Hi! I'm back with a, and another part... It's going to be short, but it's gonna tell much thing ^^
so... have fun ^^

So.. let's start it ^^


Finally someone have broke the silence...
The other two looked around, and they saw, it was Shadow. He saw the others looking at him, so he's quickly hidded his face with his hand... he don't want to show to Nightmare he's maybe going to cry too.
He hated so much his hated so much the creator. He thought the creator hate him, because he never given a choise to him or to Nightmare to try play with the kids, huf fun with, or even have a party.
The creator knew they not gonna be perfect, they can't be in the show, but he never tried to fix this problem. He created two more, who were perfect, and end.

Somehow he understanded, why Nightmare was not the best idea. Let's say he's not creepy, and the kids wasn't fear from him, if he is in the show. But the creator given to Nightmare a personality, what made him fear on the stage, front of everyone. So he's just have stage fright. But he is grumpy, noisy, and it's easy to make him angry. Not the best for kids. But it's isn't Nightmare's fault. The creator made him like that...
But Shadow not have a problem like that. He was kind, nice and ( he knew that from Amy) he had no probem in her personality to not be one of the animatronics, who make the kids laugh, and have fun in the pizzaria. He had one little problem. He had no sense of rhythm. This part of him was broken. But this not enough to do not put him to the show...right?

He hated to think about this is his only problem, what make him do not play. He loved play in guitare, and even if he had no sense of rhythm, he was not that bad. with a little practice he could be the best guitarist in the place. But when the creator noticed Shadow better and better with every pratice,so he puted away the guitare. Probably he didn't wanted him to take away Springbonnie's shine (goot to known, the creator really love the two girl, Fredbear and Springbonnie, and he's afraid of Nightmare and Shadow from jealousy try to take away the fame from the girls, but it's a stupid thing, because both of them like the two lady, Nightmare more than he think), but when Springbonnie saw what did the creator, she stole back the guitare for Shadow. Of course Shadow was really thanksfull for this to Springbonnie, and of course he was really angry to the creator after that.

From that he thought the creator is hate him.
But he never thought from him he's gonna hurt anyone after them like that. They were prototypes... of course they not were perfect. But after what have he done with N. BB, he know the creator is a bad person.

He started crying...

other two of course noticed that...
N. BB not understand it, because he just meet them minutes ago, but Nightmare know what happened. He went to his buddy's side, and put his paw on his frinend's shoulder.
Shadow looked out from his paws. He looked to his "brother's" eyes, and he knew what he want...
"sorry buddy... just... memories..." "don't care about what he did pal" started Nightmare " he i a jerk..."
Shadow looked away. N. BB was confused, so he asked about what's going on. When Shadow Bonnie calmed down they told him the situation... both of them knew N. BB and the black lady in the other box got worst than them, but he doesn't care about who's got worst.
The trio agreed the creator is a mad mad, who need a doctor...

There's still one question... What they should with the black tall lady in the other box?

:/ it was a short ... sorry guys... I wanted to add the other thing , what happening after that, but it's just broke the story... thing...
whatever... next time I write it ^^

bye bye ^^