What If: Vegeta Had Been Sent To The Earth?

By Moonraker One

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the point in the story that begins the link from this story to Kakarot and Nappa: The Chosen, also written by me.

CHAPTER EIGHT – Saiyan Reconnaissance

            Vegeta had a somewhat demeaning look on his face as he eyed the Saiyan that stood before him. This Saiyan was not one of the elite breed; he was a mere fifth-class warrior whose only mission was to scout out the planets that the Saiyans had yet to invade. It confused Vegeta as to why the Saiyan that was standing in front of him was eyeing him in such a strange manner; had he never seen a Saiyan before?

            "P…Prince Vegeta?!" The Saiyan said, confused as to how his liege was standing in front of him after all of this time. "What are you doing here on Earth?"

            Vegeta raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why'd you call me Vegeta? My name's Goku!"

            Oh crap, thought the Saiyan. Prince Vegeta must have lost his memory in some accident!

            "Prince Vegeta," the low level added. "You are Prince Vegeta, son of King Vegeta, the leader of the Saiyan race. You obviously were sent here to conquer the planet but you lost your memory in some accident of some kind. Because of this it is my duty to bring you back to Planet Vegeta in order to properly reeducate you in the memories you lost."
            Vegeta motioned for Bulma to back off, then turned to the low-level Saiyan. "The hell you be taking me anywhere!" He replied, yelling as he charged up. The low-level Saiyan realized that he was no match for the prince of the Saiyan race. His power level was only close to twenty-five hundred, whereas Vegeta's was close to roughly nine thousand. Still, it was his duty to bring back his liege, either dead or alive. So, as the fading light of day provided for a dim battle scene, the two of them prepared to stand off.

            "I don't want to fight you," Vegeta replied, "but if you don't go back where you came from, I'll be forced to send you back in a body bag!"

            As the two of them stood facing each other, neither one ready to throw the first blow of this fight, Bulma flew up from behind Vegeta and nailed the low-level Saiyan square on the face, sending him sailing. He picked himself up—barely—and backed away slowly toward his space pod. "Fine," he scowled. "I'll go back to Planet Vegeta. But in less than two years expect, in my place, to be an elite level Saiyan powerful enough to bring you back!"

            Bloody on his face and defeated, he got in his pod and flew off towards the Saiyan home planet, eager to tell them all where the prince was sent. He also knew that it was going to be hell trying to find a Saiyan powerful enough to incapacitate the prince in order to bring him back. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Vegeta was smiling at Bulma in praise for preventing a much bloodier scuffle.

            "How were you powerful enough to knock him down with one punch? His power level was twenty-five hundred!"

            Bulma smiled back. "Remember Goku?" She replied. "I wished to not only be a Saiyan, but to be a Saiyan ELITE. That makes my power level just as high as yours."

            As they were about to kiss, they both felt a rather evil ki flying over them. As they searched to possibly find the source, it—rather, he—descended to land immediately in front of them. Vegeta recognized by the green skin that this one was a Namek; what the strange thing was, was that he was just as powerful as a Saiyan elite, and that was not a good thing.

            "I've come to challenge the most powerful being on the Earth," he said. "My name is Piccolo."

            Vegeta thought about that name, and it hit him: Piccolo was a demon, but had died a while ago!

            "Excuse me, Mr. Piccolo," Vegeta exclaimed. "You cannot exist. I distinctively remember that a legendary warrior on the other side of this planet sacrificed himself to kill you."

            "Sacrificed himself to kill my PARENT," Piccolo corrected. "I was the egg that the original Piccolo Daimao spit out before he died!"

            Bulma shook her head in confusion. "What the blue hell is happening here?!" She yelled.

            Without a word, Piccolo sprang from where he was standing and nailed her square in the face, knocking her out cold. Vegeta turned to Bulma's attacker in anger and prepared for battle. Piccolo, however, would not give him the chance to power up enough to do any type of damage; he knew that the initial strike was the single most important.

            KA-THWACK. The sound of the first kick thrown by Piccolo, and the decreasing of energy by Vegeta as a result thereof, was felt as far away as Roshi's island. None of them would be able to help in time, though, and this battle was going to begin and end with only these two involved.

            Piccolo, without hesitation, began the systematic destroying of Vegeta. A punch to the chest, a kick to the head, a jab to the gut, and a high kick to the chin, were all part of the first two seconds of the fight. The next fourteen involved a large powerup on Piccolo's part followed by a beam of energy directed straight at his adversary. Vegeta, upon seeing this massive wave of light headed straight for him, took the blast full on with only his arms in front to block. This was a rather big mistake on his part.

            "Come on!" Piccolo roused. "Can't you fight any better?"

            Vegeta stood up, and tearing off his ripped armor, prepared for round two. "I can fight far better than this, you just got off to a good start."

            Liar, Piccolo thought. You're just a weakling.

            Was he wrong? Quite.

            "EEEEYAAAAAAHHH!" A rather loud yell by Vegeta was actually from the pain caused by an enormous amount of ki rising to the surface within him. Before he even saw movement from the Saiyan, the force of a seven-kiloton blast channeled into a fist landed itself right in Piccolo's gut, almost breaking the surface of the skin, had he not possessed a power level of eight thousand, nine hundred. There was less than a one hundred gap in power levels, and that made for a rather intense battle. Piccolo grasped his gut in pain, then attempted a punch to the face of Vegeta.

            In response, Vegeta threw his head back to dodge the punch, and at the same time, drove his right foot into Piccolo's side, this time actually tearing the skin. Piccolo almost had time to yell in pain as purple blood shot out of the hole. He tried to power up a Special beam cannon, but did not have the time. Instead, he met with Vegeta's knee in a painful place; the forehead.

            Both were tiring as they descended to the ground. Piccolo tore off his shoulder pads and turban, both of which were quite weighted.

            "I expected this of you, *huff* *huff*," he said, panting.

            Vegeta smiled through the blood on his chin and lip. "You ain't half bad yourself. Only a third bad," he replied.

            "Why you…!"

            Bulma was just getting up as Vegeta and Piccolo began their second charges in this war. She quickly got up to her feet, and charging up, prepared to enter into combat.

            Piccolo was just about to use his newly-achieved advantage to score a death blow to Vegeta, when a fist struck him in the back of the head. Before he could regain his bearings, a foot from the same source struck him in the head, just below the aforementioned place.

            "Thanks, Bulma," Vegeta said, breathing heavily.

            "No problem, Goku," She replied.

            Piccolo regained his footing, and faced the two Saiyans in his path. "So," he exclaimed. "You two are going to face me now? I guess I'll have to even the odds."

            Piccolo was preparing for a split-form, but Bulma did not allow him time. She charged up, moved forth, and planted her fist in his gut cavity, breaking not only the skin but emerging out the other side. Piccolo spat up blood in pain, and looked down at the wound just as she pulled out her arm.

            "If I know Nameks," Vegeta said, "you'll regenerate that wound. I should warn you, however, that if you come back, I'll have to kill you. I can't allow your evil to continue."

            Piccolo gave him one final glare as he flew away. Bulma and Vegeta smiled and kissed each other as she helped him fly away. "You're quite a piece of work, Goku," she said.

            "But I'm your piece of work," he replied.

            But as the two lovers flew off to the main city, they, as well as most of Earth, was oblivious to a much darker evil that was on its way.