Ippan blinked as she saw a small blond by sneaking around with a paint brush in his back pocket, a bucket and a long rope. "Um, Boruto what are you doing?"

Said boy flinched in surprise as he turned around when he came face to face with the older woman. She raised her left eyebrow with her arms crossed. He paled and began to feel nervousness flood over him. Though Ippan couldn't say she was upset, it was more curiosity than anything else. Knowing him he had another shenanigan up his sleeve. Of course Ippan wasn't here very often being that she did live in Suna, so Boruto didn't know that she didn't particularly care. As far as other peoples business goes.

"Um, I was...ah..." He trailed off. "Just gonna go paint something..."

The woman tilted her head. "Paint what?" For a moment he said nothing. "You should just be honest you know. I am going to see your father."

"No! Don't! I haven't even gotten to start yet!" He yelled. The boy covered his mouth and mentally kicked himself.

"And again I ask, start what?" She continued.

The boy sighed in defeat. "...I was gonna paint the faces of the Hokages, you know, just for fun."

Ippan looked up at him as he stared at the ground before staring up at Naruto's carved features in the stone wall."Oh."

He looked at her in disbelief. "Oh? That's all."

"Is 'oh wow' better?"

"I don't know I guess I expected more from you auntie." He mumbled. "The old man said you were like this but I thought he was exaggerating."

A smirk formed onto her face. Old man? Naruto."Well, maybe you should listen to him more."

Boruto scoffed. "Look if you're going to tell on me go right ahead."

The woman put a hand on her hip as she looked the child over. He really looked a lot like his father, acted like him too. She remembered trying to talk him out of doing the exact same thing his son was attempting to do. Of course it didn't work and he still got into trouble later on. So what was the point.

"You're right I am going to tell on you." She stated bluntly, causing the boy to mumble under his breath and glare at the dust beneath him. "I'm actually going to see you're father right now. Though don't get me wrong, you're a cute kid but you aren't my priority so it might slip my mind for a bit before I tell him."

Boruto furrowed his brow at her statement before registered what she was saying. A surprised expression formed on his face. "Are you saying you're going to let me do it?"

She adjusted her eye patch and casually looked down at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

A smile began to form on his face. "Oh, you're the best auntie!"

"Yeah, yeah, now go before I remember how to be a responsible adult." Which was never, but she didn't need to tell him that. He saluted her before running away at full speed. Ippan blinked and he was gone.

She shrugged and turned on the next street corner to see Konahamaru searching around with squinted eyes. "Hey!" Ippan called out and he looked over at her.

"Oh, Ippan you're visiting us? I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yes, well Gaara and I were gonna let Kimyouna and Shinki see their cousin, but we decided to go as a family instead." She said with a smile.

"I see, it's nice to see you." He said returning the gesture. Though he looked distracted- glancing around him with narrowed eyes.

Ippan gave him a questioning look. "Why do you look like you're on a hunt?"

"Because I am." She waited for him to continue. "Earlier I spotted Boruto with a suspicious amount of paint and knowing him that calls for trouble."

"It could mean nothing." She answered, knowing fully well what he was going to do with those items.

Konohamaru deadpanned. "When is it ever nothing with him?"

There was a pause. "You have point."

"You see? So I'm trying to stop him before he causes anymore trouble." The man's shoulders sunk. "He makes my job so hard."

Ippan was starting to feel bad. She put a hand on the man's cheek. "There, there. I'll tell you something useful okay?"

"What, you know where he is?" He looked skeptical and hopeful at the same time. Ippan nodded. "Tell me please!"

"Sorry, can't do that." She answered. Konohamaru stared at her for a moment before his eye twitched.

"And why is that?"

"Well, I told him that I would tell his dad myself and let him get a head start on his little scheme." She stated honestly.

The man groaned. "Why?" He turned. "I'm gonna go find him." Ippan held onto his sleeve.

"Nope." She said.

"Nope?" He repeated in disbelief. The older woman nodded. "Come on Ippan, give me one good reason why I shouldn't go right now."

"Because I'm you're mother and I said so." A smile formed on her face as he gaped at her.

"But you...uh...fine." He hung his head in defeat.

She patted his cheek. "Good boy."

The man rolled his eyes. "But if Naruto asks, I'm telling him it was your fault."

Ippan shrugged. "That's fine. I'm going to go see him now anyway. See you later." Waving at him, she turned walked back on her way.

Once she reached the Hokage's building, she stalked up the steps and pushed open the door. "Guess who!"

Naruto turned around and looked at her in surprise before smiling. "I was wondering when you'd show."

"Well, I got a little side tracked along the way, but I'm here now. The one you can't live without."

"That's a strange statement, Ippan." Shikamaru said, who was standing in the corner leaning against the window.

"Everything in strange when you think about it. Like how Naruto suddenly grew into a titan." She replied, walking across the room and plopping down in a chair. Which was in fact the Hokage's seat, but Naruto was beyond the point of caring."Oh, by the way Shikadai was in the midst of an epic battle when I left the house earlier. So if he's a little beat don't ask any questions."

Shikamaru stared at her. "Kimyouna?"

"Kimyouna." She confirmed.

"Ippan, your child is violent." He said.

"Yeah, I don't know where she got it from. I'm starting to think she inherited twelve year old Gaara genes." Ippan said. "But, they were playing shogi so hopefully she doesn't end up hitting people again."

"Her anger is outrageous."

"You're telling me. Thankfully we have Shinki to balance her out. His temperament is amazing." Ippan propped her hand underneath her chin. "Hey, Naruto we should switch kids. I'll give you Kim for Hima."

Said man looked at her in amusement. "You know Kim isn't that bad, and no you can't have her. I'll trade you Boruto for Shinki."

"Aw come on, Boruto is just a little trickster. Besides he reminds me of you."

Naruto pinched the bridge of his nose. "Uh, don't remind me. It feels like I'm yelling at myself sometimes."

"I have no complaints about my child." Shikamaru chimed.

"Your son looks like a girl." Ippan blurted.

He gave her a confused look. "How is that a complaint?"

"It's not a complaint, more as an observation. It's like, why...you know?" Naruto poked her in the forehead.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're okay up there, Ippan."

"I'm as okay as I'll ever get." She blinked. "Oh which reminds me, Boruto is painting the Hokage faces."

The man blinked. "He's what?"

"Painting the Hokage faces." The woman repeated.

"And you decided to tell me this now because?"

"Well because I said that I'd let him get a head start." Ippan said this as if it was obvious. Naruto held a hand over his eyes. "Are you sure you don't just wanna give all your kids to me?"

He looked at her with bright blue eyes and mumbled. "No...no...I'll handle this."

"Kay." She said. "Have fun being a parent." Naruto let the office quickly as she turned Shikamaru.

"You really could have told him earlier." Ippan shrugged and Shikamaru knew he wasn't going to get anymore of a response. "I hear you'll be adopting two more kids. Won't that be a handle full?"

"No." She answered. "Kimyouna was an only child for a while and I know that can get lonely. Plus Shinki is a good kid and I know that Kim likes having a sibling, even if she yells at him a lot. Besides Araya and Yodo are nice and Gaara likes them too. "

"Alright." Shikamaru said. She'd always talked about adopting children in a joking manner so it wasn't that surprising that she actually did it.

Ippan stood to her feet and stretched out her arms. "Well I know as an assistant that you probably have a lot of work to do so I'll see around later."

"Yeah we can eat together or something before you have to leave." He suggested.

"Will Temari be cooking?" Ippan asked with a skeptical expression.


"That's a relief."

Shikamaru looked amused. "Don't let her hear you saying that about her."

Ippan raised her left eyebrow. "Do you want her to cook?"


"Well then there you go." She started towards the door. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you."

Ippan walked into the Nara house hold and for a moment she didn't hear any yelling, which was a relief. Perhaps, this time Kimyouna had actually won her first shogi match against her cousin. Suddenly there was a loud bang. Of course that was only wishful thinking she had.

The woman exhaled loudly and walked into the house. "Hello, I'm back!"

She walked into the room to see shogi pieces flying and a girl in the middle with angry dark eyes. Her long burgundy hair getting in the way of her flailing arms "I swear man you must be cheating or something!"

Shikadai didn't look fazed as he was use to her being upset when ever they played together. "No, I was just making smarter moves."

"And that makes me dumb?"

"No, I'm just a step ahead of you and to be fair you make the same mistakes every single time." The boy stated in a calm manner.

"He's right, Kim." Shinki said from his seat in the corner. Kimyouna looked at him with a furrowed brow.

"Hey, as my brother you're suppose to support me."

"Not if you're wrong." He stated.

The girl ruffled her hair in frustration. "Argh! Ah, fine! 4,000 yen, like I promised." She slapped the money into his hand with a frown.

"Thank you." He said with a smile forming on his face as he patted her shoulder. "Better luck next time."

"You're killing me here. Man, I was gonna buy a new game for my system." Kimyouna continued to frown at the smiling boy. "I just wanna punch your pretty little face."

"Well maybe you shouldn't be gambling away you're money." Ippan said as the children turned around. "What did I say about betting."

Kim groaned. "It doesn't matter now. I just lost my hopes of getting Ninja Gaiden. R.I.P my life."

"I don't even understand why you'd want to play a game about being a ninja if you are a ninja." Shikadai said. "I saved you from a stupid investment."

"Shut up, Da-da."

"Stop calling me that, turtle face." They stuck out their tongues at one another and Ippan rolled her eyes. They continued to go back and forth, so she decided to leave it alone and let them figure it out. She walked by Shinki and ruffled his hair and patted his shoulder.

"Hello, mother."

"Hey, Shinki are you having fun?" Of course there was a bit of sarcasm in that statement, but it didn't hurt to ask. His expression didn't usually show how he felt.

The boy thought for a moment. "Kim is yelling a lot, so I guess that's entertaining."

"That's good to hear." She answered. "Have you seen Temari or your dad?"

"Father went to the back earlier and I think aunt Temari is back their as well." He pointed to the back hall way. Ippan smiled at him before turning on her heel and walked until she heard voices. Opening the door beside her, she saw Gaara and Temari sitting on the floor.

"Hey, do you guys want to have a barbecue?" The blond woman blinked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Well that was random."

"I was just talking with Shika and he suggested that we could get together later and eat. You know since he can't be here."

Temari shrugged. "I guess we could do that. I could cook a-"

"Temari you're beautiful, but please no." Ippan said.

She narrowed her eyes. "I'll try not to take that personally."

"What, that you're beautiful? Your standard of insults are strange." The woman continued to frown. "Oh come on Temari, last time there was a literal fire in your house."

"And we put it out."

"And at what cost! The steaks all cried out at once before being silenced. I could feel their pain." Ippan held a hand to her chest in a dramatic manner. The older woman rolled her eyes at her actions.

"Right I'm gonna go. Gaara you can deal with what you've married." She stood up as Ippan called out to her.

"Your gorgeous! Shikamaru's a lucky man!"

"Yeah, yeah." She said before closing the door.

Ippan smirked. "Messing with her is fun." She glanced over to Gaara who had been silent the entire time. "What? Do you want a complement too?"

"Perhaps." He stated.

The woman looked at him in amusement. "What seriously?" He nodded. "Uh, okay. However I have a request."

The younger man paused. "Alright."

"Your hair, you have to let me mess it up. Please." He made a face at her. "Oh quit that, I'll put it right back."

He put a hand to his chin as if he need to seriously think about it. "Okay."

Ippan pumped her fists in the air. "Victory!"

"The fact that you get excited about such a simple action is unsettling."

"Well the fact that you had to think about it is equally unsettling." Silence. He blinked when she suddenly ruffled up his hair with a happy expression. "You look better like this."

"It isn't professional. I prefer being neat and clean."

"Who cares about professional?"

"The village of Suna."

"Mm, whatever." She said suddenly pushing his cheeks together before bursting out into laughter. His expression still solemn. "You look like an unhappy fish."

"My face is funny to you?"

Ippan smirked. "Perhaps." She mimicked his earlier statement.

"I won't prohibit teasing." Though he sounding like he was playing along.

She tilted her head. "Why not, at this moment you don't have serious office worker hair so it's fine."

"Office worker?" Ippan decided not to answer him, instead she grinned. To her surprise, he grabbed onto her wrists and leaned in towards her. She closed her eyes and then-

"Hey mom do you have any- ugh!" Kimyouna backed out of the room. "Why!"


"So Orochimaru." Ippan asked sliding up next to him.

He looked her up and down before answering her. "Yes?"

"I've got a question for you and everyone wants to know. Now listen closely, your answer is very crucial." She leaned forward causing him to raise his right eyebrow in a questioning manner. "Are you a man or a woman?"


There was a long pause before she spoke. "Well alright then."

"Now I have a question for you."

"I'm all ears." Ippan answered, curious as to what he was going to say.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?"

"That's not important."


Ippan looked out at a raven haired girl how hid behind a pole, staring out at Boruto walking down the street. "Hey Sarada, stalking is a funny hobby and all, but if people can see you that really defeats the purpose."

She turned around with wide eyes. "I'm not stalking Boruto."

She gave the little girl a curious expression. "I didn't give any names."

Sarada blushed. "Well I'm not."

"Whatever you say." Ippan shrugged. "But a word of advice if you really want information on him, befriend an anbu. They'll get you what you need."

"...I don't think I want to do that."

"Mm, just a suggestion."


"Your child is probably the best thing that has ever come into existence." Ippan said, hugging Himawari into her chest.

Hinata sweat-dropped with an awkward smile. "Thank you." She looked over at Kimyouna who shrugged.

"She's not wrong."

"Hey, what about me?" Boruto asked with a frown.

Ippan glanced to him before squeezing the child lightly. "I stand by my statement."


"So I've finally set my rapping career into motion and since I wanted an unbiased opinion I decided you were my best option." Ippan turned toward the deadpanned raven haired man.

Sasuke took a moment before speaking. "...no."

"That's why you'll always be a duck."


Sai held an unshaken smile as Ippan looked him over. "Is there something wrong?"

He blinked when she sighed in a disappointed manner. "I miss the belly shirts."

There was a long silence. "...I'm sorry to hear that."

Inojin looked at the woman in disbelief. "Mom?" He whispered.

"Just accept it." Ino answered.

Yeah so this story was pretty fun to do and I hope you all liked it. I'll probably do more Naruto stuff in the future. Thanks for the support.