A/N: A few notes to start with: I mentioned a while ago that I had the beginnings of a Jax/OC story floating about and it's been sitting waiting to be published for a while now. It is a stand alone story, not related to either of my other story universes and is set after the guys get out of Stockton. Without giving away any spoilers Tara has left Jax not being able to handle having a man on the inside. There are also some other notable story differences that you'll pick up on as we go along, most of them revealed in this chapter.

This will likely be a slow update story but I wanted to get it out while I sort through a few things with my other stories. Please read, review and let me know what you think and whether you'd like to see more of this story.


Abigail sat hunched over the steering wheel, tears flowing down her face as thoughts of her morning flooded back to her. She'd made it this far in her journey and she wasn't sure what was stopping her driving the extra few miles into Charming.

She still couldn't believe the stance that her mother had taken on her current predicament although she knew it shouldn't really surprise her. She knew her sister had received very little support from her years earlier when she'd faced a similar situation resulting in her leaving home and making her own way in the world.

Her mother had held nothing but bitterness and resentment toward her since. Her chosen career meant she was raising her son to be a porn star or at least to objectify women and by shacking up with a biker as her mother referred to her sister's recent marriage, she was asking for trouble. And now that they'd recently had a baby together too, that had been the clincher in her mother's eyes that her sister was wasting her life mixing with the wrong crowd.

Abigail hadn't seen her sister in years but she knew all the hurtful and horrible things their mother often said about her were not true. She knew deep in her heart, or perhaps foolishly hoped that her sister would not turn her away.

Abigail raised her head from the steering wheel and pushed the memories of what had led her here from her mind as she swiped at the tears that continued to cascade down her cheeks. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the tapping sound on the window next to her. She turned to see a set of dazzling blue eyes gazing back at her, blond stubble and blond locks framing the face of one of the most attractive men she'd ever seen.

She glanced in her rear vision mirror to see a Harley that she hadn't heard park behind her car. She flicked the switch to roll down the window at the dreamy, leather clad, blond man's insistence.

"Everything okay Darlin'?" He asked her in a deliciously fine voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She answered still struggling to get a hold on her emotions.

"Is there something wrong with your car? I work at a garage if you need a tow?" He asked the timbre of his voice sending chills down her spine.

"No. My car is fine. But thanks. I just needed to stop for a moment." She said knowing that he could probably tell she'd been crying from her red and tear streaked cheeks.

"Where are you headed?" He asked.

"Charming, to visit my sister. Only thing is I'm not too sure exactly where to find her. It's been a while."

"What's her name Darlin'? Maybe I could help you." He drawled.

"Lyla Winston."

He flashed her a panty dropping smile before he spoke. "Just so happens I do know her. She married my best friend. I don't think I caught your name sweetheart."

"Abigail. Abby actually. And you are?" She asked taking in the patches on his leather, President not failing to stand out.

"Jackson Teller but near everyone calls me Jax. You want me to take you to see your sister?"

"Sure. That'd be great. Thanks." Abigail answered him trying to hide the blush that rose in her cheeks at the natural way he obviously had with women.

"My pleasure." He winked, flashing her that smile again. "Try to keep up." He said as he headed back toward his bike that stood behind her car.

Abigail followed behind the deliciously good looking biker, easily keeping up with him, she knew because he wasn't going as fast as he could so as not to lose her. She took note of the reaper and the words on the back of his leather – Sons of Anarchy. She remembered hearing her mother bitching about them when she learnt that her sister had hooked up with one of them. She had refused to attend their wedding and had forbidden Abigail from doing so too.

She drove her car into the lot of a mechanics workshop behind him and noticed immediately the long line of bikes off to one side and guessed that this must double as their clubhouse. She hung back hesitantly until he motioned for her to follow him across to a bunch of men similarly clad in leather most of whom eyed her like she was a new toy.

"Yo, Ope." Jax said as he approached. "Lyla inside? She's got someone here to see her."

"Yeah. She was just taking a shower. I'll go let her know." Said the large bear of a man, narrowing his eyes slightly at Abigail, as he rose to head inside what could only be there clubhouse.

"You wanna go wait inside, Darlin'?" Jax asked her seeing how uncomfortable she was feeling with all the eyes of his brothers ogling her.

"Ah yeah sure." She answered as she followed him inside.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asked as he headed behind the bar.

"Um no. Thank you." She answered as she self-consciously ran her hand across her belly. She quickly pulled her hand away hoping he hadn't noticed. "Why were they all looking at me like that out there? Especially when you said I was here to see Lyla?"

"Hey? Oh they probably think your new talent."

"You mean like in porn? No way is that gonna happen."

"You got the looks for it, Darlin'." Jax grinned at her.

"Have I Mr. President?" She found herself flirting.

"I'd certainly watch ya." He said with an intentional smirk.

She blushed as Opie came down the hallway with Lyla beside him her blonde hair still damp from the shower she had just taken.

"Abby?" Lyla asked incredulous at seeing her sister before her. "What are you doing here?"

"I … I … um … needed to see you." Abigail answered hesitantly with a sideways glance toward Jax and then Opie.

"What's going on Abby? I haven't seen you in years, I mean why now?"

"I know. I'm sorry but I … could we maybe talk in private?" Abigail asked.

"Sure." Lyla answered trying to hide her growing concern. "Jax, Ope could you give us a minute?"

"Sure babe. We'll be outside." Opie said as he leant down kiss Lyla's cheek.

"Abby what is this about?" Lyla asked her sister as she led her over to one of the couches.

"Lyla, I'm sorry to just show up like this but I didn't know where else to go."

"Are you in some kind of trouble? Is someone gonna follow you here or …?"

"No nothing like that. At least I don't think so. I mean well. You see there was this guy at college, a jock who thought he was it and a bit. We kind of got involved for a bit but I discovered over summer that he was cheating on me and I ended it. He insisted on trying to win me back at homecoming and well despite me insisting no he forced himself on me."

"Shit honey. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"No not really. It was weeks ago now but … I'm pregnant Ly."

"Oh my god Abby. Did you tell him? Does mom know?"

"Yes and yes. It turns out his father is running for mayor and they can't possibly have this scandal as they called it come out and taint their perfect family. They offered me fifty thousand dollars to take care of it."

"They were gonna blackmail you to have an abortion?" Lyla asked incredulous.

Abigail just nodded.

"And mom. What did she say?"

"She wanted me to take the money. She wanted me to go through with it but I couldn't do it."

"That bitch. She hasn't changed a bit. You know she wanted me to abort Piper?"

"Yeah I figured as much. I understand why you left now Lyla. She said some horrible things about you."

"Yeah I'll bet she did. So what do you plan on doing?"

"I'm not really sure. I'm having a baby I guess."

"I know but where do you plan on going?"

"I don't know I guess I was hoping I could stay here. I mean I don't want to go back home. I … I can't."

"Look honey trust me when I say I know what you're going through but I don't know how I can help. I had to make it on my own when I left and an opportunity presented itself here. I just don't exactly see how you staying here is an option. I mean I'm a part of this club now. I'm Opie's old lady and despite the cover and all the pretense they are outlaws Abby. It's not really the ideal life you know? And what about college?"

"I know Lyla, but I don't know where else to go. I mean I can drop my course. I'd have to transfer anyway if I were to stay here but in doing that I'd alert Chris to where I am and I don't wanna do that. Mom either for that matter."

Lyla sighed a heavy sigh. "Mom will probably guess where you'd run to anyhow but Chris. Is he the father?"


"Is he likely to be looking for you?"

"I don't know. I mean he didn't want the baby so he's probably happy to see the back of me."

Lyla nodded slowly thinking carefully. "I can offer you a place to stay. Ope and I have a spare room, but only until you get on your feet and you're gonna have to find a job to start supporting yourself."

"Thank you so much Ly. I knew I could count on you." Abigail said throwing her arms around her sister's neck.

"Look Abby your welcome but let's not jump ahead of ourselves here okay? You've got a long road ahead of you and with four kids between us Ope and I aren't really in a position to help much."

"I understand Lyla. I won't make you regret it. I promise."

"Look maybe I could help you out on the job front."

"Lyla I mean no offence but I don't really wanna go into the porn industry."

"Relax Abigail. I wasn't suggesting that, although I'm learning to be a producer now rather than an actor. I was actually referring to the bar here. The guys are always looking for a hand in tending it when they have their parties. I could put in a good word for you with Jax."

"I'd really appreciate that Ly."

"Consider it done. Oh and aside from tending the bar, if Jax says it's okay, maybe try to keep a low profile? All of these guys have a certain charm when it comes to pretty girls."

"Jax … is he?"

"Available? Yes he is. But please Ab, don't go down that path."

"Why? It's worked out for you marrying Opie, and a new baby too."

"Jax is very different to Ope. He just got out of prison and well let's just say there's a reason his girlfriend left."

"And that reason would be?"

"He's a ladies man okay? They flock to him like, well moths to a flame. I don't know whether he actually cheated on Tara or not, we weren't close, but it seems she couldn't handle the constant attention he gets around here, let alone being left while he was inside for so long."

"Okay Ly. Relax. I was just asking."

"Like hell you were. Trust me Abby just keep a low profile around here, please?"

"Okay Lyla. I will." Abigail assured her sister but couldn't help stealing another glance towards Jax Teller as he reentered the clubroom.

Lyla made eyes at her sister when she noticed the path her line of vision had taken. "What?" Abby asked.

"You know what Ab." Lyla berated her. "I'm gonna go find Ope and talk to him about you living with us for a while. Stay out of trouble."

"So word has it that your Lyla's little sister?" Tig asked sitting down next to her on the couch where she was trying to keep to herself.

"Word would be right." She answered him politely as she noticed how captivating his eyes were. Try as she might to heed Lyla's warning, these bikers were hot.

"So what's your name then Doll?" He asked with a wink.

"Abby." She answered coyly. "And yours?"

"Tig. You gonna start working for Lyla?"

"Nah." She answered. "Jax has agreed to give me a job behind the bar here."

He nodded with a smirk. "I'll bet I can find something else for you do around here."

"Oh yeah? And I'm guessing you think you'll be involved somehow?" She found herself flirting, unable to help herself as she eyed him up and down. Whether it be the leather, his rough and handsome good looks, she found herself not being able to keep her eyes off him.

"You better believe it little lady. You don't need pretty boy Teller."

"Who said I was interested in Jax?" She asked feeling the warmth of a blush rising up her cheeks.

"No one needed to Doll. It's written all over your face every time he enters the room."

"Maybe I'm just a sucker for bad boys." She found herself flirting.

"Seems I'm still in with a chance then." He said with a wink.

She bit her lower lip at how sexy that wink was. "Maybe you are." She smiled coyly.

"No doubt I'll see ya around Doll." He said rising from the couch and heading toward the door.

Abigail bit her lip as she watched him go. Wow, she thought. She had her work cut out for her resisting these men and their charms.

"Okay so that's the basics covered. Most of the guys will drink beer to start with and then move onto the harder stuff. Are you listening?" The young brunette girl who was showing her the ropes of bar work asked. Cherry, she had said her name was.

"What? Yeah. Beer to start with and then they move onto the harder stuff." Abigail answered, prying her eyes away from the group of patches that sat on the other side of the room, most of which had one or two scantily clad women hanging off them.

"Right. They're all a little different in what they prefer. For tonight just go with it and let them tell you what they want but you'll soon be so used to it that you'll see them coming and have it already on the bar in front of them before they open their mouth."

"Okay sure. Anything else I need to know? Like who's more likely to make a pass?"

"Oh they'll all try sweetheart but just remember you're the bartender. Not a croweater."

"Croweater? Are they the ones out there wearing very little?"

"Yeah. Basically free pussy."

"Wow. So they don't even get paid? What's in it for them?"

"They get guaranteed protection from the club, a roof over their heads and most of them get off on the rush of having a different bad boy each night."

"Okay. So do I have to serve them too?"

"No. The guys will take care of their drinks. Generally, they don't drink too much. None of the guys are really fans of drunk pussy."

Abigail nodded slowly taking it all in. "Have you ever been …" She trailed off not wanting to offend the brunette girl beside her.

"Ever been a croweater?" Cherry finished the question. "No, only a bartender but I have been with a couple of them on occasion."

"And that doesn't get awkward?" Abigail asked.

"No not really. There's a lot of casual sex that happens around here and very little exclusivity. You'll get used to it."

"Okay." Abigail nodded still getting her head around the dynamics of the club.

"So you think you'll be right?"

"Yeah I think I can handle it."

"Good cos here comes your first customer."

Abigail blushed as Jackson Teller made his way to the bar giving her a wink, along with hat smile.

"Don't go getting your knickers in a twist over him yet honey. The night is only just beginning." Cherry said quietly, with a smile, as he approached.

"Hey there Darlin'," Jax greeted her, "Cherry shown you the ropes?"

"Yeah. She sure has."

"Excellent. Could you grab me a beer then sweetheart?"

"Sure can." She answered leaning down and reaching into the fridge below the bar to grab one.

She caught his raised eyebrow as he copped a view of her cleavage and smiled to herself. She knew she was not heeding Lyla's warning but she didn't really care as she passed Jax his beer. She couldn't help how attractive she found him, especially when he flashed that panty dropping smile at her as he walked away.

The night wore on and as Cherry had said most of them tried to make a move on her and with many of them she was polite and friendly back. But there was something about a few of them that had her flirting shamelessly back; Jax Teller in particular. She copped more than a few glares across the room from Lyla that she did her best to ignore; that was until she saw her sister stalking across the room toward her.

"Listen Abby." Lyla said once she'd pulled her sister aside, "Ope and I are going to head home. I've been watching you okay? A little flirting may seem harmless but just watch yourself honey. With any of these men you could be in deeper than you know before you realize and it won't necessarily be with the intention of keeping you around if you get my drift."

"Relax Lyla. I can take care of myself."

"I really hope so Ab. Have you got the house key I gave you?"

"Yes Ly."

"Okay. Try to be quiet when you come in so you don't wake the kids."

"I will Lyla." Abigail answered as Lyla moved away casting another meaningful "watch yourself" glance behind her.

It was late and Abigail was wiping down the bar as Cherry restocked the fridge behind her. Most of the guys were passed out or had taken a croweater elsewhere. She'd stopped watching Jax's every move once she'd seen him getting friendly with a little red headed croweater so she was surprised to look up to see him sliding behind the bar beside her. He reached up to grab down a bottle of Jack Daniels before grabbing her hand and pulling her along behind him.

"Wait, Jax. I need to help Cherry clean up." She protested.

"No you don't Darlin'. I'm your boss and I say you're done for the night." He said in that dreamy voice.

"Um sure okay." She said throwing an apologetic glance toward Cherry behind her. Cherry threw her a knowing smile back.

Abigail assumed he'd lead her outside but he instead led her down the hallway toward where she now knew their dorms to be. The noises coming from behind some of those closed doors left nothing to the imagination.

"Jax, listen I think maybe you have the wrong idea about me. I'm not …"

He turned and placed his fingers against her lips. "Relax Darlin', we're not gonna do anythin' other than talk 'kay?"

"Okay. Sure." She said suddenly feeling incredibly shy. He led her to a ladder in the wall and motioned for her to go up. She looked back questioningly.

"Go on. I'll be right behind ya." He insisted.

She climbed it, not knowing what to expect at the top and was surprised to come out on the roof, overlooking the entire lot.

"Wow." She murmured.

"It's something isn't it?" Said Jax coming up behind her.

"Yeah. It's so unexpectedly nice up here."

"Don't sound so surprised." He chuckled.

"I'm not I mean. This is a mechanic workshop and a biker clubhouse you know. I wasn't expecting it is all." She said begin to ramble.

"Relax Darlin'. I get it." He said taking her hand and leading her over to take a seat. He took a swig from the bottle and offered it across to her.

"Oh. No thanks." She said.

"You don't drink?"

"Um … no I don't." She said drawing in a breath and resisting the urge to place her hand against her stomach.

"So tell me about yourself then. What brings you to Charming?" He asked.

"Well I came to see Ly. I'm guessing you have some kind of idea about our mother and how difficult she can be?"

"Yeah Ope's mentioned it to me."

"Well Lyla left home I can't remember how many years ago and well I kinda decided I'd had enough of mom you know? I decided to follow Lyla's lead. Well I mean to Charming, not the porn industry." She answered rambling again both from nerves and in an effort to avoid the truth of what had brought her here.

Jax chuckled. "I told ya though Darlin', you've got the looks for it."

Abigail smiled. "Not gonna happen Jackson."

"You know only my mom calls me that Abigail?" he said.

She smirked. "Only my mother calls me Abigail."

He smirked back before taking a swig from the bottle in his hand.

"So tell me about you Mr. President. What makes Jackson Teller tick?" She continued breaking the short silence between them.

"You got all night have ya sweetheart?" He answered.

"I'm not going anywhere. Lyla mentioned that you um ... used to have a girlfriend?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah." he said, shortly, not offering any elaboration on his affirmation of her question.

"Sorry. I shouldn't pry. I mean if you don't wanna talk about it …"

"Nah. It's okay. I haven't exactly talked too much about it is all."

Abigail nodded slowly. "I get that." She said quietly.

"You know that I've just gotten out of jail right?" He asked, glancing across at her.

She nodded.

"I thought Tara was the one you know? But it turns out she couldn't handle life here while I was on the inside."

"I can see how that could be hard. How long were you in for?" Abigail asked.

"Fourteen months."

"Wow. That's kind of a long time."

"Yeah look I guess I can't really blame her for leaving but all I ever did was protect her and love her Abby and she betrayed me. Betrayed our love."

Abigail placed her hand on his leg waiting for him to continue.

"I thought that maybe we could make it work but she said she couldn't stay and she left."

"I guess maybe this life wasn't the same without you around."

"That doesn't forgive what she did though."

"Which was?"

"She found out right before I went inside that she was pregnant. We were so excited. Well at least I was. Turns out it was all too hard for her and she aborted it."

"Oh shit Jax. I'm so sorry." She said her hand going automatically to her stomach.

Jax noticed. "I know right? Who could kill their own kid?" he said taking her action as an acknowledgement that she could never do something like that.

"Yeah. I know I certainly couldn't." She said quietly, thinking momentarily on her own situation.

"She came to visit me for the last time, telling me she couldn't stay in Charming and be what I needed her to be. When I asked about the baby she didn't come right out and say it but I knew what she'd done."

"Geez, Jax. That must have been so hard." Abigail said absentmindedly running her hand up and down his leg.

"Yeah, it sure wasn't an easy thing to deal especially being locked up and all. But you know that's the first time I've said out loud what she did? Everyone around here knew of it, acknowledged it and offered their condolences and that but I never actually spoke of it and how I felt. It actually kinda feels good getting it all off my chest." He said taking a large swig from the bottle of Jack that he still held.

She gave him a small smile. He placed his hand on hers that still rested upon his knee. He ran his thumb across her fingers and picked her hand up placing it against his lips.

She drew in her breath sharply as her eyes met his. She bit her lip as he placed the bottle aside and leaned in to kiss her. She felt her spine begin to tingle as their lips met. His lips were soft and warm against hers and she let out a small whimper as he drew slightly away.

"Have we done enough talking?" he asked dropping that amazing smile.

"Aha." She murmured leaning back in to meet his lips again. She moaned as his tongue pressed against hers, the taste of alcohol still fresh on it. He ran his hand up her back and she placed hers against his chest underneath his kutte. She relished the taste of his lips and tongue against hers, and let out a small moan, sweet to his ears as he deepened their kiss.

"Oh god Jax." She murmured beginning to gasp in anticipation.

"You wanna take this further?" He asked quietly.

She bit her lip and thought about what Lyla had said about not getting involved with him and not expecting things to continue further than one night. He'd just poured his heart out to her about his ex, but here he was coming on so strong, making her melt. She met his eyes, piercing blue, waiting for an answer.

She found herself nodding. "Yeah." She said breathily before biting her lip.

"C'mon," He said leading her to the ladder and heading down it. She felt his hands on her hips as she descended down it towards him. He turned her and pressed her against the wall, his lips pressed hard against hers. She ran her hands up the back of his neck and he lowered his to her ass, giving it a tight squeeze before he hoisted her up into his arms. He carried her to his dorm room and opened the door, never letting their lips part. She pressed her pelvis into him as he leaned her against the back of his door. He bit her lip and then ran his tongue gently across it before kissing a trail down her neck to her breasts. He pulled her top over her head and cupped one hand around one her breasts bringing it to his lips and nipping it sharply with his teeth. She pushed his kutte from his shoulders and tugged desperately at the buttons of his shirt. She couldn't push it down his arms fast enough. She wanted desperately to feel his hands upon her body once more.

She ran her fingers softly across the tattoo over the right side of his chest, Abel. She'd ask who that was afterwards. He met her lips once more and she moaned as once again their tongues met. He carried her over to his bed and pulled her jeans down her hips. She unbuckled his belt, pushing his jeans down and immediately seeing his growing hard on beneath his boxers. She crawled backwards up the bed and he prowled after her on all fours, their lips barely parting. He ran his hand up her back and unclipped her bra, sliding it gently down her arms. She gasped as his trailed his lips across her breasts, his tongue circling each nipple.

She felt his fingers slide under the band of her panties and it was then that she stopped him.

"Jax. Wait." She said gasping.

"What is it Darlin'?" he murmured his lips seeking hers again.

"Stop." She said pulling her lips away. "There's something you should know."

"You gonna tell me you've never done this before?" he asked still hot and in the moment.

"No, I have." She murmured, not wanting him to stop kissing her but at the same time knowing she had to tell him. "It's quite the opposite Jax. I'm pregnant."