Seriously, I hate how abrupt an idea suddenly appeared before I can update my other stories. I've been read KHR and Fate for a while now. And then, this idea abruptly came to my mind. I planned to make this as one shot but looks like I have to stretch it to three or four shots. I don't want to make this fic too long so I tried to make it as short as possible though it's still too long to my dislike. This shot alone is already 10,000 words. D: So much for making it shorter. By the way, don't expect any fight scenes. While I'm trying my best to make them, this fic will most likely focus on Shirou and Tsuna's relationship with other KHR characters. You can say it's more like slice of life. There will be hints of pairings in the next shots but I haven't decided it yet. Since I was fairly new to both Fate and KHR, so please be gentle at me. Point me if I missing something in this fic.
At last, I hope you'll enjoy this fic. Please tell me your opinion and send me your reviews.
Disclaimer: Own nothing in here. Fate/Stay Night belongs to Nasu while Katekyō Hitman Reborn belongs to Akira Amano.
Summary : Mochida Kensuke was 10 years old when he gained Emiya Shirou's memory. He didn't expect he will reincarnate in foreign world. He glad he has a normal life and a friend in a form of Sawada Tsunayoshi. But with the Mafia and Dying Will Flame stuffs, Kensuke suspected that Zelretch had made fun of him. –"Hey, it wasn't me this time." Zelretch complained.- In which Emiya Shirou reborn as Mochida Kensuke.
Mochida Kensuke was 10 years old when the memory awakened. Before the memory, he was just a plain, innocent boy. Before the awakening, he was nothing more than a normal boy with a normal family consisted of a father and a mother and younger sister. Before the remembering, he was anything but a boy with a pair of eyes and spiky hair as black as the moonless night. Before the fateful day, he was only Mochida Kensuke was a mere 10 years old boy with somewhat decent behavior and developing interest of kendo. Kensuke was just a little boy with normal life through and through.
Mochida Kensuke by all means was a normal boy.
It supposed to be like that.
Until the fated day comes.
It started with an almost boring Tuesday late afternoon.
Kensuke was on his way home.
The boy was walking in sedate phase when he heard a faint siren and a thick smoke comes blocks away from where he was.
Driven by pure curiosity, Kensuke went to the smoke's source instead.
When he arrived there, he sees a terrifying scene.
It was a fire.
A massive, violent fire devoured a house of a poor family.
Lots of firefighter tried to extinguish the flame.
Policemen had given a hand but it was pretty much pointless.
The flame was unusually strong and resisting enough, it will not be easy for a while. A pair of husband and wife was being hold by few polices. They covered by ash and dirt but otherwise they relatively unharmed. It was their cries which had Kensuke's attention. It seems their only daughter was still inside the house. They wanted to get back inside but the policemen will not allow them, it was too dangerous. Their daughter was only 6 years old. Kensuke's mind drove to the memory of his own little sister.
Still 3 and half years old.
Still so innocent.
So bright.
So cheerful.
So full of life and energy.
Still has a long future in her way.
Still so young to die.
Kensuke saw how desperate the mother was.
With tears stained her cheeks, she pleaded the nearby police with sorrowful voice.
"Please!" She begged tearfully. "My daughter, Kana! She's still inside there! Please!"
The mother continued to plead.
She begs for someone to save her daughter.
She begs for a savior.
She begs for a hero.
"Please save her ―!"
It was such a forlorn voice.
It was such a tone full with despair and hope.
Then something deep inside him snapped.
Kensuke had no idea how he did it.
One moment he was standing like a statue.
The next moment he realized, he abandoned his bag. Kensuke was already running inside the burning house. He could hear some shouts from the firefighter and the policemen but he chooses to ignore them anyway. Kensuke was running deeper and deeper to the deeper part of the house, trying to find any small form of a little girl he must save. Everything was a big blur to him. The 10 years old boy vaguely remembered on had been on the middle of burning flame. His mind focused only to find the trapped girl. He walked through the house as he was checking every room. Kensuke was about to search on the second floor when his eyes caught the sight of a small girl with ashes on her cheeks and her blue dress. She cried alone on the corner of the last room. Cowering and looked at him with wide and fear filled gaze. Kensuke hurriedly came to her side and half kneels, checking if the girl has any injury. He sighed in relief when he found none. The Mochida boy can't let his guard down yet, bring her out was his main priority now.
"Kana, right?" Kensuke asked gently at the cowering girl.
An equally gentle smile set on his lips.
The girl gazed back at him as she nodded frantically.
"Who are you?" She asked, slight hesitant.
"I'm Kensuke. I'm here to help." Kensuke was offering his hand. "You want to see your mother, are you?"
The little girl nodded again.
Kensuke's smile widened.
"Let's get out of here and meet her." Kensuke persuaded. "Shall we?"
Kana was staring between him and his hand.
Hesitantly, she took the hand and grasped it, not wanting to let it go.
"…Okay." She replied barely in a mumble.
Kensuke squeezed the girl's hand reassuringly.
"Don't worry. It will be alright."
Kensuke then pulled and scooped the small girl onto his embrance.
"Hold on to me. We will meet your mother soon."
And with that, Kensuke wasted no more time. He was running for an exit as the building began to give away. Kensuke ran with all his might with the little girl in his embrace. He vaguely remembered how he dodged all the fire and the burning home equipment. Kensuke hazily remembered being near on the mouth of the exit when the burning foundations above him gave away and broken, falling to him. With him thrust the girl who previously on his hug through the exit was the last thing he remembered when the foundations fell above him and darkness took his consciousness.
He had no idea how long he was inside the pitch darkness.
He had no idea how long he floating inside the empty space.
He then saw a dream.
A dream of fire.
A fire which was destroyed the buildings and the surroundings.
A fire which was destroyed anything on its path.
Everything excluded himself.
Then there was a bright flash and suddenly, Kensuke found himself in a new place.
It was slightly better because there was no burning flame and the terrible screams.
Still, it was a place which even shook Kensuke's very core even more.
It was a vast, barren land with numerous type of swords embedded on the ground.
A land of eternal twilight with swords scattered in everywhere.
But it was not what has got Kensuke's attention.
Before him, there was a pair of falchions punctured to the ground. One blade has the purest white color while the other has the color like the highest quality of onyx with red hexagonal patterns. They have the symbols of yin-yang on their handle. They crossed each other like light and darkness. They looked same yet different. They were just like day and night and yet they completed each other and stand side by side. To Kensuke, they were a pair of simple yet simply beautiful swords on their own way. They looked extremely familiar to him.
The scenery then changed once more.
This time, Kensuke was in the middle of wide, wide grassland.
Green, fresh colored grass covered almost the whole land. The sweet, cool wind swept his face in gentle yet playful manner. White clouds like cotton candy floated freely on vast blue sky, following where the wind blows them away. There were wild flowers growing in here and there, coloring the green colored field with a little bit of bright and cheerful colors. Kensuke can see the line of the bluish mountains at afar. The warm light of sun was hitting his skin and face. It feels like small piece of heaven had fallen to the earth.
It was then Kensuke finally spotted her.
A girl around 15 to 16 years old was standing few meters away from him. She has petite yet slim figure, her blond hair reached below her shoulders, fair skin, and a pair of the brightest emerald colored eyes Kensuke ever see in his entire life. She wears a blue and white royal dress with gold lines which looks great on her petite features. The girl is not wearing any shoes and let her feet bare instead. The blonde smiled warmly at him with those clear green orbs. They radiated with longing, relief, and happiness as if she was waiting someone for so long and she finally meets the person at last as her waiting had been paid off.
It was as if the golden haired girl was waiting for him particularly.
There was no one but him beside the older girl.
Strangely, Kensuke feels like he knew this blond haired girl.
He feels like he had known her some when, somewhere, long time ago.
He feels like he recognized this girl at some point.
If he wasn't, then why does he feel a pang of pain when he saw the girl's longing eyes?
Why does he has the very desire to reach and caresses her cheek with his hand?
Why does he felt an unexplainable relief and happiness when he the very moment he sees her?
Why does he felt the surging want to stay by her side when the girl was supposedly foreign to him?
Kensuke didn't miss how the beautiful girl before him has the joyful smile.
It was a radiantly warm smile.
A smile that even melts the coldest person's heart.
The smile was just that beautiful.
A single tear was falling from her left eye.
She clasped her hands in prayer manner.
The girl spoke to him so ever softly.
And yet he can hear very clear as the girl's lips formed a sentence.
A sentence that will change Kensuke's entire life forever.
『…─────────. 』
It was at that time Kensuke's heart beat very loudly.
It was at that time the memory had unlocked.
It was at that time the memory had been released.
It was at that time the memories flooded his mind.
They flooded both his mind and soul like a broken dam.
It hurt his head.
It was like his head was going to be exploded.
His whole body was burning in the inside.
Every nerves within was in flame.
It was like they have been shoved by a hot rod.
And then when the memory flooded ended, Kensuke finally remembered.
He did familiar with the emerald eyed girl.
He did know the older girl.
He did recognize the blonde.
She was, after all, the girl he respected so much.
The girl he loved truly.
The last thing he saw before he was falling was the girl's smiling face.
She was mouthing him a silent 'see you soon' greeting.
And then he was fallen to the blissful blackness.
The next Kensuke awoke, he was in the hospital room. He had bandages on his head and his other limbs. His family was waiting for him on the bed's edge with worried looks. The moment Kensuke gained his conscious, they relieved to see him back. They hugged him so tightly, afraid that he will be gone for good. It was later when Kensuke find out he somehow survived and remained intact although he have few burns in his body from the falling building debris. Kensuke had unconscious for a full day. Kana, the little girl he tried to save was unharmed. The little girl and both her parents thanked him with grateful smiles when they visited him a day after he regained his conscious. Kensuke has to stay for 2 more days before the doctor said okay and had the boy released from the hospital. The doctors astounded at his terrifyingly quick recovery. He had at least 6 medium burns and lots of light burns all around his body. By the second day's evening there was no trace of the burns he got from two days before. His family didn't care for the slightest. They were happy he can go back together with them and safe. They're proud for their son and it's the only thing that mattered to them. Kensuke could care less about his injuries. He was content he can back to his family again.
He went back to school and adapted back rather quickly. His burn injuries healed in astonishing phase. He was getting use with his usual activities again. Things slowly went back to normal phase once again. But Kensuke's life is not going to be normal again. His life was will never being same again. Not when Kensuke was finally remembered his past life. Not when Kensuke was remembered his other self. Not when Kensuke remembered his true identity. Not when Kensuke regained the memory thought to lost deep in his soul.
The memory of a red haired magus with 'Sword' as his Origin.
The memory of him as the Faker.
The memory of him as Iron Wrought Magus.
The memory of him as Emiya Shirou.
『Welcome back, Shirou. 』
Thus it was how Mochida Kensuke awakened his memory as Emiya Shirou.
Kensuke was feeling extremely disorganized.
Shirou was feeling extremely disorganized.
It was the understatement of this century.
Few months has passed ever since the fire fiasco. Yet the 10 years old boy was just as lost as when he woke up with his new memory. It was overwhelming and the black spiky haired boy has no better word to describe it. With his memory as Emiya Shirou has awakened, Kensuke aka Shirou figured out that he was reborn again under different name and different life. His name in this life was Mochida Kensuke, born on March 13, in year 2000. Mochida Sayo and Mochida Hibiki were his parents in this life, with Mochida Shiori as his younger sister. It was unbelievable; it was like he trapped inside a very peculiar dream. It was impossible. There was no way he was reborn again, it was just simply impossible.
Shirou was confident about this.
Shirou was pretty much aware he had been died at one point.
Apparently he had been wrong.
Very, very wrong.
He didn't go to afterlife. Instead, he reincarnated to this place, a foreign life, a foreign city, and a foreign family. After the awakening, Shirou had tried to find any information regarding Fuyuki city in the internet. It was a futile attempt no matter how hard he searched. There is no city with name of Fuyuki. There is no Tohsaka Rin. There are no Matou Sakura and Matou Shinji. There is no Fujimura Taiga. Not even he can find Issei Ryuudou. The idea of him reincarnated in his home world was impossible as all the souls will be gone to Root of Akasha. Which meaning Shirou had been born in the entirely different world. He was the only magus around here. He was alone and he was in here by himself.
Shirou groaned and his head hit his room's desk.
He wished the universe went easier with him.
But looks like a wish will stay as a wish.
"Damn you, Zeltrech." Shirou cursed under his breath.
Shirou had a sneaking suspicion that Zelretch had something to do with this. No, Shirou even suspected the Ancestor was the true culprit behind this whole new world and incarnation. After all this is the same person who will prank someone by send them to another world with crazy stuffs or swapped their gender on parallel worlds at least 10 years just for fun. Shirou is torn between wanting to curse Zelretch and maim the Second Magic user or scream and laughing like a madman for his definitely E rank luck. He bet Rin will scold him to no end and claimed him for being an idiot or even a moron after she maims her teacher. Archer will laugh his ass at Shirou's poor luck despite them being the same person essentially and thus they shared the equally rotten bad luck. Little did he know, the very same red archer was sneezing at the same time in another verse of universe while his twin tailed Master glanced at him oddly from her tea.
The certain second Magic user who watched the whole event from his magical tool was pouting.
He just curiously scanned through the parallel worlds when he found this one.
It was interesting. The red haired boy with 'Sword' affinity his pupil liked was reborn in a parallel world. An odd world above that, one filled with mafia and flames. Well, the other Emiya Shirou that's it. It wasn't fair how the boy accused him for become the culprit of his rebirth.
"Hey, it wasn't me this time." He complained.
Youngsters these days were so rude to their elders.
Just because Zelretch was a Kaleidoscope user, doesn't mean he was the culprit.
Too bad this Shirou who reincarnated in another world will not trust him.
Even if he appeared personally before the boy and said it truthfully.
No matter how much Shirou wanted to throttle the eccentric Ancestor, there is nothing he can do about this.
He can't stay like this.
While in his name was Emiya Shirou in his previous life, his name is Mochida Kensuke in this current life.
Before he was alone after Kiritsugu died and only has Fuji-nee as his older sister's figure.
Now he has both Mochida Sayo and Mochida Hibiki as his parents.
Before he never has any younger sister and then Ilya came to his life.
Now he has a sweet little sister, the ever innocent and bright Shiori.
Before he never had a relatively peaceful life for he was always getting caught up in battles.
Now he has the chance to life peaceful life in this Namimori town.
He doesn't want to lose them.
He doesn't want to be away from them.
He doesn't want to leave them.
Despite him missed the people he had considered as family back in his world, he had grown close to this family in this brand new world.
Shirou had come to love them and care for them.
This is why Shirou choose to walk forward and continue his life as Mochida Kensuke.
This is why Shirou will strive for himself and the new life given to him.
But Shirou will not forget his ideal.
He will not forget himself as a magus.
That's the reason why Shirou will continue to life.
"Okay." The black haired boy pulled back from the desk. "I can do this." He inhaled deeply.
"I can do this."
He will continue his ideal as a hero of justice. He will become a hero his family will be proud of. He will save people. He will grow stronger. He will fight for what he believes. He will make Kiritsugu's dream come true. He will not disappoint his adopted father. This is what Shirou had promised to Kiritsugu after all.
Shirou will carry on his father's dream.
Shirou had carried it in his original world.
He will do the same in this world too.
It is just as simple as like that, no more no less.
Few years has passed since the fire fiasco.
Few years has passed since the memory returned.
Shirou, now named as Kensuke, has graduated from elementary school.
He's the second year of Namimori Middle School from this spring.
Kensuke also has entered the kendo club.
He's become one of its prized members.
It was just a pure coincidence. In his first year, Kensuke had intended to enter the archery club like his previous life as Shirou. He had looking through all the Nami-chū's clubs. Overall they all interesting enough but the archery was what had got his attention. Yet when he came across the kendo club, there had been demonstration. When Kensuke offered to try for a spar, he won unexpectedly with flying colors. Next thing he knew, all the members of the kendo club begged him to enter their club, with tears. Kensuke sweat dropped. Surely he wasn't that strong, right? He only sparred with the strength of a 13 years old teenager. There was no way the club will be this desperate, right?
One member told him why. Apparently, few strong members were already in their third year thus they can't fully attend the club anymore. They had to focus for their senior high school's entrance. The second year didn't have any members with admirable strength. Their strength was passable at best but it's not good enough. So far, Kensuke was the first year who has better endurance and agility than the rest of the members. Seriously, it made Kensuke uncomfortable. He can't just left them like this, they obviously needs some help. Truthfully, the black spiky haired boy's swordsmanship may not better from them. His sword style was kind of unorthodox, Kensuke only won due to his experience as Emiya Shirou. That and him learnt from Fuji-nee. Kensuke shuddered at this thought. If she was ever in here, the short haired woman will not hesitate encourage and scoop him to kendo club. This is Fujimura Taiga 'Tiger' we're talking about.
Seeing the plead looks the kendo's members sent to him had more than enough to make Kensuke defeated in a way.
Kensuke sighed exasperatedly.
Their begging gazes were almost similar with Fuji-nee's.
They obviously need some help to improve their sword ship.
He doubted their coach was better than them if anything.
Kensuke must face the reality that he indeed has fairer capability on using sword than anyone else in the club.
He can feel the headache was coming. Kensuke steeled himself as he made a decision.
He just hoped he not made a wrong choice.
It was the story how Kensuke gotten himself in kendo club.
Here he was one year later as the kendo club's captain.
He was adored by all the members not only because he was strong but he also kind and will not hesitate to help the other members. However there're times when he helps other clubs such as archery for an example. Sometimes he will give them advice on how to shot an arrow correctly. Sometimes he will help them cleaning the club room. Sometimes he will help them buy things for club. Sometimes he will fix broken electronics by using his magic circuits. It had surprised Kensuke to be honest. He possessed the same Magic Circuits he had once as Shirou. All 27 circuits are intact within his body. Avalon was also with him, residing inside his body when he used Structural Analysis to check out. Kensuke was pleased by this. It means he can still use magecraft, meaning he still can use Projection, Tracing, and Reinforcement. Kensuke uses these to fix any electronics. He even gives a hand for his school's janitor on fix school's instruments by casting Projection secretly. Soon enough, Kensuke gained the 'Fake Janitor' title due to this rather odd habit. Kensuke only smiled awkwardly at the title. Guess the title will never part away from him even when he's in another world. Kensuke can't do these things freely and as he wants though. It has something to do with the Discipline Committee leads by the famed Hibari Kyōya.
Hibari was a year above Kensuke. He was a third year.
Kensuke meanwhile, was in the same second year with Sasagawa Ryōhei, the boxing captain famed with his 'extreme' motto.
Kensuke had met the short silver haired boy once as the said boxer tried to recruit him to boxing club.
Aside from his over eagerness and extreme, Ryōhei was a good person.
Ryōhei was one thing. Hibari however was a whole different matter, in entirely different level.
The steel eyed teenager dubbed as the most fearsome person in Namimori due to his crave for fight and will not hesitate to bite those who broken the rules to the death or so he claimed. There was a suspicion he just do that so he can fight opponent and test his own strength. Hibari was a quite odd prefect, he thought himself as a carnivore and everyone else as herbivores. But who was Kensuke to say? He had met even weirder people than Hibari in his time as Shirou and Kensuke himself was can be considered as an odd. So it wasn't his place to say anything. Besides, the prefect has a good side, he loves Namimori and he will do anything to protect it. Kensuke respected the young Hibari for this reason.
Still and all, the Discipline Committee's president had his eyes on him for some reason.
More than a few times Kensuke caught the prefect stared him with narrowed and piercing eyes as if he was a predator observe a prey.
Testing whether the black spiky haired student was a worthy prey or not.
Testing whether he was worthy enough to become an opponent or not.
It caused some uneasiness on Kensuke.
Shirou was not a type of person who will look for a fight.
So was Kensuke. He might have a different name and body but his soul was staying the same.
He doesn't like fighting unless he or people he cared are getting a threat.
If anything, Kensuke will stay away from a fight if he can help it.
He has E rank luck, he doesn't want to know the result if he ever get caught on one.
His honed intuition told him if he stay low, he will stay safe. In which why whenever Kensuke was in the school especially the club, he was wisely and carefully using his strength for sparring session. Kensuke was using his strength as a normal teenager boy, not as a survivor of Holy Grail War. He's not a person who likes to show off his power, instead Kensuke only uses his full strength when necessary. Necessary by means critical situation which was so rarely happens to no exist. It succeeded so far, other than Hibari's frown was growing deepened and his stare went sharpened than before, he didn't do anything at the second year student. However the observations were increasing by twice times. Kensuke wondered if he should be relieved or worry concerning his safety.
Other than constant observations, Kensuke spend his daily activities normally.
Overall, Kensuke had come to like this life.
It is in a way better than his life in his home world.
Although, there are things which will stay same no matter what kind of world you're living at. Even if you're reborn to an entirely different world, few things will never change. Although Shirou had been born in a world where Magus, magecraft, Dead Apostles, Holy Grail War, even mana and prana don't existed, it still have same mundane problems. Bullying was the exact example. In this life as Kensuke, Shirou still finds bullying is a detestable act. He never expected to find ones in a rather quiet, peaceful town like Namimori despite the citizens have odd perks. But maybe it's only because he's at least polite to everyone that he never see one. Still, Shirou never allows bullying as long as he was alive. This will not be different at all. Kensuke just never expected it would be this bad.
Nor would he think the very victim he tried to save will become his best friend.
This victim was a boy a year younger than him.
His name was Sawada Tsunayoshi.
Kensuke was just reached 15 years old when he met the first year.
It was late April, midterm was only a month away.
It happened during lunch break.
Kensuke had finished checking a broken heater on teacher room. He must fix it before the autumn come and the heater has damaged a lot. The black spiky haired student went out to take necessary spare parts when he spotted someone from a hallway. There, sitting on a bench, was a small boy. It was the first year student. The boy has a small and skinny body for a normal 13 years old boy. He has light tan skin and his hair was a spiky brown color and it looks soft, almost fluffy like a stuffed animal's hair. His brown colored eyes are large and so innocent. With those features of his, the small first year looked more like a girl rather than a boy. And he was holding his stomach with crestfallen emotion marred his face.
Kensuke immediately recognized the small boy.
Sawada Tsunayoshi.
The famed first year of Nami-chū.
His nickname is 'Dame Tsuna'.
He fails literally on everything, both in academic and sport. He said to be clumsy and shy. Other than that, the Mochida boy had no other information. It got Kensuke's attention. Since the school began, never once Kensuke see him hanging with his classmates. Kensuke doesn't believe the lingering rumors. It sounded ridiculous, surely there's something he was excel at and he has at least one friend. The reality before him showed otherwise. Tsuna was sitting by himself, the sakura tree's shadow shielding him from the bright sun. The loneliness surrounds the first year strengthened. Kensuke began to feel concern for the lone boy. The brown spiky haired boy seems to be in trouble if his expression was a giveaway. Maybe the second year boy can give the poor boy some aid. Slowly, Kensuke was walking at Tsuna's direction. Tsuna had his head bent down so he may not realize the second year was approaching him. Once he gets near, Kensuke decided he must get Tsuna's attention first.
"Hello." Kensuke greeted politely.
He doesn't mean to startle the boy.
He really didn't mean to.
Yet somehow, he does startle the boy.
"Hieeeee...!" The boy was actually shrieked, jumping from the bench.
The shriek was so high to the point even it made Kensuke jerked in surprise.
Before Kensuke can process what has happened, the boy tripped on his own feet.
He then fell forward and his face slammed the ground.
Kensuke's eyes widened at instant.
The black spiky haired student unconsciously gaped at the scene.
He soon snapped back his mouth.
It's not the right time for gaping, Kensuke reminded mentally.
Kensuke came to his side and help him sit.
"Are you alright!?" Kensuke inquired.
It was quite a hard fall.
How did the brown haired boy fell so hard?
"Y-yes. I-I mean no. I mean, yes!" The boy stuttered. He looked ashamed. "I-I-I'm fine…"
"Are you sure?" Kensuke wasn't convinced.
"Y-yeah!" The first year replied too fast.
The spiky brown haired boy cringed at the high pitched voice he used.
Kensuke chuckled at the frantic reply.
The Sawada boy was finding himself blush deeply.
"I'm sorry if I'm startled you. I've meaning to ask you something."
"…Eh? Me?"
Kensuke nodded affirmatively.
"What are you doing in here? This is not a common place where anyone will spend their lunch."
Kensuke didn't miss how the first year student stiffened.
The brown haired first year looked awkward and uncomfortable.
Kensuke frowned slightly.
Was he really shy around people just like the rumor had said?
"Ah…well, you see…" Tsunayoshi's brown eyes darted around.
Before Tsuna can say further…
A loud sound came from his stomach.
Signified the stomach was empty from any foods.
None of them says a word.
They stay stilled on their own place.
Stunned black eyes were locking onto horrified brown ones.
There was only a silence.
A few moments later, Kensuke soon broke.
His lips twitched violently.
Before he can't stop it, Kensuke was already laughing.
"…―! ΣOДO lll"
Tsuna was horrified.
Here, he had made himself fell in front of a stranger.
And the stranger was laughing him.
Oh, how embarrassing! He wants to find a hole and crawl inside it!
"Hahaha! Sorry! It's just―Ahahahahaha! ≥ ∇ ≤ " Kensuke struggled with his laughter. Who knows a small boy's stomach can let out such loud grumble?
"… TT ∇ TT"
Tsuna was already burst into tears.
He had made himself embarrassing in front of a stranger.
He had humiliating himself in front of a stranger.
And the stranger was laughing at his clumsiness to make it worse.
What can be worse than this?
Seeing the other boy's discomfort and embarrassment, Kensuke hastily stopped laughing.
"I'm so sorry. I promise I'll not laugh again." He apologized.
Tsuna slowly relaxed.
The brown haired boy shook his head.
"It's okay. It's my fault anyway." Tsuna assured the older boy.
"You are hungry? Why you don't eat?" Kensuke asked.
He finally noticed something else.
Now was a lunch break but the younger boy didn't have any lunch box with him.
Kensuke found it odd.
He remembered the boy brought one this morning when he saw him briefly.
Where the bento does disappear?
"Where is your bento?"
Kensuke didn't miss how Tsuna's expression changed.
"Uhm…" Tsuna suddenly had this difficult expression. There was also guilt mixed with shame and fear in there. "I…uh…I kind of lost it on my way?" He offered lamely.
"…" Kensuke stared disbelievingly.
'He lost it?' Kensuke frowned mentally.
But it sounded farfetched. It was impossible. Clumsy the boy might be, but he doesn't strike as a forgetful type to Kensuke. He did see the younger boy carried his bento on his way to his class. There was no mistaking it. Tsuna literally passed Kensuke this morning on the hallway, with his lunch box on his arm. It doesn't make sense. The way the other boy's moving with guilty and refused to look his eyes were also off. The way his body went stiffen wasn't assured either. The younger boy has been tensed. It was as if he anticipated or expected bad things which will follow.
Realization soon came at Kensuke.
He remembered how the other students talks of him. How they mock, sometimes even insult the boy even whether he's around or not. How they always say bad things about the Sawada boy. How they will say harsh things concerning the shorter boy.
His black colored orbs narrowed darkly.
"Someone stole your bento. They took it from you." Kensuke stated his suspicion.
The guilt and the shame become more pronounceable.
Tsuna lowered his head, not daring to even gaze. He clenched his pants and twisting them in his grasp.
The shorter boy only gave a very slight, if not hesitant nod.
Kensuke can feel his face tightened, didn't like where this is going.
Now he knows why the boy hasn't eating yet.
The first year boy got bullied. His bento was being taken from him was the proof of it.
That can't do.
Kensuke scratched his head. He pondered thoughtfully.
Was there something he can do for the boy?
A moment later, Kensuke then snapped his fingers, he had idea.
"Can you come with me for a second?"
Tsuna set his wide, stunned eyes on him.
"I beg your pardon?" Tsuna asked.
"I want you to come with me, if you don't mind. There's something I would like to give to you."
"I'm―" Tsuna was hesitant at first. He found the Stranger-san was odd. They are just strangers. He doesn't know anything about the taller boy. Tsuna didn't bother to count the persons who bully him than act nice to him. Excluded Kyōko and perhaps Hana, Stranger-san was one of few who actually being nice.
Feeling actually curious, Tsuna choose to come with the kind stranger. "Alright."
Tsuna surprised even further when the stranger smiled in delightful.
"Great! We're not far from my class. Let's go there."
Tsuna can't muse further as Stranger-san literally dragged him through the hallway. Five minutes later, Tsuna found himself standing at one of the second year's class. He almost can't believe his own eyes. Stranger-san was a second year? He was his senpai? While he has a hunch the black spiky haired boy was older than him, he had no idea the Stranger-san was a second year and a senpai above that! Tsuna thought frantically. From the corner of his eyes, the taller student gave him a mirthful gaze. The brown haired boy found himself flustered. Oh God. What he should say to his senpai?
"Wait here." Kensuke told him.
He already went inside by the time Tsuna wants to stop him. Tsuna felt nervous as he can sense various gazes being directed to him. Some of them were curious, others filled with disdain and others were giving a stab like glare. None of them approach the Sawada boy. Acknowledging the harsh stares, Tsuna squirmed under their gazes. Was this a right choice he had chosen? Has he disturbing the second year students by his mere presence? Why his senpai brought him here? Tsuna finally seeing Stranger-san walked out from the class. Tsuna then noticed he also bring something on his hand. It was a box, a box of bento Tsuna then realized. It's wrapped in simple blue cloth with white patterns. Tsuna had to cut his thought when the spiky haired senpai offered it to him.
Kensuke smiled contently.
"For you."
"But…But…" Tsuna darted between the offered bento and his senpai. "I can't accept this! It's your bento, I can't just take it. You will need it."
"You need it more than me." Kensuke took Tsuna's hand and placed the bento onto his hand. "Here."
Tsuna was voicing his disagreement. "But this is yours, Senpai. I can't eat this."
"It's not a problem. I can go to canteen." Kensuke responded easily.
Realizing his senpai will not change his mind, Tsuna choose to persuade the older boy.
At least try to.
"Can't we just share this together?" Tsuna half pleaded. He was reluctant to take the older boy's bento. Compared to his own, his senpai's bento was quite large. He can't eat them all by himself. "I can't eat this alone, let's eat together. I don't mind."
Kensuke shook his head. "Your next class is PE. You'll need extra energy."
Tsuna's shoulder slumped.
Figuring out his senpai will only continue to insist him to take the home made lunch.
Until Tsuna accept the said lunch box.
Don't get him wrong.
The older student has been benevolent to him.
But this is…
"I can't just take what's not mine to begin with." Tsuna replied abortively.
His nostril can smell the delicious smell of rice and the dishes coming from inside the bento.
The Stranger―no, Tsuna mentally corrected. Senpai's mother must be working on this bento.
She must be put her efforts on making this bento for her son.
Tsuna feel torn. On one hand he was really grateful for his senpai's care. On the hand though, he felt like he wasn't suppose to accept such good homemade bento. The brown haired boy thought he wasn't worthy enough to given such marvelous meal. Tsuna couldn't help to think his position right now was similar to his bullies. They taken his bento from him and he was taking someone else's bento.
Kensuke laughed.
"I gave it to you so it's yours now. I'm not taking it back, no."
Tsuna gaped slightly.
Do his ears pick them correctly?
Does Senpai really mean it?
The brown haired boy's mind was swirling.
Tsuna doesn't understand.
He doesn't understand.
The second year stood before him…
Was he really doesn't mind it?
Was he fine with him taking his bento?
But why?
"Hm?" Kensuke tilted his head slightly.
"Why you helped me?" Tsuna was extremely confused. He clenched the bento within his hand. "I'm useless. I'm not smart. I'm not strong. I don't have any friend because I'm a Dame. I can't do anything. I'm that no good. I don't know you, we even don't know each other. So why did you help me? You will not gain anything from me. I can't do anything for you."
Tsuna is a Dame.
The No Good Tsuna.
Everything he does usually ended up fail.
Why his senpai made effort this far for him?
There are just strangers.
Why his senpai was so kind with him?
Why was he willing to help him?
Why he made this far effort?
Kensuke gazed carefully at the distraught boy. He has this unreadable expression on his face. His ink colored eyes was searching for something on Tsuna. Suddenly the Sawada boy felt stupid for asking the older boy. He was being rude with his senpai! Tsuna was about to blurt an apology when his senpai beat him first.
"Do I need a reason?"
Tsuna snapped his gaze at the older student.
He blinked once.
Tsuna was completely beyond stupefied.
His brown colored eyes were as wide as the saucer.
From the corner of his, Tsuna was watching as his fellow second year students also posses a similar reaction.
Kensuke repeated his question back, this time firmer and clearer.
"Do I need a reason to help you when you're in need of help? When I see you sitting alone in that bench? Hungry and didn't have any food when your bento is taken away by irresponsible students? Leaving to you starving to the point it will make you collapse sooner or later should you not being feed properly?"
"Uhm…" Tsuna was now very much lost.
He doesn't know how to respond those questions.
It holds truths and facts the boy can't deny.
Kensuke was far from finish.
"I can't just sit back and watch people suffered. I helped because it's something I can do. Should our position get exchange, I'm sure you will do the same thing." Kensuke regarded the younger boy. "Will you?"
"Eh? Ah? Y-you mean…me?" Tsuna pointed at himself, in which Kensuke nodded. Overwhelm took better portion on Tsuna because he began to flush and stuttering. "I-I-I…"
Of course the shy boy will. Tsuna might be useless. Should someone in need for help however, he will not hesitate to help. He will try his best to aid, his mother especially. Tsuna wanted to give the older boy the answer. Tsuna wanted to tell him. Alas, his stuttering hinders him from doing so. It also hinders him from find any words. The more he tried, the more Tsuna was messed up. Gave up in the end, Tsuna choose to simply nod his head. Great, he had humiliated himself, twice. In front of the same senpai who helped him.
Much to Tsuna's surprise, the older boy smiled approvingly.
"I thought so."
Tsuna casted him a concerned gaze. "Senpai, will you be alright?"
Kensuke gave a short laugh.
"Of course I will. It's a senpai's job to take care kohai."
It's a senpai's job to take care kohai.
Tsuna was speechless.
The words echoed in his ears again and again.
Ever since he entered this school, almost everyone either bully him or ignore him. Kyōko was the first one who was kind to the spiky brown headed boy, along with Hana if she gets count. Perhaps Yamamoto of the baseball star included inside as he often send polite smiles. The teachers' treatment weren't any better, if Nezu-sensei was an indication. Hibari has been acting neutral to him except when he's late to school. The black spiky haired senpai was the third person who was actually being kind with him. The thought made him happier and delight. Tsuna doesn't feel lonely anymore like before. He liked this senpai already and he wants to get to know the kind second year. Perhaps this semester in the middle school will not be bad at all.
"…Thank you." Tsuna muttered his gratitude. "Thank you so much. For the bento, I mean." He added a bit hastily in the end part.
Kensuke glad the younger boy finally accepted his lunch box.
"You're welcome, uhm…" Suddenly the second year boy realized he hasn't getting introduced properly.
Fortunately, the brown haired boy also thinking the same.
"My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. Nice to meet you,Senpai." Tsuna bowed his upper body deeply.
Kensuke gave a bow too. "Mochida Kensuke. Kensuke is fine, Sawada-san."
"Sawada is my mom. Everyone call me Tsuna. It's my nickname." Tsuna told him.
Kensuke smiled warmly. "It's Tsuna then."
Tsuna's own lips curled up into a warm and delightful smile. It was warmer and more beautiful than Kensuke had thought. Kensuke wondered why the younger boy didn't smile so often. It suits him far better. But for now, Kensuke found it more than enough. At that day, the two of them are forming a bond. It was still weak yet it will grow stronger in the future.
They find a form of friend on each other at that day.
Few months have passed since the meeting of Tsuna and Kensuke. Despite their position as senpai and kohai, their surprisingly close to each other. It made the other students completely baffled. Even the teachers were perplexed by this occur. Why would a senior, moreover a kendo captain like Mochida choose to stay with someone so useless like Dame Tsuna? Tsuna had been uncomfortable with this new bond at the beginning. He's happy to have Kensuke as his friend but he worried the other boy will have himself being distanced by his friends. Much to Tsuna's incredulity, the older boy admitted that while he has some acquaintances around the school, none of them were close enough. Kensuke was too busy with his club and his side role as 'Fake Janitor' to seek friends. So he was glad he found Tsuna's presence as someone he can considers as friend.
When the older boy said this, Tsuna couldn't be more flattered than he already had. He had met some of his seniors but he can see the spiky haired senpai was different. He didn't mind with the brown eyed boy's status as a Dame, he ignored it to some point even. When Tsuna found out the older boy was actually the one who made the bento, Tsuna forgot to close his mouth. The short first year hadn't expected the second year can cook. Tsuna hadn't expecting it at all! Kensuke only laughed at response and said he had cooking since he was 10 years old. It's more like his hobby since he used to help his mother.
Tsuna was awed.
He had eaten the bento Kensuke once given and it was undeniably delicious.
And here Tsuna thought it was made by Kensuke's mother!
Tsuna hadn't known any boy around his age who can cook.
Maybe he can introduce his friend to his mother.
Tsuna has a feeling Nana will be excited if she meet him.
And he wasn't wrong.
Half a month after they become friends, Tsuna had invited him to his home. Nana had been ecstatic when his only son tagged a friend with him. She gets along with his senpai quite well, moreover after the woman knew the kendo captain apparently can cook. It was the beginning of Kensuke's visits to Tsuna's home. Tsuna also had visited the older boy's house few times. His family was just as nice like his senpai. They happy their oldest son has a friend at last since he never brings one.
Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows questioningly. The spiky brown haired boy had been told by his senpai himself on why he didn't have any friend despite knowing lots of students in their school. He had thought the older boy was being exaggerated. Apparently Tsuna was wrong on this one. Shiori, Kensuke's little sister took an immediate like at him, she calls him Tsu-nii by the time he was going home. She told him to come and play again with her. Both Sayo and Hibiki were also the same, they already take a liking on the shy yet polite boy. Sayo had made few dumplings for Tsuna and Nana as a gift. Tsuna accepted it with a very delightful expression.
Both the Sawada and Mochida family are growing closer with these encounters.
Their families become close eventually.
There're times when they used their visits for study. Since Kensuke has decent grades, he often gives Tsuna some tips in here and there. Unfortunately because the older boy can only cover so much of the subjects he's good at, Tsuna still has to study on his own. Much to Tsuna's relief, some of his grades were increasing at least by 5 to 10 points after he started to study with Kensuke. It's indeed not a big leap but Tsuna still considers it as a good thing. The short first year was also smiling more often and genuine with the Mochida boy's around. Whenever Tsuna was, Kensuke mostly stay not far from him.
With Kensuke was being around, the bullies weren't happened often. No one dare enough to mess with the small brown headed boy when a kendo captain stays near. Kensuke ensured that his friend will not be bullied as long as he's around. The final term test result came in July. Nana was thrilled when Tsuna's latest grades result has come out. Kensuke was as happy as Tsuna's mother as they saw how Tsuna's grades were improved. The spiky black haired boy ended up working with Nana to make a feast. That day, the dinner on Sawada household was filled with lively laughter and chats.
Tsuna was content with his current life to say.
He may continue as a Dame.
He may not become smart the way he wants.
He may not excel in sport the way he wishes.
But that's okay. He wasn't completely bothered.
Tsuna was content with this life.
A life that started to posses colors from its previous monotone.
Tsuna doesn't ask more than already he has.
His only wish was this moment can last as long as possible.
A familiar voice called him from outside. Tsuna smiled and finished his breakfast. The brown eyed student then kissed Nana a goodbye and took his bag. Nana gave him the bento and told her only son to take care as Tsuna went through the door. Tsuna waved his hand in greeting at Kensuke who has standing before the gate. The older boy was waving back at him in friendly manner with a smile. His wrapped shinai hung from his left shoulder.
They began to walk to school as they were talking many mundane things.
Sawada Tsunayoshi was 13 years old.
Mochida Kensuke aka Emiya Shirou was 15 years old.
The summer break had just ended and the second term has just begin this week. It was early September. It was already 6 months since they befriended. It was just your another normal day. And they spend their day like the usual.
Little did they know, especially for Tsuna, that his peaceful life was about to end.
Little did they know that their mundane life was about to change.
Little did they know that their normal life was about to turn direction.
Little did they know that a small person clad in black suit and orange brimmed fedora was watching them.
The small person, or a baby to be precisely was spying both boys through green binoculars. He was standing at a tree, hidden away by the branches and the shadow they're casted. The binoculars changed to a small, green chameleon, now sitting on the baby's fedora. The baby fixed his position, the yellow pacifier around his neck shifted from the movement. He has a smile on his baby face. A rather expressionless smile. The baby in black suit was amused. He had read the file he received from Iemitsu.
Sawada Tsunayoshi, 13 years old. The only son of Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana.
The boy, who was no good both in studies and sport, thus gained the nickname 'Dame Tsuna'.
The boy who was supposed has no friend.
Yet here he watched the Sawada boy was talking animatedly at the older boy.
Reborn tilted his fedora as his black eyes locked on Tsuna before they shifted to Kensuke.
It looks like this whole tor-tutoring is going to be fun.
Kensuke almost stopped on his track.
He went frowned deeply as his whole body tensioned.
He abruptly snapped his head at a direction.
He only saw a tree from the neighborhood. It was a fragrant olive tree, also known as kinmokusei. There was nothing strange about the tree though. Kensuke felt distracted. He could've sworn his nose caught an unfamiliar scent.
A strong scent of sun mixed with gunpowder and coffee.
There was someone spied on them.
But as soon as Kensuke smelled the scent, it went disappeared after lingering for a moment.
Was it just his feeling?
Kensuke snapped back to reality as Tsuna called him.
A pair of chocolate eyes was staring at him concernedly.
"Are you alright?" Tsuna asked with a hint of worry. "You're kind of dazing off just now."
"Ah." Kensuke scratched his head awkwardly. "I think I've just saw something."
"Oh." Tsuna still gave him the concerned look but he doesn't pry further.
Kensuke decided to distract Tsuna by ask him his math homework. The distraction was success as Tsuna groaned in response and complained how difficult it was. Kensuke chuckled as they resumed their walk. Few days passed and he still hasn't smelled any 'scent' like that day. He assumed the smell was only a fluke or a fake alarm. So he focused on his task of school and club. Kensuke soon forgotten the odd scent he smelled that day.
It was very much later Kensuke regretted his ignorance for the odd scent.
Otherwise, both Tsuna and he would have never got into the mess known as Mafia.
Time passed rather quickly one of these days.
Before you know it, it was already near the end of August.
The school ended not too long ago. Everyone was getting ready either to head back or hanging out with friends. There were others who prepared to go straight to the tutoring. There were others who do their activities on their respective clubs. What both Tsuna and Kensuke were going to do today after the school wasn't any of them. There was no kendo today so the older boy can go back with Tsuna. They have to buy groceries from the nearest market at first. The spiky brown haired boy wanted to buy some ingredients for dinner so Kensuke accompany him. He needs to buy ingredients too for his home.
"What will you cook for dinner?" Tsuna curiously inquired as they walked away from the market.
"Vegetable curry maybe? I got eggplants, spinaches, and carrots." Kensuke lifted the plastic bag filled with fresh vegetables.
Tsuna eyed the vegetable with interest.
He may not like vegetables too much but when Kensuke cooked them, they always magnificently tasty.
Nana had complimented his cooking. His senpai's dishes were simply that amazing.
"It sounds delicious." Tsuna commented.
"Still practicing your cooking skill?"
Tsuna has been taking interest on cooking lately. Despite able to made few simple dishes, he was still practicing with Nana.
"I'm trying. It's not as hard as math. If only it was easy like the cooking…" Tsuna sighed resignedly.
Kensuke raised his eyebrow.
"I guess you're struggling with your studies?"
"Only with math, PE, and history. I'm doing fine on other studies." Tsuna admitted in shy.
"You're not considering go to tutoring?"
The brown eyed boy shook his head. "I'd rather not if I still can do this by my own."
Kensuke nodded. "I see…"
They didn't talk again until they parted on the midsection.
Tsuna arrived in front of his home just as the sun already set.
He hurriedly entered the gate and opened the door.
"Tadaima!" Tsuna entered the house.
Nana replied back from the kitchen.
"Okaeri." Nana smiled to her son. "How's your day?"
"Just like usual." Tsuna shrugged. "I buy the ingredients, Mom."
"My. Thank you, Tsu-kun. We can cook more dishes with these tonight."
Tsuna was gazing blankly at his mother.
Question marks popped above his head.
The brown haired boy was taking a glance at the dinner table. It took him a while to notice something else. Tsuna noted how the dishes' amounts were a lot many than the usual. Tsuna noted another thing on how the dishes were actually fit for a feast rather than a usual, homey dinner. The dishes will be too much for two persons. The dishes were enough for three persons however. Tsuna blinked confusedly. Were they expecting a guest? But Kensuke will not come today. The second year student had to fix a broken sound system from the school and he must fix it before the day after tomorrow. Thus it popped a question on Tsuna's mind. Who they are expecting to come?
"Mom…What's with all of these foods?"
"Oh? These?" The woman clapped her hands. "We will have a guest today so I'm cooking more!"
Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows.
He became more confused. "Who?"
"A home tutor, of course." Nana answered in carefree.
The Sawada boy's scream echoed thorough the house.
Nana laughed merrily as she explained how she got an advertisement about the tutor. Tsuna argued the advertisement's authenticity because it was more like a scam rather than a true advertisement. He was too focused on the argument, he didn't that a baby with black suit and fedora was already behind him.
The baby was holding a mug of an espresso, a small smirk was on his lips.
It's time to greet the no good student of his.
When Tsuna had his eyes on the baby, somehow he had this premonition on the back of his head. It kept told him that his life can never normal again. How much Tsuna didn't want to believe it. How much Tsuna wanted the premonition to be wrong. Because really?
A baby turned out to be a hitman?
Vongola heir?
The only candidate of a mafia group originated as a vigilante group at the beginning?
And he was the direct descendant from the first Don Vongola?
The brown haired boy wished his friend was in here. He felt like he was going to be crazy from all of these stuffs. He wanted nothing more than his usual peaceful life. Too bad Reborn wasn't going to let it happen.
That night, Tsuna was totally owned by the baby hitman.
With Reborn slept on Tsuna's bed, leaving Tsuna to slept below.
Tsuna was really, really desperate to see Kensuke in the morning.
In the morning...
Kensuke panted once in a while as he was carrying a big sound system with him. With a trolley.
He had resisted the urge to rant at the fools who had broken the instrument at the first place.
He wanted to know what kind of idiot who thought it was a brilliant idea to use the sound system as an experiment.
And a foolish one above that. No matter how sturdy the instrument was, once it fell from a third floor building, it will be damage for sure.
A sound system of the school got broken, because some idiots wanted to prove Newton's most famous theory about gravity.
He wondered if Tsuna was alright to walk by himself. The Mochida boy had told him for he can't walk together with him today. Kensuke must deliver the fixed sound system as soon as possible. The teachers want to use it for a seminar in the near future. He must do the last check in school before he will hand it back.
Meaning he must get up earlier than he usually does.
The black spiky head boy has sent a silent pray for the younger boy.
He hoped Tsuna will be alright even without him.
He was already near the school's gate and intended to check the instrument first once he inside.
Suddenly, a familiar girl's voice reached his ears.
Kensuke stopped and turn around. A polite smile bloomed on his lips when he saw the school idol and her friend. Kyōko and Hana were the first year girls Kensuke grown to attach with. Kensuke helped them twice. The first one when there was a second year boy who had tried to force Kyōko to be his girlfriend. The second one was when Hana searched any reparation place for her broken radio. Ever since then, both girls began to close with the black spiky haired senpai. They chatted briefly if they meet whether they're in school or outside it.
Kyōko tilted her head when she realized her senpai wasn't with Tsuna.
"Why you're here? I thought you were with Tsuna."
"I must check this first at school." Kensuke then casted the idol a concerned gaze. "Is he okay?"
"Oh, he's fine!" The brown haired girl responded brightly. "In fact, he's bringing a company this morning! A baby in a black suit!"
Kensuke had a blank stare.
A baby in what?
"Hah?" Kensuke wondered if he had hit his head hard.
"It's true! He's bringing a baby with him. The baby said he wears a suit and fedora because he's in the mafia. He also has a chameleon. Isn't he cool!?" Kyōko cooed.
A baby in black suit and fedora?
With a chameleon?
What the…?
Just as he was about to blurt the question, he caught a blur from the corner of his eyes. Ink colored eyes went wide drastically, Kensuke shifted his head just in time to see his friend was literally sprint to their direction. Kensuke gaped incredulously at the absurd scene. The gears within his head stopped abruptly, they went stagnate. This is preposterous. What he was seeing right now was ridiculous. Kensuke almost had a thought he was in a dream, a really bad one.
But no. He was very much awake.
Tsuna, the shy yet kind-hearted, gentle, almost sweet friend of his…
…Was taking a sprint with chimerical speed.
He has a crazed look and a flame burned on his forehead.
There, dancing wildly on Tsuna's forehead was an orange colored flame.
Kensuke was pretty sure he was about to have a heart attack.
The absurdity went worse when the crazed Tsuna asking the equally shocked Kyōko to go out with him.
In front of many students.
With only his boxer intact.
Oh God.
Kensuke could've sworn he heard Zelretch's laughter somewhere in the universe.
So…your opinion, please?
Updated note: 14 February 2016
Hello! This maybe too sudden. But when I re-read this story again, I just realized I have messed up the time line. A Lots. So I went to fix them all. Seriously, it was a mess up. If a year had passed since Tsuna and Kensuke met, they would be in their second and third year. And Hibari would've graduated from the middle school since he was a year ahead than Kensuke and Ryōhei! That's not supposed to be happen until Kokuyo arc which happen next year's April and Reborn hasn't fully enter yet! I'm so sorry for the mess up. I hope this doesn't happen again in the future.