Hi, so I'm kind of nervous about posting this! It's my first Buffy/Angel universe fic and it's a deagged one too but here it is!
So I guess I should mention that this isn't really set at any particular time, I guess before Connor but after Doyle for Angel and early season four or something for Buffy, again it's not really set anywhere particular. So I really hope you guys enjoy this! I picked Angel to turn into a kid since there were already a few for Spike and I didn't see any about Angel. Please enjoy!
Los Angeles was the second largest city in the United States according to population charts but the supernatural community remained as ever rather close knit and so word traveled quickly. Even in a city as large as Los Angeles it wasn't too terribly hard to find someone. Not if you really looked. And for Angel, who had so many enemies that could be a real problem.
He thought about that as he was hit in the chest by a spell. He thought about it only briefly as the witch he had cheated so many centuries ago laughed and he went down, his entire world turning dark.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Cordelia muttered, wringing her hands. The witch had been taken care of. Gunn and Wesley had seen to that. That wasn't the problem. She was looking at her boss who before her very eyes had shrunk to the size of a small child. "Oooh my God!"
"What ever is the matter?" Wesley asked, looking up from the witch at his feet. She wasn't a real witch. She was something more demonic. He could tell that from all of his watcher training. "Cordelia. . ." He stepped forward and frowned, squinting at the place Angel had once stood. "My God. . ."
The figure, which was ten times smaller than it should have been was tangled up inside of Angel's coat and wasn't moving. Tentatively Cordelia crouched and reached out to touch it, feeling a solid form meet her hand. In a flash she pulled the fabric back and let out a surprised noise. A dark haired little boy was sleeping inside of Angel's clothes. He seemed perfectly untroubled by the dead demon witch beside him or the weapons Gunn and Wesley were holding. In fact he was fast asleep in quite oblivious to the world around him.
"Angel?" She called out in a quiet voice, looking up at Wesley for help. He shook his head, looking baffled. She shook the child a little but he didn't wake and only turned on his side, facing away from her.
She bit her lip. "I think that's Angel. He was normal one minute and now he's shrunk. More than shrunk, he's a kid now!"
"No way!" Gunn said, hurrying over to take a look at the kid. He couldn't help but grin. In all of the weird stuff he had seen this wasn't exactly the strangest but still. . . "We can get him back right?"
"O-of course." Wesley stammered, still shocked. "Cordelia, do you think you can carry him? We have to get back to the hotel."
She bent and scooped up the boy who couldn't have been more than five or six yet still wasn't exactly easy to carry. "Here, let me get him." Gunn said, still grinning a little. They made an awkward exchange with the boy who remained fast asleep, chin now resting on Gunn's shoulder.
With that out of the way they hurried as quickly as they could back to the hotel where Gunn quickly deposited the boy on a couch, leaving him covered in the now oversized coat.
"Well this is just fantastic." Wesley bemoaned.
Cordelia hovered over Angel, watching him closely. "I hope he wakes up." She said. He was still sleeping, for all intents and purposes completely at peace.
"I hope he knows who he is." Wesley added. "It's bad enough that he's been turned into a child it'll be even worse if he can't remember anything."
Cordelia was only half listening, she had crouched down next to the boy and was touching his hand. "I. . . I think he's human! He's got a pulse."
Wesley looked up, surprised. "Human? He could be in danger then." He glanced around the hotel as though he expected something to leap out of the walls at them which to be honest was a possibility.
"I'll call Willow and see if she can fix this." She said, straightening up and heading towards the phone.
"Yes yes, do that." Wesley hurried over and began examining the boy who did not wake and simply stretched himself out to a more comfortable position. The child did look a bit like Angel. He frowned as he watched him sleep. "What kind of spell would not only turn him into a child but also a human again?" He wondered.
Kneeling down he reached out and felt the boy's wrist, checking the pulse. Cordelia had been right. Strong and alive. behind him Fred shuffled closer. "What happened?" She asked, looking at the little boy curiously.
"The demon cast a spell on him." Wesley said.
She frowned. "On who? The kid?"
"On Angel." He motioned towards the sleeping figure. "That's Angel."
Looking awed she stepped closer. "He's so little!" She said in disbelief.
"Yes and human."
She bent and then drew away. "Can we fix him?"
"Cordelia is calling Willow as we speak. She might be able to. I'll ask Lorne."
A moment later Cordelia returned, hands on her hips. "Willow says she'll come and try but she isn't sure what to do."
"Oh man, this is crazy." Gunn said, rubbing the back of his head. "I mean what are we supposed to do until he's back to normal? Baby sit? What if something attacks us here?"
"I have thought of that." Wesley said. "Perhaps we could ask Willow to take him back to Sunnydale."
"Oh yeah, the Hellmouth is much safer." Cordelia muttered.
"Safer than here. Angel has enemies and they know he's in L.A. if word got out they might try and attack him here."
"We should get him in his room." Fred said, still peering at the boy curiously. "He'll be more comfortable there."
"Good idea." Cordelia said, marching forward and picking the boy up. He was heavier than she thought and it was a little awkward but she managed to carry him up the stairs and to his room. Fed followed jumpily, craning her neck to see Angel's face every now and then.
"Maybe we should get him some clothes too." She said excitedly.
Cordelia deposited the boy on the bed and nodded. "You're right." Fred grinned, knowing she would enjoy shopping.
"H-he's pretty cute." She said, trying to suppress a smile.
They both stopped to looked down at the boy who remained completely out of it, covers drawn up to his chin.
"I'll go pick some stuff up for him tomorrow morning." Cordelia said "What do you think? Buy black and broody from the children's department?"
Fred giggled. "I don't know if that'll be too easy to find."
"You're right. I'll find him something though."
They tip toed out and rejoined the others in the lobby, hurrying down the stairs.
Wesley looked up as soon as he saw them. "He didn't wake up did he?"
"No." Fed chirped.
He nodded and they all stood for a moment before he clapped his hands. "Well anyway, I'm sure we'll have him put back in no time. Until then we should try and act normally."
"Normal?" Gunn snorted. "We live in a hotel and fight demons. I don't think there's a lot of normal here."
Wesley sagged before nodding.
"Relax." Cordelia said. "Tomorrow morning I'm going to go buy him some clothes and then Willow will come and fix everything. Piece of cake."
They nodded and Fed raised her hand slightly. "Um. . . what do we tell him when he wakes up? He's gonna want to know where he is a-and where his parents are."
"Yes, I have no idea." Wesley said, leaning against a column.
"We can say it's a day care or something. Or a sleep away camp." Cordelia offered.
"Not a lot of those in eighteenth century Ireland." He said.
She frowned. "At least I came up with a suggestion."
"Do you think he'd believe it if we said we were relatives?" Fred asked.
"I don't think he's gonna buy that." Gunn said, grinning a little.
She gave a small smile. "True. . ."
They remained silent a few moments before Gun snapped his fingers. "Family friends." He glanced at the others doubtful faces and shrugged. "It's better than sleep away camp."
Cordelia rolled her eyes but shrugged in agreement. "Alright. Family friends then."
Thank you so much for reading, my plan is for this to eventually get to Sunnydale and Buffy but I'll give these guys their time with Angel. Anyway, I hope you guys like it and I'm always open to suggestions for things to happen or characters you'd like to see. Angel wakes up in the next chapter!
-I'll update probably once a week. Since I posted this on monday I'll most likely update on mondays. I'll probably have the next chapter up before then. Again, thanks so much for reading!