Salut! ^^
Now, this is the last chapter. I hope you'll be happy with it. And thank you all so much for the support and those wonderful reviews, you all are miraculous! ^^
It was morning, still dark outside but still morning. The corridors were almost empty, but there were people in the waiting room. Two adults and two teens, they were all sleeping. The two adults were Tom and Sabine, Marinette's parents. And the two teens were Alya and Nino, her friends. They've been there all night. But there was actually another teen there, but he had went in to the patient's room to be there when she wakes up. He was sitting on a chair next to her bed. He was staring at her, her eyes were covered with a white cloth to protect the newly operated eyes. But even with it on she looked to peaceful.
His kwami woke up and flew out from the boy's jacket. He yawned, "Have you really been here all night?" he asked.
Adrien nodded, "I want to be here when she wakes up."
"Wow, and I thought you were addicted to Ladybug. Look at you now." Plagg sighed.
"It's not my fault my heart chose a different course, I-... I just want her to be happy, okay."
"Sure, trying to deny it just makes it completely clear." the kwami said, with irony in his voice.
Adrien sighed, "Just-... do something else, will ya? But not anything stupid."
Plagg shrugged and started flying around, looking at stuff. He saw some tools, but they didn't seem interesting. He saw some paintings on the wall, nice ones but... nothing interesting for a kwami like him. But then he stopped when he saw a chair with some of Marinette's things, her jacket and purse was there. He got really curious, especially when he remembered how Cat Noir had found Marinette sit on her couch talking to Tikki. He had his suspicions. So he flew down to the purse.
Adrien was thinking about what to say to Marinette when she woke up when he suddenly heard Plagg.
"Ow!" he almost screamed.
"Plagg? What are you doing?" he asked and tried to see where he was. He heard angry whispers come from the chair where Marinette's jacket and purse was. So he got up and went to it. He couldn't really believe his eyes when he saw Tikki on the chair glaring at Plagg who rubbed his head.
"Sorry, cookie, it's not my fault I'm symbolizing bad luck- oh, hey Adrien. You know Tikki, right?" said Plagg and pointed at Tikki who turned to see Adrien. She gasped.
Adrien chuckled, "Y-yeah, I remember. But... if you're here... then Ladybug-..." he stopped when Tikki flew up and whispered something right in front of him. Deep inside his eyes came quick and small sparks as the spell broke. He looked at Marinette, back at Tikki and then at Marinette again.
Tikki giggled when she saw his surprised look, "Yep, she's here. But she's sleeping so... shhh." she whispered and shushed.
Adrien got back to his seat beside Marinette, the kwamis flew after him. He sat down still staring at Marinette with an open mouth.
Tikki giggled again, "I'm quite surprised this happened. This huge coincidence doesn't happen often, and we've been in business for over five thousand years."
Plagg started laughing, "Ha ha, now- now we just need to see her reaction and this identity reveal will be over and we'll live happily ever after." he singsonged and twirled in the air like a magical princess, then he got back to laughing at his own comment.
"Ha ha, very funny, Plagg. But this is more serious. If they get to know each other's identities then they have to be more careful. The evil in Paris hasn't vanished that easily."
"You're right. Remember that time in the dark ages when-"
"No time for history lessons, Plagg. You're waking her up!" Tikki whispered and pointed at the girl in the bed who started to move a little.
Adrien grabbed her hand and gently rubbed it, "Princess? Are you awake?"
She twitched and turned her head towards him, "C-cat?"
"...yeah, it's me. But... I'm without the mask." he smiled.
"Nice move, kid." said Plagg, he received a hit from Tikki who then told him to be quiet but only loud enough for him to hear.
Adrien chuckled, "And that's my kwami, Plagg. If you're wondering."
Marinette chuckled, "I actually was." she said in a tired voice, no wonder she was tired. It's still early morning. "But why are you not transformed? Someone might see you."
He smiled, "People have already seen me, but not my kwami. So they have no clue. They know me but... not that much."
She laughed a little, "Then I guess... the real you is famous around here?"
He chuckled, "Not really. But... some people out in the waiting room knows me. I hope you can keep it a secret... I mean, you've managed to keep your secret about knowing Ladybug, so..."
She smiled, "Of course, my parents and my friends know a lot of people so... it's no big deal. Plus, you have a spell that protects you."
"How do you know that?!" he asked and pretended to be shocked, he now knew she was Ladybug but he still thought it was fun to pretend not to.
She started to stutter nervously, "Eh- I mean- I... think... you have... otherwise there would surely be people who could recognize you, right? And every time I even try to think about who you might be in real life something blocks me from figuring it out. So..."
He laughed, she was really good at this. Coming up with ideas when they're needed. She really was his lady. If the spell wasn't there to stop him from figuring it out earlier he'd seen it long ago. "Really? Well, that's good to know. I've always wondered why it takes so long for my lady to figure out my true identity." he said and waited for her response. He saw her face move as if she rolled her eyes. Something his lady would do.
It was quiet for some time. But not an awkward silence, it was actually comfortable. It was just them (and the kwamis, of course) and no one else. And they were happy.
Then Adrien wanted to start a conversation again, "According to the doctor you can take off the cloth around your eyes in..." he turned to see the clock, "about ten minutes."
She nodded, then she remembered something. She sat up in the bed, "You know, I... never got the chance to answer your question last night."
He smiled again when he understood where this was going.
"And... I hope it's okay with you. Because the answer was... you. I'm in love with you. And not just because your an amazing person with superpowers, it's because I've gotten to know you and like you for who you are. And... it feels too good to be true." she said, and it felt so amazing to finally let it out. Maybe it was the fact that she'd been sleeping for so long and was too tired to even think of stopping herself. "Even if my vision won't be back, I don't think I need eyes when I'm with you." Sweet sourdoughs and lazy ladybugs, that was cheesy!
She heard him chuckle, then she felt him come closer. "I'm happy to hear that, princess. Because... ever since I first met you I felt like making sure you were always happy, and every time I saw you sad I've felt like go straight to you, hug you and cheer you up. And now since the day I started visiting you I felt my need to see you happy grow. And... I've realized you are the one I need to be happy." he said.
Those words made her heart beat faster and she felt like hunting down words good enough to explain the feeling she felt, but such words were not existing. She suddenly felt his presence come closer and she felt his hand on her cheek, then his lips met hers. And she felt like never wanting to leave them. So she let her hand sneak up to the back of his head to keep it in it's position. The kiss was sweet and warm, almost like the first one but this time it was more wanted. And more loving. When they broke it they still had their heads close to each other and she could feel his breath. "So... I guess you're completely over Ladybug?"
"Eh, not exactly." he chuckled, "I know she's here but doesn't want to reveal herself." he said and a wide smile appeared on his face, a smile that could warm up her heart if she could see it. She could almost feel the smile. But then she got confused.
"W-what are you talking about?" she asked and chuckled nervously.
He chuckled, "Well, thanks to Plagg I now know that I don't have to give up on Ladybug... when she's the one I've fallen for twice, ...m'lady."
She could hear someone snicker and she got even more confused, "What do you mean, Cat?"
"Sorry, Marinette. Plagg was too curious for his own good, so he found me and I had to remove Cat Noir's spell to avoid damaging his head. His heart was fighting it, literally! It was trying to make his brain see the truth." Tikki laughed out.
Marinette understood and freaked out a little. Cat Noir, her partner and now love, knows she's the one he has loved since they first met: Ladybug; his former crush... til now? "I... s-sorry I didn't tell you-..."
"Actually, you were about to at the patrol. But you were stopped by me. And I'm actually happy I got to know now, if I didn't then thoughts would come to me... and I would get scared to tell you something."
"What?" she asked curiously.
He took some time before asking her, he looked at the clock and then back at her, "Eh, did someone told you about the one who paid for this surgery?"
She shook her head a little, "Not really, but I have my suspicions..."
He smiled, "Well, the thing I want to tell you... is that the one who fixed this surgery for you... is someone you didn't really had to give up on to be with me."
Confusing, that's what it was. And Marinette didn't understand it at all. She leaned back in her bed and breathed out, "Sorry, kitty. I've heard many riddles before... but this one will be the most difficult one."
She heard him laugh and move a little in his seat. "If you want... then we can remove that cloth and hope your vision is back so you can see for yourself." he said and placed a hand on her cheek. She smiled and felt how his hand gently remove the cloth. After some layers of fabric her eyes ached a little before she slowly opened them. It was a relief to see light again, as Marinette. It was blurry but it slowly got clearer, she lifted up her hand to move it in front of her eyes. She chuckled, she was relieved and happy that she could finally see details again. She saw a vase with flowers on a small table and she could see the kwamis float over her bed. She saw Tikki and a black cat-like kwami who tried to stop himself from laughing, she understood it was Plagg. But then at the corner of her eye, when her vision had become clearer she saw a familiar figure sit beside her. She met his green eyes and warm smile. Her eyes sparkled a little just like Adrien's but Tikki didn't have to do anything because Marinette knew the one who was sitting beside her was the same person she talked to some seconds ago. The same guy she kissed minutes ago. The same person who still held her hand. When the spell was removed her eyes widened and her mouth let out a gasp.
Adrien laughed, "I see the surgery was successful." he said and happy tears were forming at the corners of his eyes. He then leaned in to hug her.
At first she was shocked, but then she remembered that it was still Cat Noir who hugged her. So she hugged him back, she let out a happy laugh and she felt tears in her eyes. Happy tears. Because everything was alright again, they were happy again. She didn't have to worry about making a wrong choice or anything, because the one she first loved was the same person she fell in love with. And now she knows he loves her too. Her first dream of being with Adrien had come true along with her new dream to be with Cat Noir. And now he knows and loves both of his lady's identities. ...and her vision was back so that was amazing too. "You... paid for the surgery?" she asked.
He chuckled, "Not just me, I may be rich but I can't buy anything... Marinette, something amazing happened lately. My father listened to me and let me get this surgery for you! He didn't even seem to hesitate at all. He's acting more like the father I knew years ago." he cried out softly, the happiness in his voice made Marinette smile even wider and let out a tear of joy. "He even paid for it.'s all like a miracle."
Marinette couldn't help but laugh at a thought she got, "Now I think I know why our gems are called miraculouses." she said, they pulled away and Adrien laughed at her statement.
"Good point, m'lady." he said and smiled.
Marinette smiled back and turned to see Tikki. The little red kwami was giggling. Then Tikki turned to see Plagg pouting, "Why that crooked mouth, cheesy dibble?"
"I was hoping for some fun reaction!" he groaned and crossed his arms.
The teens looked at the kwami and Marinette laughed, "Maybe we can go and meet the ones out in the waiting room and tell them the good news."
That made Plagg's eyes widen, "Oh yes, please! Let's do that!" he begged.
She laughed at his response and pulled away her blanket, she raised her legs over the edge of the bed and placed them on the ground ready to stand up. But when she tried that she stumbled, Adrien got up to help her get back on the bed. "It's okay, it's just the medicine... I think. It gives me headache."
"Then we should wait a little before you can walk. Let the head get used to being up." said Adrien, held his lady's hand and smiled.
She nodded and then looked down at her lap. "Adrien... w-what has happened between us now? I mean, we know each other's identities and..."
"We love each other, that's what matters now. Right? We can still hide it if you want to." he said and smiled.
She shook her head still staring at his beautiful eyes, "No, I don't want to. I've had enough with those kinds of secrets, it's too hard to keep. Especially now since we don't have a spell to help us and I do not doubt you have to be the cat you are sometimes when you're around me. It would give away too much" she said and grinned.
"Okay, first off... the spell was only broken between us, right?" he asked and turned to Tikki who nodded, "Good, so people won't suspect anything. And secondly, are you making fun out of my cat-like persona?" he laughed out making Marinette laugh too. "Says the one who just had to be the curious bug she is and get herself blind."
She tried to stop laugh, "Well, lucky you I was lucky and got to know you more deeply and my curiosity lead to this..." she said, leaned in and kissed him.
"Yeah, I am lucky. But I was kind of unlucky when I couldn't get any sleep because I tried to choose between you and Ladybug. Good thing I don't have to." he said and kissed her back. Then he let his forehead rest on hers, "So... if you really wanna be with a guy like me. You need to know my true self is more like Cat Noir than Adrien. Adrien is more like 'the guy who tries to hide his inner self from the world'..."
She let her hand sneak up to his cheek and up to play a little with his hair, "Then it's a good thing I love Cat Noir. With all my heart." she said and smiled wider.
"Save a little for Adrien, will ya?" he laughed before kissing her again.
Plagg didn't seem amused, "Ugh, so much lovely dovely cuteness..." he groaned, but then he looked at Tikki and remembered something, "Meh... whatever. It's best to get used to it. Love is irresistible. Like cheese. ...and this cookie over here." he said before quickly crashing into Tikki hugging her tightly.
She laughed and hugged him back, "Never gets old."
The couple laughed at the cute scene. Then Adrien cleared his throat a little, "So... should we go and tell the others?"
Marinette nodded, "Let's go. I don't think I'll get headache now." she said and stood up. She stood there for some seconds to feel for headache but didn't get any. So she and Adrien went towards the door. When they opened the door they stepped out and not far away they could see Tom sit on a couch with one arm around Sabine. Both were still sleeping. When they got closer they saw Alya and Nino in a similar position on another couch. It was so cute the couple awed, "How cute. Should we take a picture?"
Adrien managed to stop a laugh with his hand covering his mouth, "Good idea, we can take a selfie with them to tell the others you got your vision back."
She nodded and watched as Adrien took up his phone and turned on the camera, they got in place to get them both and the sleeping people on camera. When the picture was taken Marinette watched as Adrien clicked on 'share' and typed in some text to the pic. "At the hospital in early morning with Marinette, her parents and our friends. It's been a miraculous morning for two reasons: 1. Marinette is no longer blind. And 2. ...what I thought was lost in my life has been found, thanks to her."
"Sounds good?" he asked her.
She smiled and let her head rest on his shoulder, "Nah, you should add the fact that I've found something too. Thanks to you."
He smiled back and changed the text, "What we thought was lost in our lives has been found, thanks to each other." then he sent it to a group of people. And when his phone was back in his pocket he saw something, "Marinette. Look." he said and took her hand leading her towards a window. There they could see light behind some of the buildings, the sunrise was coming.
When they reached the window they stopped and Marinette breathed out, "Sunrise. It's so magical."
"Sunsets are amazing too. But this is better. Lights that go, they're sad. But lights that come..." he looked at her, "they are reminding about new beginnings, or the return of something we've missed since it left."
She smiled and turned back to see the sky get brighter and brighter. Together they watched as the sun rose up and colored the buildings with a mix of yellow and red. They could hear birds and cars outside and some noises and voices coming from the corridors behind them as the hospital woke up. Soon they would have to go back to Marinette's room to meet the doctor so he could see her eyes and check if everything is fine with them.
"You know, I'd stand here a for little longer in you arms... but we should go and see if the sleepyheads are done sleeping now." said Marinette and looked up at Adrien who pouted at her. But he let out a defeated sigh when he saw her puppy eyes stare back at him.
"If it's what my lady wishes..." he said, they laughed before turning around to go towards the waiting room. When they got there they still saw them sleeping. So Adrien just had to do something funny to wake them up. He sneaked towards a small table with paper and pencils for kids, he made some airplanes out of paper and threw them one by one at the sleeping teens. Marinette sat down next to her father as she watched, she had went into her room to grab her phone and was now filming the whole scene. As the airplanes crashed onto Nino's shoulders and Alya's head they started to twitch and moan as they woke up. Two final airplanes crashing straight in their faces made their eyes open and they got shocked when they saw all the airplanes.
"W-what's going on!?" asked Alya as she looked around at all the airplanes on the couch and on the floor. "Who is-... Adrien Agreste." she said, serious and kind of mad.
Nino rubbed his eyes, "Dude, seriously!? I thought of all people you'd know you don't wake up teenagers like this!"
Adrien laughed as he played with the last airplane in his hand, "Sorry, just remembered last time I woke you up I had to shake your shoulders and shout at you. You told me not to do anything like that again; shake you or make any noise. So..." he lifted up the airplane and got ready to throw it, "Here comes the Silent Pigeon 5 000. It's silent, but really annoying." he said before throwing it. It landed right under Nino's nose which made him sneeze.
"A-achoo!" he sniffed before he got up, "You're right, it really is annoying." he said as he went to mockingly hitting on Adrien's arms he held up as defense.
"See? Now you know how I feel when I'm around pigeons, always sneezing." Adrien laughed.
Marinette laughed and tried to keep the camera up. Her laugh had caught their attention, Nino and Alya gasped when they saw Marinette sit with the camera. Not because she'd filmed it, she saw it.
"M-Marinette!? Y-you're-" Alya tried to get out but she was too shocked of happiness.
Nino finished the sentence for her, "You're seeing us? Your vision is back!?" he laughed out and got stepped closer to her. His laugh made the adults beside her wake up. They looked around and looked at what the teens was looking at and saw their daughter sit with her phone with a big smile on her face. And her eyes were no longer pale. They were sparkling with laughter. They started to tear up and laugh in joy. The family got up on their feet and made a big group hug. Soon, Alya and Nino joined them. Adrien just stood there and looked at them. But when he saw Marinette, from the deep center of the group hug, reach out a hand for him he smiled and when he took it she pulled him into the hug. After some seconds they heard the doctor.
"I hope I'm not disturbing anything, but can Marinette come with me so I can take a look at her eyes?" he asked.
The group hug separated and Marinette went forward and followed the doctor back to her room. The others followed.
In the room, Marinette passed all vision tests without problems and the doctor got impressed. "My colleagues won't believe this, it's not often the surgeries succeed this good. You must be really lucky, miss Dupain-Cheng. Your vision is completely back to normal." he said and smiled, he went towards the door and said good bye before exiting.
I really wonder why he seemed familiar... thought Marinette as she watched the little man exit. He seemed Chinese too if my eyes are not mistaken. It was then she felt a paper in her hand, it seemed like a normal piece of striped folded paper. It was then it hit her, she hid the paper away from the others and smiled as if nothing had happened.
"Well then, I hope you've sorted things out now when you were all alone with Adrien all morning." Alya whispered to Marinette.
She giggled, if only Alya knew. "You can ask him yourself, he surely liked watching the sun rise as much as I did."
"I actually did, princess." came from Adrien who had sneaked up next to her, "And I'm quite sure that kiss was not fake. It was too good to be fake."
Marinette grinned, "Which kiss, the one after I woke up or one of the ones we shared when we were teasing each other?" she asked him before looking at Alya. She couldn't help but laugh at Alya's reaction. She looked like she'd seen a ghost.
"Girl. You. Me. Talk. Later. I have to catch my breath first." she said as she breathed heavily and went to Nino who sat on a chair near the window.
The two teens laughed at her and then Marinette looked at him, "We really need to talk, but not here."
His eyes widened, "Woah, is the question about which kiss was good 'cause I think all were great."
"No, it's not that!" she laughed, then she unfolded the piece of paper and showed it to him. She got really serious, "The doctor was Master Fu, he gave me this message. An akuma is raging outside the Notre Dame. Oh, and he'll meet us there. I guess he knows about the whole reveal thing..."
For a moment he looked shocked, then he turned back to her, "Ready to fight crime, m'lady? But this time... we don't have to go separate ways." he said and smiled.
She smiled back, "Of course not, but we need an excuse first. Would be easier now with two thinking heads."
Adrien thought for a while, then he got everyone's attention, "I hope it's okay with you guys if Marinette and I go for a little walk to get fresh air. We'll be back soon." he said. Marinette grabbed her jacket and her purse and went to join him at the door.
"No, it's okay. Just be careful, look out for ambulances." warned Tom before they went.
"We will, good bye. See ya later!" said Marinette and waved to them. Then they went out and Adrien grabbed her hand as they walked.
"Should we go for the stairs to the roof or the elevator?" he asked.
"Stairs. Elevators are too slow." she said as they went faster.
When they got to the stairwell and got ready to transform Adrien thought of something, "Marinette, I hope this fight won't be too dangerous because I think I lost some of my nine lives this morning." he chuckled.
Thank you all for supporting this story! Let me know what you think of this ending! ^^
I hope I'll come up with another idea soon 'cause it was really fun to make things like this. :D
But I think it will take some time... maybe after I've seen the rest of the season. I'm gonna hang on to the Canadian marathon so I won't have to keep myself away from the Korean origin episodes for so long. In Canada they will release the rest of the season before France, more info at ML Subbing's site. I hope you'll have a miraculous day and a lucky time watching the upcoming episodes. ^^
Spots on, claws out and à plus! :D ^^