
Sometimes when she lay awake at night, she reminisced the time when she thought how beautiful falling in love was. Her gullible mind molded with silly fairy tales.

Now when she thought about it, she couldn't help but laugh at the delusions she held about love.

Because now that she knew what love was, she realized it wasn't happy, it didn't make all her insides warm and butterflies flutter. It was an aching in her insides where her heart should've been. A longing which was painfully making her bleed to death. It did make her hiding shell stronger but on the inside it crushed and burned every fiber of her being. It broke her down and left her alone in the cold and it wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part was she actually found solace in the coolness, draped in the cloak of darkness. It killed her until she felt she can't be hurt anymore. And when it finally happened, when she finally lost the little bit of sanity left in her, he was there at the edge of her psyche; making cruel mocking comments on her every action.

And at that moment, all she wanted was to run.

Run until his voice was dabbed by the sound of her beating pulse.

Run until her heart collapsed because it was already shattered from holding in so much.

Run until not even a grain of feeling was left within her.

Run until all the love she has shrouded from the world burned her tainted soul.

Run until all that was left was a black abyss, where their voices couldn't reach her.

And at that moment, all she wanted was to escape.

Escape from the realm of life.

Escape from her tattered remains.

Escape from her love for him.