Salut, Miraculous fans! I'm Erika and this is my first Ladybug fanfic! ^^
I hope you'll enjoy it! :D
Marinette woke up to the sound of her alarm, she groaned as she searched for the snooze button and hit it with her fist. She stretched before gliding down the ladder from her bed and landed gracefully on the floor. Tikki floated after her. "Seems like you're getting to school in time for once." Tikki stated.
"Ha ha ha, it's not the first time. I've only come late to 25% of the days." she stated, trying to smile.
Tikki crossed her arms and gave Mari a bored look that said 'I don't buy it'.
"Fine! 45%. But it wasn't that much before I was Ladybug." she stated pointing at Tikki with a grin as she moved towards her desk.
The little Kwami chuckled and flew down to the desk where Marinette sat down and turned on her computer. The screen woke up and when the girl saw her collage of the photo's with her crush on she had as a background she let out a sigh as she smiled at the pictures. Then she opened up her internet browser and started checking some things such as the news (which had a lot of interesting things about her adventure as her super alter-ego), the weather, the school blog and the Ladyblog, she stated that nothing interesting was gonna happen except some chemistry competition for a younger class, Alya was going to some super convent in Paris to meet other fans of Ladybug and it was gonna be a very sunny day. She turned off the computer and started packing, Tikki flew to her usual hiding spot inside Marinette's jacket before she went down to the kitchen.
The smell of newly baked bread and cookies reminded her of Tikki and how she usually need cookies to recharge after de-transforming. So she glided towards the baking tray with cookies and filled her purse with a few.
When she got to school she was greeted by a very excited Alya.
"I'm so super excited for the convention! I'm seriously hyped! I'm gonna meet all the fans of my blog and the people who's supported me and those who's been making so much amazing artwork and fanfictions with Ladybug!" Alya fangirled. Really much. Sure, it's not everyday you get to go to a convention and get to meet people who've never thought would exist because you think they're too amazing to be true. "And I will hopefully get to meet Ladybug and Cat Noir too!"
Marinette never thought about that part, "Oh! Eh... he he, you're really sure they're gonna be there?" she asked nervously. Sure, she's been interviewed and surrounded by many people before... but a convention!? It's like you're going to a huge trap filled with people who're too curious for their own good and you're the most top secret of all the secrets in the world.
"I don't know, I hope so. I want another interview for the blog and I'm pretty sure some of the amazing peeps wants some autographs and pics." Alya pointed out as they started walking up the stairs and towards the entrance.
And as the girls walked to class they kept talking about the convent and Ladybug. But not far away, it was actually just on the other side of the building, a young girl was working on her project. She was gonna participate in the chemistry competition with her research about chemical lights such as electromagnetic radiation.
She was so sure of winning or at least come second or third because she knew some other projects were really good and she thought they'd deserve attention. "With this technology we might have much better lamps in the future, maybe we can even use the energy as a power source too!" she told a friend who admired the presentation, the girl had some magnesium and other kinds of elements that can create light when burning or by a chemical reaction.
A boy not far away spied at the two talking about the girl's project, he was also going to participate but he didn't want to get in third or second place. He wanted to win.
It didn't take long 'til he saw his chance, the girl couldn't really explain one of her experiments without pictures so she had to take her friend to the library where she knew a book they could look in. The boy looked around to see that no one was watching and he ran towards the girl's project and took the magnesium and the other elements and some of the instruments and bottles she had for the presentation and threw it into a bucket of water causing a chemical reaction with the few elements that did react to water. It started to spark and spit and a small explosion caused some of the glass instruments to crack. He then took the paper and burned them over the burner.
He then ran away from the room and made sure no one saw him, but not long after that the fire-alarm turned on. Fire was growing in the room.
The loud sound was heard in the entire school and everybody had to evacuate, all the students and teachers was gathered outside the school and the teachers counted everyone. Everyone were there and safe. Some time after that when the firemen had arrived and put out the fire they were allowed to come in again, some were acting as if nothing had happened. But some, like the girl with the project; the ruined project, didn't really act as if nothing had happened. She stood at the window to the chemistry room staring at her ruined project. The science teacher and a fireman walked up to her, "Young lady, what have I said about placing the papers near the burner?" she asked angrily.
"They weren't even near it, ms. Mendeleiev, and it wasn't even on!" she protested.
She didn't really seem to buy it, "Care to explain this then?" she asked gesturing at the now burned room.
The girl didn't know what to say, "I- eh... someone must have accidentally-"
"You are disqualified! Go to the principal, he will surely be very interested in your little story." she commanded and pointed towards the stairs leading up to the principal's office. The girl didn't really have much of a choice, she teared up as she quickly went to the stairs. But before she reached the stairs she saw the boy stand in a corner with an evil look on his face as he stared at her, she understood directly and growled under her breath and went up the stairs.
"Did you hear that? She? The sweet girl from sixth grade!? The cause of the fire!? Sick of competition I guess." Alya stated as she watched the girl walk up the stairs.
Marinette didn't agree, she placed a finger on her chin, "I don't think so, she's that girl who was always happy at the other competitions where she lost. She was happy for the winners so why would she do something like that?"
"Well, anyone would be mad enough at ms MADeleiev over there, to lit up the room." Alya stated and gestured at the teacher talking to the fireman.
"Yes, but... did you see that boy staring at her? I bet he did it to get rid of her!" Marinette said and looked at where the boy was but didn't see him.
Alya thought for a second, "You're right, sounds more logic. Let's go up there and help the girl!" she said and ran towards the stairs followed by Marinette, justice was something they both wanted to fight for. And one of them actually had that as a daily routine; by fighting crime.
But when they reached the top they expected to see the girl not far away, but instead they met a girl in a white suit with purple atom marks on and her brown hair was in a ponytail. She also had purple butterfly-like goggles on. "I'm glad to see people being interested in my new experiment, it's called "Chemical Reactions on People." The name says it all!" she said before throwing a blue ball, Marinette managed to push Alya out of the way and it didn't hit them. Unfortunately it did hit someone else behind them and the poor fella got covered by some gooey layer of transparent sparkly substance and slipped down the stairs again.
"Wow, that could be useful if you're too tired to walk down." the girl laughed, "I need to try out more!"
Alya and Marinette managed to get out of range for the akumatized girl and Marinette wished for a reason to go so she could transform before the school turned into some sort of crazy laboratory. "Did you see that! She's akumatized! I'll get to see Ladybug and Cat Noir already!" Alya tried not to freak out.
Yes, but Ladybug won't come 'til Marinette has gone. Marinette thought as she looked down where the girl had shot two more students, one was in a ice block and the other was just lying down without any movement. "We have to go to safety before the villain turns us into cat-knows-what, talking about it, I hope Cat Noir will show up and slow her down so I'll get enough time to transform." she whispered the last part to herself as she watched Alya get the girl on camera.
"I'll go to a higher level to see when Ladybug and Cat Noir comes, alright?" Marinette asked Alya.
But Alya couldn't hear her because the akumatized girl caused a lot of noise and Alya was too far away. So Marinette ran away to find an empty room, but before she entered it she heard Cat Noir making a pun, "A, U! Can't you just loose an electron or two and stay positive!"
"Ha ha, very funny! You better keep yourself away from me before I turn you into something new... like catcium." she took up a ball from her bag as she grinned at her own joke.
"Well, good thing it sounds so pawsitive!" he grinned and dodged an attack. "Nice try, but I got an ion you!
Marinette chuckled at the conversation before she ran into the room and opened her purse, letting Tikki out. "That poor girl can be dangerous, and I'm pretty sure she's gonna go after the boy that caused the fire he's the one who gave her that mean look." she told the kwami.
"Then we really need to make sure she doesn't turn him into something bad."
"Exactly. Tikki, spots on!" she said and transformed.
Down in the center of the building a fight went on between the girl and Cat Noir, around them were students with many different kinds of chemical reactions either trapping them or giving them different kinds of symptoms or troubles.
"You know, it would be a lot easier to do this if you could use less slimy chemicals on the kids. It's more slippery than ice!"
The girl laughed, "Isn't it great! And it's thick too, we can use it instead of waiting for water to freeze. The hockey halls won't be cold anymore, and people won't have to freeze!"
"Yes, it's great! And I'd actually prefer having it in the hockey hall than here in the middle of our battle, miss..."
"The names Lady Alkali! And Hawkmoth got a point with that, I won't need much to explode!" she threw a blue ball with chemical reactions ready for impact. Cat Noir, who tried to duck slipped instead on the substance and held up an arm in defense. But it didn't hit him, instead it hit the stairs nearby and it slowly grew out ice spikes from the spot. He looked up to see Ladybug pull back her yo-yo as she smiled.
"Sorry, but if there's someone who needs to cool down it's definitely not Cat." she stated and went up beside him.
"So... I'm hot, but not that hot?" he asked with his flirty look on his face.
Ladybug rolled her eyes, "No, it's about the fight. You haven't even warmed up yet, I know those scrawny arms can do better than that." she teased.
"Well, if neither of you love birds have warmed up yet then I can strike with another ice blast!" Lady Alkali threw another blue ball but the heroes ducked it and started attacking her.
"You better get on with an idea before the whole school gets turned into a catastrophic mess." Cat Noir stated as they ran towards the stairs after Lady Alkali.
"First we need to know where the Akuma is!" Ladybug stated and stopped at the bottom of the stairs and saw Lady Alkali throw down a ball. They managed to duck that one too but then another hit the stairs turning it into an icy slide.
"Well, we've defeated Ice Queen, now we just need to defeat Lady Ice up there. Her bag seems filled with those balls, what if it's in the bag? Or her goggles?" he stated.
She shook her head, "I don't think so, didn't you see that bracelet? It lit up every time she picked up one of those shots."
Cat Noir smiled and nodded, "You're right, m'lady. But how are we gonna take her down?"
"Well, first off, she seems to be going after that boy who caused the fire."
"H-how do you know about the fire? Are you a student here?" he tried but he knew Ladybug doesn't want to give out that info.
She pointed at the sooty chemistry room where Lady Alkali walked in, "I'm not that blind, Cat. So I don't have to be a student to know it. But I was actually here and saw a guy sneak around looking guilty and I heard when the girl was getting blamed."
The boy fell down on his knees, "Please! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I was jealous, okay! I was jealous of your work! Please don't hurt me!" he begged as Lady Alkali came closer and closer holding two shots with chemical reactions in her hand.
"It's too late. And I'm not gonna hurt you." she threw them on him and he stood completely still, slowly he opened his eyes and saw nothing had happened to him. But when he was about to let out a sigh his arm began to twitch and started to hit him in the face. "You're gonna hurt yourself!" she let out an evil laugh as she watched him hitting himself over and over again.
"Wow, that seems useful." she heard behind her, she turned around to see Ladybug and Cat Noir at the door, "I sometimes wanna slap myself too. May I have the furrmula?"
"Your cat puns can not protect you from what I'm about to do to you!" she got ready with her shots and Hawkmoth's butterfly-shaped light mask appeared for just some seconds, when it disappeared she smiled, "And trust me, my chemistry will make sure that taking your miraculous will be an easy match."
"Sorry, but we don't plan to get defeated today!" Ladybug said before using her lucky charm, but she got really confused when a thick lab glove appeared. "This better be good." she said before looking around for ideas, she could just see some burned things but stopped when she saw the girl's bag with chemistry shots and the locked cabinet behind her. Then the glove. She got an idea. "I got it! Cat Noir, can you distract her for me?"
"Of course! Your wish is my command, m'lady." he bowed like a gentleman before jumping around in the room avoiding Alkali's shots. Ladybug ran to the cabinet, she tried to get Alkali's attention and luckily avoided one of her ice shots, Cat Noir got Alkali's attention again while Ladybug broke the ice crushing the lock in the process and opened it. She grabbed a metal container and with the glove she opened it and pulled out a big piece of dry ice. "Hey, Lady Alkali! I bet with those shots you can't create enough heat to burn me!"
Cat Noir stopped and stared at her with worried eyes, "Are you crazy!?"
The girl snickered, "You bet too much, Ladybug, and it's gonna cost your miraculous!" she said before throwing a red ball at her.
Ladybug held up the big piece of dry ice and somehow the chemical reaction she threw turned all the dry ice into a very big and thick cloud of steam, the Lady Alkali was so shocked she choked on the gas giving Ladybug enough time to grab one of the shots and throw it down on her feet. Crystals were formed and trapped her, so Ladybug could also take the bracelet. She broke it and purified the Akuma.
She then used her cleansing light turning everything back to the way it was, she then picked up the bracelet which was whole again. "Pound it!" she and Cat Noir said as they fist-bumped like they always did. She then got down in front of the girl and gave her bracelet back.
"My bracelet! Thank you, Ladybug!" she then looked down at the sooty ground remembering what had happened earlier, she looked at the boy who was still hitting himself. She laughed which got Ladybug's attention who joined her when she saw the guy. "Eh, you can stop hit yourself now." she said.
The boy's eyes widened and his hand slowed down as he realized it, "Oh, is it over already?"
Cat Noir walked to him and helped him up, "Yes it is, and I think someone needs to apologize." he said and crossed his arms.
The girl got up on his feet and said "Yea, I'm sorry.". Everybody stared at her, "I shouldn't have been so mean to you, I should've stopped bragging-"
"No, it's all my fault! I fell into the pit, I got jealous and couldn't see you were happy. Not bragging. I should've ignored the thought of destroying your project, if I did then there wouldn't be an accident you could be blamed for and-... I'm sorry." he said and rubbed his arm looking down at the floor. The girl walked up to him and hugged him.
"It's okay, I'm sure the principal will understand. If he won't then I'm totally okay with being suspended for a month or two."
He hugged her back, "Well, in that case I'm gonna blame myself too and join you."
She pulled away, "Let's go, I'd actually prefer sitting in the public library and do experiments at home than sit and hear ms. Mendeleiev talk."
They laughed as they walked towards the principal's office. Cat Noir smiled, "Is it getting hot in here? or is it just a bond that is forming?"
"Ha ha! That was actually a good one!" Ladybug laughed.
He smiled even wider, "Well then, how about this one: Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you."
She stopped laughing and just smiled, "Maybe later, right now I have to bug out before I loose my valence shell. And that's dangerous." she joked and ran out from the room.
"Well I hope I'll see you again 'cause I'm attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force." he said before walking towards the principal's office. He wanted to see how it went for the two students and help them if they needed help.
In a nearby room, Ladybug let the transformation wear off. She caught Tikki in her hands and gave her one of the cookies. "Can you believe he just gave in that easy, Tikki? And that poor girl blamed herself!"
"Yeah, those kinds of personas are rare, they turned from fiends to friends in a matter of minutes." the kwami managed to get out after a big bite of the cookie.
"And speaking of friends, I hope Alya is okay." she said and carefully placed Tikki in her purse and went out of the room, she went to look down at the crowded center of the school and spotted Alya talking to Nino. She smiled, but then she turned to see the burned room and got curious.
What kind of project was the girl working on, exactly? she thought and entered the room, she went to the table where the project was and saw some container in the bucket of water. She bent down to read the words on one container but couldn't see it through the soot, she picked it up to rub it off but when she did she didn't see the container was open and something fell into the water. With the huge explosion came a light that flashed stronger than burning magnesium. Marinette screamed and fell on her back in surprise, her head hurt really bad.
Some seconds later the pain grew and she placed her hands on her head, then she heard quick footsteps coming her way and a muffled voice called her name. It was Alya.
"Marinette! Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. Her voice got clearer as she came closer.
Not long after that she heard another familiar voice, but it wasn't Nino. "Alya! What happened?"
"I don't know, I just heard an explosion and found her here on the floor." said Alya.
Marinette slowly opened her eyes trying to see the people sitting close to her, but she couldn't see anything. It was only dark.
She was blind. And scared.
So... this is a start. I hope it was good, more will come hopefully soon and I hope you'll have a miraculous day! ^^