Bulma applied her makeup in the large mirror of her vanity. She had artfully applied her foundation and powder and was adding the finishing touches to her eyeliner. As she was finishing the end of her left eye, a bang at the door made her jump causing her to make the line crooked. The door opened.
"Vegeta!" she shouted, "When I told you to start knocking I didn't mean try and destroy the door!" she reached for a makeup wipe and proceeded to remove the jagged line that extended to her eyebrow.
"I thought you said you'd fix the gravity room today." He said coolly.
"I fixed it at noon!" she exclaimed, looking at him in the reflection of her mirror as she grabbed her eyeliner. "What did you do to break it again?" she pulled her eyelid and made a second attempt at the eye makeup.
"Well, go fix it. You don't look busy" said Vegeta.
She completed the line in one swoop and admired her completed work in the mirror. She grabbed the mascara tube to make some final adjustments. "I'm going out soon!" she retorted as she perfected the curve of her lashes.
"Since you're leaving, fix it now so I can train when you're away" he replied. He didn't want absolutely nothing to do for the night.
"No can do" she said as she twisted the mascara lid back into place. She admired herself in the mirror, turning each cheek to appreciate how immaculately she had applied bronzer, giving her cheekbones an extra edge.
She got up from her stool and made her way past Vegeta where a black velvet dress lay on the bed.
"My ride is going to be here in fifteen minutes" she said as she took off her shirt. "So I don't have time to fix anything. Just relax for one night, it's not going to kill you"
Vegeta grunted. "What am I supposed to do then?"
Bulma took a second to think. Then a ludicrous, absolutely terrible, horrible idea popped into her head.
"I know! Go out with us!" She exclaimed.
"What?!" Vegeta asked in shock. They'd been living together for nearly two years now. She should know him at least a bit better than that.
"Think about it! You never do anything fun and you've never experienced a night out on the town on earth before. It'll be fun!" she said excitedly.
"I refuse" he replied coldly.
Bulma pouted. As Vegeta was about to leave the room, Bulma's phone vibrated. She picked it up and sighed in frustration.
"What's the matter now?" Vegeta asked in annoyance. It seemed to him that nights out on the town were more trouble than they were worth.
"My ride is going to be late! Apparently the boys went to pick up some random girls before getting me!"
"Boys?" Vegeta asked.
"Well, they're full grown men, but the way they act when it comes to women…" she scoffed "…you'd think they're teenage boys!"
This made Vegeta tense.
"How many people are you going with?" he asked, trying not to sound too curious.
"Well" she looked at her phone "It'll be the regular group of nine, and maybe now eight other women?" she estimated, assuming all the men were picking up a date.
"What…" Vegeta trailed off. He didn't know what to make of the situation.
"I know. I really don't know if we'll all fit in the limo. But my girlfriend insisted I came. She hates it when she's the only one amongst that wild crowd." Bulma said to herself while taking the tag off her dress.
Bulma stopped dead in her tracks when Vegeta asked:
"So, what do you wear on one of these 'night out on the town'?"