Thrax was waiting for the Rangers. He welcomed them in fact. He even commanded his army to become still so that the Rangers could have a few words with him. He spotted the Green Ranger in the lead, he took this as a good sign, the Green Ranger was a wimp.

"Ah Rangers." Thrax said with a grin, "It's good to see you here."

The Ranger dismounted from their motorcycles and the Red Ranger stepped forward. He carried himself in a very dignified way, his shoulders were nice and sharp, and his twin blades were already in his grip.

"Where's Scorpina and Goldar?" The Red Ranger asked.

"Good question Ranger." Thrax said, "But I wouldn't worry about them if you haven't noticed already you're surrounded!"

"Let's just get this over with." The Blue Ranger said, his nunchucks were out and ready.

Thrax grinned a viscously, "You're right."

The five Rangers were quickly overrun by grunts.

Tommy felt himself surging with anger, it covered his skin like slime and ignited his entire existence. It continued to burn as he tread through the empty field in search of his wife's murder. He could feel the monster, his energy radiated around like mist, it hit the Ranger's nose and made it burn.

Kat's face still lingered in his mind's eye, the shock on her face as her final moments came crashing around her. Somebody who's felt their loved one die in their arms couldn't ever help to completely recover.

The sun was setting, and a fiery light was spread all around the young man. He felt like screaming, like yelling until his throat ceased to work. It was all very overwhelming for Tommy he felt like he was about to explode.

"Looking for someone?" A voice asked.

Tommy knew that voice well, it paralleled his almost perfectly. He turned around to face the green warrior. The Dark Ranger of his past. The Green Ranger stood still with his arms crossed. His armor was metallic and scaley, Tommy didn't think it was like that before.

"You are a broken man, Tommy Oliver." The Green Ranger said.

"The games end here." Tommy yelled, "It's time for you to go back to the past where you belong."

"How pathetic…" The Dragon Ranger said in soft voice. "You don't even understand."

"Oh, I understand." Tommy said as he drew his Morpher, "I understand that it's my job to put you down!"

His white armor wrapped around him as he charged with Saba drawn. The two Rangers clashed their blades together. Saba crashed against the Dragon Dagger, generating a wave of sparks. The Tiger Ranger shoved his boot into the Dragon Ranger, knocking him back and allowing the White Ranger to slash into the Green Ranger.

The Green Ranger grabbed hold of his smoldering side. "This isn't going to bring Kat back to life." The evil Ranger spat.

"I don't care!" The White Ranger screeched and slammed Saba down again this time, the Green Ranger caught the swing. The Green Ranger swung his dagger, slicing into the White Ranger while also producing a green energy wave that knocked the Tiger Ranger off his feet.

The evil Ranger stood over the fallen White Ranger, he pressed his green boot onto of the other Ranger's chest and began to steadily apply pressure. "Why do you feed your demons?" The Green Ranger pondered.

The White Ranger tried to struggle, but the Green Ranger was simply too powerful. It was unbelievable, Zordon had once said that the White Ranger powers were more than superior to his former abilities, but this new Green Ranger was easily overpowering him.

"You can't fight your own darkness with anger." The Green Ranger said simply, "You need to calm yourself before you can stand a chance against me." The Green Ranger removed his foot from the White Ranger before kicking him hard enough to knock the wind out of him.

The White Ranger gasped for air, "Why should I trust you? You're the enemy!"

"Do you think I want to exist after everything I've done?" The Ranger said in a strained voice. "I'm tapped into your darkest emotions, I feel your guilt, I'm practically made of it. I'd rather just melt away, but you refuse to let that happen." The Green Ranger dropped his blade and took a few steps away. He stood calmly with his arms out, just inviting the White Ranger to attack.

Attack is just what the White Ranger did. Saba ran across the Green Ranger's body, the Green Ranger didn't budge as the sparks rained down. He took every hit with a statue like calmness.

The White Ranger began to scream as he continued his assault against his doppelganger. Despite using every single ounce of his own energy the Green Ranger remained standing. "I am your anger, as I am every other dark emotion that dwells in your heart. The more anger you possess the stronger I become. It's impossible to beat me like this."

The White Ranger was huffing, and struggling for air. He was wavering in and out of reality, fatigue was very real and was quickly consuming every bit of the White Ranger's existence. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, every strategy against the Ranger was proving completely pointless.

The Green Ranger swung into the White Ranger, slamming his fist into the White Ranger's faceplate. The White Ranger staggered backward, his head was spinning. "I can only hold off for so long, I am a minion of Thrax, and I must follow his word."

The White Ranger took a deep breath. He tried to let everything the Green Ranger said sink into his head. He needed to fight without relying on the fire in his chest. That sounded hard, nearly impossible, he'd relied on his own emotions during every other fight in life.

You are a Power Ranger…

Kat's words echoed in his head. He had to find a way to win the battle, he owed Kat that much. He tried to focus on something other than his anger, he instead focused on his breathing. In and out.

The Green Ranger swung with his newly retrieved dagger, but the White Ranger ducked. The White Ranger redirected his thoughts, he thought back to the smile on Kat's face, how it seemed to light up his entire world. At first, he was filled with grief and the realization she was gone, then anger towards the being that ended her life, but then he realized that the thought of her brought more relief than pain.

The White Ranger slashed into the Green Ranger, he then noticed the metallic color and drained from his green armor.

Kat's laugh, she had the best laugh.

More sparks flew from the Green Ranger's armor.

Her cute accent, it always filled Tommy's heart with a homey emotion. It sounded angelic to his ears. The White Ranger was a few steps from the enemy. His armor had shifted, appearing more similar to what he'd seen in '93.

"I love you, Kat…" The White Ranger said and stabbed his blade into the Green Ranger's chest.

Sparks flew all around the Green Ranger, following behind it was a black mist that leaked from the growing holes in his green armor. Despite the pain, he must have been feeling the Green Ranger simply laughed. It was a very hearty laugh, like a prisoner's last day of incarnation.

The Green Ranger was fading out of existence, the smoky wisps that remained of his body were resting with their phantasmic knees against the dirt. "Live long, Thomas Oliver." The Ranger spat before completely dissolving.

Tommy demorphed and approached what remained of the Green Ranger. Only one glimmering memento sat in the grass. Tommy lifted it up to his head and examined it nostalgically.

Tommy barely had enough time to pocket the Dragon Coin before noticing the mass of aircraft swarming towards Blue Bay Harbor

The Red Ranger swung at Thrax, but the villain simply jumped away from the swing, despite his hulking stature he was surprisingly agile. Thrax laughed as he fired a blast from his staff, it hit the Blue Ranger square in the chest and sent him flying back towards the mob of grunts that the Yellow and Green Rangers were trying their hardest to fight off.

Thunder Green waved his staff around, sending Putties and faceless soldiers flying backward. The Yellow Ranger offered support, using her blaster to fire into any of the grunts that tried to flood the makeshift perminitor.

Thunder Red swung his blade at Thrax, but the monster reflected his blades with his chrome staff, this distraction allowed Thunder Pink to get a good swing in with her spear. Sparks flew from Thrax as he hollered in pain.

The Rangers were giving everything they had, all of their energy and resources were being poured into defeating Thrax.

The Master of Evil laughed to himself. "You Rangers are useless." He said in a satisfied voice. He charged his staff and fired into the Rangers, sending all five of them to the ground. "I will rule this world, and nothing can stop me!"

It suddenly seemed hopeless. Thrax could knock them down a million times before getting tired, he was a powerful creature of pure evil. Thunder Red picked himself up, he'd fight to the end. Tommy was gone, and he needed to be the true leader.

"Guys…" Thunder Blue muttered, "Maybe you should look at this." He said and pointed towards the seven aircraft flying in V formation. "Those look like a bomb squad," Blue said truthfully.

Thrax reacted fast, he fired a beam from his staff and knocked the Rangers off their feet and sent his minions to create a barrier between the Rangers and their cycles. "Don't think you can leave me so soon." He said in a mocking voice.

Suddenly a giant mass of grunts simply dissolved. It was a very perplexing event, the only clues lie within the strange zipping noise that had come moments before. Thrax was steaming with anger, which remained largely misdirected until he became aware of the source, which happened to be several Silver Guardians with advanced looking rifles.

Eric Myers stepped up from behind the Guardians. "Do I always have to save your asses?" He asked with a grin.

"Excuse me." Thrax said to the Guardian, "This is supposed to be the big climatic battle, and there isn't room for any side characters."

"Sorry," Eric said, "I didn't realize I was interrupting something." Eric held his Morpher up to his mouth, "Quantum Power!"

The Quantum Ranger sliced into a group of grunts, creating a small amount of space for the Rangers to get to their cycles. "We have twenty minutes to get out of here before everything gets blown sky high, so you better hurry."

Thrax tried to intercept the Rangers, but Thunder Blue jumped in front of him. The Blue Ranger blocked Thrax's staff with his nunchucks. "Get out of here," Thunder Blue spat, "I'll give you some time."

"That's suicide!" Thunder Red said, "How do you want me to be okay with that?"

Thunder Blue dodged a blast from Thrax, which instead hit a stone building and turned it to dust and plaster. "Get the Silver Guardians out of here too." Thunder Blue swung into Thrax, fluently sending multiple waves of sparks from his body, "I'll catch up," His said in a strained voice, "I promise."

The other Rangers wanted to protest, but they understood the importance of protecting non-Ranger lives. So the four drove off with Eric and the other Guardians, leaving Green to face Thrax alone.

"What an honorable way to die." Thrax said, "Letting yourself be killed first in a vain attempt to gain more time for your teammates, I'd almost call it heroic."

"I think you misunderstood me." The Blue Ranger said, "I'm just here to kick your ass."

Thunder Blue drew his blade and charged at Thrax, the words of his fallen brother echoed in his head. You need to fight for your teammates, they're the only people left in the wasteland that actually care about you.

Thunder Blue dodged an attack from Thrax when he started as a Ranger Caine didn't want anything to do with the Rangers. The whole thing was far too similar to his brother's situation, and Caine didn't want to end up dead. Yet something had changed inside of him, and his reality shifted gradually over time. Slowly he had discovered the truth in his brother's wisdom, he had begun to realize the love he had for his team. He knew he'd been an ass this whole time, but now he was willing to die for them, that had to count for something.

"I hope you're watching me bro." Thunder Blue said as he charged at Thrax.

"Why don't you give up and die?" Thrax asked, "You already know it's impossible to beat me."

"Quit the generic banter." Thunder Blue said grimly, "I hate banter."

Thunder Blue could feel his arms ache with every swing, and his body screamed for him to stop, yet he kept fighting. He fought for Chelsea, Amy, Phillip, and even for Brandon. They were his teammates and he'd fight till the end for them.