Good day, this is Yolea Irk's again! How's everyone doing? I just hope not many have change since last time I updated. Concerning the last chapter, I'm very sorry if some think Kensuke-Shirou seemed too weak for a character based on UBW. True I don't want to make him overpowered but you see, there's a reason why I made him lost from Byakuran. It has something to do with what you may know as Trinisette. This is some kind of spoiler, I suggest you might want to skip this. *Spoiler* a little back then before the Millefiore's fiasco, Kensuke accidentally involved within a case deeply connected with Trinisette. He found out the true nature and the history behind the said system. In which he did something with the system and messing a bit, him broken Arcobaleno's curse is one of them. With miracle, he changed some of the Trinisette's system and it's not without price. The said price connected with his magecraft. Zelretch somehow involved. What kind of red thread connects him with the wretched system, only one way to find out. If you're so curious, here's the hint: go read this filler story and you'll know what I mean. Shirou strike me for a boy that will gladly throw his life away to make everyone happy and it doesn't sit well with me. I think Shirou is too...suicidal for his own good. Can you imagine how afraid I am if he ended up in Archer's path one day in future? The reason why he hasn't out of control because Rin is there. Honestly, Rin alone isn't enough. He needs more people to remind him as a human and as a being who can die. He need comrades to remind him that there are those who will cry and angry for his death.
Before I forgot to mention, Kensuke-Shirou's features is based on Fujimura Ritsuka from Fate/Grand Order. While their appearances are similar, they are not the same.
Disclaimer: I own nothing here. Fate/Stay Night belongs to Nasu while Katekyō Hitman Reborn belongs to Akira Amano. I'm only own a few OC's.
Summary : Mochida Kensuke was 10 years old when he gained Emiya Shirou's memory. He didn't expect he would be reincarnate in a foreign world. He is glad that he has a normal life and a friend in a form of Sawada Tsunayoshi, But with the Mafia and Dying Will Flames, Kensuke suspects that Zelretch has made fun of him. –"Hey, it wasn't me this time." Zelretch complained.- In which Emiya Shirou is reborn as Mochida Kensuke.
Warning: AU, Possibility of OOC, slight cursing and bad grammar.
Once upon a time...
Before the age of modernization...
Before the age of civilization...
Before the age of history...
When earth was still a free, pure world without pollution...
When mankind hasn't stepped their feet yet in earth...
There was a civilization came from different race.
A civilization renowned by a race unlike any other.
An old race reigned on the surface of the earth for unrecorded time. A long-life, powerful but peaceful race nonetheless.
Curious thing that they weren't from earth.
They came from outer space, million even billion light years away from this blue and green planet. Beyond the deep of space, beyond curtains of stars, beyond countless galaxies. Not many known of their origin. Many of their legends attempted at explaining their origin. The most well known legend was they came from the souls of stars themself. The most make sense legend, considering their unique ability to control their Flames like power. Even less known about their home. One thing for certain, they had been traveled a long time. They traveled across the universe, searching for a 'Promised Land'. Nobody knows what this 'Promised Land' they searched. Not even this race had the exact depiction in regard of the said paradise. One can only described how it was a land of supreme happiness. A land where there was no pain, no sadness, and no hungry. A land so fertile and so beautiful like no others.
They find the earth by accident.
There was never crossed in their mind the thought of settling in this young planet. When they came across and set their eyes in this alien yet stunning planet, they were in love. They assumed that perhaps, this is their 'Promised Land'. So they stayed, they built families, houses, communities, culture, and a civilization at last. In hundred years, their civilization grew in astonishing speed and stood at their peek. With Flames, they nurtured the earth very carefully and lovingly. Watching over the world's growth in content as they marveled this planet that might passed as paradise.
Truly, they lived in absolute prosperous and peace.
Perhaps, they might found their 'Promised Land' after a long search.
Perhaps, this world was indeed the heaven they've been looking.
This race, dubbed as Immortals due to their longevity, made their decision to stay in earth.
Thousands years, their civilization was in the Golden Age.
Someday, a change caught the race's attention. Adam and Eve's descend, mankind ancestor's arrival from the heaven. The first time this young race stepped foot on the very surface of the earth.
Deeply curious and intrigued, they watched this fragile, weak race in silence yet deep interest.
They watched as this race struggled for living and survival. Slowly, their numbers increased in steady steps so was their culture and civilization. Such curious race human was. Humans were weak yet they have try their hardest in overcome many obstacles. Humans' life was as short as the firefly but they so lively and colorful. Humans have their ugly side but humans have their good side. Humans have nothing yet humans will always dream, wish, pray and hope to God.
Before they knew it, the immortals were attached at the human.
Already they were fond of their sister race. So from time to time, they aided them. Sometimes they will show themself before the human, the other times they will only guided from the shadow of time. Using their Flames and miracles, they acted as a teacher to disciple, and they acted as parents at their children. They taught the humans ways to survive and ways of life. Wary at first, the mankind slowly accepted the presence of the godly race. Some even gathered their courage so they could approached the immortals and befriended with them. Affection and fondness grew inside the humans' hearts for the immortals race. Many referred them as the wise men, others regarded them as gods. In the end, both races accepted each other and took their roles similar with siblings. For centuries, this relation remained unbreakable and unbothered. Together, they maintain the nature's balance and ultimately, the earth itself.
Yet like dream, every good thing must meet the end.
Never had they anticipated how their lives turned upside down.
Never had they prepared for a catastrophe.
Never had they ready for this.
They never had the chance.
The arrival changed everything.
By the time they realized, both immortals and humans' peaceful worlds shattered into pieces.
It came from behind the moon's shadow.
It came from deep within the darkness of space.
A being they had never seen before.
Yet it wasn't like the long lived race.
It was a nightmare. A calamity. A being fitted that of a demon.
It was a huge being dwarfed the mountain. Its body made from endless miasma of darkness that capable of killing living beings by a touch. The head were twin on either on the side of the miasma body. Eyes eerily glowed in color of fresh blood, full of crazed madness. Horns, claws, sharp, and jagged teeth made from the pale white bones. Every step from the creature's legs similar with human's arms, capable of inflicted unimaginable terror to all witness. Its howl was a combination of a volcano mountain's eruption and quake, terrified those who heard it onto their bones. What was most horrific was its monstrous, tremendous force. Its strength was overwhelming, like an inevitable meteor about to crush the earth.
An apocalyptic, evil being with one sole purpose; a total destruction for all living beings on earth.
Including mankind and immortals.
The very moment it descended, it was when the Ragnarok fell from the sky.
The second it struck world with all its force, the stunningly beautiful paradise turned to hell.
A literally living hell.
The act caused world scale ruination.
Volcanic storm engulfed the whole continent. Dark clouds of ash and dust covered the brilliant blue sky. The sun never appeared again. The world's temperature dropped by 5 degree Celcius. The world was stricken by a total darkness for years. Plants died for they couldn't photosynthesis from the now blocked sunlight. Animals died either from starving or killed by the gigantic volcanic gale. It happened for years.
The results were terrible that the horror of living in that era cannot described by words.
Countless lives killed by the being's atrocious deeds.
Countless creatures perished on the might of the hideous entity.
Countless souls suffered because of the mountain sized monster's cursed acts.
Countless beings grieved from losing the precious ones.
The once bright lives diminished onto mere dim lights.
The land was barren with existence. Eternal night reigned the day.
Civilizations were burned and reduced to cinder.
Immortals and humans, both races endured the same pain and sorrow caused by the darkness entity, watching as the damned creature wreak devastating havoc across the land in afar, laughing in twisted glee. It kept roared as it continued on its rampage. The more it killed the livings, the more blissful it was. They couldn't take it anymore. Someone must end the demon or they would be done.
They stood around the world, they arose from the burning ground, they took their weapons, they steeled themselves.
They determined to end this endless suffering. They must chose and they did chose what they must do.
It was now or never.
To survive and live or to give up and die.
The demonical entity was as impossibly powerful. And it was in absolute rage. By the time the doom bringer aware that the pathetic, powerless creatures it can killed and erase so easy had started to fight it, wrath soon overtook the said being.
How dare they oppose it.
How dare they fight back.
How dare they deny it.
How dare they!
With that, the war against the great demonical beast began. This was the mark of the genesis' long, bloody battle between life and death. A fight of goodness versus evil, light versus darkness. Inevitable it was, the clash of joined humans and immortals against the gigantic monster. Words alone cannot describe the tremendeous clash itself. Not even the greatest epic of heroes existed after this era can matched this battle.
Roared in hellish fury, it slaughtered many of them.
Blood spilled and stained the mother earth's once fertile soil. Soulless bodies scattered across the barren land. Smell of burning flesh suffocated the very air the mortals breathed. Lives were burned, crushed, or cut down as if they were nothing different from low insects.
It killed.
It killed.
It killed.
It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed. It killed.
Relentlessly, it kept slaughtered all the immortals and humans got in its way.
Yet never once both races of humans and immortals back off.
They were persistent.
Not once they gave up, or deterred by the sheer terror, or stepped back from the living nightmare.
Continuously moving onward bravely, the immortals and the humans were. Protecting those they treasured and deemed important. Shielding the weak and those who cannot fight from the apocalyptic being's harm. They pushed and pushed. They fought and struggled. They used all the ways, methods, and strategies they could think of.
Yet the evil god was proven as stubborn as they were.
Even with combined force of both races, they still not managed on vanquish the almighty demon.
None of both sides showed signs of losing.
Both sides were insisted in their battle, intended to win this war.
Until one day, humans and immortals formed a plan. A very risky but a brilliant one nonetheless.
They will trap the destructive demon in a time and space pocket where it cannot escape and kill the monster right there. They must use everything they have. Immortals with their Flames and humans with their own unique, spiritual abilities. It did take not little effort and blood but the plan executed rather well. They trapped the abysmal demon within the dimension pocket.
Compared with all the previous battles, the last battle was in fact the bloodiest and the most brutal war ever occurred.
Nevertheless, they didn't give up.
Nevertheless, they never lose their hope.
They never allow the great demon to win.
So they kept trying and trying.
Even if it cost their very own life.
And then...
Combined together with the immortals' Flames, and humans' abilities, they defeated the gigantic monster.
Gone it was, with a hatred and disbelieving roar.
A prolonged war was finally ended.
Six years has passed since the earth veiled in darkness.
It took six years for them to gain an upper hand.
They won the atrocious and gruesome war at last.
As the beast vanished to nothingness, the sun emerged from behind the dark clouds. It shone the earth's surface, giving all the living beings the basking warmth and blinding light they have been longed for. The trees and flowers slowly revived and grow. Small and big animals wasted no time to rise from hibernation and their hiding places and cheered for the return of the sun. Things were as hard and harsh as they were but they will gradually going better as time passed.
The light and day came back to them after for so long.
How wonderful the feeling was.
The war was no more for they defeated their sworn enemy.
Yet despite the victory, both mankind and immortals were not without paying a price. A great loss suffered by both races. Immortals had lost many of their comrades during the war. They lost more than half from their original population. Even then, their population was too small for a race. The only thing they survived was because they Flames and their longevity attribute allowed them to adapt well in extreme environment. They'll manage somehow.
But the humans...
They even suffered more. Greater population mankind was but they were the weaker from the two races.
Not only their numbers reduced greatly, they were in the verge of extinguish.
Should this keep up, mankind will went extinct sooner or later. They didn't have the same adaptive skill as like the immortals.
Being a long friend and ally, the immortals cannot let this happen.
Amongst the members of the race, they wondered if something can be done.
A decision was made after a long debate.
The immortals must give the Flames they had and bestowed them in mankind, enabled them to survive through the ever still harsh biosphere. Humans will continue existed now they have Flames as their life-force support. However, giving half of the Flames will rapidly weakened immortals. The first thing they lost was the longevity life they possessed for so long. Lifespan will shorten over time until it was the same with humans' normal lifespan. There was no guarantee the immortals lasted longer than mankind itself. It will leave them with nothing. They may face the extinguish themself. Not only immortals itself against with the idea, mankind too, has been disagreed with the notion.
Will they going to live if they cannot hold themself without any support, though?
Back then after the war ended, the humans were too powerless.
Little the possibility for their survival was in the Mother Nature.
Immortals' condition weren't actually better than mankind, the very essence of what made them was the thing keep them from total destruction.
The chance of both races' survival was nearly zero.
It was when he showed himself.
He has an appearance of middle aged man with tall posture, snow colored hair, and eyes in the exact same color as ruby. Curious being he was, for he passed as human being yet he carried the same air as the immortals but he didn't hold Flame.
You see, he was a Magician from Another Dimension.
A godly strong one.
And it was very much later when the immortals found out he was actually aided mankind from behind.
He came near the end of war and it was very much later when they found out that the idea of trapping the darkness embodiment monster inside a pocket dimension and kill it there was of the old man.
He was the one created the void dimension for immortals and humans, imprisoned the said monster before it could wreck earth further.
Came before immortals, he introduced himself with a movement fitting those of blue bloods.
The old man offered a temporary solution for both races.
A solution that will change mankind and immortals forever.
For the first time after reading the old leather book, Fūta and Shiori were unnervingly silent. No one dare spoke a word as they sat on Sawada's veranda. There was school for today so no homework they need to do at. I-pin and Lambo were in nap so both older kids wise enough to leave them in their shared couch in living room. Since Shiori brought many books within her bag, it was decided they will just read all those books. One among the books she carried with her was an old book with leather cover and dull color of brown. The book must've ancient because the pages were yellow and in few parts, the book cover had brighter color similar with orange. Written in old English, Fūta was the one who read it due to a fact he was familiar with the language while Shiori was entirely clueless.
"...Fūta?" Hesitantly, the lavender haired girl called and earned Fūta's attention.
"For a story considered as a fairytale, it's way too..."
Fūta understood despite the girl's trailed off.
He reminded himself that while Shiori has been interacted with mafia lately, she is a civilian. Rarely exposed with dark tales and tragedies, the girl was very much alienated with the idea of dark ending. She wasn't familiar with the aspect of death dan loss. It doesn't bothered Fūta, it was what get him close with Shiori. Shiori was clueless on what deception mean and honest with her own feeling.
With gentleness, he ruffled the lavender haired girl.
"Is it bothered you?" The scarfed boy asked.
He earned a dejected nod, the girl's expression darkened in such rapid phase that there was barely the hint of cheerfulness.
The chestnut haired boy turned back at the book, gaze never letting go the sign of the page they have read barely a minute ago.
Silently pondering at the girl's serene yet emotional reply, Fūta was.
He does fathom the girl's feeling.
"Understanding." He spoke after a heartbeat. "I feel the same."
Green eyes lingered at the scarfed boy's direction. "You do?"
"I'd be lying should I say otherwise." Using his shoulder, Fūta lightly nudged Shiori's. "What about you? What are you feeling when you read it, word by word?"
"It feels hurt." With some reluctance, Shiori admitted. "I just can't help feeling sorry for them. The mankind and immortals, I mean their situation has gotten desperate and they must keep living."
This, Fūta was very much aware like the fact he will always be a part from Mafioso despite his inner cry for wanting a normal life. Living with Tsuna-nī and Mamma was the best thing occured in his bitter life, for that he was utterly and forever grateful for the Vongola's Sky. This life wasn't entirely normal but so far this life he had was the most normal one he had. A sad matter to remember how things will never change in this world, war included.
"Does the aspect of war set you on edge?"
The turndown lips from his friend has confirmed him.
The lavender haired girl was dismayed at the mention of war.
How she despised it. A kid she might be but Mochida Shiori was exceptionally perspective for a girl in her age. Many times she watched television on how war and fight broke in Middle East and Africa. She watched as the presenter informed how the war caused millions innocents run from their country and took off to prosperous countries for a better life and safety. She listened how the war took millions lives and how millions suffered from it.
"I hated war. It always bring suffer and pain and death. Makes me wonder why there is people desire for war when they are aware its horrible consequences. Although it was the monster's fault that the war started, it is a fact that the immortals and the humans suffered so much from the war."
"Very true." The scarfed boy will not deny that one for him too hated war as well.
Without doubt, the world of Mafia famed for its bloody history and treachery. Even so, war is a far worse thing than mafia. Gang war between famiglia was one thing. A war broke not only in one country and involved several? Enough said. Even Estraneo, the famiglia known for their blasted and cursed experiments had been thinking twice before took part when the World War II broke, even when the aspect of harvesting parentless children sounds appealed.
"On the side note, one must bear in their mind how some tales are based in real thing. It was one reason why most of old legends, epics, and fairytales never had a happy ending. King Arthur, Cleopatra, Jeanne D'Arc, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Enkidu, Bellerophon, Hercules..."
Shiori's ears perked at all the names.
"I think I recognize some of them."
A laugh escaped from the chestnut headed boy.
She will, or at least, she must have heard at least half of them.
"They're what we called as heroes, those who granted super abilities by gods and other divine beings in order to slay the monsters and enemies. Those who duty was deliver light upon the people. While we acknowledged how they're referred as heroes destined for saving a kingdom and its people, none of them ever obtained a happily ever after."
Shiori was very tempted to retort him but she acknowledged how right he is. Most mythologies ended up with the death of hero. Those who got a happy ending can be counted. Even in classic fairytales written and introduced by the famous storyteller Andersen, the fairytales used to be darker before being modified so they were more suitable for kids.
"Perhaps by the time the stories were created, society at that time always shadowed by war and invasion from foreign countries. They lived in an era where peace never truly existed unlike the present day."
"Besides their deaths are all the same; conspiracies from the higher ones to get rid these heroes once and for all, be it gods or humans. Almost every one of them based on the desire for absolute sovereignty." At this, Fūta clenched his fists.
Shiori was biting her lower lip, feeling unsettled. Here she thought the heroes will get happiness and live happily ever after. Instead, they never get to see that ending. They will never know if their sacrifice whether made a difference or not. They will never know if the day was really saved.
"Dark aspect it is." Taking her hand, the chestnut haired boy squeezed in comfort. "One thing we must never forget is the heroes never entirely lose everything. There's one important item they will always carry with them. Do you what it is?"
There was nothing the lavender haired girl can think of.
Haaaah, while she learned so much from her big and eccentric family, there are so much she has to learn.
Gave up, she seek the other kid's answer.
Sea green eyes helplessly begging at the scarfed boy, her cheeks flushed with dusty pink.
Eyes twinkled with mirth, Fūta gave away his answer.
"Faith. In the end, they just have to have faith. Nothing more and nothing less, Shiori. The exact message is written in every fairytales, this book isn't an exception. What drove them forward and lead them into victory is their unwavering faith. Why is that?"
A pout came from the sea green eyed girl.
Another question? He sure loved giving her sophisticated inquiries.
There was this sneaking suspicion he will fit fine with her dad.
He too, loves throwing random queries regardless the time and the place.
Which Shiori considered herself lucky, she knew the answer and had it memorized very well.
She has read it from a book long ago.
"Faith comes from belief and belief comes from hope. Without hope, there's no belief and without belief, there's no faith."
"Excellent. You're indeed my disciple." Fūta nodded before he got his hand playfully shoved by Shiori.
"Mō, Fūta! We've been together for some time! It's natural I can pick one or two things from you and we are in the same age."
"Let me tell you two things. One, you have a long road ahead. Two, it doesn't make a difference." With playful tone, the scarfed boy retorted and booping her nose.
In which Shiori made a face and attempted to swat his hand yet failed. He pulled his hand away before she could. The girl huffed and crossed her arms on her chest, clearly exasperated yet accepted. One of these days, she swore Fūta will grow to an old man in few years if he kept continue like this. And he even developed this odd sense of teasing! Where does that come from? Definitely not from Tsuna-nī or Aniue! Perhaps Takeshi-nī or Reborn-kun? She mentally noted this to ask at her older brother later. For now, Shiori would like to read the ending.
Tugging Fūta's sleeve, the lavender haired girl demanded her friend.
"Back with the story, what does it tell next?" She pressed.
Sometimes, Fūta inwardly sighed, his friend was too impatient and act rashly. "Hold on. It's in the next page."
Upon looking back at the old book on his lap, Fūta suddenly stilled.
His brown colored orbs blinked several times before he tilted his head.
Uh oh, Shiori instantly thought.
That expression he wore can't be a good sign.
Shiori grew in anticipation. "What is it?"
Glancing between Shiori and the book, Fūta crossed his arms.
There were wrinkles on his forehead and they kept increasing.
"...There's no page."
A long still veiled the air around them.
Shiori fixed her gaze at her friend.
Fūta gave back his gaze.
Lavender colored eyebrow rose.
"See here?" As he pointed on the book, a curious Shiori peered from his shoulder and it didn't take long before she discovered an oddity. Frowning, her eyes caught with Fūta's brown ones. His hand brought up and tugging his scarf. Albeit, it was an absentminded gesture. "It's old but someone ripped the last two pages."
Her sight then fixed on the opened book, leaned forward for getting a better view. Took her few moments before she too, found the peculiarity. She would've missed it if not for Fūta's mention. The trace was hidden with some expertise and carefulness. Barely visible but it was there, the pieces of ripped pages left on the book.
"Strange." Shiori mused aloud. "Think this is a mischievous act?"
"No idea. Remembering this is an old book however, I guess it's not surprising it wasn't in good condition." The chestnut haired boy reasoned though for some reason the little voice on the back of his head will not stay silent. "Where did you get the book?"
"You know Kawahira-jisan, the antique store's owner near mochi shop we always visited? When I came across and had conversation with him, he told me he gave it to Aniue as a thank you for fixed his old room heater."
A polite person Kawahira was, Shiori wouldn't deny his eccentricity. Why bother keeping the ancient thing when he's capable buy a new one? That way, he wouldn't have fixed it every single time. Shiori counted this is the second time it broke in one month.
An idea came across Fūta's head. "Say, what do you think about we ask him about the missing pages? He may know something."
Lit up in no time, a delightful Shiori clapped her hands. "Good idea. When will we see him?"
That's where the problem is.
Up until next week, their free time already filled between various homework, keep accompany I-pin and Lambo, and helping Mamma.
Humming, the chestnut haired boy closed the book with a dull but decisive snap.
"How about next Saturday? We don't have school. We can bring Mamma's cooking and visit Kawahira-jisan. It has been a while since the last time."
"Ok. Next Saturday then." Suddenly remembered another thing, Shiori reminded the other kid. "Nee, nee, Fūta? Since we can't go alone, we should bring Aniue with us."
Inclined his head, Fūta rose from the wooden floor, lifted his hand. "I don't mind but what about your brother?"
"I'll ask him once he comes home." Taking his hand, the girl let Fūta pulled her up. "What is he doing, I wonder? He's supposed to be here by now."
"Maybe something gets him in the way." He assured his friend. "He'll be fine. Tsuna-nī and Reborn are with him, they will not let something happen with him."
"Oh..." Dejected, Shiori's shoulder slumped. From behind the bangs, she stole a glance at a small transparent bookmark lay near her. "I guess it can't be helped."
Fūta also has his gaze fell on the same bookmark. Inside the bookmark, was a decoration of four leaved clover. Last spring, when Mamma and Tsuna-nī took them and the other big brothers out for hanami, Shiori found it by coincidence. The girl was very much ecstatic by this unexpected finding and pleaded Fūta for keeping this as a secret while she looked for a way to preserve the clover. She went as far as asked her mother who was an expert in craft and art. He watched as the lavender haired girl bent down and took the bookmark from the veranda's floor. It reminded him of Tsuna-nī. It reminded the scarfed boy how he never give his big brother small things for a gift. Tsuna-nī wouldn't mind and shrugged it like it was nothing. On the other hand, Fūta does mind. The spiky haired brunette always did his best to protect and give his role as an older brother for Fūta. Surely there must be something he can give, right?
"Are you going to give him that?" He rewarded with the sweetest smile from the sea green eyed girl.
His face heated out of sudden, it confused poor Fūta.
He wondered if he caught influenza. He was rarely sick.
Maybe it is because the autumn already near that the temperature dropped and his condition wasn't good today? That won't do. If he gets sick then his time for school and play with Shiori, I-pin and Lambo will reduce. Playing with them is always a whole new experience, an adventure, a never ending surprise. New things discovered everyday, some left at their respective places as their little secrets, shared only among themself.
Besides, Lancia promised them he will come in near time.
Mamma has some good recipes for the sick ones, trust her for the best of taking care kids.
Lit up from delight and anticipation, the lavender haired girl was having a bright smile rivaled the sun itself.
She was proud with herself.
"Absolutely! Not everyone can find four leaved clover by pure luck. I can't wait to see him. I want to surprise him!"
Briefly side glanced at the bookmark, the scarfed boy wondered what reaction Kensuke-nī will give.
"He will love it." He bucked up the girl.
A giggle escaped from her small lips. "He better!"
The girl was confident with her gift.
Oh, how Shiori was about to burst in excitement!
She can't wait when her big brother will come home!
Ten years from now, older Shiori cried upon seeing her older brother's younger version.
She could never forget the day when the news of his death reached her.
How her heart shattered and crushed into tiny shards.
At the very same time as little Shiori waiting for Kensuke's homing in original timeline, Future Shiori tearfully hugged her breathing, alive big brother.
Her understanding fiancée watched her from sideline, smiling he was but the forlorn glance he sent after her and her brother spoke so much volume.
For he considered the Crimson Guardian as his own big brother figure.
A brother who died before he had a chance to ask him properly to marry his sister, to marry the fine young woman whom he loved for 5 years.
A brother who yet died from defended a family and friends.
After ten years, one of their big brothers was truly at home.
Please don't kill me?
I kinda stuck with writer block and I can't think any idea just yet. As much as I want a beta reader, maybe I'll just post this first. Too tired because we're close with mid-semester approaching. Wish me the best luck. The thought crossed in my mind and it happened fast. Before I knew it, I have written this filler story. To be honest, the race where Kawahira and Sephira came from shrouded in mystery. Other than they live for longer time than mankind, there's very little information about them. Another strange thing is how come only Kawahira left behind, not counting Sephira's descendants? Did something happen with them? War? Calamity? Extinction? So many possibilities yet no answer. That's why I made this according my absurd imagination.
BTW, the monster I used in this chapter is based on certain popular game.
Here's the question; can you guess what kind of monster I based at? If you can give an exact answer, you may give me a prompt for my next chapter. Hopefully that way, I can get some ideas.
So the next story I will update is BEyond Unlimited Sky and Horizon. Have no worry. You guys still can vote.
The song I listened:
Nier Automata, Song of the Ancients.
Nier Automata, Kaine Salvation.
I am Setsuna, Farewell.
I am Setsuna, Path of Redemption.
Guess I must cut my ramblings here. See you!