual pleasure."
"Why not? I said I love all of you and I do mean," Dean slips his hand between them, grabbing hold of Castiel's hard on, " all of you."
With a sly smile, he strokes Cas who can now barely keep his eyes open, his lids heavy, showing signs of pleasure. Dean doesn't let up. He loves this part, watching Castiel lose himself in ecstasy, how he sighs with his lips apart, mouthing words that Dean can't even understand, the blush of his cheeks when he comes apart.
And Dean gets so lost in it all. Castiel is stunningly beautiful to him, his expressions, the way he reacts to Dean has his heart on overload. Never would he have imagined this, for all the years he's known Cas, all the times they would just shy away at any sign of interest or intimacy. Those silent moments where they both so obviously wanted to reveal how they felt or how badly Dean wanted to just close the space between them and kiss him.
All the years he tried to deny it all and throw himself in the arms of one night wonders or even Lisa, who - god bless her soul - took in a broken man for a year. Broken for losing Sam, broken for Cas just up and leaving. It was like everything he had known was gone and he had to reinvent himself, only to be back where he belonged, eventually. Hunting, with his brother and his angel. But not one day went by where he hadn't been wishing he could stop being chicken shit and tell Cas the truth.
He came really close when he confronted him about working with Crowley. He was going to say, it, right then and there, even in front of his brother and Bobby, but the words failed to escape his mouth and he had cursed himself every day after that. He had even dared to utter the words "I love you" that time in the crypt when Cas was under Naomi's mind control, but again, it felt wrong. Not the words, exactly. The situation.
He knew that when he would finally get up the nerve to say those three words to Cas, it wouldn't be because he was trying to pull Cas back from the edge or to save his own bacon. It would be at the right time, the right moment, when he could say it without the admission having any other job to do other than to let his angel know just how much he loves him and that was exactly how it went down.
Dean's smiling at the memory from just a few months ago, when he and Cas were lying in his bed, Cas telling him the most romantic story about pulling him out of Hell and admitting his love. That was when Dean knew he could say it. It felt so natural, so pure and easy, like those words were always meant for Cas. Of course it's deeper than just words. The love Dean feels for Cas is on a level that's new to him. It's so intense, so raw, so fucking powerful, that Dean knows that destiny, fate, whatever it is, his heart was always meant to belong to his angel. It's just the way it was, is, and always will be.
"You want it?" Cas says as his eyes pop open.
Dean doesn't have time to answer before Castiel is rolling them over so that he's straddling Dean. Dean can't catch his breath, and - oh shit - he loves it when Cas does this. When he takes charge as if they've been lovers for years. The rush he feels is so arousing, that he sometimes fears he'll finish before they even get started.
All he could do is nod in muted agreement and then with a crash of thunder, out come the wings and this time, they're not in some nether realm or wherever the fuck Cas said they go when he's in a human vessel. His wings, glorious and blue, gold, white, even some black are spreading out behind Castiel, extending far past the bed and it's the most stunning thing Dean's ever laid eyes on. He swallows the huge lump in his throat, taking it all in.
He saw them briefly in the motel room when Cas resurrected him but everything was so disorienting that he really didn't have time to fully appreciate it. Now, here's Castiel, on top of him, naked, and spreading his damn wings. Is this even his life?
Cas is leaning over to grab something and Dean isn't sure what but when he feels the cool sensation of lube against his ass, he breathes in the charged air between them. Oh, fuck yeah, Cas isn't even wasting time and Dean has zero problems with it. Dean watches his angel stroke himself, spreading the lube before bending forward to kiss him.
"Is this good, Dean?" Cas whispers as he teases Dean's opening with the head of his erection.
"Fuck… Cas," is all he can manage to get out before feeling the head slip in, so slowly, it's like he's barely moving at all.
Cas grabs Dean's thigh, lifting him as he plunges deeper. Dean gasps, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head at the dizzying feeling of Castiel moving inside of him. Slow and steady, hitting that sweet spot every time.
But he wants to keep his eyes open and stare at those gorgeous wings that are now curling around Cas' shoulders and moving down around the both of them, almost like he's trying to wrap Dean in them.
"So beautiful… Cas, so-"
Dean's panting, feeling so close and, yeah he's about to come without even being touched. That's when Cas begins stroking him, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. It's too many sensations at once, the feathers brushing against his skin - soft and unreal, and Cas' hand on him, the way he's moving inside of him, it's all it takes.
Dean comes against his stomach, barely even able to let out a sound as his eyes widen at the sight of Castiel emitting that brilliant glow, like he did the first night they were here, and it fills Dean's stomach with butterflies.
So fucking bad ass.
"Oh Dean," Cas cries as he throbs inside Dean, pumping everything he has left in him, filling Dean up before collapsing down on him, his head resting in the crook of Dean's neck.
The wings - still out and tightening now around him - feel incredible and he closes his eyes, melting into the warmth of them. Plumage so unbelievably silky. His angel, his bad ass beautiful angel is all he needs right now. Fuck the Darkness and those sith angels. Fuck them all. He needs this. God, does he need this .
"More than a few minutes, huh?" Cas jokes to which Dean gives him a nice jab in the ribs.
"Well you brought out the big guns, I couldn't help myself," Dean smiles at him then eyes the wings.
"I'm unable to resist you, you know that, right?" Cas admits, against his neck. Dean chuckles.
Dean shifts to bring his hands out to caress one of the wings. "Do you remember how many times you'd ask me to do something and all you had to do was look at me that certain way."
Dean starts to laugh, his chest causing Cas to rise up and down on top of him.
"We always had that." Cas lifts his head to look at Dean and kisses his nose. "That look. We knew, even then, didn't we?"
Cas' head drops again. "So, you like them, huh."
Dean strokes the feathers closest to him, and yeah he does. "They're awesome." He moves his face, rubbing them against his cheeks. "So awesome, Cas."
"They were in horrible shape when you saw them last."
Dean closes his eyes, refusing to even think about that time in Heaven when he saw Cas' wings being hacked off by some asshole angel. "Can we not…"
"Sorry," Cas nuzzles his face closer.
"We're here now, and I'm not dead and you're an angel again. And Cas," Cas looks up at him. "We found God."
Castiel snickers. "We've have quite a year."
"Tell me about it," Dean slides under Cas, letting the angel fall beside him, his wing draped across his chest and Dean inhales, losing himself in the sensation of it all.
"And now I get to lie in bed with you, under your wings." Dean beams.
"Yes. But, we really should-"
"Yeah yeah, I know. The guys are waiting on us to figure out what our next move is, and just like every day this week, we'll be left with bupkis. It's getting old, Cas."
"Then we should at least head downstairs for Gabriel's waffles because he did make a big deal about it last night, promising us that we'll die at first bite."
Just as Cas says that, Dean's stomach growls. Yeah, he can use some food right about now. "Fine, but showers first, 'cause uh…"
"Yeah," Castiel agrees.
Dean tries to lift his body but is completely melted into the mattress, under those wings, and half of Cas' body on his. "But I really don't want to move."
In a flash, Cas' wings withdraw and are instantly gone from sight. Dean already misses the warmth and pouts at his angel. "Aw come on."
"Let's go."
Cas grabs hold of Dean's wrist as he slides out of bed. Dean reluctantly lets him pull him to his feet and soon they're walking to the bathroom. Cas starts the shower and then turns to Dean, pulling him close to him.
"I can just stare at you, then you won't be able to say no."
Dean snorts. "That's cheating."
"I'll take what I can get."
He pulls Dean into the shower under the warm stream and Dean's already sighing as the water hits his head. They take turns washing each other, intimately, but they both refrain from starting round two. Dean is hungry and Cas is insistent on getting the day started.
But what he'd give to slide his soapy body against Castiel's, touching him everywhere, watching him melt into Dean. Dean's pretty sure he'll never get tired of this and despite Cas' determination on getting downstairs at some point this morning, Dean is lathering up his hands and reaching between Cas' thighs.
Responsibilities are for losers, Dean thinks.
"Oh Dean-" Cas closes his eyes and Dean is smirking that there is really no protesting coming from him as he works on getting him hard.
"Yeah Cas?" Dean's thick with the naughty vibe now, throwing all care to the wind as he focuses on his angel, making him unravel with his touch.
"We have to, Dean, oh…"
Round two it is and Dean has Castiel against the tile, slipping in effortlessly, the angel's muscles tightening around his throbbing erection. Dean moves his hips, each thrust sinking deeper, while he has one hand around Cas' arousal and the other, gripping his shoulder tightly.
Dean lowers his head to his back and kisses the area between his shoulder blades, moving from one side to the other. It's so easy with Cas. Everything they do, all the love making, the sweet conversations, the open-hearted admissions, just loving him. He's perfect. They're perfect.
To be wrapped up like this, in love, cherishing each other, the pleasure they so effortlessly offer, it's something Dean never thought he'd have. Or even deserved. With all the people he'd humped and dumped, all the times he had sneaked out the window or crumpled up the numbers the next day, never having intended to talk to them again, he assumed his love life was doomed. Cursed.
Then Cas walks into his life and everything becomes brighter. Things just start to fall into place. And he fell so madly in love, so quickly, utterly taken by his fierce angel with the tax accountant suit, messy sex hair, and the bluest eyes he's ever seen.
"Who are you?"
"Yeah, I figured that much, I mean what are you?"
"I'm an Angel of the Lord."
"Dean!" Cas cries as Dean feels the walls that are squeezing him begin to clench. That's when Dean joins Cas and they both hiss in unison at their overwhelming climax. When Dean slips out slowly, Cas turns around and throws his arms around Dean's neck.
"You're so bad," he breathes.
With a pirate smile, Dean replies, "But it felt so good."
They both laugh and continue with their shower, washing each other's hair, backs, and Dean is on cloud nine. He loves the way Cas squints as Dean lathers up his hair, Dean always having to remind him not to open his eyes or else he'll get shampoo in them, and Cas, with his inability to obey, opens his damn eyes and yelps.
Then Dean laughs, as he always does.
After they finish, Dean towels himself off and throws on some clothes. As he heads for the door, he turns to see Cas staring at the closet. He's studying the contents, while standing in his towel. "Yo, Cas."
Castiel snaps out of whatever the hell is causing him to zone out and looks over at Dean. "It's strange, but I just now realized I've been wearing regular clothes all week, not my usual suit and coat."
Dean studies him, now realizing that as well. For most of the time at the bunker, Cas has been wearing Dean's clothes, mainly because he was nearly drained of his mojo and maintaining his suit was just too bothersome, and then of course when he was human. But now… now he's stronger and more powerful than ever.
Dean walks behind him and wraps his arms around his waist.
"That's okay, right? I mean, you don't always have to be suited up if you don't want to be."
Cas turns around in Dean's arms, his brow furrowed but his face content. "It's just weird. Usually when I'm… I can't believe I just realized this."
"Maybe all these months of not having mojo and then being human, regular clothes kind of just clicked."
"Maybe." Castiel snaps his fingers and is instantly back in his suit and trench, the fabric shocking Dean as it touches his skin.
"Woah," Dean says as he steps back.
"Sorry, I just think… maybe I was missing the whole human thing."
Dean backs up. "You don't have to be human to wear my stuff." He smiles at him.
"I know. But I should remain in this. I like this. It's who I am."
"Then go for it. I prefer you naked but what the hell."
They both laugh before exchanging a chaste kiss, then they head out the door, and down the stairs. Dean's nose is already filling up with the delicious smell of waffles. This was such a good idea, thanks Cas.
"Well, if it isn't the honeymooners," Gabriel sing songs as the two make their way into the kitchen. Dean's face is on fire at the mention of that word, remembering very well the conversation he and Cas had a week ago.
Marriage. They actually talked about it and Dean feels like he's about to burst at the memory of them in the bathtub. He didn't really flat out ask Cas, but the topic was brought up and he still really can't believe it.
What is this feeling? He's never been so damn excited about being with anyone in his entire life and the fact that Cas actually said he would marry him one day makes Dean want to do it right now. Fuck it, they have a nice beach where they can have the ceremony and shit, they even have God himself to perform it.
Two grooms, two best-men - Gabriel and Sam…
"Yo, earth to Dean," Sam says, breaking Dean out of his reverie. "Coffee?"
Dean nods, clearing his throat. "Sure, yeah, that'll be great."
The table is already set with croissants, juice, and fresh fruit. Dean makes his plate, leaving some room for Gabriel's waffles. Angels are funny, well Gabriel and Cas are, in how they love humanity, the small things like eating, cooking, and Cas now realizing that he was in Dean's clothes all week. Sure, zapping outfits, conjuring food for the boys, would be easy but they enjoy these kind of mundane things.
It really makes them both very special.
As for God, he is the same way and Dean's staring at him now, smiling. Chuck, who can still do God stuff, maybe not on the same scale as before the Hand of God was taken from him, but he can still do crazy shit, like make Cas an angel again, for one. And he did bring Cas back from the dead, twice. Yeah, God is still fucking amazingly bad ass even at half power.
They all are. These three are kind of their own Team Free Will in Heaven. They're different, they are who they are, and Dean couldn't be more proud of having them here with him now.
"Crowley is really pissing me off. Even the summoning isn't working," Chuck says before shoveling a spoonful of melon into his mouth.
"Come on, it's Crowley. He's the king of the dickbags," Dean reminds him.
This causes them all to snicker just as Gabriel sets down the plate of waffles. Dean peers at the delicious smelling treats and then glances up at Gabriel who's wearing a damn apron. Shaking his head, Dean sticks his fork into two of the waffles and plops them onto his plate.
"So Crowley is ignoring us. I wonder why," Gabriel says, eyeing Dean suspiciously.
"What? Don't look at me. I haven't talked to him in a while."
Dean glances at Cas, hoping the idea of he and Crowley doesn't spark something in him again. While he knows Cas has forgiven him for his stupid antics while being a demon, he's also aware that it's a sensitive subject, especially since Crowley was a complete asshole by sending pictures of their sexual deviance to his phone, only to have Cas find them.
He would have told Cas about all the things he did with Crowley, eventually. Especially since they had started an intimate relationship, it would only be fair for Cas to know the truth. Of course before he could say anything, Cas found those pictures, and Dean still hasn't chewed Crowley out for sending them in the first place.
What was he thinking?
Come to think of it, Crowley hasn't been around since Cas and Dean's relationship took that turn and he wonders what Crowley would even think of it all. Not that Dean cares, it would just be interesting to see his expression when he kisses Cas in front of everyone, unashamed, going against everything Crowley would tease Dean about. The demon knew Dean's feelings for the angel and he was always there to remind Dean that because he was too chicken shit to make a move, Cas would eventually give up on him.
Well, he was right about half of it, he was too scared for a long time but Cas didn't give up. He waited. He waited for Dean.
"Maybe if we tell him exactly why we need him." Sam looks at Dean. "You can try texting him."
"I have," Dean says with his mouth full.
"Tell him we need to get to the cage."
Dean points his fork at Chuck. "You're God, don't you have some jurisdiction over Hell anyway?"
Chuck shakes his head. "No, and neither do the angels. Cas can tell you that from first hand experience."
Cas and Gabriel nod in unison. "It's not our place of business, just like demons have no pull in Heaven. We can't just go crashing Hell. It doesn't work that way."
"But you guys are angels. Even demons are scared of you," Sam reminds them.
"God is at half power and even though me and Cassie here are pretty damn juiced, it's nothing against mountains of demons, who aren't limited by human vessels, and who can easily take us down. They can do it. I've seen it with my own eyeballs."
"When I pulled you from there, Dean, I lost many of my brethren." Dean notices Cas wince at that word. "The same when I went for you, Sam. It would be reckless, to say the least."
Dean shifts in his seat, feeling a slight pang of anxiety. Imagining Cas fighting his way to him, to that twisted soul he'd become, losing half his army… Dean's still not even sure he can think about it without feeling nauseas.
"I can probably find the cage, but it's the getting to the cage we'll have a problem with," Chuck says, before sipping his coffee. "Man, they're gonna be pissed."
Sam and Dean share a look and they both shake their heads. "Ya think?" Sam chuckles.
"What about juicing up the rest of the assha- angels upstairs, bringing them with? You still haven't made your grand entrance, by the way," Dean asks Chuck before gulping down some juice.
"I don't… we need to keep this between us. I don't want to involve Heaven yet, not until I'm back at full strength. We never know who might have some lust for power at the moment, as that seems to always happen up there."
"So assuming Michael actually tells you where this Hand of… You is, do you think we'll actually need them, Michael and Lucifer, to defeat this thing?" Dean asks.
Chuck deflates, blowing air out of his mouth.
Gabriel nods and glances briefly at Chuck. "Dude, it was the worst fucking battle I've ever fought it in. Well, actually, it was one of the first..," he pauses. "Holy shit man, we are gonna need them, Daddy-o."
"Yeah, probably. I know they're giant douchebags but they're really strong, guys. Like really strong." Chuck eyes the boys, sheepishly.
God said, 'douchebags'. Dean's life is complete.
"And if they say no?" Sam asks.
Chuck sighs. "They might. I hope they see things our way. I mean, even if I gave all the angels in Heaven power enough to help once we get the Hand back, nothing compares to the firsts. The archangels."
Gabriel beams and takes a bite of his waffle. "Damn straight."
Dean swallows. "Wait, what do you mean?"
"What I mean is, the archangels, Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, even Raphael, they were my first creation. My first angels. While I can make angels stronger, as I did with Cas, I can't remake the first angels, that's just not in my power. There are some things that time contributes to and I can't override that."
"You mean your angel making days are over," Dean says, more of a statement than a question.
"Yes, very much so. Although I'm God of Heaven, there are still rules. Cas here is one of the youngest but he's strong because even though he's young compared to some angels, he's very old. The archangels are even older, making them even stronger."
"My brain hurts," Dean admits. Sam snickers at him.
"I get it. So there are limits, even for Gods." Sam says to Chuck.
"Yes," Chuck smiles. "Very much so."
Sam frowns. "And you can't recreate an archangel."
"Oh, well okay." Dean pulls his phone out of his jeans and searches his contacts. 666. He texts him the usual, "Hey dick, why aren't you answering your phone?" then adds, what he hopes will spark his attention, "We need to get into hell. We found God."
"Okay, there, done. Let's see how long-" Before Dean can put his phone back in his pocket, the notification rings. "Damn, that was fast."
He slides the screen and opens the message from Crowley.
Crowley: Come again?
Dean: *Smiley Face* Now will you talk to us?
Crowley: Where are you boys?
Dean: Just tell me where to meet you.
Crowley: I can zap anywhere, you pick the place.
Dean ponders for a moment. "Gabriel, what's a good place nearby to meet Crowley?"
"There's an eatery about three miles south on West Lake Road called the Dock," Gabriel tells him.
Dean: The Dock on West Lake Road, in Montauk
Crowley: Okay. Come alone
Dean looks up at the group and then back down to his phone.
Dean: No
Crowley: Fine, you can bring the moose, but not God or the angel
Dean: I'll be there in 30
"He'll only talk to me and Sam." Dean turns to Cas as he slips his phone back into his front pocket. "Is that okay?"
Castiel looks at Gabriel, then Chuck, and then nods at Dean. "It's fine. I don't think Crowley has anything sinister up his sleeve. He's as scared of the Darkness as everyone else."
"It'll probably destroy Hell first, as well," Chuck says. "It's newer than Heaven."
"Alright, so hopefully we have Crowley in our corner again but I have no idea why he's gone silent for all these months," Dean says, finishing his juice and taking his last bite of his waffle, contemplating if he has time for one more.
"I think we still need to be on our toes. You never know with him, he's played both sides before…" Sam eyes Dean, intently.
Dean rises from his seat and moves to give Cas a kiss on his head but Cas is sliding his chair out, moving to his feet as well. Chuck and Gabriel do the same and then Gabriel snaps his fingers.
"Your car is in the driveway. I figured you missed the old girl."
"Gabriel, are you sure it's safe?" Cas questions him. "The Bel-"
"Dude, the boys are warded, plus we'll be right behind them in our brand new," Gabriel snaps his fingers again. "Escalade," he announces, doing his best game show host impersonation.
Dean and Sam laugh at the horror on Chuck and Cas' face.
"What? Have you see the size of my wings? I need room." Gabriel smiles, playfully.
"Your wings don't even need to be… you know what, never mind, let's just go," Cas says, shaking his head.
"You don't approve, Cassie?"
Cas grunts. "It's just extravagant and really unnecessary. And don't call me Cassie."
"This from the angel who insisted on a 70s continental. Mm hm."
Dean grins, listening to the brothers bicker as they all head outside. He's giggling now at how much they remind him of Sam and himself.
The air is humid already, the seagulls crying out overhead, and Dean takes a quick glance at the ocean as he moves close to Cas. They're at the damn beach and he can't wait to come back and jump in the water again, as he has almost everyday they've been here.
But he hasn't been alone with Cas down there yet and his sappy romantic side really wants a date night with him under the moon and stars, nothing around them for miles. Just him and Cas and the sounds of the waves.
"Tonight, let's hang out on the beach. Just you and I. What do you say?"
Castiel smiles. "Sounds perfect."
Dean turns to head to the Impala when Cas takes hold of his wrist and pulls him. They kiss and Cas has this sincere look on his face when he tells Dean, "Be careful."
"I will. It's just Crowley. Nothing we haven't dealt with before."
"I know. We'll be right behind you. Just in case."
Dean leans in and kisses Cas again. "Good. I love it when my angel is watching over me."
The moment is charged and now Dean doesn't want to go anywhere. He just wants to be with Cas, in his embrace, loving him, worshiping him. But they have to do this and even though Dean's pretty sure this Hell visit is going to be uneventful, they have to at least try. God needs his damn battery back and if Michael is the only one who can help, then they gotta ask. If he says no, then they'll just have move to plan B.
Which they don't even have at the moment.