Battle of the Agencies

*NCIS and all Characters are not mine. Some characters representing most of FBI are made up along with all from CIA.

It was a hot Tuesday in July and Jenny Shepard-Gibbs was finishing up some paperwork. It had been a long day but it was coming to an end. She was quickly scanning a folder full of new recruits when a DING interrupted her thoughts. It was her email, she quickly looked at the email that was from her boss, the Secretary of the Navy. It read;

Attention Director,
I have just gotten off the phone with the head of department for CIA and FBI. They are wanting to do a Battle of the Agencies. As director I expect you to get a team containing 7 people who can bring home the trophy. Yes Jennifer you are expected to participate, so technically you need 6 more people. You are to report to the NCIS open field July 21st at 8am. During the Battle of the Agencies you will be participating in 6 events;Hurdles, 100m Dash, Dunk Tank, Obstacle Course, 3 legged race, 3v3 football. Two teams who score the most points in those events will go on to the final; Tug of War. I understand this is short notice but I want your team picked by the end of business July 10th. Good Luck and bring home that trophy!


Jenny sat there rereading the email multiple times. What was she going to do? Battle of the Agencies, she never even heard of it. Right now she had to find a team and fast. Of course her husband would be on the team, so the easiest thing would to just make "the family" the team. She sat back in her chair and smiled, yes that is what she is going to do. Quickly she intercom her assistant to get Agent Gibbs's team to her office along with Abby and Ducky.

15 minutes later Gibbs, Tony, Tim, Ziva, Abby and Ducky were all sitting around her conference table.

"You are all probably wondering why i called you up here" she stated as she rested her hands on the table."I received an email from SecNav, on July 21st you all are to report to the open field at 8am. You will be representing NCIS in a Battle of the Agencies."

"What?!" Gibbs interrupted

"You heard me Agent Gibbs" Jenny stated, a little annoyed that she was interrupted.

"What is Battle of the Agencies?" Abby questioned

"It is exactly as it sounds, you will all be competing in events, the team with the most points at the end wins a trophy." Jenny stated

So there she was sitting and explaining all the details about this event. It was decided that they would all participate and would have fun. The family wanted to do something all summer, but a major case with multiple leads had taken up most of May and June. As soon as Jenny finished her announcement she dismissed the team to go home, it was Friday after all. Gibbs sat at the conference table as the team filed out, listening to Ziva and Tony making plans with Tim and Abby about some movie night. Ducky laughed at the younger agents as he waved good bye to Jenny and shut her office door. Once the door had shut Gibbs quietly stood up and walked over to the closet on the opposite side of the office. He pulled out Jen's purse and shut it.

"Thanks" Jenny said as she took her purse and set it on her desk

"Come on lets go home" Gibbs pushed as he watched her sit down

"Can't" she spoke softly as she continued singing off on paperwork

"What?!" Gibbs stated

"Not finished with my work"

"Come on Jen" Gibbs whined as he threw himself down in a chair

"Really Jethro you are acting like a toddler" Jenny stated as she stacked the folders up and turned the light off. Jenny put the folder and files away in her desk before locking it. She stood up and stretched before she grabbed her purse from the table. Gibbs sulked a little at being called a toddler before he got up and walked out of her office. Jen turned locked her office door before wrapping her arm around his and walking to the elevator. They stood there arm in arm not saying a word as the elevator doors opened up infront of them. Gibbs watched as Jenny walked in before he followed. He quickly pressed the button for the garage and watched as the doors slid shut. As soon as the elevator began its descend Jenny flipped the emergency switch.

"Jet, what am I going to do?" She asked

"What do you mean?" he answered

"This is so sudden, what if you catch another case? I want you and "our kids" to represent NCIS. Maybe I should just tell SecNav no." Jen began to ramble off

Gibbs stood in the metal box watching as his wife became frantic, for no reason he thought. "Hey….hey….shhhh its going to be fine. SecNav would kill you if you ever said no to him. Plus I am pretty sure if we do get a case, we would solve it before the games. Please don't worry Jen" Gibbs stated before pulling his wife in for a hug. He flipped the switch and the elevator began to descend again. As the elevator reached the desired level Jen was smiling again. They walked to the car together arm in arm. Gibbs walked and unlocked his wife door and opened it. He watched as his wife climbed in and shut the door. Quickly he walked around the car and climbed in. It was Friday night and he didn't have weekend duty, he was going to enjoy some time with his wife.

Before he knew it Gibbs was being woken up by his alarm clock. It was 5:30am Monday morning. He rolled over and slammed his hand down on the alarm clock before getting up. Gibbs stretched his arms and looked over to his wife who was still sleeping. Gibbs leaned down and kissed Jenny on her head, she started to stir. Gibbs smiled as his wife woke up and complained about how fast the weekend was. Gibbs got out of bed and ran to the master bathroom. He quickly stripped and jumped into the shower. Jenny was still laying in bed not wanting to get up. She rolled over in the king sized bed to where Gibbs was sleeping, she pulled all the blankets up over her head to try and get a little more sleep.

Gibbs was in and out of the shower by 5:45am, he wrapped his towel around his waist before walking over to the bed. "Jen….Jen get up your late. Its 7o'clock" he yelled. He watched as Jenny bolted out of the bed. "WHAT?!" she yelled

"You let me sleep in that long? How could you?" she yelled as she scrubbed her face with her hands trying to get the sleep our of her eyes.

"Nah, just kidding its 5:45" Gibbs teased as Jen looked at the clock

"Jerk" Jenny mumbled before she threw a pillow at him

She untangled herself from the blankets and walked to the bathroom. Gibbs stood there watching his wife walk to the shower. She put a little more sway in her hips than usual. Jenny knew Gibbs would watch so she made sure to tease him a little. She quickly climbed into the shower as Gibbs walked in to the walk-in closet. By 6:30am Jenny and Gibbs were sitting down at their kitchen table reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. They did this every morning, something they started right after their wedding. It was something Gibbs wanted to do, no matter what was happening they would always try and do this every morning. Sometimes when a case was going on it was the only time they got to spend as husband and wife.

At 7:00am Gibbs and Jenny climbed into the elevator at NCIS. It was just like every other monday. Right before Gibbs's floor, he would flip the switch and stop the elevator, he would then kiss his wife.

"Stay safe" Jen said as she flipped the switch again

"Always" Gibbs stated as the doors opened on his floor.

Jen watched as her husband began to walk away just as the doors shut. Gibbs walked to his desk and turned his lamp on. He looked at his desk phone and for once the light that indicates a message was not on. He watched as his wife crossed the cat walk to her office, Jen quickly glanced down and saw her husband watching her. She smiled before entering her office.

Jenny walked into her office and shut the door. She walked to the closet placed her purse and light jacket in the closet before walking over to her desk. She flipped the lamp on before opening all the blinds in her office. She loved the sunshine she got in the morning. She turned on her computer and unlocked her desk pulling out the stack of folders. She began reading files before she had to go and have a boring meeting on capital hill.

Her meeting was at 8:00am so she had an hour before that. She glanced at her computer as she closed a file and picked up another one. She had an email from SecNav.

Director Shepard,
I hope you had a great weekend. I believe I sent you and email on Friday. Please let me know who you have decided to represent NCIS today. Also I want a list of shirt sizes, I will being getting a uniform made for the team to represent NCIS.


Jenny sighed as she read the email, why was SecNav so concerned over this game? She responded to the email listing off the team she had chosen. However she would have to send a follow up with their shirt sizes. She glanced at the clock at noticed that it was almost time for her meeting. She quickly gathered her things and walked out of her office and to the stairs leading to the bullpen. Jenny walked over to Gibbs's desk and stood in front of it. Gibbs looked up as she was looking down.

"Yes Madam Director" he stated with a smug smile

"Agent Gibbs, you are to get shirt sizes for your entire team along with Ducky and Abby. Please get those and have Cynthia send them to SecNav." Jenny stated a little irratated.

Tony watched as Gibbs and Jenny began talking. He loved when Gibbs and Jenny teased each other. He watched as Gibbs and Jenny walked to the elevator together before quickly exchanging a quick kiss.

As Gibbs walked back into the bullpen he gave Tony a head slap. "Tony shirt size"

"Large, i think. Why boss?" Tony asked as he rubbed his head

"Ziva shirt size?"

"Medium" Ziva asnwered

"McGee shirt size"

"Large boss"

Gibbs wrote down the sizes before walking out of the bullpen. He walked to the elevator and hit the button to go down. The metal doors opened and he walked in, quickly pushing the button for autopsy.

"Ah Jethro, how can I help you?" Ducky asked as Gibbs walked in

"Need your shirt size Duck" Gibbs stated as he leaned up against a metal table

"X-Large please"

"Thanks Duck" Gibbs stated as he walked out of autopsy. He quickly boarded the elevator and hit the button for Abby's lab. As soon as the doors opened Gibbs could hear Abby's loud music. He quickly walked in and shut the music off.

"Awe, Gibbs" Abby whined

"Shirt size" Gibbs asked


"Thanks Abbs" Gibbs stated before quickly kissing her cheek and walking out.

Gibbs took the elevator all the way to the top floor and exited the metal box. He quickly walked into Jen's office and handing Cynthia a piece of paper. Cynthia looked up at him as he shoved the paper in to her hands.

"Jen said you were going to email SecNav this" he simply stated to the young women

"Right away sir" she stated as she took the paper.

Gibbs turned and walked out, taking the stairs two at a time down to the bullpen. He sat down quietly and watched as his young agents quickly typed on their computers. Suddenly his computer DINGED it was an email. Gibbs quickly opened the email and saw that it was from Fornell.


Its going to be interesting. You going down old man!

Gibbs read the email before quickly typing a reply. Now it was on, he was going to do everything he could to beat him and the FBI.

*Thank you for reading, please leave a review if you would like.
*Can't wait for the games to begin!